Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


1. Private insurance has lied to the American people for generations. It has lead to a 33% administration cost to American consumers. Once Americans learn about "hassle free healthcare" - with no copays, no pre-approvals, and no paperwork, they'll love it as much as the rest of the world does. Everything that Americans fear about publically funded healthcare, is a lie.

2. Doctors won't have to deal with insurance companies, either for pre-approvals or payment. They can spend more time with patients. Instead of having to bill 1000 different insurance companies, and having to hire a third party billing and collections company to do his paperwork, his receptionist can handle all of that. The doctor sends out one bill a month and the cheques come like clockwork. As a doctor who has practiced in both countries said, "I made more money in the USA, but I kept more of what I made in Canada. Doctors still make a tremendous amount of money.

3. You can still buy private or semi-private rooms, and full time private nursing, if you can afford it. The wealthy still get better care. My very wealthy friend's family hired 24 hour round the clock nurses when their father was in hospice, and kept him at home, where he died peacefully. No one is concerned about what the wealthy do - they'll always be able to get care. We care about the 99% of people who aren't wealthy and can't otherwise afford care.

4. Every other first world nation in the world manages to do this. What you're saying is that Americans are too stupid to see the sanity and cost savings in single payer. I happen to think Americans are smarter that you do.

1) You are simply misinformed. The wait times are a real issue and would be exponentially worse in the US, particularly if the Democrats continue to decide to provide healthcare to whoever decides to walk across our border. That is pure idiocy.

2) Doctors don't worry about the administrative cost anyway unless they work for themselves, which is the minority. Doctors will not keep more of what they make because, on top of getting rid of private healthcare, they also want to raise taxes on the wealthy. Guess who falls into that category.

3) Do you think it is fair that those who pay into healthcare via tax don't deserve to get more out of it in terms of frills(private rooms, etc? It is ok with you for a person who has not paid much if any into the system gets the same luxuries as a person who makes 500k/yr? Forget the quality of care, I am ok with all having the same, but the frills should be reserved for those that paid for them. I have a serious problem with paying a large portion of my taxes towards healthcare and sharing my room with, for example, an illegal immigrant(or a US citizen) who has paid none or MUCH less. I should be in a private room with a TV and they should be sharing a room with no frills. The same care, no-frills for those who haven't paid.

4) America has the best healthcare in the world in terms of quality. Don't buy into the hype about other countries. That is a huge load of crap. There is a reason the US is at the forefront of medical and pharmaceutical innovations and it has everything to do with Capitalism and competition. This will be severaly hampered by single payer.

Yes, there are waiting lists and they are on a triage basis. My friend and I both need knee replacement surgery. I started the process 6 months ago, and I'm on the waiting list for surgery. I can walk unassisted, and my pain is easily managed. My friend started the process 1 month ago, and is getting her surgery date this week. She can't walk without a walker, and is on opiods for the pain. She isn't on any waiting list.

There are frills for those who pay for them. Rich people in Canada have a much higher level of service available to them. Private and semi-private rooms are an additional charge, unless medically mandated. When my daughter was born, I had supplemental health insurance which paid for a semi-private room. OHIP pays for a ward, only. TV's are extra - for everyone, unless you're ambulatory and can go to the common room. There's also a charge for WIFI, although you can generally sweet talk some staff into giving you the password.

America does NOT have anywhere close to the best healthcare in the world. I'm not buying into the hype from other countries, I'm living the hype in other countries. If you have the best healthcare in the world, why is your life expectancy declining while all of the countries with government funded universal health care are seeing our life expectancy increasing?
Personal responsibility dictates life expectancy not some some fucked up socialist entitlement program. Lol

Well then I guess those of us who live in countries with government funded healthcare aren't nearly the apathetic socialist parasites that you claim all socialists are by nature. Not only are we doing healthcare BETTER than the USA, but we're doing it cheaper - much, much cheaper - just over half the cost of American healthcare. And by "we", I'm talking about the entire first world. 35 first world countries have better, cheaper healthcare. And that's universal health care.

You're prepared to pay twice as much as the rest of the world in perpetuity, just to ensure someone who didn't pay into the system, never gets free treatment. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants is a way of life for Republicans.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


1. Private insurance has lied to the American people for generations. It has lead to a 33% administration cost to American consumers. Once Americans learn about "hassle free healthcare" - with no copays, no pre-approvals, and no paperwork, they'll love it as much as the rest of the world does. Everything that Americans fear about publically funded healthcare, is a lie.

2. Doctors won't have to deal with insurance companies, either for pre-approvals or payment. They can spend more time with patients. Instead of having to bill 1000 different insurance companies, and having to hire a third party billing and collections company to do his paperwork, his receptionist can handle all of that. The doctor sends out one bill a month and the cheques come like clockwork. As a doctor who has practiced in both countries said, "I made more money in the USA, but I kept more of what I made in Canada. Doctors still make a tremendous amount of money.

3. You can still buy private or semi-private rooms, and full time private nursing, if you can afford it. The wealthy still get better care. My very wealthy friend's family hired 24 hour round the clock nurses when their father was in hospice, and kept him at home, where he died peacefully. No one is concerned about what the wealthy do - they'll always be able to get care. We care about the 99% of people who aren't wealthy and can't otherwise afford care.

4. Every other first world nation in the world manages to do this. What you're saying is that Americans are too stupid to see the sanity and cost savings in single payer. I happen to think Americans are smarter that you do.

1) You are simply misinformed. The wait times are a real issue and would be exponentially worse in the US, particularly if the Democrats continue to decide to provide healthcare to whoever decides to walk across our border. That is pure idiocy.

2) Doctors don't worry about the administrative cost anyway unless they work for themselves, which is the minority. Doctors will not keep more of what they make because, on top of getting rid of private healthcare, they also want to raise taxes on the wealthy. Guess who falls into that category.

3) Do you think it is fair that those who pay into healthcare via tax don't deserve to get more out of it in terms of frills(private rooms, etc? It is ok with you for a person who has not paid much if any into the system gets the same luxuries as a person who makes 500k/yr? Forget the quality of care, I am ok with all having the same, but the frills should be reserved for those that paid for them. I have a serious problem with paying a large portion of my taxes towards healthcare and sharing my room with, for example, an illegal immigrant(or a US citizen) who has paid none or MUCH less. I should be in a private room with a TV and they should be sharing a room with no frills. The same care, no-frills for those who haven't paid.

4) America has the best healthcare in the world in terms of quality. Don't buy into the hype about other countries. That is a huge load of crap. There is a reason the US is at the forefront of medical and pharmaceutical innovations and it has everything to do with Capitalism and competition. This will be severaly hampered by single payer.

Yes, there are waiting lists and they are on a triage basis. My friend and I both need knee replacement surgery. I started the process 6 months ago, and I'm on the waiting list for surgery. I can walk unassisted, and my pain is easily managed. My friend started the process 1 month ago, and is getting her surgery date this week. She can't walk without a walker, and is on opiods for the pain. She isn't on any waiting list.

There are frills for those who pay for them. Rich people in Canada have a much higher level of service available to them. Private and semi-private rooms are an additional charge, unless medically mandated. When my daughter was born, I had supplemental health insurance which paid for a semi-private room. OHIP pays for a ward, only. TV's are extra - for everyone, unless you're ambulatory and can go to the common room. There's also a charge for WIFI, although you can generally sweet talk some staff into giving you the password.

America does NOT have anywhere close to the best healthcare in the world. I'm not buying into the hype from other countries, I'm living the hype in other countries. If you have the best healthcare in the world, why is your life expectancy declining while all of the countries with government funded universal health care are seeing our life expectancy increasing?
Personal responsibility dictates life expectancy not some some fucked up socialist entitlement program. Lol

Well then I guess those of us who live in countries with government funded healthcare aren't nearly the apathetic socialist parasites that you claim all socialists are by nature. Not only are we doing healthcare BETTER than the USA, but we're doing it cheaper - much, much cheaper - just over half the cost of American healthcare. And by "we", I'm talking about the entire first world. 35 first world countries have better, cheaper healthcare. And that's universal health care.

You're prepared to pay twice as much as the rest of the world in perpetuity, just to ensure someone who didn't pay into the system, never gets free treatment. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants is a way of life for Republicans.
Oh, you’re talking nanny state.... No thanks
Let me guess this straight. You aren't from the US but you are an expert on our politics and our healthcare. The US is absolutely the most powerful economy in the world and has the best quality of healthcare in the world.

NO, it isn't We spend more per capita and get the worst results...

Here is the thing. I agree that our insurance system is whacked and terrible. But I do not believe UH would be any better. Anything and everything run by bureaucrats sucks.

Yet the Zionist Entity has.. wait for it... Universal Healthcare.

Healthcare in Israel - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All Israeli residents are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. The Israeli healthcare system is based on the National Health Insurance Law of 1995, which mandates all citizens resident in the country to join one of four official health insurance organizations, known as Kupat Holim (קופת חולים - "Sick Funds") which are run as not-for-profit organizations and are prohibited by law from denying any Israeli resident membership. Israelis can increase their medical coverage and improve their options by purchasing private health insurance.[1] In a survey of 48 countries in 2013, Israel's health system was ranked fourth in the world in terms of efficiency, and in 2014 it ranked seventh out of 51.[2] In 2015, Israel was ranked sixth-healthiest country in the world by Bloomberg rankings[3] and ranked eighth in terms of life expectancy.
Every developed country has universal healthcare except us. They are not brainwashedfunctional morons.
Keep that shit to yourselves, millions of Americans like me and want nothing to do with that horseshit
I just talked to a guy today who came to the States from the UK. He said he came to the states because he needed medical attention that was not being provided to him in the UK thanks to universal health care. He said that they misdiagnosed his children and once diagnosed in the system that was pretty much it. No one would suggest that the diagnosis was wrong and his kids were not getting any better, so he came to the US, got the correct diagnosis, and they are fine. That was over15 years ago and he has never gone back. In addition, he said, in socialized medicine if they get a diagnosis wrong or they screw you up in any way, there is no suing them. You simply have to grin and bear it.

I told him he needed to tell more Americans this because the radical extremist democrats want this yesterday for the US.
Even for Christian Conservatives? I digress.
Certainly but I'm not crazy about fundamentalists in any religion....

All religion is a $1.2T bilk.
The separation of church and state in every respect is very important. Fundamentalists are dangerous. Irrational so often.
No such thing as separation of church and state in the constitution… You better read up buddy

What about article 6?
It’s not in the constitution... lol
I just talked to a guy today who came to the States from the UK. He said he came to the states because he needed medical attention that was not being provided to him in the UK thanks to universal health care. He said that they misdiagnosed his children and once diagnosed in the system that was pretty much it. No one would suggest that the diagnosis was wrong and his kids were not getting any better, so he came to the US, got the correct diagnosis, and they are fine. That was over15 years ago and he has never gone back. In addition, he said, in socialized medicine if they get a diagnosis wrong or they screw you up in any way, there is no suing them. You simply have to grin and bear it.

I told him he needed to tell more Americans this because the radical extremist democrats want this yesterday for the US.
UK Healthcare is actually too cheap thanks to the Tories or conservatives who are the second worst party in the modern world.
I just talked to a guy today who came to the States from the UK. He said he came to the states because he needed medical attention that was not being provided to him in the UK thanks to universal health care. He said that they misdiagnosed his children and once diagnosed in the system that was pretty much it. No one would suggest that the diagnosis was wrong and his kids were not getting any better, so he came to the US, got the correct diagnosis, and they are fine. That was over15 years ago and he has never gone back. In addition, he said, in socialized medicine if they get a diagnosis wrong or they screw you up in any way, there is no suing them. You simply have to grin and bear it.

I told him he needed to tell more Americans this because the radical extremist democrats want this yesterday for the US.
UK Healthcare is actually too cheap thanks to the Tories or conservatives who are the second worst party in the modern world.


I thought you libs liked Cheap healthcare- at least for the masses. For the elite leadership, of course, they get the best. But commoners or proles or what Mrs. Clinton calls "deplorables", the cheaper the better.
I just talked to a guy today who came to the States from the UK. He said he came to the states because he needed medical attention that was not being provided to him in the UK thanks to universal health care. He said that they misdiagnosed his children and once diagnosed in the system that was pretty much it. No one would suggest that the diagnosis was wrong and his kids were not getting any better, so he came to the US, got the correct diagnosis, and they are fine. That was over15 years ago and he has never gone back. In addition, he said, in socialized medicine if they get a diagnosis wrong or they screw you up in any way, there is no suing them. You simply have to grin and bear it.

I told him he needed to tell more Americans this because the radical extremist democrats want this yesterday for the US.
UK Healthcare is actually too cheap thanks to the Tories or conservatives who are the second worst party in the modern world.


I thought you libs liked Cheap healthcare- at least for the masses. For the elite leadership, of course, they get the best. But commoners or proles or what Mrs. Clinton calls "deplorables", the cheaper the better.
The UK cost for healthcare is about 8% of GDP most countries are between 9 and 12 12% is France best Healthcare in the world is 12%. Here in GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else America it's 18% and many are not covered. What a scam, super duper. And it would be more without obamacare.
One thing is for sure, the socialists will make health care much, much cheaper. They admitted their plan prior to Obamacare.

They will let you die earlier, less innovation, and only mend those who are the most productive in society?

In other words, those working the plantation will receive top priority while those who are sickly and not able to pick the cotton will be left to die, much like Nazi Germany.
One thing is for sure, the socialists will make health care much, much cheaper. They admitted their plan prior to Obamacare.

They will let you die earlier, less innovation, and only mend those who are the most productive in society?

In other words, those working the plantation will receive top priority while those who are sickly and not able to pick the cotton will be left to die, much like Nazi Germany.

of course , senior citizens like Mr. Reich himself, will get everything available now and more. Its only we Deplorable Americans who will be "put down".
One thing is for sure, the socialists will make health care much, much cheaper. They admitted their plan prior to Obamacare.

They will let you die earlier, less innovation, and only mend those who are the most productive in society?

In other words, those working the plantation will receive top priority while those who are sickly and not able to pick the cotton will be left to die, much like Nazi Germany.

of course , senior citizens like Mr. Reich himself, will get everything available now and more. Its only we Deplorable Americans who will be "put down".

It seems the only time democrats are concerned with spending comes when wanting to cut back services for health care or building a wall or taking care of babies people can't afford and turn to abortion instead.

Otherwise, everything else, including abortions, should be free!!!
Otherwise, everything else, including abortions, should be free!!!

If abortion becomes "free", it will be boom time for the Abortuary Racket.

If the Hyde Amendment has done anything, its really kept the cost of abortion under control. As a "Cash and Carry" business, abortion mills have to keep their prices out of fantasy land.
I just talked to a guy today who came to the States from the UK. He said he came to the states because he needed medical attention that was not being provided to him in the UK thanks to universal health care. He said that they misdiagnosed his children and once diagnosed in the system that was pretty much it. No one would suggest that the diagnosis was wrong and his kids were not getting any better, so he came to the US, got the correct diagnosis, and they are fine. That was over15 years ago and he has never gone back. In addition, he said, in socialized medicine if they get a diagnosis wrong or they screw you up in any way, there is no suing them. You simply have to grin and bear it.

I told him he needed to tell more Americans this because the radical extremist democrats want this yesterday for the US.
UK Healthcare is actually too cheap thanks to the Tories or conservatives who are the second worst party in the modern world.


I thought you libs liked Cheap healthcare- at least for the masses. For the elite leadership, of course, they get the best. But commoners or proles or what Mrs. Clinton calls "deplorables", the cheaper the better.
The UK cost for healthcare is about 8% of GDP most countries are between 9 and 12 12% is France best Healthcare in the world is 12%. Here in GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else America it's 18% and many are not covered. What a scam, super duper. And it would be more without obamacare.

I am sure you have read Mr Gruber's(architect of Obamacare) comments.

"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."

"If CBO scored the [individual] mandate as taxes, the bill dies," Gruber said."

He has called Obamacare supporters stupid to their face but they still don't get it.

BTW, there is no giveaway to the rich. The rich pay the vast majority of the taxes in this country. They don't like talking much about that on MSNBC. They have to keep the class envy sentiment strong amongst the liberals. Like Gruber said, the "American voter", meaning liberal voters in this case are stupid. I would be nicer and call them ignorant and naive, not stupid, but maybe he knows better, afterall, he was the guy behind the wonderful Obamacare.
Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.
The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.[/QUOTE]

A large number of those Americans didn't want coverage, decided to do without as they were young and/or healthy. And for the large majority of those people it was the correct decision. They didn't not incur significant medical bills.

Others in that 25% figure would have qualified for charity care or medicaid coverage if they did end up in the hospital. If they didn't incur medical bills, what difference should it make to anyone else. It is a free country you know, or at least its supposed to be.
Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.
Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.
Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
I just talked to a guy today who came to the States from the UK. He said he came to the states because he needed medical attention that was not being provided to him in the UK thanks to universal health care. He said that they misdiagnosed his children and once diagnosed in the system that was pretty much it. No one would suggest that the diagnosis was wrong and his kids were not getting any better, so he came to the US, got the correct diagnosis, and they are fine. That was over15 years ago and he has never gone back. In addition, he said, in socialized medicine if they get a diagnosis wrong or they screw you up in any way, there is no suing them. You simply have to grin and bear it.

I told him he needed to tell more Americans this because the radical extremist democrats want this yesterday for the US.
UK Healthcare is actually too cheap thanks to the Tories or conservatives who are the second worst party in the modern world.


I thought you libs liked Cheap healthcare- at least for the masses. For the elite leadership, of course, they get the best. But commoners or proles or what Mrs. Clinton calls "deplorables", the cheaper the better.
The UK cost for healthcare is about 8% of GDP most countries are between 9 and 12 12% is France best Healthcare in the world is 12%. Here in GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else America it's 18% and many are not covered. What a scam, super duper. And it would be more without obamacare.

I am sure you have read Mr Gruber's(architect of Obamacare) comments.

"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."

"If CBO scored the [individual] mandate as taxes, the bill dies," Gruber said."

He has called Obamacare supporters stupid to their face but they still don't get it.

BTW, there is no giveaway to the rich. The rich pay the vast majority of the taxes in this country. They don't like talking much about that on MSNBC. They have to keep the class envy sentiment strong amongst the liberals. Like Gruber said, the "American voter", meaning liberal voters in this case are stupid. I would be nicer and call them ignorant and naive, not stupid, but maybe he knows better, afterall, he was the guy behind the wonderful Obamacare.
The rich pay the most in taxes because they make the most money, 2 A ridiculous extent at this point, super duper. The top four fifths of the country all pay between 26 and 30% in all taxes. Even the poorest fifth pay 18% and if you include fees that kill them quite a bit closer....You are the people that are Duped as always. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far is not trivia, super duper. 35 years of cutting taxes on the rich do that.... Especially ruining the health of the economy....
Most Americans are very satisfied with the health care they receive. This is why B. Hussein O lied so incessantly that "if you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them".

The problem with American health care was with only a tiny fraction of the American peeps.

25% of Americans had no insurance or inadequate insurance before ACA.

That's not a tiny fraction.

cancer id the second leading cause of death and the UK has one of the lowest survival ratings with cancer treatment because of the pool health care and the government deciding not to treat many cancer patients
already explained why the UK has a longer life expectancy and it has not a dam thing to do with health care but they live safer lives, less drive there for less have fatal car crashes

the US has over 12 deaths per 100,000 a year that is about 40,000 deaths a year caused by car crashes
The UK has only 3 deaths per 100,000 a year which is only 2,000 deaths

and because younger drivers disproportionately die from car crashes it statistically lowers life expectancy calculations

Car Crashes aren't enough to fudge those numbers, Cleetus. I see you struggle with math.

9 out of 100,000 is .009% difference. Not enough to change the life expectancy by a year.

The Brits live longer because they can get easy access to a doctor... Americans can't. Not if they are poor, anyway.

You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

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