Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Same place they come from now...

Where we won't waste money- 9 Figure CEO salaries, dividends for stockholders, unnecessary ER Treatments for the poor, six people in every doctor's office trying to figure out all the insurance plans... These things add nothing to health care, but they cost money.

Also, because people can get prompt treatment for things, they'll treat those ailments a lot earlier before they blow up into somethingmore serious.


I am not sure if he is lying or if he truly is that clueless about how money works. I guess both.

One thing is for certain, he wants to fuck the entire nation so there is no reason to believe anything he says.
If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.

You claim to live in Chicago, which explains a lot of your ignorance.

Here in Florida: The Bright Futures scholarships, or simply Bright Futures, are a set of merit scholarships for Florida students. There are three main types of award: Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) : This award covers 100% of the cost of tuition for an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program from a Florida institution, or up to 120 credit hours.

If you don't have such a thing in Illinois, that is your problem, not mine, a taxpayer in Florida!
The reason socialized medicine won't work in the US is because there's no consensus that it's what we should do. Lots of people think it's a bad idea and are willing to fight against it. Even if the majoritarians manage to slam it through, the opposition will work to undermine it - as we've seen with ACA.

Lots of people only think it's a bad idea because the insurance companies have been filling their brains with bullshit for 40 years.
Sure, and lots of people think government is their only hope because that's what government's been feeding them for 40 years. Point is, lots of people don't agree. "This is why we can't have nice things!"
Yeah, I know, you guys always threaten violence when you don't get your way...

Taking it over is easy. You can keep paying your co-pays or you can sign on to this government program... and oh, yeah, we are going to stop letting your boss deduct your insurance costs because we have the government program now.






Bullshit, and you know it. Society doesn't change unless there is broad agreement that it should. Government follows society, not the other
way around.

You tell yourself that buddy.

Do you know why we are going to get single payer? Because business is tired of carrying that weight.

Oh, yeah, and see below....

You're actually throwing up a chart from 2002 to prove your point? Really? You're a joke!

Here are the current FACTS. Read it and weep!

When you have to go to ToonHall to get your numbers, you're losing the argument.

70 percent of Americans support 'Medicare for all' proposal

Seventy percent said they supported providing "Medicare for all," also known as single-payer health care, for Americans, according to a new American Barometer survey.

The poll, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 42 percent of respondents said they "strongly" supported the proposal, while 28 percent said they "somewhat" supported it.

Fifteen percent said they "somewhat" opposed the measure, while another 15 percent said they "strongly" opposed it.
I am not sure if he is lying or if he truly is that clueless about how money works. I guess both.

One thing is for certain, he wants to fuck the entire nation so there is no reason to believe anything he says.

Guy, this is where you are confused. Big insurance screws the nation. They've been screwing us for decades..

It's why we spend more than any other nation on health care and get the absolute worst results.. Like Third World Awful results.

Life expectency, infant mortality, we lag behind the rest of the industrialized world.
You claim to live in Chicago, which explains a lot of your ignorance.

Here in Florida: The Bright Futures scholarships, or simply Bright Futures, are a set of merit scholarships for Florida students. There are three main types of award: Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) : This award covers 100% of the cost of tuition for an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program from a Florida institution, or up to 120 credit hours.

If you don't have such a thing in Illinois, that is your problem, not mine, a taxpayer in Florida!

How many kids does that cover?

Oh, wait... let's check this out.

The Florida Legislature enacted cuts to Bright Futures funding in 2011 by increasing the minimum SAT score required to qualify for the program. The changes took full effect for the graduating class of 2014, increasing the minimum score for A students from 1280 to 1290, and increasing the minimum score for B students from 980 to 1170. The cuts disproportionately impacted black and Latino students as well as students from predominantly poor schools.[7] By the 2015-16 school year, the program covered only 20% of Florida high school graduates and paid an average of $2,000 per year.[4]

FUUUUUUCK!!!!! that's all manner of useless.
Sure, and lots of people think government is their only hope because that's what government's been feeding them for 40 years. Point is, lots of people don't agree. "This is why we can't have nice things!"

Guy, the fact is, 70% support medicare for all.

The fact is, 80% support a free market.

Big insurance will squeal and cry... but screw them.

Big insurance will profit the most from Medicare for All.
Bullshit, and you know it. Society doesn't change unless there is broad agreement that it should. Government follows society, not the other
way around.

You tell yourself that buddy.

Do you know why we are going to get single payer? Because business is tired of carrying that weight.

Oh, yeah, and see below....

You're actually throwing up a chart from 2002 to prove your point? Really? You're a joke!

Here are the current FACTS. Read it and weep!

When you have to go to ToonHall to get your numbers, you're losing the argument.

70 percent of Americans support 'Medicare for all' proposal

Seventy percent said they supported providing "Medicare for all," also known as single-payer health care, for Americans, according to a new American Barometer survey.

The poll, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 42 percent of respondents said they "strongly" supported the proposal, while 28 percent said they "somewhat" supported it.

Fifteen percent said they "somewhat" opposed the measure, while another 15 percent said they "strongly" opposed it.

UNTIL they hear what it means to them and then it flips!
Do you know why we are going to get single payer? Because business is tired of carrying that weight.

LOL - big businesses love the mandatory health insurance racket. It puts the pinch on their less well-funded competition, and gives them much more control over their employees. How many of us know someone trapped in a job because they have health problems and can't quit? You can't tell me businesses don't understand the leverage this provides them. And now government wants that power. So they can have the same kind of leverage.
When you have to go to ToonHall to get your numbers, you're losing the argument.

70 percent of Americans support 'Medicare for all' proposal

Seventy percent said they supported providing "Medicare for all," also known as single-payer health care, for Americans, according to a new American Barometer survey.

The poll, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 42 percent of respondents said they "strongly" supported the proposal, while 28 percent said they "somewhat" supported it.

Fifteen percent said they "somewhat" opposed the measure, while another 15 percent said they "strongly" opposed it.

Your desperation is duly noted.

One of my sources is your beloved CNN.

The other, Breitbart CITES AN UNBIASED SURVEY. Too much for you to read, I'm sure.

ME-12745 (Press Memo 10-23-19).pdf
Guy, this is where you are confused. Big insurance screws the nation. They've been screwing us for decades..

It's why we spend more than any other nation on health care and get the absolute worst results.. Like Third World Awful results.

Life expectency, infant mortality, we lag behind the rest of the industrialized world.

You are beyond reason, you are just playing the ultimate TROLL.

Yeah, right, "big insurance" provides us with the ability to have the finest health care in the world.

As you know, but love to lie about, our life expectancy and infant mortality rates are due entirely to us being a heterogeneous society as opposed to a homogeneous society.
Yes the insurance industry loves to rob us, Our system is not good, something will change and repubs offer nothing.

GOP concentrates on lower pharma costs. Democrats want to go nuclear. Someone needs a middle ground. I agree the system is ridiculously complex and stupid.
Something in the middle is much more comfortable to accept.

I don’t think many go broke from pharma, though it’s more expensive than it should be. I think emergency care and surgeries are the real cost drivers.

You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

#1) Yes, they are but some employers offer better plans than others. Most pay for auto insurance and don't get into accidents. That is how insurance works.

#2) Why?

Should most people have access to free plumbing or free food too? Explain the rationale.
Many of us don't have access to employer plans. We are on our own. I pay $900 per month just for myself. Not counting the deductible and out of pocket. And that insurance sucks.

Insurance should not be tied to your employer.
GOP concentrates on lower pharma costs. Democrats want to go nuclear. Someone needs a middle ground. I agree the system is ridiculously complex and stupid.
Something in the middle is much more comfortable to accept.

I don’t think many go broke from pharma, though it’s more expensive than it should be. I think emergency care and surgeries are the real cost drivers.

You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

#1) Yes, they are but some employers offer better plans than others. Most pay for auto insurance and don't get into accidents. That is how insurance works.

#2) Why?

Should most people have access to free plumbing or free food too? Explain the rationale.
Many of us don't have access to employer plans. We are on our own. I pay $900 per month just for myself. Not counting the deductible and out of pocket. And that insurance sucks.

Insurance should not be tied to your employer.

Then you're really old and you should be paying more. Just as important, why should I, figuratively speaking since I'm retired, pay for your insurance? I don't make your house payment, or are you in taxpayer-subsidized housing? Why should your health insurance NOT be a part of your monthly budget?

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