Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

Actually, two thing that should have happened was adding a public option and allowing a Medicare Buy in for people over 55. This would have solved MOST of the problems the ACA had, but Conservative Democrats like Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) and that fake Democrat Jim Webb opposed these common sense changes. These problems WOULD have been solved in conference normally but then Ted Kennedy passed away.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Funny, the only people I heard who claimed that they couldn't afford ObamaCare programs are the same racist assholes who wouldn't let a black man pull them up from a cliff. Funny how that works.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Obama wanted no mandate with a public option- which would work better. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed annual cap 90 free tests. Got problems- fix it. It is a basic framework I will be added to and tinkered with forever like all other health systems.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Obama wanted no mandate with a public option- which would work better. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed annual cap 90 free tests. Got problems- fix it. It is a basic framework I will be added to and tinkered with forever like all other health systems.

No, he didn't. Obama signed a plan with a mandate. If B. Hussein O didn't want a mandate, he would have veto'ed the travesty.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctorwithout screwing it up themselves by getting the wrong insurance Network. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after he promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

What is your explanation for Europe's economic problems. They are as Progressive/Socialists as it gets. I can give you a clue...high taxes and entitlements are killing their economies.
They do just fine without our advantages of natural resources and GOP dupes willing to work without vacations daycare living wage etc etc, at least until the Republicans ruin the world economy again.... Now they have 7 million refugees from Syria, a problem the United States caused and took absolutely no responsibility for. Before you argue, please try to remember that everything you know is wrong.

The GOP is responsible for Europe's economic failures? Now I have heardt it all. Newsflash, their liberal policies are the cause of their failure. Remember Greece? That is what government dependence will get you and that is exactly what the left is pushing in this country. They need useful idiots and there is a growing number in this country. Wake up.
Greek and Spanish investors went along with the GOP real estate bubble and paid for it, dumbass. Yes the GOP started the 2008 World depression with their corrupt deregulation and oversight of the real estate industry. Just like they caused the Great Depression with their 10% buying on margin. Every time the GOP is in for 8 years they cause a bubble and bust Scandal and a Great recession or S+L recession. The GOP is the swamp and always has been. And have always had dupes. Used to be the silent majority now they are the loudmouth brainwashed majority.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Guaranteed Healthcare costs more than a GOP scam system that cut you off if you really need it. Have you heard of expanded medicaid? Costs nothing for the poor or indigent.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Guaranteed Healthcare costs more than a GOP scam system that cut you off if you really need it. Have you heard of expanded medicaid? Costs nothing for the poor or indigent.

I am all for helping the poor and indigent. But this is only a small slice of Americana. Asking me for money to help those in destitution is fine. But making me change my entire life around, and have to follow all kinds of crazy new "Rules", and getting in between me and my doctors or me and my insurance company, that isn't ok at all.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Guaranteed Healthcare costs more than a GOP scam system that cut you off if you really need it. Have you heard of expanded medicaid? Costs nothing for the poor or indigent.

I am all for helping the poor and indigent. But this is only a small slice of Americana. Asking me for money to help those in destitution is fine. But making me change my entire life around, and have to follow all kinds of crazy new "Rules", and getting in between me and my doctors or me and my insurance company, that isn't ok at all.

I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Guaranteed Healthcare costs more than a GOP scam system that cut you off if you really need it. Have you heard of expanded medicaid? Costs nothing for the poor or indigent.

I am all for helping the poor and indigent. But this is only a small slice of Americana. Asking me for money to help those in destitution is fine. But making me change my entire life around, and have to follow all kinds of crazy new "Rules", and getting in between me and my doctors or me and my insurance company, that isn't ok at all.

yes making sure that people with pre-existing conditions can get insurance, making sure your insurance company can't cut you off so if you get sick or have a bad accident, and subsidies so the people can afford their health care is just horrible horrible. The only problem with our health system is GOP sabotage and the costs that are ridiculous after having a GOP scam system forever.
I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

Actually, two thing that should have happened was adding a public option and allowing a Medicare Buy in for people over 55. This would have solved MOST of the problems the ACA had, but Conservative Democrats like Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) and that fake Democrat Jim Webb opposed these common sense changes. These problems WOULD have been solved in conference normally but then Ted Kennedy passed away.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Funny, the only people I heard who claimed that they couldn't afford ObamaCare programs are the same racist assholes who wouldn't let a black man pull them up from a cliff. Funny how that works.

Myself and a co-worker priced it years ago and it was ridiculously high, including the deductables. A friend of mine, who voted for Obama and supported Obamacare told me that he was shocked that his sisters Obamacare was so cheap(she have very little income) while his was unaffordable, despite him being in the lower income bracket. I told him exactly what I told him before. Obamacare is just a big welfare scheme. Those with income pay for those that don't. I believe it finally hit home.

This has nothing to do with racism. You guys need a new schtick. I would like to point out the only potentially racist thing in this thread is your reference to Joe Liberman as Liberjew.
Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctorwithout screwing it up themselves by getting the wrong insurance Network. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after he promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

What is your explanation for Europe's economic problems. They are as Progressive/Socialists as it gets. I can give you a clue...high taxes and entitlements are killing their economies.
They do just fine without our advantages of natural resources and GOP dupes willing to work without vacations daycare living wage etc etc, at least until the Republicans ruin the world economy again.... Now they have 7 million refugees from Syria, a problem the United States caused and took absolutely no responsibility for. Before you argue, please try to remember that everything you know is wrong.

The GOP is responsible for Europe's economic failures? Now I have heardt it all. Newsflash, their liberal policies are the cause of their failure. Remember Greece? That is what government dependence will get you and that is exactly what the left is pushing in this country. They need useful idiots and there is a growing number in this country. Wake up.
Greek and Spanish investors went along with the GOP real estate bubble and paid for it, dumbass. Yes the GOP started the 2008 World depression with their corrupt deregulation and oversight of the real estate industry. Just like they caused the Great Depression with their 10% buying on margin. Every time the GOP is in for 8 years they cause a bubble and bust Scandal and a Great recession or S+L recession. The GOP is the swamp and always has been. And have always had dupes. Used to be the silent majority now they are the loudmouth brainwashed majority.

Wow...idiocy personified. Europe is full of leftist and their economic policies are just as you want here. Their economies are terrible and are dragging the world down, including the US. The lefts's esponse is for the US to adopt the same failing policies as Europe and everything will be fixed. One thing we can't fix is stupid. We can only hope to keep them from gaining power.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Obama wanted no mandate with a public option- which would work better. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed annual cap 90 free tests. Got problems- fix it. It is a basic framework I will be added to and tinkered with forever like all other health systems.

No, he didn't. Obama signed a plan with a mandate. If B. Hussein O didn't want a mandate, he would have veto'ed the travesty.

He did not want the mandate but there would have been no obamacare if the insurance companies had not said they would not participate without the mandate.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

Obama wanted no mandate with a public option- which would work better. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed annual cap 90 free tests. Got problems- fix it. It is a basic framework I will be added to and tinkered with forever like all other health systems.

No, he didn't. Obama signed a plan with a mandate. If B. Hussein O didn't want a mandate, he would have veto'ed the travesty.

He did not want the mandate but there would have been no obamacare if the insurance companies had not said they would not participate without the mandate.

Obama *said* he didn't want the mandate, because he knew the mandate was unpopular with the people.

But if he really didn't want it, he would have insisted on a plan without it. At that point in time, he had overwhelming margins in congress and could do whatever the hell he wanted to.
Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.
Obama wanted no mandate with a public option- which would work better. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed annual cap 90 free tests. Got problems- fix it. It is a basic framework I will be added to and tinkered with forever like all other health systems.

No, he didn't. Obama signed a plan with a mandate. If B. Hussein O didn't want a mandate, he would have veto'ed the travesty.

He did not want the mandate but there would have been no obamacare if the insurance companies had not said they would not participate without the mandate.

Obama *said* he didn't want the mandate, because he knew the mandate was unpopular with the people.

But if he really didn't want it, he would have insisted on a plan without it. At that point in time, he had overwhelming margins in congress and could do whatever the hell he wanted to.
Bologna. he had exactly the number he needed in the Senate and Lieberman was a pain in the neck. He had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days in session super duper not your ridiculous propaganda. No you cannot blame anything on his policies passed in the Senate- there were none b-side ACA and the stimulus which worked perfectly. In the middle of a massive corrupt GOP economic meltdown, a world depression to be succinct. It cost us 8 trillion dollars or so to avert a selling apples on the corner scenario... None of which do you idiots know. It cost the EU the same. sub-Saharan Africa just had a depression, all those black people trying to get to the EU through Libya. Great job dingbat.
I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.
Obama wanted no mandate with a public option- which would work better. 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. Guaranteed annual cap 90 free tests. Got problems- fix it. It is a basic framework I will be added to and tinkered with forever like all other health systems.

No, he didn't. Obama signed a plan with a mandate. If B. Hussein O didn't want a mandate, he would have veto'ed the travesty.

He did not want the mandate but there would have been no obamacare if the insurance companies had not said they would not participate without the mandate.

Obama *said* he didn't want the mandate, because he knew the mandate was unpopular with the people.

But if he really didn't want it, he would have insisted on a plan without it. At that point in time, he had overwhelming margins in congress and could do whatever the hell he wanted to.
Bologna. he had exactly the number he needed in the Senate and Lieberman was a pain in the neck. He had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days in session super duper not your ridiculous propaganda. No you cannot blame anything on his policies passed in the Senate- there were none b-side ACA and the stimulus which worked perfectly. In the middle of a massive corrupt GOP economic meltdown, a world depression to be succinct. It cost us 8 trillion dollars or so to avert a selling apples on the corner scenario... None of which do you idiots know. It cost the EU the same. sub-Saharan Africa just had a depression, all those black people trying to get to the EU through Libya. Great job dingbat.

The Obama Stimulus was a failure, Franco.

By the time it was passed, the recession was already over.

The Stimulus was supposed to provide millions of Shovel Ready Jobs to cure the unemployment problem. Its goals were twofold. End unemployment and fix the Infrastructure. Libs are still bitching about Infrastructure (although they walked out on their president during the big infrastructure summit) and it took Trump to establish new lows in unemployment rates.
Wow...idiocy personified. Europe is full of leftist and their economic policies are just as you want here. Their economies are terrible and are dragging the world down, including the US. The lefts's esponse is for the US to adopt the same failing policies as Europe and everything will be fixed. One thing we can't fix is stupid. We can only hope to keep them from gaining power.

Here's why they are going to inevitably happen.

40% of the country controls less than 1% of the wealth. They have No interest in your system. European Socialism- give them more of that.

The next 20% controls about 4% of the wealth. Which means they are okay with "White People Welfare" like Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Veteran's benefits.

The next 20% controls 7% of the wealth. They are probably fifty-fifty on your system.

The last 20% is doing well, but they are only 20%. Some of them are decent enough human beings to not say, "I've got mine, fuck you" , which seems to be your attitude.
Wow...idiocy personified. Europe is full of leftist and their economic policies are just as you want here. Their economies are terrible and are dragging the world down, including the US. The lefts's esponse is for the US to adopt the same failing policies as Europe and everything will be fixed. One thing we can't fix is stupid. We can only hope to keep them from gaining power.

Here's why they are going to inevitably happen.

40% of the country controls less than 1% of the wealth. They have No interest in your system. European Socialism- give them more of that.

The next 20% controls about 4% of the wealth. Which means they are okay with "White People Welfare" like Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Veteran's benefits.

The next 20% controls 7% of the wealth. They are probably fifty-fifty on your system.

The last 20% is doing well, but they are only 20%. Some of them are decent enough human beings to not say, "I've got mine, fuck you" , which seems to be your attitude.

The 40% that wants a handout needs to move to another country. The US was not built on laziness and dependency. That seems to be where you party is coming from. "Free" stuff and don't want ot work for it.

If my get Social Security, I will NEVER get back what we paid into it. There are caps on what married couples can get back, despite what they have paid in. The extra money we paid is welfare for that 40% above because they deserve money in retirement even if they never worked or put much into it and that group is made. Since you bring race into the equation once again, black people benefit at a large percentage from this welfare and from MY money. Medicare is the same way, however, it is more plausible that I could use much of that benefit, health and life expectancy dependant. Neither insurance nor Veterans benefits are welfare. One is paid for and the other is earned.

We are in the last 20% and I would be willing to bet we give more money to charities than the average Democrats in the same economic category. One of the reasons we are in the top 20% is that we are smart enough to recognize that the government is inefficient and mis-quided. Case in point, listen to the Democratic candidates for President. They want to take money from people that made it and GIVE it to those that didn't earn it. That is short-sighted and ignorant. They are playing to the 40% you mention above. The lazy, uniniformed, uneducated, envious children in our country.

One thing you are correct about. If the Democrats can pull enough dead heads and apologists from the 60% to that 40% you mention above, they will have free reign and will win every election. Continue to promise free stuff to the 40% and play to the emotions and ignorance of the other 60% and they win. They are getting closer and closer to this every year. I blame indoctrination and a much slower(if ever) maturation process.
The 40% that wants a handout needs to move to another country. The US was not built on laziness and dependency. That seems to be where you party is coming from. "Free" stuff and don't want ot work for it.

Or they want what they work for. Your party looks for new ways to exploit working folks, and that's the problem.

I'd have no problem with every American having a guaranteed job rather than welfare. The One Percenters would have lots of problems with it, of course.

If my get Social Security, I will NEVER get back what we paid into it. There are caps on what married couples can get back, despite what they have paid in.

There are also caps on what you pay in, not that anyone believes you are as rich as you claim.

We are in the last 20% and I would be willing to bet we give more money to charities than the average Democrats in the same economic category

Who cares? Again, not that anyone believes you, but the fact is, that is just 20% that benefit from the wealth inequality in this country. Eventually, you'll run out of tricks to play on the 80% of who would be fine with wealth redistribution.
The 40% that wants a handout needs to move to another country. The US was not built on laziness and dependency. That seems to be where you party is coming from. "Free" stuff and don't want ot work for it.

Or they want what they work for. Your party looks for new ways to exploit working folks, and that's the problem.

I'd have no problem with every American having a guaranteed job rather than welfare. The One Percenters would have lots of problems with it, of course.

If my get Social Security, I will NEVER get back what we paid into it. There are caps on what married couples can get back, despite what they have paid in.

There are also caps on what you pay in, not that anyone believes you are as rich as you claim.

We are in the last 20% and I would be willing to bet we give more money to charities than the average Democrats in the same economic category

Who cares? Again, not that anyone believes you, but the fact is, that is just 20% that benefit from the wealth inequality in this country. Eventually, you'll run out of tricks to play on the 80% of who would be fine with wealth redistribution.

Nah. Under socialism the capitalists are replaced by politicians. But the numbers stay the same. Twenty percent (likely less) would still have control over most of society's wealth. Likely, many of them, the same people controlling it now.
Nah. Under socialism the capitalists are replaced by politicians. But the numbers stay the same. Twenty percent (likely less) would still have control over most of society's wealth. Likely, many of them, the same people controlling it now.

Okay... you keep telling yourself that and pretending the rest of the industrialized world doesn't exist because the Koch Brothers haven't told you about them.

Still waiting for Option 4... you know, the one where you don't dutifully die when your expenses exceed your ability to pay them.
The 40% that wants a handout needs to move to another country. The US was not built on laziness and dependency. That seems to be where you party is coming from. "Free" stuff and don't want ot work for it.

Or they want what they work for. Your party looks for new ways to exploit working folks, and that's the problem.

I'd have no problem with every American having a guaranteed job rather than welfare. The One Percenters would have lots of problems with it, of course.

If my get Social Security, I will NEVER get back what we paid into it. There are caps on what married couples can get back, despite what they have paid in.

There are also caps on what you pay in, not that anyone believes you are as rich as you claim.

We are in the last 20% and I would be willing to bet we give more money to charities than the average Democrats in the same economic category

Who cares? Again, not that anyone believes you, but the fact is, that is just 20% that benefit from the wealth inequality in this country. Eventually, you'll run out of tricks to play on the 80% of who would be fine with wealth redistribution.

Many of the 40% you speak of don't pay taxes at all, don't work or pay very little tax because of their low income. It is isn't about keeping what they worked for, that is what the Republicans want. Democrats want to take what others have worked for and "redistribute" it to those that didn't earn it.

Again, I don't care what you believe about me, but one this is for sure, you don't understand caps for Social Securty. Yes, there are caps for what each individual pays in, but not for what a couple pays in. The is a maximum family beneift which will prevent my wife and I from both getting paid on what we both put in. Just one of many things us "rich" folks forfit.

For example, can't contribute to a Roth IRA, because, you know, that wouldn't be fair to allow us to grow pre-taxed money in a tax shelter like others can do. There are a litany of things my accountant is always lementing about. The ones bearing most of the tax burden are not the ultra-wealthy as they have many ways to skirt the system, it is the regular upper-middle to upper classes. We paid about 26% effective rate last year, while the bottom 50% paid an average of 3.7%.

Of course the bottom 20% are fine with wealth distrubution. It is human nature to be envious. They support the government stealing from others to give to them. The ole' Robin Hood approach. Move to Europe if this is your philosophy. Stop trying to change the US into Europe. I have no idea why you would willfully choose to emulate countries that are inferior to the US. If the bottom 20% want handouts, they should try walking into Europe and signing up. I know New Zealand(not in Europe but good example) won't allow such nonsense because they recognize they can't support every person in the world who feels entitled.
Many of the 40% you speak of don't pay taxes at all, don't work or pay very little tax because of their low income. It is isn't about keeping what they worked for, that is what the Republicans want. Democrats want to take what others have worked for and "redistribute" it to those that didn't earn it.

Again, if the distribution were fair to start with, there would be no need to redistribute it.

Most of the 40% have jobs... but they have low income because the rich exploit them.

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth... They did NOT do 43% of the work.

Now, my idea of "Fair" would be to take everything the rich have and then harvest them for transplant organs... but that would be harsh...

Of course the bottom 20% are fine with wealth distrubution. It is human nature to be envious. They support the government stealing from others to give to them. The ole' Robin Hood approach. Move to Europe if this is your philosophy. Stop trying to change the US into Europe. I have no idea why you would willfully choose to emulate countries that are inferior to the US.

Because they aren't inferior. America is the most ignorant,racist, ass-backward country in the world. The only reason why you guys get away with what you do is you convince too many of the bottom 80% that you are RIGHT WITH JAY-A-ZUS, when Trump does to the working class what he did to Stormy Daniels...

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