Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

As you well know, our military is the strongest, most lethal force in the world. They also waste billions of dollars a year. A private company would could, never allow that to happen.

They wouldn't? I've seen all sorts of waste in the civilian world. Bad ordering, bad communications between engineering and purchasing, where they redesigned a widget we just ordered three years of supply for. back-stabbing, two faced managers...

Hey, buddy, there's a reason why 70% of millenials support socialism. They can see what a shit sandwich corporatism is.
In what country do blacks have a longer life expectancy than whites?

How does denying, ignoring, the FACTS benefit anyone? Are you denying that what I posted is true?

I'm saying you are a racist piece of shit. Thanks for playing.

You guys out your racism every time. It's how the rich control you.

How is pointing out FACTS, racist? Does ignoring the situation make it go away?

Is that I posted true or false? Do you know? Do you care? Do you prefer to remain ignorant?

Hey, buddy, there's a reason why 70% of millenials support socialism. They can see what a shit sandwich corporatism is.

Yes, there sure is a reason why 70% of Millenials support Socialism.

They are ignorant and have no experience in the real world. They have also been indoctrinated by professors who are also ignorant and have no experience in the real world.
It's completely false, and you are a racist piece of shit...


The life expectancy in Norway at birth is 81.8 years. Until Muslim refugees started moving into the country, they are nearly 100% white Norwegians.

In Minnesota, a very large percentage of their population are Scandanavians. They also eat many of the foods from the Old Country. Their life expectancy is 81.05.

There are other reasons as well. We have far more vehicular fatalities than other countries.

Asians also have a longer life expectancy than the average American. Would you like to guess what the life expectancy of a Hawaiian is compared to the average Asian too?

Share with us how ignoring an issue helps remedy that problem?
Hey, buddy, there's a reason why 70% of millenials support socialism. They can see what a shit sandwich corporatism is.

What? Earlier you said you preferred corporatism to socialism:

I guess you're conceding the point here. The ugly truth is that Democrats (at least those you're planning to elect) have no intention of implementing socialism. They are purebred Corporatists (definition). Under corporatism, all the things you hate about capitalism are worse, and it's even harder to fight back because the government and businesses are working together - they usually call it a "partnership". Corporatism, in my view, combines the worst elements of both socialism and capitalism, and dismisses the benefits of both.
I guess you're conceding the point here. The ugly truth is that Democrats (at least those you're planning to elect) have no intention of implementing socialism.
That's a good thing, I never wanted them to.

Which is it?
Yes, there sure is a reason why 70% of Millenials support Socialism.

They are ignorant and have no experience in the real world. They have also been indoctrinated by professors who are also ignorant and have no experience in the real world.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself it isn't because they are being exploited by the One Percenters pretty much from the day they enrolled, or that they watched their parents work themselves to death.

YOu just keep collecting your Medicare and Social Security and whine about "Socialism".

The life expectancy in Norway at birth is 81.8 years. Until Muslim refugees started moving into the country, they are nearly 100% white Norwegians.

Again, guy, we already established you are a racist piece of shit... you don't need to convince us any further.

What? Earlier you said you preferred corporatism to socialism:

I'd prefer neither. What I'd prefer is what we had back before Reagan fucked everything up.

The rich pay their fair share, people get fair treatment at work through their unions.

The ironic thing is, the only reason why the rich allowed that sensible kind of stuff is because they were afraid of the Communists taking over here. So they had their "Red Scares", but they also tried to make sure that the working class was happy...

Until the "Won" the Cold War, and now it's all "Backsies". Then they wonder why 70% of Millenials think, "Hey, this Socialism thing might work."
Okay, you keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself it isn't because they are being exploited by the One Percenters pretty much from the day they enrolled, or that they watched their parents work themselves to death.

YOu just keep collecting your Medicare and Social Security and whine about "Socialism".

Again, guy, we already established you are a racist piece of shit... you don't need to convince us any further.

Watched their parents work themselves to death? You're a hoot!

Specifically, what do Medicare and Social Security have to do with Socialism? Do you know the definition of Socialism? Obviously not.

What makes you so desperate that you refuse to accept facts, much less discuss them and, instead, call me names. Do you deny that the facts I presented are true?

Watched their parents work themselves to death? You're a hoot!

Specifically, what do Medicare and Social Security have to do with Socialism? Do you know the definition of Socialism? Obviously not.

Redistribution of wealth... The poor get more than they put in, the rich get less than they put in.. it practically defines socialism.

What makes you so desperate that you refuse to accept facts, much less discuss them and, instead, call me names. Do you deny that the facts I presented are true?

The only thing you've proven is that you are a racist fuckbucket, but we kind of already knew that.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
And there NEVER was a "health care crisis"! Obama lied when he said
Well, then I guess you weren't being honest earlier, because when I pointed out that Democrats were going to pursue corporatism, rather than socialism, you said it was a "good thing". How can I know when you're telling the truth?

Well, I don't use batshit crazy Libertarian definitions...that's a start.
Hey this thread has received a lot of traction. Joey is jealous of moi.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
And there NEVER was a "health care crisis"! Obama lied when he said View attachment 288061

There actually are likely more like 100 million uninsured.
And it does not matter if they are illegals, could have been covered under some plan they did not know about, or because they were too young and stupid to realize they needed health care.
The point is that preventive health care access saves huge mounts of cost, everyone needs access and coverage, and the ER is way too expensive as a means of health care.
But the reality is that costs are ridiculously high, over twice what they should be, and the costs have to be brought down by some means.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
And there NEVER was a "health care crisis"! Obama lied when he said View attachment 288061

There actually are likely more like 100 million uninsured.
And it does not matter if they are illegals, could have been covered under some plan they did not know about, or because they were too young and stupid to realize they needed health care.
The point is that preventive health care access saves huge mounts of cost, everyone needs access and coverage, and the ER is way too expensive as a means of health care.
But the reality is that costs are ridiculously high, over twice what they should be, and the costs have to be brought down by some means.
Rigby, I cannot take you or your opinions seriously as you believe someone who makes $100k per year is wealthy. You’re insane. Are you old?
Well, then I guess you weren't being honest earlier, because when I pointed out that Democrats were going to pursue corporatism, rather than socialism, you said it was a "good thing". How can I know when you're telling the truth?

Well, I don't use batshit crazy Libertarian definitions...that's a start.

I included a link to common definitions of the term. All the basic stuff that a google search returns. Nothing crazy or libertarian about it.

I think you're just dishonest when it suits your rhetorical goals. It's really common with liberals these days to derail conversations by equivocating on definitions. That way they can lie and pretend they're not. You should just lie outright, like Trump does. Much easier.
Hey this thread has received a lot of traction. Joey is jealous of moi.

Actually, it's an interesting topic when you can stay on point.
Of course it is. Hence I started it. I always stay on point, I am one of those evil Jews you hate so much. UH won’t work here until we fix the education $$$ conundrum.
I included a link to common definitions of the term. All the basic stuff that a google search returns. Nothing crazy or libertarian about it.

I think you're just dishonest when it suits your rhetorical goals. It's really common with liberals these days to derail conversations by equivocating on definitions. That way they can lie and pretend they're not. You should just lie outright, like Trump does. Much easier.

You can include all the Koch Brother propaganda you want. Single Payer Medicare for all... that's the gold standard. It's how the rest of the world does it.

Of course it is. Hence I started it. I always stay on point, I am one of those evil Jews you hate so much. UH won’t work here until we fix the education $$$ conundrum.

That's... retarded.

Here's how you make UHC work. Get rid of the insurance companies, one single payer, they pay the hospitals ONLY what it costs to provide a service and no more. This isn't fucking complicated. Stop ripping off sick people and start with the premise that health care is a right and not a profit opportunity.
I included a link to common definitions of the term. All the basic stuff that a google search returns. Nothing crazy or libertarian about it.

I think you're just dishonest when it suits your rhetorical goals. It's really common with liberals these days to derail conversations by equivocating on definitions. That way they can lie and pretend they're not. You should just lie outright, like Trump does. Much easier.

You can include all the Koch Brother propaganda you want. Single Payer Medicare for all... that's the gold standard. It's how the rest of the world does it.

Of course it is. Hence I started it. I always stay on point, I am one of those evil Jews you hate so much. UH won’t work here until we fix the education $$$ conundrum.

That's... retarded.

Here's how you make UHC work. Get rid of the insurance companies, one single payer, they pay the hospitals ONLY what it costs to provide a service and no more. This isn't fucking complicated. Stop ripping off sick people and start with the premise that health care is a right and not a profit opportunity.
Are you an idiot? I just Paid $400k to become a doctor and you want me to be reliant on the Govt for my paycheck? LMaO. No thanks. It’s pretty fucking complicated. Is food a right? Is plumbing a right? Whoever said healthcare is a right? Is this another opinion?

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