Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

And then the REAL WORLD slaps them in the face and they wake up. They discover that there really is no such thing as a free lunch despite what their professors had told them!

The reality they find out is that they end up working 60 hour weeks to pay off their student debt for usually awful companies.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy" - Herbert Hoover.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.
We have that here; works OK but hardly a wonderful system. Fortunately we have Private for when you're really sick.

  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.
We have that here; works OK but hardly a wonderful system. Fortunately we have Private for when you're really sick.


Same in the UK.

But you have to be able to afford it. And you still have to pay for the NHS. There's no way out of it.

One daughter recently had an awful experience in the A&E.

Another daughter has just left an American hospital. Couldn't fault the care.

Bottom line, the British pay pennies, and they get pennies.
Medical bills caused bankruptcies are a hoax, a play the far left perpetrates on folks too lazy to do their own research.

This is the real reason most Americans file for bankruptcy

A new study from academic researchers found that 66.5 percent of all bankruptcies were tied to medical issues —either because of high costs for care or time out of work. An estimated 530,000 families turn to bankruptcy each year because of medical issues and bills, the research found.

Sorry, man, back in the Mid-Oughts- I ran up close to $70,000 in medical bills just for two operations and related therapy... for a MINOR problem. Yeah, insurance covered some of that... but what it didn't hit hard.

People shouldn't have to choose between bankruptcy and wellness.

Nothing you posted discredits anything I posted. Medical bills were a small part of their debt and not the primary cause. I explained this and you choose alternative facts.

What you did or didn't do is irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant.
Nothing you posted discredits anything I posted. Medical bills were a small part of their debt and not the primary cause. I explained this and you choose alternative facts.

What you did or didn't do is irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant.

IT's relevent to me... and anyone else who has been economically devastated by medical bills.

Eventually, we will have single payer, because the people will demand it.
Nothing you posted discredits anything I posted. Medical bills were a small part of their debt and not the primary cause. I explained this and you choose alternative facts.

What you did or didn't do is irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant.

IT's relevent [irrelevant] to me... and anyone else who has been economically devastated by medical bills.

Eventually, we will have single payer, because the people will demand it.

I understand the truth and facts are, I think you meant irrelevant, to you.

The vast majority of citizens like their health insurance. That does not translate to the people demanding what is a proven failure, government health care.
And then the REAL WORLD slaps them in the face and they wake up. They discover that there really is no such thing as a free lunch despite what their professors had told them!

The reality they find out is that they end up working 60 hour weeks to pay off their student debt for usually awful companies.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy" - Herbert Hoover.

Maybe you should not have had a gender studies degree JoeB.

And indeed, can you imagine working for someone like NYT or CNN? HR department because even in those lowest tier organization you have skills for nothing else.
I understand the truth and facts are, I think you meant irrelevant, to you.

The vast majority of citizens like their health insurance. That does not translate to the people demanding what is a proven failure, government health care.

Um, yeah, let's look at that.


Sorry, when you are up there with the Airlines and Cable services with customer disatisfaction, not so much.

In fact, more people are satisfied with Medicare than Private insurance.

Maybe you should not have had a gender studies degree JoeB.

And indeed, can you imagine working for someone like NYT or CNN? HR department because even in those lowest tier organization you have skills for nothing else.

I have a degree in history, which was just fine for the career path I chose when I started. Now that I am older, I'm finding most jobs in my field require a BA in business management, but this wasn't the case when I first got into this field in 1993 after leaving the Army.

Here's the thing- When I got laid off in 2008, having a degree allowed me to land a job within a month. Another fellow who had just as much experience didn't find anything for six months because he didn't have a degree. A lady with more experience was off for two years because she had no college at all. Forget she had 30 years experience in the field and was a purchasing manager... the Applicant Tracking Software threw out her resume before a human even saw it.

Most people would kill to work at the NYT or CNN...
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.
It's cheaper only if you think it's free.

Tell me where are the trillions of dollars needed annually going to come from?
Did other countries have ingrained private health plans? No. I don't see it happening until education costs go down significantly.
Yes the insurance industry loves to rob us, Our system is not good, something will change and repubs offer nothing.

GOP concentrates on lower pharma costs. Democrats want to go nuclear. Someone needs a middle ground. I agree the system is ridiculously complex and stupid.
Something in the middle is much more comfortable to accept.

I don’t think many go broke from pharma, though it’s more expensive than it should be. I think emergency care and surgeries are the real cost drivers.

You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

And you think you won't pay thousands a year even if you don't get sick under government run health care?
Maybe you should not have had a gender studies degree JoeB.

And indeed, can you imagine working for someone like NYT or CNN? HR department because even in those lowest tier organization you have skills for nothing else.

I have a degree in history, which was just fine for the career path I chose when I started. Now that I am older, I'm finding most jobs in my field require a BA in business management, but this wasn't the case when I first got into this field in 1993 after leaving the Army.

Here's the thing- When I got laid off in 2008, having a degree allowed me to land a job within a month. Another fellow who had just as much experience didn't find anything for six months because he didn't have a degree. A lady with more experience was off for two years because she had no college at all. Forget she had 30 years experience in the field and was a purchasing manager... the Applicant Tracking Software threw out her resume before a human even saw it.

Most people would kill to work at the NYT or CNN...

"Most people would kill to work at the NYT or CNN."

Oh I am sure that with you anti-Americans, most of you communists would commit a genocide to work for them... or just for fun.


But Americans... not so much.

So JoeB is having the degree a good or a bad thing? Just minutes ago you were complaining how impossible it is to pay back the huge amount of debt. Now you are ranting about how great it is have to a degree. Try to hold a consistent opinion for even a second.

The answer is that it of course, depends on the degree and whether you have crazy leftist ideologues like yourself running the show.

By the way, the irony in having a history degree and not even knowing communism does not work - that is rich. But I am sure it is enough for the "job" that you do.
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It's cheaper only if you think it's free.

Tell me where are the trillions of dollars needed annually going to come from?

Same place they come from now...

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, while the Single Payer Countries spend 8 - 11%.

Where we won't waste money- 9 Figure CEO salaries, dividends for stockholders, unnecessary ER Treatments for the poor, six people in every doctor's office trying to figure out all the insurance plans... These things add nothing to health care, but they cost money.

Also, because people can get prompt treatment for things, they'll treat those ailments a lot earlier before they blow up into somethingmore serious.
It's cheaper only if you think it's free.

Tell me where are the trillions of dollars needed annually going to come from?

Same place they come from now...

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, while the Single Payer Countries spend 8 - 11%.

Where we won't waste money- 9 Figure CEO salaries, dividends for stockholders, unnecessary ER Treatments for the poor, six people in every doctor's office trying to figure out all the insurance plans... These things add nothing to health care, but they cost money.

Also, because people can get prompt treatment for things, they'll treat those ailments a lot earlier before they blow up into somethingmore serious.

Of course we spend more as percentage of GDP. We have to take care of them as well.

Without the US they would still have to rely on witch doctors.
And you think you won't pay thousands a year even if you don't get sick under government run health care?

Probably not.

What I won't have to worry about, is what happened to me in 2008, where after I had paid thousands of dollars a year for health care to Cigna and needed treatment, having to fight with an insurance company to get them to do what they promised.
Of course we spend more as percentage of GDP. We have to take care of them as well.

Are you fucking retarded?

We are not paying for Europe's health care.

They travel here since their health care is not good enough quality to take care of anything worse than a headache. Guess which country's GDP that gets recorded in?

Their health care only works because US makes all the investments. Yes, socialism is always about parasitism and JoeB the grand parasite will always support it.
How much of our health care budget is used to cater towards to illegals?
"Most people would kill to work at the NYT or CNN."

Oh I am sure that with you anti-Americans, most of you communists would commit a genocide to work for them... or just for fun.

Did the scary Asian lady scare you?

Something never said by a real man, "That little Asian Girl is going to kick my ass!"

But Americans... not so much.

So JoeB is having the degree a good or a bad thing? Just minutes ago you were complaining how impossible it is to pay back the huge amount of debt. Now you are ranting about how great it is have to a degree. Try to hold a consistent opinion for even a second.

I don't think it's "Great" to have a degree, just a necessary evil. I've met people with MBA's who are absolute fucking idiots at work, and I've met people with real world experience with no degree who are brilliant. Unfortunately, when you let computer systems read resumes and go by those results, you end up hiring the idiot.

The answer is that it of course, depends on the degree and whether you have crazy leftist ideologues like yourself running the show.

By the way, the irony in having a history degree and not even knowing communism does not work - that is rich. But I am sure it is enough for the "job" that you do.

Okay, true story. Capitalism took 20 more years to fail than Communism did. We all became socialists after 2008.

But to the point... we've made a Bachelor's degree the price of admission the middle class, and then we made it too expensive for most people to afford.

And you guys wonder why 70% of millennials think socialism is a good thing and have a bad opinion of capitalism.
"Most people would kill to work at the NYT or CNN."

Oh I am sure that with you anti-Americans, most of you communists would commit a genocide to work for them... or just for fun.

Did the scary Asian lady scare you?

Something never said by a real man, "That little Asian Girl is going to kick my ass!"

But Americans... not so much.

So JoeB is having the degree a good or a bad thing? Just minutes ago you were complaining how impossible it is to pay back the huge amount of debt. Now you are ranting about how great it is have to a degree. Try to hold a consistent opinion for even a second.

I don't think it's "Great" to have a degree, just a necessary evil. I've met people with MBA's who are absolute fucking idiots at work, and I've met people with real world experience with no degree who are brilliant. Unfortunately, when you let computer systems read resumes and go by those results, you end up hiring the idiot.

The answer is that it of course, depends on the degree and whether you have crazy leftist ideologues like yourself running the show.

By the way, the irony in having a history degree and not even knowing communism does not work - that is rich. But I am sure it is enough for the "job" that you do.

Okay, true story. Capitalism took 20 more years to fail than Communism did. We all became socialists after 2008.

But to the point... we've made a Bachelor's degree the price of admission the middle class, and then we made it too expensive for most people to afford.

And you guys wonder why 70% of millennials think socialism is a good thing and have a bad opinion of capitalism.

I confirmed your observation that there are some murderous people being hired by the NYT. The Asian lady wished for the genocide of my people. The existence of some weaker, dumber, treasonous specimen such as you does not mean the entire group needs to be eradicated.

Of course you don't think it's "great" having a degree, your degree was utter shit administrated by historians who believe communism works despite the experiment having been done again and again. Indeed, such degree serves no purposes except to pass the checks on machines chosen by SJWs so useless they can't even read job applications.

More wrong history by the "historian". Communism has failed rapidly every time it has been tried. Capitalism has produced success rapidly every time it has been tried. I agree, not a great degree.

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