Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

I confirmed your observation that there are some murderous people being hired by the NYT. The Asian lady wished for the genocide of my people. The existence of some weaker, dumber, treasonous specimen such as you does not mean the entire group needs to be eradicated.

Wow, yes, trolling old white racists on Twitter is just the same as genocide.

Of course you don't think it's "great" having a degree, your degree was utter shit administrated by historians who believe communism works despite the experiment having been done again and again. Indeed, such degree serves no purposes except to pass the checks on machines chosen by SJWs so useless they can't even read job applications.

Again, when I was in College, back in the 1980's, I was a college Republican. I was pretty much conservative up until 2008, when I realized a working person voting Republicans makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat.

I also believe I got a lot more out of the Army than I ever did out of college.

Now, for those playing along at home, I own a resume writing business. A large part of what I do is make sure resumes "pop" when being read by Applicant Tracking Software, which is something I would personally love to outlaw. All ATS systems do is prove who hired the best resume writer. But it wasn't SJW's who came up with ATS, it was a bunch of MBA corporate assholes...

One final note on my college days. I graduated from a State University in 1985. Back then, you could pay your tuition working a minimum wage job for 10 hours a week. Today, kids would have to work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and still couldn't afford to go. Then you have the outright online scams like University of Phoenix. So we tell these kids that they have to get this to succeed, rob them blind trying to get it, and they end up- if they are lucky- spending years paying it off living with their parents. Then you all wonder why they listen to a guy like Bernie and think, "This socialism stuff sounds pretty good".

More wrong history by the "historian". Communism has failed rapidly every time it has been tried. Capitalism has produced success rapidly every time it has been tried. I agree, not a great degree.

Everything fails eventually. This is immutable physics. Right now, Communist China is kicking our asses. (Oh, I forget, China is only communist when it does something we don't like.)
It's cheaper only if you think it's free.

Tell me where are the trillions of dollars needed annually going to come from?

Same place they come from now...

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, while the Single Payer Countries spend 8 - 11%.

Where we won't waste money- 9 Figure CEO salaries, dividends for stockholders, unnecessary ER Treatments for the poor, six people in every doctor's office trying to figure out all the insurance plans... These things add nothing to health care, but they cost money.

Also, because people can get prompt treatment for things, they'll treat those ailments a lot earlier before they blow up into somethingmore serious.
And if you think government can provide everyone in the country with quality care for less than that you're dumber than I thought

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
And you think you won't pay thousands a year even if you don't get sick under government run health care?

Probably not.

What I won't have to worry about, is what happened to me in 2008, where after I had paid thousands of dollars a year for health care to Cigna and needed treatment, having to fight with an insurance company to get them to do what they promised.
Funny I have never had any problems getting any care

When everything in your life goes wrong sooner or later you have to realize that it might just be you

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I confirmed your observation that there are some murderous people being hired by the NYT. The Asian lady wished for the genocide of my people. The existence of some weaker, dumber, treasonous specimen such as you does not mean the entire group needs to be eradicated.

Wow, yes, trolling old white racists on Twitter is just the same as genocide.

Of course you don't think it's "great" having a degree, your degree was utter shit administrated by historians who believe communism works despite the experiment having been done again and again. Indeed, such degree serves no purposes except to pass the checks on machines chosen by SJWs so useless they can't even read job applications.

Again, when I was in College, back in the 1980's, I was a college Republican. I was pretty much conservative up until 2008, when I realized a working person voting Republicans makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat.

I also believe I got a lot more out of the Army than I ever did out of college.

Now, for those playing along at home, I own a resume writing business. A large part of what I do is make sure resumes "pop" when being read by Applicant Tracking Software, which is something I would personally love to outlaw. All ATS systems do is prove who hired the best resume writer. But it wasn't SJW's who came up with ATS, it was a bunch of MBA corporate assholes...

One final note on my college days. I graduated from a State University in 1985. Back then, you could pay your tuition working a minimum wage job for 10 hours a week. Today, kids would have to work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and still couldn't afford to go. Then you have the outright online scams like University of Phoenix. So we tell these kids that they have to get this to succeed, rob them blind trying to get it, and they end up- if they are lucky- spending years paying it off living with their parents. Then you all wonder why they listen to a guy like Bernie and think, "This socialism stuff sounds pretty good".

More wrong history by the "historian". Communism has failed rapidly every time it has been tried. Capitalism has produced success rapidly every time it has been tried. I agree, not a great degree.

Everything fails eventually. This is immutable physics. Right now, Communist China is kicking our asses. (Oh, I forget, China is only communist when it does something we don't like.)

I kind of start to understand why you hate yourself so much having a degree that was "not great", and running a business that you would "outlaw". You know I do as well. Have you never stopped to ask yourself, why are you going through with the bullshit?

Working person voting for a democrat who prefers illegals and hate Americans makes as much sense as drinking poison.

Everything fails eventually? Rich coming from a man who has never done anything but failed. Try working on not failing ten times before rising out of bed and perhaps then you can make those statements credibly. This is spoken like a true loser.

Yeah, why people are letting themselves to be ripped off by the college system is outrageous. The university funds should be immediately depleted to pay for any existing student debt.
And if you think government can provide everyone in the country with quality care for less than that you're dumber than I thought

Except that Japan, Germany, France, Italy, the UK and Canada already do this... I mean, yeah, I guess that is dumb, finding ten or so examples of people who can actually do it.

Funny I have never had any problems getting any care

The Republican Motto "I've got mine, fuck you".... followed by "Hey, why are you communists taking my stuff?"
I kind of start to understand why you hate yourself so much having a degree that was "not great", and running a business that you would "outlaw". You know I do as well. Have you never stopped to ask yourself, why are you going through with the bullshit?

Okay.. I enjoy my degree because I really, really love history...
I do my business because I really enjoy helping people.

These are concepts you probably won't understand, because they don't involve hating people who are different from you while the rich get you to vote against your own economic interests.

Working person voting for a democrat who prefers illegals and hate Americans makes as much sense as drinking poison.

Who prefers "illegals"? Did you ever stop to ask yourself who is hiring the illegals to start with? It's mostly rich white people who don't want to pay other white people a fair wage for shitty work.

Everything fails eventually? Rich coming from a man who has never done anything but failed. Try working on not failing ten times before rising out of bed and perhaps then you can make those statements credibly. This is spoken like a true loser.

Actually, I could put my resume up against yours any day of the week. Accomplished in my field, decorated veteran, successful business owner...

Yeah, why people are letting themselves to be ripped off by the college system is outrageous. The university funds should be immediately depleted to pay for any existing student debt.

Or we can just make college free to people who've earned it.

A lot of things we do wrong, and I might even agree with you, the guy who got the four year degree in multi-cultural studies probably wasted his money, but he still has a better chance of getting hired than the person with no degree.

We also dont have enough young people getting into the trades.
And if you think government can provide everyone in the country with quality care for less than that you're dumber than I thought

Except that Japan, Germany, France, Italy, the UK and Canada already do this... I mean, yeah, I guess that is dumb, finding ten or so examples of people who can actually do it.

Funny I have never had any problems getting any care

The Republican Motto "I've got mine, fuck you".... followed by "Hey, why are you communists taking my stuff?"
And they have the high taxes to show for it and let's not forget the government gets to tell you what procedures are necessary and will throw you on a waiting list for eternity

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
And they have the high taxes to show for it and let's not forget the government gets to tell you what procedures are necessary and will throw you on a waiting list for eternity

1) You will still get your procedure, unlike 25% of Americans with no or inadequate insurance.
2) Taxes would be a lot more fairly apportioned than payments are now.

You probably did not read the policy

I didn't own the policy, my employer did, and that's the problem. What I did do is pay for the premiums and then get ripped off.

Simple solution. Single Payer. Everyone gets covered.
I kind of start to understand why you hate yourself so much having a degree that was "not great", and running a business that you would "outlaw". You know I do as well. Have you never stopped to ask yourself, why are you going through with the bullshit?

Okay.. I enjoy my degree because I really, really love history...
I do my business because I really enjoy helping people.

These are concepts you probably won't understand, because they don't involve hating people who are different from you while the rich get you to vote against your own economic interests.

Working person voting for a democrat who prefers illegals and hate Americans makes as much sense as drinking poison.

Who prefers "illegals"? Did you ever stop to ask yourself who is hiring the illegals to start with? It's mostly rich white people who don't want to pay other white people a fair wage for shitty work.

Everything fails eventually? Rich coming from a man who has never done anything but failed. Try working on not failing ten times before rising out of bed and perhaps then you can make those statements credibly. This is spoken like a true loser.

Actually, I could put my resume up against yours any day of the week. Accomplished in my field, decorated veteran, successful business owner...

Yeah, why people are letting themselves to be ripped off by the college system is outrageous. The university funds should be immediately depleted to pay for any existing student debt.

Or we can just make college free to people who've earned it.

A lot of things we do wrong, and I might even agree with you, the guy who got the four year degree in multi-cultural studies probably wasted his money, but he still has a better chance of getting hired than the person with no degree.

We also dont have enough young people getting into the trades.

You brag about your resume... And believe 18 year olds who have never worked a day in their life have "earned" their rights to free college.

Since you agreed with me I will agree with you that indeed some rich white people are out of their minds. But this does not mean that parasitism should be celebrated, as a communist would believe. In fact, those banksters you hate so much belong to the very class, charging people for money created out of their asses.
You brag about your resume... And believe 18 year olds who have never worked a day in their life have "earned" their rights to free college.

Never said they "earned" it. I'm sorry your reading comprehension skills are so poor.

What I am saying- and follow along here because I know you are a tad slow - is that it used to be you could work your way through college. This is what I was able to do back in the 1980s. Today, college is too expensive. Kids can't afford it, and they end up massively in debt before they start. The money they spend buying a piece of paper is money they aren't spending on families, homes and communities- things that make our country work.

We actually do need colleges, we need technical people for a technical age. But we need to make that investment.

Since you agreed with me I will agree with you that indeed some rich white people are out of their minds. But this does not mean that parasitism should be celebrated, as a communist would believe. In fact, those banksters you hate so much belong to the very class, charging people for money created out of their asses.

Again, you are a bit slow, aren't you? The Banksters are acting in their own best interests... not yours. The thing is, they've gotten you to think that the poor minority is your enemy, when he's in the same boat you're in.
You brag about your resume... And believe 18 year olds who have never worked a day in their life have "earned" their rights to free college.

Never said they "earned" it. I'm sorry your reading comprehension skills are so poor.

What I am saying- and follow along here because I know you are a tad slow - is that it used to be you could work your way through college. This is what I was able to do back in the 1980s. Today, college is too expensive. Kids can't afford it, and they end up massively in debt before they start. The money they spend buying a piece of paper is money they aren't spending on families, homes and communities- things that make our country work.

We actually do need colleges, we need technical people for a technical age. But we need to make that investment.

Since you agreed with me I will agree with you that indeed some rich white people are out of their minds. But this does not mean that parasitism should be celebrated, as a communist would believe. In fact, those banksters you hate so much belong to the very class, charging people for money created out of their asses.

Again, you are a bit slow, aren't you? The Banksters are acting in their own best interests... not yours. The thing is, they've gotten you to think that the poor minority is your enemy, when he's in the same boat you're in.


Nancy Pelosi Is Worried 2020 Candidates Are on Wrong Track https://news.yahoo.com/nancy-pelosi-worried-2020-candidates-100000963.html

As long as unicorn chasers run the DUM party, America remains safe!
You brag about your resume... And believe 18 year olds who have never worked a day in their life have "earned" their rights to free college.

Never said they "earned" it. I'm sorry your reading comprehension skills are so poor.

What I am saying- and follow along here because I know you are a tad slow - is that it used to be you could work your way through college. This is what I was able to do back in the 1980s. Today, college is too expensive. Kids can't afford it, and they end up massively in debt before they start. The money they spend buying a piece of paper is money they aren't spending on families, homes and communities- things that make our country work.

We actually do need colleges, we need technical people for a technical age. But we need to make that investment.

Since you agreed with me I will agree with you that indeed some rich white people are out of their minds. But this does not mean that parasitism should be celebrated, as a communist would believe. In fact, those banksters you hate so much belong to the very class, charging people for money created out of their asses.

Again, you are a bit slow, aren't you? The Banksters are acting in their own best interests... not yours. The thing is, they've gotten you to think that the poor minority is your enemy, when he's in the same boat you're in.

Are you demented? You used the word earned:
Or we can just make college free to people who've earned it.

Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.
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The reason socialized medicine won't work in the US is because there's no consensus that it's what we should do. Lots of people think it's a bad idea and are willing to fight against it. Even if the majoritarians manage to slam it through, the opposition will work to undermine it - as we've seen with ACA.
Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.

Again, you are kind of retarded, I know your learning disability makes it hard to understand concepts...

If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.
Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.

Again, you are kind of retarded, I know your learning disability makes it hard to understand concepts...

If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.

If the degree is worthwhile you should pay for it. Universities should be regulated, worthless degrees should be outlawed as scams, which is what they are.

No one with any brain will support one tax dollar going to leftist parasites indoctrinating kids with stuff that makes them dumber than when they went in.
Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.

Again, you are kind of retarded, I know your learning disability makes it hard to understand concepts...

If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.

If the degree is worthwhile you should pay for it. Universities should be regulated, worthless degrees should be outlawed as scams, which is what they are.

Why dick around "regulating" them? Government should just take over altogether! It's the only way to be sure.
Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.

Again, you are kind of retarded, I know your learning disability makes it hard to understand concepts...

If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.

If the degree is worthwhile you should pay for it. Universities should be regulated, worthless degrees should be outlawed as scams, which is what they are.

Why dick around "regulating" them? Government should just take over altogether! It's the only way to be sure.

Absolutely not, the government has too high of an incentive to use the education system for its own purposes.

We need more women making babies anyway, focusing less on educations has been shown to be the best way to accomplish that. Teaching people that it is more important that some piece of paper is in the right place than human life is a scam in itself.
Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.

Again, you are kind of retarded, I know your learning disability makes it hard to understand concepts...

If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.

The problem for you s0n is you never attach any costs to this stuff. Like any good progressive, costs dont matter. But that's why your type are in the distinct minority.....most people weigh costs in life.

Progressive ideas never get political traction because the dont attend to thinking on the margin....because they CANT!! Thankfully for the masses, most people do think on the margin.....so costs matter!

There is nobody alive that wouldnt love everything to be free. The majority knows that kind of thinking is silly.

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