Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

You really don't "need" to see a doctor for any of those issues.

If you're addicted, quit.

If you want to lose weight , diet. Socialized Medicine doesn't mean that people will get liposuction on demand.

No, but they do get Laprocopic surgery and other treatments.... in fact, a lot of these procedures were developed in Europe.
Joe, you hate America.
It is not you. LOL

Um, yeah, it is... sorry, bud. Only one of us signed up to serve our country.

If your a veteran, you would know that a lot of veteran keeled over dead with a broken heart after President Obama signed his Risky AMA Scheme into law. They were shipped by the boatload to the European killing fields to stop the Germans from exporting National Socialism to the US. Socialized Medicine, Gun Control and Genocide were the three pillars of nat'l Socialism.

After all their efforts, and all they gave up, including watching hundreds of thousand of their colleagues slaughtered, Mr. Hitler is getting the last laugh.All of the Dem candidates want to bring this ideology here voluntarily.

The vets realized their sacrifices were in vain and Hitler is laughing like hell in Hades.
If your a veteran, you would know that a lot of veteran keeled over dead with a broken heart after President Obama signed his Risky AMA Scheme into law. They were shipped by the boatload to the European killing fields to stop the Germans from exporting National Socialism to the US. Socialized Medicine, Gun Control and Genocide were the three pillars of nat'l Socialism.

Okay, you are way off topic here.

Germany had "socialized" medicine long before the Nazis came along. German universal health care actually started Otto von Bismarck, who was so right wing he made Ronnie Reagan look like a commie.* The Nazis made very few changes to what Bismarck already established and when the allies reconstituted West Germany in 1955, they left the same system in place because it worked.

(*- Bismarck, although an arch-conservative, pioneered such concepts as Universal Health Care and Social Security before the US and UK ever did, mostly because Germany was a new country at that point, and he was trying to establish fealty to a National Government instead of state governments that existed before 1870.)

Now- a note. German Health Care from Bismarck to today is not a Single Payer system. It actually has a large private sector component with government subsidies. The difference between it and ACA is that the German Insurance Industry is highly regulated to NOT pull the kind of shit that Cigna and Blue Cross and United pull on a regular basis.

After all their efforts, and all they gave up, including watching hundreds of thousand of their colleagues slaughtered, Mr. Hitler is getting the last laugh.All of the Dem candidates want to bring this ideology here voluntarily.

The vets realized their sacrifices were in vain and Hitler is laughing like hell in Hades.

Actually, the few vets who are alive are probably darned glad they have a Socialized Medicine system through the VA, as no private insurance company is going to insure a 90-something at this point.

Here's the funny thing. When we got about rebuilding Europe and Japan after World War II, it meant that all those "New Deal" Democrats were sent over to administer reconstruction. All the stuff that Republicans and Conservative Southern Democrats (who eventually became Republicans) blocked in the US were put into place in those countries. - Stronger unions, stronger social programs, etc.

Not surprisingly, within 30 years, Germany and Japan were beating our pants off economically.
Yeah and it was not you. No matter how many times you claim it was. I have three letters for you...J A G

Oh, wait, now are you a doctor or a Lawyer....

Wait... you're fucking Barbie!

I am neither. Are you hitting on me? Weird.

Oh, well, you keep claiming to be all these different things... so the first thought I has was how Barbie is a Doctor and an Astronaut...
Name one time I claimed to be anything. I was Never in the JAG but my wife was. LOL. And she says people like you are the scum of the earth
Name one time I claimed to be anything. I was Never in the JAG but my wife was. LOL. And she says people like you are the scum of the earth

Make up your mind, buddy. We weren't talking about other members of your family.

The discussion was whether or not one of us had a DD214. You claimed you did, because you were in JAG.

Earlier in this discussion, you claimed it was unfair that you spent 400K on Medical School, and now the mean old government was going to set prices to what they cost to deliver services...

I think in some other thread, you claimed to be a Mixed Martial Arts Expert.

Seriously, it becomes a true effort to keep you story straight, Barbie....

Name one time I claimed to be anything. I was Never in the JAG but my wife was. LOL. And she says people like you are the scum of the earth

Make up your mind, buddy. We weren't talking about other members of your family.

The discussion was whether or not one of us had a DD214. You claimed you did, because you were in JAG.

Earlier in this discussion, you claimed it was unfair that you spent 400K on Medical School, and now the mean old government was going to set prices to what they cost to deliver services...

I think in some other thread, you claimed to be a Mixed Martial Arts Expert.

Seriously, it becomes a true effort to keep you story straight, Barbie....

View attachment 289195
No dickhead. I never Said that.

It was pretty shocking but my wife told me that in the military there were all kinds of bad people committing awful crimes of assault, rape, murder and conspiracy but the worst people she said were those who bitched about being in the military and about our country. Scum of the Earth and that is you. I never claimed to be ex military. I went to college and to grad school. I run my own business. Find one post where I said I was ex military just one. You lying loser. You cannot.

I never said I spent $400k, I said that is what the cost is to become a doctor you moronic fool. Find the post where I said “I “ was a doctor you loser.

You see what you want to see. But I do run my own business consulting practice and I used to teach MMA. Those statements are factual.

You know what else is factual? You’re a pussy.
Scum of the Earth and that is you. I never claimed to be ex military.

Okay, let's review the concept.

I said only one of us had a DD214. (That would be me for those playing along at home.)

You said you had one with the JAG.

Make up yourmind, Barbie...

I never said I spent $400k, I said that is what the cost is to become a doctor you moronic fool. Find the post where I said “I “ was a doctor you loser.

Go back and read what you wrote. You used First Person Pronouns...

You see what you want to see. But I do run my own business consulting practice and I used to teach MMA. Those statements are factual.

And tomorrow you'll be an astronaut and a teacher...
Scum of the Earth and that is you. I never claimed to be ex military.

Okay, let's review the concept.

I said only one of us had a DD214. (That would be me for those playing along at home.)

You said you had one with the JAG.

Make up yourmind, Barbie...

I never said I spent $400k, I said that is what the cost is to become a doctor you moronic fool. Find the post where I said “I “ was a doctor you loser.

Go back and read what you wrote. You used First Person Pronouns...

You see what you want to see. But I do run my own business consulting practice and I used to teach MMA. Those statements are factual.

And tomorrow you'll be an astronaut and a teacher...
Three letters but never said it was me and I never used first person pronouns. I have many posts on this board. LMAO. You’re on drugs. And btw I do not believe you are ex military. You’re a lying pussy. Your Barbie calls are just a deflection because you lose every debate to me, including the one for UH where you claimed people didn’t go into medicine to make $$$. Idiot.
Three letters but never said it was me and I never used first person pronouns. I have many posts on this board. LMAO. You’re on drugs. And btw I do not believe you are ex military. You’re a lying pussy. Your Barbie calls are just a deflection because you lose every debate to me, including the one for UH where you claimed people didn’t go into medicine to make $$$. Idiot.

Dude, you are just a whiny snivelly little punk who needs to pick fights so you can feel like the victim....

You are sad, Barbie.
Three letters but never said it was me and I never used first person pronouns. I have many posts on this board. LMAO. You’re on drugs. And btw I do not believe you are ex military. You’re a lying pussy. Your Barbie calls are just a deflection because you lose every debate to me, including the one for UH where you claimed people didn’t go into medicine to make $$$. Idiot.

Dude, you are just a whiny snivelly little punk who needs to pick fights so you can feel like the victim....

You are sad, Barbie.
Keyboard warrior 101. You’re a pussy and in real life you would cower. Tell me again how people don’t become doctors to get rich. Idiot. Feel like the victim? LOL projecting much, loser?
Keyboard warrior 101. You’re a pussy and in real life you would cower. Tell me again how people don’t become doctors to get rich. Idiot. Feel like the victim? LOL projecting much, loser?

The good ones don't become Doctors to be rich.

The good ones become doctors to help people.

I'm sure you never encountered them.... for some reason... can't think of what it is.
Keyboard warrior 101. You’re a pussy and in real life you would cower. Tell me again how people don’t become doctors to get rich. Idiot. Feel like the victim? LOL projecting much, loser?

The good ones don't become Doctors to be rich.

The good ones become doctors to help people.

I'm sure you never encountered them.... for some reason... can't think of what it is.
So the good ones don’t want to get paid? What is the net worth of Dr. James Andrews? You’re dumb.

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