Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Something in the middle is much more comfortable to accept.

I don’t think many go broke from pharma, though it’s more expensive than it should be. I think emergency care and surgeries are the real cost drivers.

You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

#1) Yes, they are but some employers offer better plans than others. Most pay for auto insurance and don't get into accidents. That is how insurance works.

#2) Why?

Should most people have access to free plumbing or free food too? Explain the rationale.
Many of us don't have access to employer plans. We are on our own. I pay $900 per month just for myself. Not counting the deductible and out of pocket. And that insurance sucks.

Insurance should not be tied to your employer.

Then you're really old and you should be paying more. Just as important, why should I, figuratively speaking since I'm retired, pay for your insurance? I don't make your house payment, or are you in taxpayer-subsidized housing? Why should your health insurance NOT be a part of your monthly budget?
I'm not retirement age. Why do you think everyone who is not retired has access to employer sponsored insurance? Oh wait, do you live in a red state?! It's well known that red state Trump nutters are generally uneducated so that might explain why you are puzzled about how insurance works.

So you are retired? I hope you're not using Medicare. That would mean I am paying for my insurance AND your insurance. And, like you said, old people need A LOT of healthcare. Looks like you are the burden, not me. I pay for my crappy insurance.
When push comes to shove the wealthy from other countries come here when they have a serious medical issues. Why is that do you think?
Except for Rand Paul, he went to Canada for surgery.


He went there because it is world-famous for non-mesh hernia surgery.

The outpatient clinic is totally separate from any government health care system and is cash only. They do not accept any insurance, from anywhere.

Are you advocating an all-cash system?
I'm not retirement age. Why do you think everyone who is not retired has access to employer sponsored insurance? Oh wait, do you live in a red state?! It's well known that red state Trump nutters are generally uneducated so that might explain why you are puzzled about how insurance works.

So you are retired? I hope you're not using Medicare. That would mean I am paying for my insurance AND your insurance. And, like you said, old people need A LOT of healthcare. Looks like you are the burden, not me. I pay for my crappy insurance.

Where did I ever say anyone has access to employer-paid insurance?

Of course, I'm using Medicare! It is a fraction of the actual cost, I am taking advantage of Medicare Advantage which allowed me to maintain my old HMO, my old doctor, and all their benefits. Yes, we old people need a LOT of healthcare. I've had minor surgery, orthopedic surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy! All on your dime! Thank you!

Medicare and Social Security will be flat broke by the time you can participate and I'll be dead so it sounds like you have a personal problem.

Unless you're really old, it seems to me, unless you're lying, that you are paying far too much. But that's your choice.

I'm not retirement age. Why do you think everyone who is not retired has access to employer sponsored insurance? Oh wait, do you live in a red state?! It's well known that red state Trump nutters are generally uneducated so that might explain why you are puzzled about how insurance works.

So you are retired? I hope you're not using Medicare. That would mean I am paying for my insurance AND your insurance. And, like you said, old people need A LOT of healthcare. Looks like you are the burden, not me. I pay for my crappy insurance.

Where did I ever say anyone has access to employer-paid insurance?

Of course, I'm using Medicare! It is a fraction of the actual cost, I am taking advantage of Medicare Advantage which allowed me to maintain my old HMO, my old doctor, and all their benefits. Yes, we old people need a LOT of healthcare. I've had minor surgery, orthopedic surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy! All on your dime! Thank you!

Medicare and Social Security will be flat broke by the time you can participate and I'll be dead so it sounds like you have a personal problem.

Unless you're really old, it seems to me, unless you're lying, that you are paying far too much. But that's your choice.

In modern times, insurance costs a lot more than it did when you were young. And the deductibles and out of pocket costs are much, much more. The Boomers continue to suck up everything for themselves. 'We've Got Ours'. It's your mentality that put us here.

Once you old farts are gone, we'll be able to fix the mess you left us with.
I'm not retirement age. Why do you think everyone who is not retired has access to employer sponsored insurance? Oh wait, do you live in a red state?! It's well known that red state Trump nutters are generally uneducated so that might explain why you are puzzled about how insurance works.

So you are retired? I hope you're not using Medicare. That would mean I am paying for my insurance AND your insurance. And, like you said, old people need A LOT of healthcare. Looks like you are the burden, not me. I pay for my crappy insurance.

Where did I ever say anyone has access to employer-paid insurance?

Of course, I'm using Medicare! It is a fraction of the actual cost, I am taking advantage of Medicare Advantage which allowed me to maintain my old HMO, my old doctor, and all their benefits. Yes, we old people need a LOT of healthcare. I've had minor surgery, orthopedic surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy! All on your dime! Thank you!

Medicare and Social Security will be flat broke by the time you can participate and I'll be dead so it sounds like you have a personal problem.

Unless you're really old, it seems to me, unless you're lying, that you are paying far too much. But that's your choice.

In modern times, insurance costs a lot more than it did when you were young. And the deductibles and out of pocket costs are much, much more. The Boomers continue to suck up everything for themselves. 'We've Got Ours'. It's your mentality that put us here.

Once you old farts are gone, we'll be able to fix the mess you left us with.

The millennials will fix it up real good!
In modern times, insurance costs a lot more than it did when you were young. And the deductibles and out of pocket costs are much, much more. The Boomers continue to suck up everything for themselves. 'We've Got Ours'. It's your mentality that put us here.

Once you old farts are gone, we'll be able to fix the mess you left us with.

Incomes are a lot more too. Comparatively, they are the same today as a decade ago.

We Boomers have tried to fix these problems in the past but you far-left Progressives wouldn't budge. You demanded the mess we're in, you'll be thinking about this when all the money is gone and your costs skyrocket.

By the time we're gone, you'll be benefiting from the low cost of Medicare and collecting your Social Security. You won't fix diddly squat!

I'll say it now, WE TOLD YOU SO!
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

I think the best option is medicare for all like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sander's are proposing. Too many people depend on healthcare through their employer and then loose it when they loose it. Elizabeth Warren's plan regardless if you have a job or not the government gives you health insurance as a right of citizenship. So if you get fired you still keep health insurance. I have been fired 7 times in my life for poor performance... bosses called me slow or stupid or a very slow learner each time I got fired. I even got fired from McDonald's for not counting change correctly and I got a Master's degree. its awful loosing health insurance and having to rely on finding a job to get health insurance when no one wants to hire you for many reasons.
I think the best option is medicare for all like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sander's are proposing. Too many people depend on healthcare through their employer and then loose it when they loose it. Elizabeth Warren's plan regardless if you have a job or not the government gives you health insurance as a right of citizenship. So if you get fired you still keep health insurance. I have been fired 7 times in my life for poor performance... bosses called me slow or stupid or a very slow learner each time I got fired. I even got fired from McDonald's for not counting change correctly and I got a Master's degree. its awful loosing health insurance and having to rely on finding a job to get health insurance when no one wants to hire you for many reasons.

As you know, but love to lie about, our life expectancy and infant mortality rates are due entirely to us being a heterogeneous society as opposed to a homogeneous society.

Yeah, it's all the fault of the darkies... Stop Dying from treatable diseases, you shiftless slackers!!!!!

Um, we would if we could get decent health care!

or did you think using fancy words to hide your racism was okay?
Not hypocritical at all. At the risk of speaking for Markle, we're not opposed to people using government services, even if we oppose the service in question. It's a subtle distinction, but I think you can understand - if you think about for a while.

I have thought about it.

Big insurance takes people's money and then tries to cheat them out of care.

And then you have phonies like Markle who are happy to let government get services HE COULDN'T GET FOR HIMSELF.

This is the point of the ripoff known as Medicare Part C - big insurance let's the government pay for policies they'd never issue on their own volition.
Not hypocritical at all. At the risk of speaking for Markle, we're not opposed to people using government services, even if we oppose the service in question. It's a subtle distinction, but I think you can understand - if you think about for a while.

I have thought about it.
Big insurance takes people's money and then tries to cheat them out of care.

And then you have phonies like Markle who are happy to let government get services HE COULDN'T GET FOR HIMSELF.

This doesn't make any sense. How does that make him, or anyone else who uses government programs they oppose, a hypocrite? I've seen this kind of nonsense before and it's nothing more than ignorant demagoguery.

is the point of the ripoff known as Medicare Part C - big insurance let's the government pay for policies they'd never issue on their own volition.

This much I agree with. The entire setup of Medicare is a ripoff. The big insurance companies profit on both ends. And it's not just the supplementary insurance. They contract with CMS to provide base Medicare as well. You jokers are selling the idea Medicare cuts out the insurance companies. It doesn't. It gives them permanent rent on the system.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

I think the best option is medicare for all like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sander's are proposing. Too many people depend on healthcare through their employer and then loose it when they loose it. Elizabeth Warren's plan regardless if you have a job or not the government gives you health insurance as a right of citizenship. So if you get fired you still keep health insurance. I have been fired 7 times in my life for poor performance... bosses called me slow or stupid or a very slow learner each time I got fired. I even got fired from McDonald's for not counting change correctly and I got a Master's degree. its awful loosing health insurance and having to rely on finding a job to get health insurance when no one wants to hire you for many reasons.
“Loosing” is never good.
This doesn't make any sense. How does that make him, or anyone else who uses government programs they oppose, a hypocrite? I've seen this kind of nonsense before and it's nothing more than ignorant demagoguery.

No, I realize are a Libertarian, it's easy to think civilization happens because of Unicorns farting fairy dust.

If you are opposed to a government program, you should refuse to use it, period.

but this is the problem with the White Working class, "Welfare for me, but not for thee".

This much I agree with. The entire setup of Medicare is a ripoff. The big insurance companies profit on both ends. And it's not just the supplementary insurance. They contract with CMS to provide base Medicare as well. You jokers are selling the idea Medicare cuts out the insurance companies. It doesn't. It gives them permanent rent on the system.

As it is currently configured, this is correct. We want it to run like Canada or the UK... No middle men..
This doesn't make any sense. How does that make him, or anyone else who uses government programs they oppose, a hypocrite? I've seen this kind of nonsense before and it's nothing more than ignorant demagoguery.

No, I realize are a Libertarian, it's easy to think civilization happens because of Unicorns farting fairy dust.

Ahh.. the usual empty insults. You're reliable in that way.

If you are opposed to a government program, you should refuse to use it, period.

No, if your taxes pay for government programs, you should use them. You should at least try to get some of your money back. By all rights, you should be able to opt out of these programs and get your money back. As long as we don't have that option, no one is hypocritical for using the services they are taxed for.
This much I agree with. The entire setup of Medicare is a ripoff. The big insurance companies profit on both ends. And it's not just the supplementary insurance. They contract with CMS to provide base Medicare as well. You jokers are selling the idea Medicare cuts out the insurance companies. It doesn't. It gives them permanent rent on the system.

As it is currently configured, this is correct. We want it to run like Canada or the UK... No middle men..

Who is "we"? That's not what the Democrats are selling. They want to expand the ripoff instead.
No, if your taxes pay for government programs, you should use them. You should at least try to get some of your money back. By all rights, you should be able to opt out of these programs and get your money back. As long as we don't have that option, no one is hypocritical for using the services they are taxed for.

But the thing is, he's getting more out than he probably ever put in... that's the thing. That's what makes him and everyone else who hates government but collects "White People Welfare*" a hypocrite.

(* -White People Welfare being Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment and Veteran's Benefits).

Who is "we"? That's not what the Democrats are selling. They want to expand the ripoff instead.

Okay, then what's your problem, as long as rich white people are benefiting? That's what you support, right?

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