Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… The federal government caring for anybody? Other than fucking career politicians and high-level federal employees...

Fascinating, but stupid.
The federal government is very good at taking care of itself… Not so much for anybody else. Just look at the size of the federal government and it’s all evident
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.

Wrong...market forces make everything better and less expensive......government destroys everything......did you go for a ride on the new California high speed rail? Oh, that's right, they couldn't even finish that and all they had to do was lay rails down........
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… The federal government caring for anybody? Other than fucking career politicians and high-level federal employees...

Fascinating, but stupid.
The federal government is very good at taking care of itself… Not so much for anybody else. Just look at the size of the federal government and it’s all evident

I didn't say "care", pinhead. I said government programs "cover" seniors If you want to argue about what I didn't say, that's up to you.

As for the factual portion of my post, it was correct, and you didn't address it.
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.

Wrong...market forces make everything better and less expensive......government destroys everything......did you go for a ride on the new California high speed rail? Oh, that's right, they couldn't even finish that and all they had to do was lay rails down........

No problem. If you need lung surgery, go with the tonsillectomy. It's a lot cheaper.
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… The federal government caring for anybody? Other than fucking career politicians and high-level federal employees...

Fascinating, but stupid.
The federal government is very good at taking care of itself… Not so much for anybody else. Just look at the size of the federal government and it’s all evident

I didn't say "care", pinhead. I said government programs "cover" seniors If you want to argue about what I didn't say, that's up to you.

As for the factual portion of my post, it was correct, and you didn't address it.
Someone said earlier elderly people generally have more wealth… That is a fact. But, back to the federal government it fucks you in the ass daily and you don’t even know it… LOL
socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.
What did you call me?
What I call all GOP voters, brain-washed functional morons.everything you know is garbage propaganda, total misinformation phony scandals and conspiracies.... The most important story of the last 30 years in US politics.

Yes, we all know.

Projection is your middle name.

Fuck off.
What, no actual argument? I am stunned LOL. Breaking for right-wing propaganda enthusiasts: Hillary bill Obama Lerner the FBI are all honest, and we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, a gigantic giveaway to the rich. Everything you know is wrong LOL.
Funny, how I said I support Tulsi and you called her the enemy as well and she is certainly not a Republican. Franco, you old asshole, everyone to you is a moron who does not agree with you 100% in terms of your political views. That just makes you an asshole.
unfortunately your opinion is based totally on garbage propaganda, super duper. she talks a lot of GOP garbage herself. Hillary is not the queen of corruption and warmongering. I like going with our law enforcement system, a wonder of the world except in dupe country now. You ignoramuses will believe anything.
The free market already said older people are too expensive to insure. Government programs covers seniors, leaving insurance companies to profit off the younger, healthier portion of the population. (You call that a free market?)

There is no substitute good for medical care, and there is an inequality of information between physician and patient. It's not a situation amenable to market forces, as our skyrocketing costs indicate - 18% of GDP in 2017.
Now that’s the best joke I’ve heard all day… The federal government caring for anybody? Other than fucking career politicians and high-level federal employees...

Fascinating, but stupid.
The federal government is very good at taking care of itself… Not so much for anybody else. Just look at the size of the federal government and it’s all evident

I didn't say "care", pinhead. I said government programs "cover" seniors If you want to argue about what I didn't say, that's up to you.

As for the factual portion of my post, it was correct, and you didn't address it.
Someone said earlier elderly people generally have more wealth… That is a fact. But, back to the federal government it fucks you in the ass daily and you don’t even know it… LOL
That would be the default Republican government we have as far as policy and tax rates are concerned. For 35 years now, a total reconciliation and filibuster GOP scam, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone you know. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.... The worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere in the modern world by far is not trivia, super duper.
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.

Yes, yes, yes

I forgot the parasitic war cry

The producers, the taxpayers owe us a living .

View attachment 285295

They pay the same percentage in all taxes as everyone else does, super duper. And they don't produce jobs. They produce money for themselves.Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again. You don't know any of that stuff LOL. You believe a load of crap from greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires Rupert Murdoch and all the other perverts LOL.
Hold on. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos don’t produce jobs?! LMAO. You’re a dysfunctional moron.
Amazon is killing small businesses everywhere with a unfair tax advantage. They produce crappy jobs and screw people. Just like the GOP enjoys....
Someone said earlier elderly people generally have more wealth… That is a fact. But, back to the federal government it fucks you in the ass daily and you don’t even know it… LOL
You know..
It only hurts when you know it.
But you know it.

It's written all over your face!

Yes, yes. Life is a choice between being owned by a corporation or government.

Sorry, I'll choose neither. The slave mentality is nonsense. Shake it off, Joe.

So you are going to happily go off and die when you have a medical condition that exceeds your ability to pay medical bills?

"I'm free... freeeeeeee..." Ack.. Gasp... Croak!!!!

The world isn't binary, Joe. We don't have to choose between socialism and fascism. I'm fighting both.
Just as long as you know that communism is left-wing dictatorship, fascism is right wing dictatorship, and socialism is known everywhere in the world but GOP America as simply always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net...."we are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed....
Socialism has 100% failure rate long-term, even though it’s been tried countless times and in countless forms you silly little fucker
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and it doesn't fail. Every modern country maybe including us is socialist. If we could get our Healthcare together we would be. "We are all socialists now!"--prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not realize what assholes the GOP are. Not you super duper LOL
No, those are the options you are limiting yourself to. Take off your blinders.

What's your fourth option? Again, would love to hear it.

One more time.

You have a medical condition that exceeds your resources to pay for.

do you.

1) Dutifully die to not be a burden on society.
2) Take a chance that the insurance you paid for won't try to rip you off, especially after you are no longer able to work and pay for it.
3) Support a single payer government system where your right to health care is guaranteed.

Waiting for Option 4.

The one that involved Rainbow Farting Libertarian Unicorns.

View attachment 285381
You do realize Socialism has never paid for itself, it never can take any responsibility other than the fucking retarded behavior

Socialism historically fails when it runs out of other people's money.

It leads to total depravity, like what you see in Cuba and Venezuela today. Those two nations used to be two of the most tremendous economic powerhouses in Latin America
One is communist Cuba not socialist, excepting dupe world. Venezuela is a third world banana Republic with a bad dictator in reaction to Total us sanctions and covert action the last 20 years.... They can't even sell their oil anymore LOL. And still they are more popular than the oligarch assholes the GOP is totally behind...
Auto insurance is Mandatory for the young too. So should health insurance be.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.

So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.

So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
Of course not s*** head, but they should have more low-income housing instead of giving the money to the Rich like the GOP do. Life is tough with this ridiculous inequality you Jokers have given us. Soak the rich, even most of the rich agree LOL, Super Dupe..
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.

So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
Of course not s*** head, but they should have more low-income housing instead of giving the money to the Rich like the GOP do. Life is tough with this ridiculous inequality you Jokers have given us. Soak the rich, even most of the rich agree LOL, Super Dupe..

So you don't really men a "living" wage. You are quite the hypocrite. As an aside where in SF would they build low income housing?
So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
So JustAGuy1 in in West Bumbfuck likes to eat canned worms, should be given worm ammo "free", gum rot Insurance, a jar etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
So JustAGuy1 in in West Bumbfuck likes to eat canned worms, should be given worm ammo "free", gum rot Insurance, a jar etc? You're a bright one aren't you?

LOL, you and franco make a good pair. He ran from the question, so are you.
So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
So JustAGuy1 in in West Bumbfuck likes to eat canned worms, should be given worm ammo "free", gum rot Insurance, a jar etc? You're a bright one aren't you?

LOL, you and franco make a good pair. He ran from the question, so are you.
LOL, trading non sequiturs is such a fun waste of everyone's time!

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