Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Of course, the banksters are parasitical folks just like you. Thing is, you see a big difference between the democrat horde and the bankers, while I am able to correctly identify both are parasites.

Again, you are kind of retarded, I know your learning disability makes it hard to understand concepts...

If a kid shows promise in HS, then, yes, he has earned the right to a college degree. The problem is, we don't make it available on merit, we make it available on ability to pay for it... and that's the problem.

The problem for you s0n is you never attach any costs to this stuff. Like any good progressive, costs dont matter. But that's why your type are in the distinct minority.....most people weigh costs in life.

Progressive ideas never get political traction because the dont attend to thinking on the margin....because they CANT!! Thankfully for the masses, most people do think on the margin.....so costs matter!

Well of course he does not. The costs are for other people.
The reason socialized medicine won't work in the US is because there's no consensus that it's what we should do. Lots of people think it's a bad idea and are willing to fight against it. Even if the majoritarians manage to slam it through, the opposition will work to undermine it - as we've seen with ACA.

Lots of people only think it's a bad idea because the insurance companies have been filling their brains with bullshit for 40 years.
The reason socialized medicine won't work in the US is because there's no consensus that it's what we should do. Lots of people think it's a bad idea and are willing to fight against it. Even if the majoritarians manage to slam it through, the opposition will work to undermine it - as we've seen with ACA.

Lots of people only think it's a bad idea because the insurance companies have been filling their brains with bullshit for 40 years.

Ok. My answer still stands. Until you manage to change their minds, attempting to take over health care with government will be a bloody mess.

The problem for you s0n is you never attach any costs to this stuff. Like any good progressive, costs dont matter. But that's why your type are in the distinct minority.....most people weigh costs in life.

Progressive ideas never get political traction because the dont attend to thinking on the margin....because they CANT!! Thankfully for the masses, most people do think on the margin.....so costs matter!

Well of course he does not. The costs are for other people.

I see you were responding to spam-bot...

The thing is, with health care and education- the costs are already being spent, just not smartly. For what we spend on college right now, we could educate everyone who needs to be educated, and we could treat everyone who needs to be treated.

We just don't because there are too many people makingmoney off the status quo.
Ok. My answer still stands. Until you manage to change their minds, attempting to take over health care with government will be a bloody mess.

Yeah, I know, you guys always threaten violence when you don't get your way...

Taking it over is easy. You can keep paying your co-pays or you can sign on to this government program... and oh, yeah, we are going to stop letting your boss deduct your insurance costs because we have the government program now.

The problem for you s0n is you never attach any costs to this stuff. Like any good progressive, costs dont matter. But that's why your type are in the distinct minority.....most people weigh costs in life.

Progressive ideas never get political traction because the dont attend to thinking on the margin....because they CANT!! Thankfully for the masses, most people do think on the margin.....so costs matter!

Well of course he does not. The costs are for other people.

I see you were responding to spam-bot...

The thing is, with health care and education- the costs are already being spent, just not smartly. For what we spend on college right now, we could educate everyone who needs to be educated, and we could treat everyone who needs to be treated.

We just don't because there are too many people makingmoney off the status quo.

Yeah the costs are being paid for those who use the services.

You are a parasite so you want to offload the costs to those who do not use the services.

Any American will refuse to pay a cent towards your gender studies indoctrination nonsense. College is for smart people, not for those who even after 5 years of university education can not even tell the difference between a man and a woman, something a five year old can do.
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And they have the high taxes to show for it and let's not forget the government gets to tell you what procedures are necessary and will throw you on a waiting list for eternity

1) You will still get your procedure, unlike 25% of Americans with no or inadequate insurance.
2) Taxes would be a lot more fairly apportioned than payments are now.

You probably did not read the policy

I didn't own the policy, my employer did, and that's the problem. What I did do is pay for the premiums and then get ripped off.

Simple solution. Single Payer. Everyone gets covered.
You still were able to read the coverage and you didn't have to use your employers insurance

And single payer gives everyone the same shitty coverage

And it has also been a failure in other countries

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The reason socialized medicine won't work in the US is because there's no consensus that it's what we should do. Lots of people think it's a bad idea and are willing to fight against it. Even if the majoritarians manage to slam it through, the opposition will work to undermine it - as we've seen with ACA.

Lots of people only think it's a bad idea because the insurance companies have been filling their brains with bullshit for 40 years.
Only fools think paying into a pool will solve anything… It just invites fraud
The reason socialized medicine won't work in the US is because there's no consensus that it's what we should do. Lots of people think it's a bad idea and are willing to fight against it. Even if the majoritarians manage to slam it through, the opposition will work to undermine it - as we've seen with ACA.

Lots of people only think it's a bad idea because the insurance companies have been filling their brains with bullshit for 40 years.
Only fools think paying into a pool will solve anything… It just invites fraud

JoeB is a communist, so he is not being honest.

I think he is one of those people who just wants to see those around him burn.
And they have the high taxes to show for it and let's not forget the government gets to tell you what procedures are necessary and will throw you on a waiting list for eternity

1) You will still get your procedure, unlike 25% of Americans with no or inadequate insurance.
2) Taxes would be a lot more fairly apportioned than payments are now.

You probably did not read the policy

I didn't own the policy, my employer did, and that's the problem. What I did do is pay for the premiums and then get ripped off.

Simple solution. Single Payer. Everyone gets covered.
You still were able to read the coverage and you didn't have to use your employers insurance

And single payer gives everyone the same shitty coverage

Ask Bernie how well his single payer insurance worked in VT

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Ok. My answer still stands. Until you manage to change their minds, attempting to take over health care with government will be a bloody mess.

Yeah, I know, you guys always threaten violence when you don't get your way...
Piss off. I didn't say anything about violence. I'm merely pointing out that major changes to society don't stick unless there's real consensus. Trying to force it on people without that consensus will create more problems than it solves.
You still were able to read the coverage and you didn't have to use your employers insurance

And single payer gives everyone the same shitty coverage

And it has also been a failure in other countries

Funny, no one in those countries are clamoring for "American Style" health systems... they know our system sucks.

My health care should not rely on being able to win a rigged game with a crooked insurance company.

JoeB is a communist, so he is not being honest.

I think he is one of those people who just wants to see those around him burn.

Hey, Buddy... the 1950s called, it wants its irrational fear back.
You still were able to read the coverage and you didn't have to use your employers insurance

And single payer gives everyone the same shitty coverage

And it has also been a failure in other countries

Funny, no one in those countries are clamoring for "American Style" health systems... they know our system sucks.

My health care should not rely on being able to win a rigged game with a crooked insurance company.

JoeB is a communist, so he is not being honest.

I think he is one of those people who just wants to see those around him burn.

Hey, Buddy... the 1950s called, it wants its irrational fear back.

Are you idolizing the all white countries again?

Maybe it is time to move if you feel that way JoeB. I am not paying for the health care of the democrat horde, end of discussion. I might pay for the health care of those close to me, but a communist like you who would wish me dead, I rather leave to die.
Are you idolizing the all white countries again?

Maybe it is time to move if you feel that way JoeB. I am not paying for the health care of the democrat horde, end of discussion

You're not going to have a choice, buddy. Eventually, your side will lose.

Your side hasn't won a straight up national election since 1988. Old white people are dying off, young people of color are rising...

You will lose. Deal with it. Trump was your last desperate gasp for air.
Piss off. I didn't say anything about violence. I'm merely pointing out that major changes to society don't stick unless there's real consensus. Trying to force it on people without that consensus will create more problems than it solves.

If we waited for "Consensus", we'd have never made any progress.

Bullshit, and you know it. Society doesn't change unless there is broad agreement that it should. Government follows society, not the other
way around.
Are you idolizing the all white countries again?

Maybe it is time to move if you feel that way JoeB. I am not paying for the health care of the democrat horde, end of discussion

You're not going to have a choice, buddy. Eventually, your side will lose.

Eventually, we all lose. But your fascist wet dreams won't be as easy to pull off as you're hoping. Plenty of us will fight it.
You still were able to read the coverage and you didn't have to use your employers insurance

And single payer gives everyone the same shitty coverage

And it has also been a failure in other countries

Funny, no one in those countries are clamoring for "American Style" health systems... they know our system sucks.

My health care should not rely on being able to win a rigged game with a crooked insurance company.

JoeB is a communist, so he is not being honest.

I think he is one of those people who just wants to see those around him burn.

Hey, Buddy... the 1950s called, it wants its irrational fear back.
I have never had a problem with my insurance but then again I pay for it myself and I read the policy

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I understand the truth and facts are, I think you meant irrelevant, to you.

The vast majority of citizens like their health insurance. That does not translate to the people demanding what is a proven failure, government health care.

Um, yeah, let's look at that.


Sorry, when you are up there with the Airlines and Cable services with customer disatisfaction, not so much.

In fact, more people are satisfied with Medicare than Private insurance.


You're actually throwing up a chart from 2002 to prove your point? Really? You're a joke!

Here are the current FACTS. Read it and weep!

Sorry, Liz and Bernie: Fully 84 Percent of Insured Americans Are 'Satisfied' With Their Existing Healthcare Coverage
Guy Benson
Posted: Oct 30, 2019 10:35 AM

The overwhelming majority of Americans (91 percent) have health insurance coverage, and the overwhelming majority (84 percent) of those Americans are satisfied overall with their coverage, according to new polling data.

Sorry, Liz and Bernie: Fully 84 Percent of Insured Americans Are 'Satisfied' With Their Existing Healthcare Coverage


SEAN MORAN 1 Jul 2019

A CNN poll released Monday found that 57 percent of Americans oppose any Democrat efforts to completely eliminate Americans’ private health insurance in favor of a Medicare for All-style government healthcare program.

A CNN poll released Monday found that 57 percent of Americans said that the government should not enact a program, such as Medicare for All, that would completely eliminate private health insurance, compared to 37 percent of those who said that they should scrap private health insurance, and six percent of those polled who had no opinion.

Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose Scrapping Private Health Insurance


Before you whine about my sources, PROVE that my facts are wrong. As you do, try not to use 20-year-old sources, try something from 2019.
Same place they come from now...

Where we won't waste money- 9 Figure CEO salaries, dividends for stockholders, unnecessary ER Treatments for the poor, six people in every doctor's office trying to figure out all the insurance plans... These things add nothing to health care, but they cost money.

Also, because people can get prompt treatment for things, they'll treat those ailments a lot earlier before they blow up into somethingmore serious.


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