Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.

So when we paid taxes, that went to Solyndra, which then closed, and the owners left..... that was for services rendered? When a green energy grant is given to Elon Musk's Tesla, which I'll never own... that's for services rendered?

Do you want me to go through the Citizens Against Government waste, and list off the billions of dollars in lost money on pet projects, that benefit no one? Like a grant in the Department of Defense budget, to UCLA to study the long term effects of alcohol in the Middle East? Not making that up. From the Iraq war years.

Cash for Clunkers? Paying rich people to turn in their used H1, to get an H2 Hummer?

How many hundreds of examples do you need?

Here's the problem.... We could cut taxes by 50%, and cover all of the actual services rendered that the government gives. The rest is waste, or bad socialism.
Wrong. Not at all how Israel was formed and you know that. And Gestapo police had 500k in it? Show a link. You’re an idiot.

The Zionist Entity is built on a LIE. That Lie is "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people on that land, the Zionists stole it.

You have the right to be wrong.
it is absurd that the richest country in the history of the world has the worst health care system in the history of the world. brothers and sisters, President Warren will end this international tragedy!

the UK and Canada and Scandinavia and Switzerland and Germany are all wrong? i doubt it!

my deductible is 16 thousand dollars. i pay for this insurance. that is a great policy! NOT. this is insane. i am probably included in the ranks of the "insured". we're dying out here, Trump! its time to vote your ass out!

We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.
Link...”The Whole World” LOL
If you want to finish me off then come to Boston and do it.

Nobody wants to finish you off... they just don't trust you because you are kind of a weasel.

How does the world feel about Israel/Palestine?

That being said, Israel is extremely unpopular worldwide. In one BBC poll of 22 countries, Israel was the fourth-most-disliked nation (behind only Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea).

It’s clear that West Bank settlements are a key cause of Israel’s poor global standing. Most of the world believes that Israel’s continued control of the West Bank is an unlawful military occupation, and that settlements violate the Fourth Geneva Convention. Though this view is supported by most legal scholars, Israel and pro-Israel conservatives dispute it. They argue that the West Bank isn’t occupied, and even if it were, the Fourth Geneva convention only prohibits “forcible” population transfers, not voluntary settlement.

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, no... this is where you guys get it wrong. Most of our problems in the Middle East are because our support of the Zionist Entity. We didn't really have any issues with that part of the world before 1948. Even before 1973, when we took a more neutral stance, we weren't as hated. Then Nixon saved the Zionists in the Yom Kippur War when they were getting their asses handed to them. The Arabs retaliated by raising the price of oil and we've been sticking our noses in over there ever since.

If we took the money we've spent in the last 45 years propping us Israel and fighting wars over there and invested it into renewable energy and domestic oil production, we wouldn't have the issues we have.
We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.

So when we paid taxes, that went to Solyndra, which then closed, and the owners left..... that was for services rendered? When a green energy grant is given to Elon Musk's Tesla, which I'll never own... that's for services rendered?

Do you want me to go through the Citizens Against Government waste, and list off the billions of dollars in lost money on pet projects, that benefit no one? Like a grant in the Department of Defense budget, to UCLA to study the long term effects of alcohol in the Middle East? Not making that up. From the Iraq war years.

Cash for Clunkers? Paying rich people to turn in their used H1, to get an H2 Hummer?

How many hundreds of examples do you need?

Here's the problem.... We could cut taxes by 50%, and cover all of the actual services rendered that the government gives. The rest is waste, or bad socialism.
You want to argue that the governement is capable of frivilous spending? Sorry, I happen to agree. On the other hand that's only half the argument. You have to be able to prove that your alternative is better.

This argument is about healthcare. Azog and me have argued about the respective benifits of my healthcare system compared to yours. One thing though is something he doesn't dispute, my governement run system is cheaper.... much cheaper than yours.

If you want to argue big governement vs small governement I'm game. This is not the place to do so however. Start an OP, tell me we're it is and let's argue not here though please, it would completely derail it.
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it is absurd that the richest country in the history of the world has the worst health care system in the history of the world. brothers and sisters, President Warren will end this international tragedy!

the UK and Canada and Scandinavia and Switzerland and Germany are all wrong? i doubt it!

my deductible is 16 thousand dollars. i pay for this insurance. that is a great policy! NOT. this is insane. i am probably included in the ranks of the "insured". we're dying out here, Trump! its time to vote your ass out!

We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.
Please post the link that supports that. I have one that disputes that. I'll share it when I'm home since linking on my cell is something I haven't figured out, but let's compare notes.
I see, some f*cking link is worth more than any experience then....

You are being redirected...

Duhhhh! Yes, for some reason I trust reliable sources far more than what someone heard.

From the "study" being quoted. As you know, Elizabeth Warren was one of four individuals authoring the study. Here is a quote from the methodology.

"The questionnaire asked about demographics, employment, housing and specific reasons
for filing for bankruptcy; whether the debtor had medical debts >$1000, had lost two or more weeks of work-related income due to illness, had health insurance coverage for themselves and all dependents at the time of filing, and whether there had been a one month or greater gap in that coverage over the past two years. In joint filings, we collected demographic information for each spouse.

http://www.pnhp.org/bankruptcy/Illness & Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy.pdf

I see, so were simply molding the question towards the statistical outcome we desire then

infantile attempt & rationale...

If you want to argue big governement vs small governement I'm game.

Sure, let's argue about 'big gub'mit', and all it's fixin's then>

I like to 'follow the $$', do U? >>

Which Industry Spends the Most on Lobbying?

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products: $3,937,356,877
Spending $3.9 billion over the past 20 years, the pharmaceutical and health products industry has far outpaced all other industries in lobbying spending. It's important to note that this industry includes not only drug manufacturers, but also the sellers of medical products and nutritional and dietary supplements.

got link?

You have the right to be wrong.

Um, no... this is where you guys get it wrong. Most of our problems in the Middle East are because our support of the Zionist Entity. We didn't really have any issues with that part of the world before 1948. Even before 1973, when we took a more neutral stance, we weren't as hated. Then Nixon saved the Zionists in the Yom Kippur War when they were getting their asses handed to them. The Arabs retaliated by raising the price of oil and we've been sticking our noses in over there ever since.

If we took the money we've spent in the last 45 years propping us Israel and fighting wars over there and invested it into renewable energy and domestic oil production, we wouldn't have the issues we have.

Like I said, you have the right to be wrong.

Syrians primary armored forces were mostly wiped out by Oct 7th. Israel had already retaken the Golan Heights by Oct 9th, and the first shipments of supplies from the US, didn't arrive until the 16ths. By the time, Syria had already lost most of their Aircraft to Israeli fighters.

Moreover, the attack by Egypt with over 1,000 tanks was utterly repelled, destroying some 400 to 500 units, and killing a 1,000 men. This happened on the 14th.
After defeating the Egyptians head on, the Israelis pushed forward, and even dislodged dug in Egyptian troops on the east side of the canal. Securing this beach head, allowed Israelis to pour into the Egyptian side, and build an offensive front.

By the 17th, Syria was utterly wiped out as a threat, and the Israelis shifted all their forces, and air support, to Egypt.

Now there is no question that US supplies helped. However, it is a very real possibility that Israel would have won, without US support.

Moreover, maybe you missed it, but one of the primary reasons we decided to actively support our ally, is because the Soviets had already started sending aid to both Egypt and Syria, by Oct 9th.

So.... yeah, keep being wrong. It's your right to be ignorant.
Now there is no question that US supplies helped. However, it is a very real possibility that Israel would have won, without US support.

Exactly, we bailed them out. We shouldn't have. It was stupid and we've been fighting over there ever since.

Heavens forbid you ever ask why, because you'll be called an anti-Semite for not wanting to take sides when two groups of Semites fight over a strip of desert an invisible sky fairy promised them.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.

So when we paid taxes, that went to Solyndra, which then closed, and the owners left..... that was for services rendered? When a green energy grant is given to Elon Musk's Tesla, which I'll never own... that's for services rendered?

Do you want me to go through the Citizens Against Government waste, and list off the billions of dollars in lost money on pet projects, that benefit no one? Like a grant in the Department of Defense budget, to UCLA to study the long term effects of alcohol in the Middle East? Not making that up. From the Iraq war years.

Cash for Clunkers? Paying rich people to turn in their used H1, to get an H2 Hummer?

How many hundreds of examples do you need?

Here's the problem.... We could cut taxes by 50%, and cover all of the actual services rendered that the government gives. The rest is waste, or bad socialism.
You want to argue that the governement is capable of frivilous spending? Sorry, I happen to agree. On the other hand that's only half the argument. You have to be able to prove that your alternative is better.

This argument is about healthcare. Azog and me have argued about the respective benifits of my healthcare system compared to yours. One thing though is something he doesn't dispute, my governement run system is cheaper.... much cheaper than yours.

If you want to argue big governement vs small governement I'm game. This is not the place to do so however. Start an OP, tell me we're it is and let's argue not here though please, it would completely derail it.

lol... no I don't think so.

The problem with your example is that you are comparing spending as a percent of GDP.

When you say it's cheaper.... that doesn't play out in real life. I don't care about that.

What difference does that make to me? It make zero difference. I have bills to pay. What percentage of GDP, doesn't mean jack to me. What matters is, how much money is stolen from my check.

50% of my paycheck would be more than double what I pay in taxes. Or about $8,000. The most expensive health insurance plan I can buy, is $500 a month. That is the MOST expensive plan I can buy. The plan I'm on now, is $50 a month.

So lets see.... do I want to pay $600 to $6,000 a year.... or $8,000 a year? Which is more expensive to me, the person who has to pay the bill? Which one is going to allow me to use my money to pay the mortgage on the house, and put food on the table?

Our system is cheaper, than your system. Period.

And by the way, I have a low income. If I was making a middle class income, your system would be even more expensive that what I just listed.

Lastly, US survival rates are highest in the world.

This is a well documented fact. You have better chance of surviving a life threatening illness in the US, than anywhere else.
Now there is no question that US supplies helped. However, it is a very real possibility that Israel would have won, without US support.

Exactly, we bailed them out. We shouldn't have. It was stupid and we've been fighting over there ever since.

Heavens forbid you ever ask why, because you'll be called an anti-Semite for not wanting to take sides when two groups of Semites fight over a strip of desert an invisible sky fairy promised them.

You have the right to be wrong. I just pointed out that Israel had already turned the tide of the war, before we got there. That's fact, not an opinion.

Not only was it right for us to support them, simply because Israel has a right to exist.....

But if we allowed the Soviets, to simply supply every hostile Tyrant on the planet, and never did anything to defend our allies, it would be a horrible dishonor to everything the US is supposed to stand for.

I've had friends like you in the past, that say they give a crap, until things get tough and they disappear. People like you, with your mentality, that we should be allies until it costs you something, and then you ditch your friends.... you people suck. Garbage people.

Thank Heaven, the rest of our country isn't made up of phony fair weather cowards like you.

But you have the right to be wrong. Feel free to continue.
You have the right to be wrong. I just pointed out that Israel had already turned the tide of the war, before we got there. That's fact, not an opinion.

No, it's an opinion. Israel wouldn't have lasted if we didn't bail them out...

Not only was it right for us to support them, simply because Israel has a right to exist.....

No, an apartheid state doesn't have a right to exist.

I've had friends like you in the past, that say they give a crap, until things get tough and they disappear. People like you, with your mentality, that we should be allies until it costs you something, and then you ditch your friends.... you people suck. Garbage people.

The Zionists aren't our "Friends". They are out for themselves.. Sorry you don't get this.

Here's the thing. Nope, If my friends do stupid things and get themselves into trouble, nope, it's not my obligation to bail them out.
You have the right to be wrong. I just pointed out that Israel had already turned the tide of the war, before we got there. That's fact, not an opinion.

No, it's an opinion. Israel wouldn't have lasted if we didn't bail them out...

Not only was it right for us to support them, simply because Israel has a right to exist.....

No, an apartheid state doesn't have a right to exist.

I've had friends like you in the past, that say they give a crap, until things get tough and they disappear. People like you, with your mentality, that we should be allies until it costs you something, and then you ditch your friends.... you people suck. Garbage people.

The Zionists aren't our "Friends". They are out for themselves.. Sorry you don't get this.

Here's the thing. Nope, If my friends do stupid things and get themselves into trouble, nope, it's not my obligation to bail them out.

So, you are full of total crap. Not just wrong, but you are full absolute total cow poop.

Right, well nice talking to you, until you revealed your idiocy. Have a good one.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.
You missed the point. I am selfish. My insurance costs $8,400 per year through my wife’s employer. That includes dental. Max family out of pocket for the 4 of us is $2,000 so max I ll pay is $10,400. I can See any Doctor at any time. My kids play sports and have seen doctors frequently. My tax rate post deductions is approx 25%. You want me to double that. By doing so my insurance would cost me approximately $90k per year vs $10k and I dont get the same treatment as private pay. It doesn’t make logical sense for me. Now for many others it does make sense and I would be subsidizing their expensive insurance but I do not want to do that. In Belgium it feels as though you are a collective and want to look out for one another. America is divided with idiots like JoeB spewing antisemtic tropes. Why would I want to subsidize his insurance? No thanks. Bernie Sanders who is a big proponent of UH has been a Govt official all his life aka he has done nothing. He doesn’t know anything. While in the big picture UH seems fine, it would not work in the US because of the example I gave you with me and there are millions like me who enjoy our private pay option. Plus I do not trust the Govt. My parents are on Medicare and it sucks. They have supplemental insurance because of that.
Link...”The Whole World” LOL
If you want to finish me off then come to Boston and do it.

Nobody wants to finish you off... they just don't trust you because you are kind of a weasel.

How does the world feel about Israel/Palestine?

That being said, Israel is extremely unpopular worldwide. In one BBC poll of 22 countries, Israel was the fourth-most-disliked nation (behind only Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea).

It’s clear that West Bank settlements are a key cause of Israel’s poor global standing. Most of the world believes that Israel’s continued control of the West Bank is an unlawful military occupation, and that settlements violate the Fourth Geneva Convention. Though this view is supported by most legal scholars, Israel and pro-Israel conservatives dispute it. They argue that the West Bank isn’t occupied, and even if it were, the Fourth Geneva convention only prohibits “forcible” population transfers, not voluntary settlement.
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

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