Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

LOL...you believe the Democratic dribble. It is a pollyanna pipe dream, but lemmings will follow them right off the cliff.
25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

LOL...you believe the Democratic dribble. It is a pollyanna pipe dream, but lemmings will follow them right off the cliff.
Every other modern country has it dumbass the only thing holding us up here is the scumbag GOP and brainwashed morons like you. Who do you think passed Medicaid Medicare Social Security etc etc. Democrats always. Republicans have managed to obstruct democrats for 38 years.they passed the reconciliation act of 1974 which allows them to cut taxes on the rich and services on everyone else with only 51 votes in the Senate, and we are running on the GOP filibuster rule which means one senator can block anything and it take 60 votes for reform. next time the nuclear option and see whether the GOP has the balls to repeal a living wage and cheap college in training Health Care daycare help etc etc are you so stupid or just brainwashed? And the word is drivel
25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctorwithout screwing it up themselves by getting the wrong insurance Network. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after he promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it
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You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctor. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after you promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

Actually, the state of California borrowed countless billions for the rail project infrastructure. All money down the toilet.
Obamacare premiums are going down 4% again this year despite all your sabotage and misinformation. Fix it now go after costs which are the real problem after having a GOP scam system forever.
Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctor. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after you promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

Actually, the state of California borrowed countless billions for the rail project infrastructure. All money down the toilet.
Great job GOP! Who needs infrastructure anyway LOL
The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctor. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after you promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

Actually, the state of California borrowed countless billions for the rail project infrastructure. All money down the toilet.
Great job GOP! Who needs infrastructure anyway LOL

You don't get it , I am talking about Democrat California, and their failed infrastructure program.

Went billions and billions over budget, and now will just be going 60 miles through metropolitan Fresno and not even come close to LA or Frisco.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.
A large number of those Americans didn't want coverage, decided to do without as they were young and/or healthy. And for the large majority of those people it was the correct decision. They didn't not incur significant medical bills.

Others in that 25% figure would have qualified for charity care or medicaid coverage if they did end up in the hospital. If they didn't incur medical bills, what difference should it make to anyone else. It is a free country you know, or at least its supposed to be.

Whenever a Wingnut talks about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

This is where I suspect you are fucking retarded. Yes, they can go into an ER. They are then assessed a huge debt, that follow them around for the rest of their lives because they can't pay it. That limits their ability to get loans for homes, cars or even the ability to get a better paying job.

MEANWHILE, The Medical-Industrial Complex takes those costs and passes it along to the rest of us who have insurance, which is why I got charged $100 for a liquid tylanol dose after my knee surgery.

The thing was, I was more Republican than you were until my employer and Cigna fucked me over in 2008. I didn't need Democrats to convince me of "Class Warfare", the warfare came to me.
A large number of those Americans didn't want coverage, decided to do without as they were young and/or healthy. And for the large majority of those people it was the correct decision. They didn't not incur significant medical bills.

Others in that 25% figure would have qualified for charity care or medicaid coverage if they did end up in the hospital. If they didn't incur medical bills, what difference should it make to anyone else. It is a free country you know, or at least its supposed to be.

Whenever a Wingnut talks about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

This is where I suspect you are fucking retarded. Yes, they can go into an ER. They are then assessed a huge debt, that follow them around for the rest of their lives because they can't pay it. That limits their ability to get loans for homes, cars or even the ability to get a better paying job.

MEANWHILE, The Medical-Industrial Complex takes those costs and passes it along to the rest of us who have insurance, which is why I got charged $100 for a liquid tylanol dose after my knee surgery.

The thing was, I was more Republican than you were until my employer and Cigna fucked me over in 2008. I didn't need Democrats to convince me of "Class Warfare", the warfare came to me.

Sorry you are simply incorrect. They aren't assessed a huge debt. Those who have nothing do not pay for ER visits. You also fail to address the fact that free clinics exist as well.

My insurance ifrom Cignna is fantastic. Dental could be better, but still no complaints. Even in the case of a catastrophic illness, my max out of pocket won't break me.
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You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctorwithout screwing it up themselves by getting the wrong insurance Network. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after he promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

What is your explanation for Europe's economic problems. They are as Progressive/Socialists as it gets. I can give you a clue...high taxes and entitlements are killing their economies.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

What a load of crap, super duper. They gave people choice which Americans demand.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....
A large number of those Americans didn't want coverage, decided to do without as they were young and/or healthy. And for the large majority of those people it was the correct decision. They didn't not incur significant medical bills.

Others in that 25% figure would have qualified for charity care or medicaid coverage if they did end up in the hospital. If they didn't incur medical bills, what difference should it make to anyone else. It is a free country you know, or at least its supposed to be.

Whenever a Wingnut talks about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

This is where I suspect you are fucking retarded. Yes, they can go into an ER. They are then assessed a huge debt, that follow them around for the rest of their lives because they can't pay it. That limits their ability to get loans for homes, cars or even the ability to get a better paying job.

MEANWHILE, The Medical-Industrial Complex takes those costs and passes it along to the rest of us who have insurance, which is why I got charged $100 for a liquid tylanol dose after my knee surgery.

The thing was, I was more Republican than you were until my employer and Cigna fucked me over in 2008. I didn't need Democrats to convince me of "Class Warfare", the warfare came to me.

Sorry you are simply incorrect. They aren't assessed a huge debt. Those who have nothing do not pay for ER visits. You also fail to address the fact that free clinics exist as well.

My insurance ifrom Cignna is fantastic. Dental could be better, but still no complaints. Even in the case of a catastrophic illness, my max out of pocket won't break me.
Of course everyone is charged for ER. Except for illegals who have no address etc etc but are here thanks to the GOP refusal of an ID card like other modern countries have.
Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctorwithout screwing it up themselves by getting the wrong insurance Network. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after he promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

What is your explanation for Europe's economic problems. They are as Progressive/Socialists as it gets. I can give you a clue...high taxes and entitlements are killing their economies.
They do just fine without our advantages of natural resources and GOP dupes willing to work without vacations daycare living wage etc etc, at least until the Republicans ruin the world economy again.... Now they have 7 million refugees from Syria, a problem the United States caused and took absolutely no responsibility for. Before you argue, please try to remember that everything you know is wrong.
Sorry you are simply incorrect. They aren't assessed a huge debt. Those who have nothing do not pay for ER visits. You also fail to address the fact that free clinics exist as well.

No need to... there aren't enough of them.

As for the way that an ER visit can bankrupt you..

"I read 1,182 emergency room bills this year. Here’s what I learned."


My insurance ifrom Cignna is fantastic. Dental could be better, but still no complaints. Even in the case of a catastrophic illness, my max out of pocket won't break me.

My Insurance from Cigna cured me of Republicans...
The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.
Yes once again no federal money for infrastructure thanks GOP.

only brainwashed functional morons believe he meant $2,500 savings immediately. Another few years and will be true. I have yet to meet anybody who lost the doctorwithout screwing it up themselves by getting the wrong insurance Network. Of course the plans were changed in 5 years after he promised that. We had another corrupt GOP bubble and bust World depression in between etc etc. But don't worry about intelligence or reality. If you don't like it fix it

What is your explanation for Europe's economic problems. They are as Progressive/Socialists as it gets. I can give you a clue...high taxes and entitlements are killing their economies.
They do just fine without our advantages of natural resources and GOP dupes willing to work without vacations daycare living wage etc etc, at least until the Republicans ruin the world economy again.... Now they have 7 million refugees from Syria, a problem the United States caused and took absolutely no responsibility for. Before you argue, please try to remember that everything you know is wrong.

The GOP is responsible for Europe's economic failures? Now I have heardt it all. Newsflash, their liberal policies are the cause of their failure. Remember Greece? That is what government dependence will get you and that is exactly what the left is pushing in this country. They need useful idiots and there is a growing number in this country. Wake up.
The GOP is responsible for Europe's economic failures? Now I have heardt i all. Newsflash, their liberal policies are the cause of their failure. Remember Greece? That is what government dependence will get you and that is exactly what the left is pushing in this country. They need useful idiots and there is a growing number in this country. Wake up.

Um, no. What caused Greece's problems was that they joined the EU, and the Germans screwed them. That's what happened to Greece. That and they spent far more than what they could afford hosting the 2004 Olympics..
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.

As you know, repealing the mandate rightfully gutted Obamacare.

Thanks for showing Obama did not want to mandate. Do you watch the spam you spew? He just made it affordable with subsidies and expanded medicaid. And only total brainwashed irresponsible morons wouldn't want it... So fix it and go after the ridiculous cost we have after having a GOP insurer GOP doctors scam forever....

I don't think you are capable of understanding simple concepts. Let me try to help you. Obama had to know that a mandate was going to be needed, without a public option. He just didn't want to admit it. The public option would simply be an expansion of Medicare or Medicaid. Obamacare not necessary.

As far as affordability of Obamacare, those hurt the most were the ones who had no private insurance through their employer but did decent, not necessairly great, income. Those with very little or not income got bargain basement Obamacare insurance. Those that had below average + incomes paid through the nose and it was cheaper to pay the fines than to have Obamacare. I priced out Obamacare for my family years ago. We have a very good income, but the insurance costs would have been ridiculous. We would be subsidizing those who were paying nothing or very little. On top of al of this, Obamacare changed the rules so people could not longer just purchase catastrophic plans, making in unaffordable. The whole thing was a big joke and not well thought out.

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