Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

I included a link to common definitions of the term. All the basic stuff that a google search returns. Nothing crazy or libertarian about it.

I think you're just dishonest when it suits your rhetorical goals. It's really common with liberals these days to derail conversations by equivocating on definitions. That way they can lie and pretend they're not. You should just lie outright, like Trump does. Much easier.

You can include all the Koch Brother propaganda you want. Single Payer Medicare for all... that's the gold standard. It's how the rest of the world does it.

And we're back to empty sloganeering. Another concession?
Are you an idiot? I just Paid $400k to become a doctor and you want me to be reliant on the Govt for my paycheck? LMaO. No thanks. It’s pretty fucking complicated. Is food a right? Is plumbing a right? Whoever said healthcare is a right? Is this another opinion?

That you let a medical school cheat you out of 400K isn't my problem, buddy.

Health care is a right in every industrialized country. In this country, we half-ass it and make it needlessly expensive.

If you became a doctor to pay off tuition bills, you did it for the wrong reasons.
Are you an idiot? I just Paid $400k to become a doctor and you want me to be reliant on the Govt for my paycheck? LMaO. No thanks. It’s pretty fucking complicated. Is food a right? Is plumbing a right? Whoever said healthcare is a right? Is this another opinion?

That you let a medical school cheat you out of 400K isn't my problem, buddy.

Health care is a right in every industrialized country. In this country, we half-ass it and make it needlessly expensive.

If you became a doctor to pay off tuition bills, you did it for the wrong reasons.

LOW QUALITY health care is a "right" in certain countries, if you willing to queue up for it and hope you don't croak first.

Remember that Brits like Mick Jagger, Australians like Greg Norman and Canadians like Alex Trebek all came to America for actual *quality* care.

Even though they could get it "free" at home.

America has a much higher rate of quality doctors. My ophthalmologist , example given, escaped from Canada. The man does high quality work.

This is what Socialized Medicine Proponents never address- the quality of health care that will be delivered for free, and how about future innovations? Why are government bureaucrats more qualified than investors with their own money at determining which are the most useful research to do.
Are you an idiot? I just Paid $400k to become a doctor and you want me to be reliant on the Govt for my paycheck? LMaO. No thanks. It’s pretty fucking complicated. Is food a right? Is plumbing a right? Whoever said healthcare is a right? Is this another opinion?

That you let a medical school cheat you out of 400K isn't my problem, buddy.

Health care is a right in every industrialized country. In this country, we half-ass it and make it needlessly expensive.

If you became a doctor to pay off tuition bills, you did it for the wrong reasons.
$400k is light for pre Med and med school. LOL people become doctors to make money. Don’t kid yourself. It amuses me that you don’t know the difference between an opinion and a fact. I am 6’3 is a fact. I am handsome is an opinion. See the difference?
Are you an idiot? I just Paid $400k to become a doctor and you want me to be reliant on the Govt for my paycheck? LMaO. No thanks. It’s pretty fucking complicated. Is food a right? Is plumbing a right? Whoever said healthcare is a right? Is this another opinion?

That you let a medical school cheat you out of 400K isn't my problem, buddy.

Health care is a right in every industrialized country. In this country, we half-ass it and make it needlessly expensive.

If you became a doctor to pay off tuition bills, you did it for the wrong reasons.
$400k is light for pre Med and med school. LOL people become doctors to make money. Don’t kid yourself. It amuses me that you don’t know the difference between an opinion and a fact. I am 6’3 is a fact. I am handsome is an opinion. See the difference?

The thing with Medical training is how long it takes. After medical school, the new doctor has to do at least 4 or 5 years as a resident- or more depending on their specialty. Of course, residents get paid- but not terribly much, like 50k a year. Enough for food and shelter and a car, but not enough to make a dent on the debt that many have. And the nature of being a resident can mean you get called into work at all hours- just like a regular doctor. Limits the ability to earn more on the side.

Sure, most fully trained doctors get paid pretty well indeed, but considering how long it takes to reach that, I don't think you'd get top people involved if there wasn't money available.
LOW QUALITY health care is a "right" in certain countries, if you willing to queue up for it and hope you don't croak first.

The Europeans have longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates, and they beat us on nearly every health metric. Even the British NHS, which is chronically underfunded.

Remember that Brits like Mick Jagger, Australians like Greg Norman and Canadians like Alex Trebek all came to America for actual *quality* care.

Alex Trebek has lived here for decades... I'm not sure if that is a good example. Here's the thing. The kind of treatments rich people get are ones most Americans will never see because their insurance won't cover it. It's like saying, it's better to be in America because Alex Trebek lives in a mansion. Do you live in that mansion?

America has a much higher rate of quality doctors. My ophthalmologist , example given, escaped from Canada. The man does high quality work.

That's awesome, until you need something CIGNA refuses to pay for, or you become too sick to keep paying your premiums. Then it doesn't matter where you came from, does it?

This is what Socialized Medicine Proponents never address- the quality of health care that will be delivered for free, and how about future innovations? Why are government bureaucrats more qualified than investors with their own money at determining which are the most useful research to do.

Um, maybe. Seems to me that if Big Pharma put more money into finding boner pills than a cure for cancer, the most useful research wasn't being done.
Um, maybe. Seems to me that if Big Pharma put more money into finding boner pills than a cure for cancer, the most useful research wasn't being done.

Actually , a lot of money is being put forward on cancer drugs and treatments. Bristol Myers Keytruda pill is really improving treatment for lung cancer and the stock popped as a result. Lung Cancer is one of America's most popular cancers.

As far as treatments for Erectile Dysfunction, I remember when Pfizer first came out with the blue pill more than 20 years ago. I thought, how much money could there be in this? Pfizer was right, America was epicenter in a pandemic of ED.
JoeB, do you have dementia? Europeans are not as fat, don’t drive as many miles and don’t have the same drug culture as Americans. That is why they live on average, what a year longer. I have explained this to you countless times.
JoeB, do you have dementia? Europeans are not as fat, don’t drive as many miles and don’t have the same drug culture as Americans. That is why they live on average, what a year longer. I have explained this to you countless times.

America has a lot more violent gangs than does Europe as well. No MS13 thugs in Dresden or Poitiers. The vast majority of those dying in the killing fields of Chicago are young men, someone dying at 19 can really sink your average life expectancy.

America is working on treatments and cures for cancer and ED- but unless there is a cure for gunshot wounds to the head, it won't make much of a difference.
JoeB, do you have dementia? Europeans are not as fat, don’t drive as many miles and don’t have the same drug culture as Americans. That is why they live on average, what a year longer. I have explained this to you countless times.

America has a lot more violent gangs than does Europe as well. No MS13 thugs in Dresden or Poitiers. The vast majority of those dying in the killing fields of Chicago are young men, someone dying at 19 can really sink your average life expectancy.

America is working on treatments and cures for cancer and ED- but unless there is a cure for gunshot wounds to the head, it won't make much of a difference.
Number one killer is heart disease we eat like shit over here. Fast food joints are abundant
JoeB, do you have dementia? Europeans are not as fat, don’t drive as many miles and don’t have the same drug culture as Americans. That is why they live on average, what a year longer. I have explained this to you countless times.

Yeah, you use all these excuses... I've heard them all before, and they are all bullshit.

Has it occured to you that the reason they have less addiction and obesity problems is because they have regular access to health care Americans don't?

Of course not. You are just thinking, "I can't rip off sick people? OY VEY!"
America has a lot more violent gangs than does Europe as well. No MS13 thugs in Dresden or Poitiers. The vast majority of those dying in the killing fields of Chicago are young men, someone dying at 19 can really sink your average life expectancy.

Not really. We only have 20K homicides a year... out of 3 Million deaths... that's less than 1%.. not enough to fudge the numbers even a little.

On the other hand, 25% of Americans don't have regular access to doctors or health care. That's a real problem that does drag down life expectancy.
America has a lot more violent gangs than does Europe as well. No MS13 thugs in Dresden or Poitiers. The vast majority of those dying in the killing fields of Chicago are young men, someone dying at 19 can really sink your average life expectancy.

Not really. We only have 20K homicides a year... out of 3 Million deaths... that's less than 1%.. not enough to fudge the numbers even a little.

On the other hand, 25% of Americans don't have regular access to doctors or health care. That's a real problem that does drag down life expectancy.

Most of the people who get their asses capped are young here in America. Drive by your local street corners and view the cripz and bloodz or MS13 characters hanging out. Very few are elderly.

When someone loses 60 years of their life expectancy because they are whacked, that affects the actuarial tables a lot more if someone elderly is shot.
JoeB, do you have dementia? Europeans are not as fat, don’t drive as many miles and don’t have the same drug culture as Americans. That is why they live on average, what a year longer. I have explained this to you countless times.

Yeah, you use all these excuses... I've heard them all before, and they are all bullshit.

Has it occured to you that the reason they have less addiction and obesity problems is because they have regular access to health care Americans don't?

Of course not. You are just thinking, "I can't rip off sick people? OY VEY!"
What? Being fat and driving more has zero to do with healthcare availability. You are either trolling or are very stupid. Either way you lost this argument.
On the other hand, 25% of Americans don't have regular access to doctors or health care. That's a real problem that does drag down life expectancy.

A lot of people could afford to go to the doctor, but just don't. Usually because they are healthy as horses.

These aren't the people prematurely keeling over dead
Most of the people who get their asses capped are young here in America. Drive by your local street corners and view the cripz and bloodz or MS13 characters hanging out. Very few are elderly.

When someone loses 60 years of their life expectancy because they are whacked, that affects the actuarial tables a lot more if someone elderly is shot.

Except again- total gun homicides, 16,000 people.

Total deaths, 2,850,000 a year

It's not enough to move the needle.

What? Being fat and driving more has zero to do with healthcare availability. You are either trolling or are very stupid. Either way you lost this argument.

Actually, you are kind of a moron. Being able to see a doctor means you are more likely to get treatment for your health problems like obesity, stress, or addiction... Sorry you don't seem to get this.
Most of the people who get their asses capped are young here in America. Drive by your local street corners and view the cripz and bloodz or MS13 characters hanging out. Very few are elderly.

When someone loses 60 years of their life expectancy because they are whacked, that affects the actuarial tables a lot more if someone elderly is shot.

Except again- total gun homicides, 16,000 people.

Total deaths, 2,850,000 a year

It's not enough to move the needle.

What? Being fat and driving more has zero to do with healthcare availability. You are either trolling or are very stupid. Either way you lost this argument.

Actually, you are kind of a moron. Being able to see a doctor means you are more likely to get treatment for your health problems like obesity, stress, or addiction... Sorry you don't seem to get this.
Obesity is a health problem? You’re one of those eh? Never taking responsibility for yourself. Little wallflower.
Actually, you are kind of a moron. Being able to see a doctor means you are more likely to get treatment for your health problems like obesity, stress, or addiction... Sorry you don't seem to get this.

You really don't "need" to see a doctor for any of those issues.

If you're addicted, quit.

If you want to lose weight , diet. Socialized Medicine doesn't mean that people will get liposuction on demand.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

Warren claims her 50 trillion plus plan, over 10 years, would be less costly than the current system. I guess no one told her, current spending is just a bit over 30 trillion over that same 10 years. She could take every dime the rich has and it still wouldn't pay for it, much less all her other give-aways.


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