Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

You know what Joe, you are an asshole and a coward. Come to Boston and say your anti Jew rhetoric to my face. You would not so be civil here you prick. My wife served our country you didn’t so fuck off. Loser.

Guy, the fact that you engage in the same kind of racism against Palestinians and Mexicans that the Nazis engaged in against the Jews, means you've lost the moral high ground. Whining that I hurt your wittle feelings by pointing this out doesn't make you a tough guy.
57-year old asshole. Got it.

Duly noted you have no argument... sad, really.

Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo

And the US has 20 Trillion in debt and we elected a Game Show Host we are now impeaching. Every country has its problems.

So on the actual subject.

Europe and Japan have UHC. They spend less per capita/percentage of GDP, they have longer life expectancies and they have lower infant mortality rates.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, 8.5% have no health insurance even after ACA (It was 17% before ACA), 62% of bankruptcies are linked to Medical Crisis.
I do not follow? What?
If I assert that healthcare shouldn't be for profit. And you come back by stating that that's not true because it's very expensive to become a doctor. If I can show that becoming a doctor here is doable for about the same price as a single semester in a mid-tier college would set you back in the US, your argument is kind of hard to sustain isn't it?
Indeed. But it is expensive to become a doctor in the US and we ImO have the best doctors. Also I do not believe that healthcare is a right. If it is then why isn’t plumbing a right or food a right? It’s a slippery slope. I believe in free markets not in Govt interference or control. Our Govt has messed up entitlements why would I trust it with healthcare?
I never liked a slippery slope argument. "South-Vietnam falling is the first step to Communism taking over the world". "Pot is a gateway drug." Or this one. "Government taking over healthcare means we will become Socialists"

I've found that cause and effect aren't that easily predicted in general and predicting it into the future is a fools errand IMO. I can only state that in Europe and indeed for all, or nearly all Western nations the free market and UH, state-run UH coexist.
None of them have sworn off Capitalism. By the way, the free market runs on supply and demand. Success in healthcare is keeping the demand as low as possible (healthy populace) and supply as high as possible, something that suggests to me that for-profit healthcare is not the best way to go.
Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
57-year old asshole. Got it.

Duly noted you have no argument... sad, really.

Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo

And the US has 20 Trillion in debt and we elected a Game Show Host we are now impeaching. Every country has its problems.

So on the actual subject.

Europe and Japan have UHC. They spend less per capita/percentage of GDP, they have longer life expectancies and they have lower infant mortality rates.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, 8.5% have no health insurance even after ACA (It was 17% before ACA), 62% of bankruptcies are linked to Medical Crisis.
If I assert that healthcare shouldn't be for profit. And you come back by stating that that's not true because it's very expensive to become a doctor. If I can show that becoming a doctor here is doable for about the same price as a single semester in a mid-tier college would set you back in the US, your argument is kind of hard to sustain isn't it?
Indeed. But it is expensive to become a doctor in the US and we ImO have the best doctors. Also I do not believe that healthcare is a right. If it is then why isn’t plumbing a right or food a right? It’s a slippery slope. I believe in free markets not in Govt interference or control. Our Govt has messed up entitlements why would I trust it with healthcare?
I never liked a slippery slope argument. "South-Vietnam falling is the first step to Communism taking over the world". "Pot is a gateway drug." Or this one. "Government taking over healthcare means we will become Socialists"

I've found that cause and effect aren't that easily predicted in general and predicting it into the future is a fools errand IMO. I can only state that in Europe and indeed for all, or nearly all Western nations the free market and UH, state-run UH coexist.
None of them have sworn off Capitalism. By the way, the free market runs on supply and demand. Success in healthcare is keeping the demand as low as possible (healthy populace) and supply as high as possible, something that suggests to me that for-profit healthcare is not the best way to go.
Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer
You know what Joe, you are an asshole and a coward. Come to Boston and say your anti Jew rhetoric to my face. You would not so be civil here you prick. My wife served our country you didn’t so fuck off. Loser.

Guy, the fact that you engage in the same kind of racism against Palestinians and Mexicans that the Nazis engaged in against the Jews, means you've lost the moral high ground. Whining that I hurt your wittle feelings by pointing this out doesn't make you a tough guy.
Guy, if you won’t say risk shit to my face then don’t say it here. Period. The fact that you equate the Holocaust to my views on Israel and border security is mind boggling. You’re a special kind of idiot.
Guy, if you won’t say risk shit to my face then don’t say it here. Period. The fact that you equate the Holocaust to my views on Israel and border security is mind boggling. You’re a special kind of idiot.

How is it different? That the Nazis took it a bit too far when they started losing the war is the only real difference.

Otherwise, its the same shit. Vilify an ethnic minority, blame them for all your problems, take their stuff and treat them like second class citizens.

I'm sorry you don't see it, but I've often said, the Zionist is like an abused child who has grown up to be able to abuse other people. You do prove my point.
57-year old asshole. Got it.

Duly noted you have no argument... sad, really.

Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo

And the US has 20 Trillion in debt and we elected a Game Show Host we are now impeaching. Every country has its problems.

So on the actual subject.

Europe and Japan have UHC. They spend less per capita/percentage of GDP, they have longer life expectancies and they have lower infant mortality rates.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, 8.5% have no health insurance even after ACA (It was 17% before ACA), 62% of bankruptcies are linked to Medical Crisis.
Debt was $10trn until BHO started spending like a drunken sailor. I agree that our system is not perfect. Far from it but imo free markets work better for everything than counting on the Govt for anything. LASIK used to cost $10k now I can get it for $1.5k. Why? Because many more doctors started doing it and innovation made it simpler. I dont need to pay $200 for an X-ray that’s stupid but my insurance pays that. It’s a picture. Our system is broken but when my daughter sprained her wrist in hoops, I went to Childrens here in Boston and someone saw her within 2 hrs and she was diagnosed by the best Children’s Hospital in the world and treated immediately. That part I like. But if I lived in Jackson Mississippi IdK if she would get the same expertise. Oh and FU with your Jew hate. As I said before if you would not say it to my face don’t say it here, asshole.
Guy, if you won’t say risk shit to my face then don’t say it here. Period. The fact that you equate the Holocaust to my views on Israel and border security is mind boggling. You’re a special kind of idiot.

How is it different? That the Nazis took it a bit too far when they started losing the war is the only real difference.

Otherwise, its the same shit. Vilify an ethnic minority, blame them for all your problems, take their stuff and treat them like second class citizens.

I'm sorry you don't see it, but I've often said, the Zionist is like an abused child who has grown up to be able to abuse other people. You do prove my point.
Bit too far? You ignorant fool. They KILLED children as their mothers watched. They burned people alive. They committed medical experiments on people without any pain killers. Aka brutal torture. You are sorry. The Jews didn’t have weapons to fight back they were citizens of conquered countries. Israel is not invading Iran and taking all the Palestinians and killing them. Israel is not invading Jordan to kill Palestinians. We are not invading Latin America to kill Mexicans. That is the difference. Your so called history degree is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

You’re a special kind eh? Dumbass
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? .


Check this out.. The US and Belgium are equally bankrupt. Oh, most of the European Community is less bankrupt than we are.

Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out.

Okay, what if you don't have a good job. What if you have a good job, and Cigna decides they don't want to pay for your knee operation? (The incident that cured me of Republican Stupidity).

I do Not want to be anything like any European countries.

I'm sure you don't. A place where you can't cheat people. that would be like living in hell for you.

I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.

You replace employer based health care with Medicare.

The simplest way to do it would be to start with a Medicare Buy in for those over 55. That would benefit both the employers, as the insurance for their less than 55 employees would go down. Then after they've been assimilated, you allow the buy in to go down to 50 or 45... Pretty soon, you've gotten rid of Employer based health insurance.. and that would actually be GOOD for small business.

You see, you just whined about the Europeans, but one of the reasons Germany and Japan beat our asses back in the 1980's economically was because while we were struggling with adding the cost of health care to every product, they were using their universal health care to be more competitive.
Bit too far? You ignorant fool. They KILLED children as their mothers watched. They burned people alive.

And what do you think the Zionists are doing in Gaza and the West bank?

Israel is not invading Iran and taking all the Palestinians and killing them. Israel is not invading Jordan to kill Palestinians.

No, they are killing Palestinians after the conquered and took Palestine.

We are not invading Latin America to kill Mexicans. That is the difference. Your so called history degree is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

The Germans didn't invade the rest of Europe to kill the Jews, either. Now, we can argue about how our policies have caused the refugee crisis, which it has.... that we fund the drug cartels by buying drugs, that we prop up awful government in Latin America that their people want to get the hell away from...

Again, Dr. Goebbels looks at your racism and has a good laugh... Or he would if there was actually an afterlife which thankfully there isn't.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? .

View attachment 290279
Check this out.. The US and Belgium are equally bankrupt. Oh, most of the European Community is less bankrupt than we are.

Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out.

Okay, what if you don't have a good job. What if you have a good job, and Cigna decides they don't want to pay for your knee operation? (The incident that cured me of Republican Stupidity).

I do Not want to be anything like any European countries.

I'm sure you don't. A place where you can't cheat people. that would be like living in hell for you.

I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.

You replace employer based health care with Medicare.

The simplest way to do it would be to start with a Medicare Buy in for those over 55. That would benefit both the employers, as the insurance for their less than 55 employees would go down. Then after they've been assimilated, you allow the buy in to go down to 50 or 45... Pretty soon, you've gotten rid of Employer based health insurance.. and that would actually be GOOD for small business.

You see, you just whined about the Europeans, but one of the reasons Germany and Japan beat our asses back in the 1980's economically was because while we were struggling with adding the cost of health care to every product, they were using their universal health care to be more competitive.
What if the Moon were made of cheese? I worry About me and so far my insurance and medical coverage has been excellent. I agree It’s not perfect but Medicare for all would be a disaster, costly and you still have not solved the cost of becoming a doctor.
Bit too far? You ignorant fool. They KILLED children as their mothers watched. They burned people alive.

And what do you think the Zionists are doing in Gaza and the West bank?

Israel is not invading Iran and taking all the Palestinians and killing them. Israel is not invading Jordan to kill Palestinians.

No, they are killing Palestinians after the conquered and took Palestine.

We are not invading Latin America to kill Mexicans. That is the difference. Your so called history degree is not worth the paper it’s printed on.

The Germans didn't invade the rest of Europe to kill the Jews, either. Now, we can argue about how our policies have caused the refugee crisis, which it has.... that we fund the drug cartels by buying drugs, that we prop up awful government in Latin America that their people want to get the hell away from...

Again, Dr. Goebbels looks at your racism and has a good laugh... Or he would if there was actually an afterlife which thankfully there isn't.
Israel is defending itself in Gaza and the WB. Every mostly Islamic country is warlike. Israel is surrounded by them. Show a link where they are committing medical experiments and torture on Palestinians like the Nazis did to Jews. The Nazis invaded for land but they also proactively hunted down Jews. Over 500k Muslims are citizens of Israel. Your conflation is false just admit it. Long before Trump I thought we should roll tanks into corrupt Mexico. That place is a disaster run by cartels. Our war on drugs is stupid. We need to legalize and tax.
What if the Moon were made of cheese? I worry About me and so far my insurance and medical coverage has been excellent. I agree It’s not perfect but Medicare for all would be a disaster, costly and you still have not solved the cost of becoming a doctor.

Again, only a disaster for the people looking to profit off of pain and suffering... The rest of us will be fine.
If I assert that healthcare shouldn't be for profit. And you come back by stating that that's not true because it's very expensive to become a doctor. If I can show that becoming a doctor here is doable for about the same price as a single semester in a mid-tier college would set you back in the US, your argument is kind of hard to sustain isn't it?
Indeed. But it is expensive to become a doctor in the US and we ImO have the best doctors. Also I do not believe that healthcare is a right. If it is then why isn’t plumbing a right or food a right? It’s a slippery slope. I believe in free markets not in Govt interference or control. Our Govt has messed up entitlements why would I trust it with healthcare?
I never liked a slippery slope argument. "South-Vietnam falling is the first step to Communism taking over the world". "Pot is a gateway drug." Or this one. "Government taking over healthcare means we will become Socialists"

I've found that cause and effect aren't that easily predicted in general and predicting it into the future is a fools errand IMO. I can only state that in Europe and indeed for all, or nearly all Western nations the free market and UH, state-run UH coexist.
None of them have sworn off Capitalism. By the way, the free market runs on supply and demand. Success in healthcare is keeping the demand as low as possible (healthy populace) and supply as high as possible, something that suggests to me that for-profit healthcare is not the best way to go.
Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Time to stop spending money on the war machine and close the Pentagon. It only benefits the .1% anyway and erodes our rights at home. Then use all that money to provide HC for all Americans.

Israel is defending itself in Gaza and the WB.

Guy, defending yourself does not include travelling thousands of miles to invade someone else country and set up your own there.

If the European Jews were still in Europe and the Arabs were attacking them, THEN you'd have a point.

Every mostly Islamic country is warlike. Israel is surrounded by them.

Yes, when you steal someone's land, you are going to be surrounded by people who hate you... glad you get that.

Over 500k Muslims are citizens of Israel.


The Nazis had Ghetto Police.


Long before Trump I thought we should roll tanks into corrupt Mexico. That place is a disaster run by cartels. Our war on drugs is stupid. We need to legalize and tax.

You seem awfully keen to volunteer other people to go to war. Mexico is a disaster because we've been abusing it for 180 years.

For instance, the biggest influx of undocumented immigrants from Mexico came in the 1990's. What happened in the 1990's, we signed NAFTA, which meant that traditional farmers of Mexican White Corn now had to compete with American farmers selling genetically engineered, government subsidized yellow corn. This put millions of farmers and agricultural workers out of business.
Time to stop spending money on the war machine and close the Pentagon. It only benefits the .1% anyway and erodes our rights at home. Then use all that money to provide HC for all Americans.


Yeah, um, we tried that in the 1920's and 1930's.... and look how that turned out.

We also tried that in the 1970's... and the Soviets were running amok all over the place.
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.

Why are you boasting about inferior health care and taxes so massive that you cannot move from one of your classes up to another?
Get back to us when you grow up

Yawn, guy, you were the one who got on here and said that minorities are dying faster because they are "Genetically inferior".

(you know, instead of being victims of oppression and having less access to the things that keep people healthy, like food and medicine.)

You are a racist piece of shit. Embrace it.... then maybe you can address why you are such an awful person.

57-year old asshole. Got it.

Duly noted you have no argument... sad, really.

Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo

And the US has 20 Trillion in debt and we elected a Game Show Host we are now impeaching. Every country has its problems.

So on the actual subject.

Europe and Japan have UHC. They spend less per capita/percentage of GDP, they have longer life expectancies and they have lower infant mortality rates.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, 8.5% have no health insurance even after ACA (It was 17% before ACA), 62% of bankruptcies are linked to Medical Crisis.

Israel is defending itself in Gaza and the WB.

Guy, defending yourself does not include travelling thousands of miles to invade someone else country and set up your own there.

If the European Jews were still in Europe and the Arabs were attacking them, THEN you'd have a point.

Every mostly Islamic country is warlike. Israel is surrounded by them.

Yes, when you steal someone's land, you are going to be surrounded by people who hate you... glad you get that.

Over 500k Muslims are citizens of Israel.


The Nazis had Ghetto Police.

View attachment 290280

Long before Trump I thought we should roll tanks into corrupt Mexico. That place is a disaster run by cartels. Our war on drugs is stupid. We need to legalize and tax.

You seem awfully keen to volunteer other people to go to war. Mexico is a disaster because we've been abusing it for 180 years.

For instance, the biggest influx of undocumented immigrants from Mexico came in the 1990's. What happened in the 1990's, we signed NAFTA, which meant that traditional farmers of Mexican White Corn now had to compete with American farmers selling genetically engineered, government subsidized yellow corn. This put millions of farmers and agricultural workers out of business.
Wrong. Not at all how Israel was formed and you know that. And Gestapo police had 500k in it? Show a link. You’re an idiot.
If I assert that healthcare shouldn't be for profit. And you come back by stating that that's not true because it's very expensive to become a doctor. If I can show that becoming a doctor here is doable for about the same price as a single semester in a mid-tier college would set you back in the US, your argument is kind of hard to sustain isn't it?
Indeed. But it is expensive to become a doctor in the US and we ImO have the best doctors. Also I do not believe that healthcare is a right. If it is then why isn’t plumbing a right or food a right? It’s a slippery slope. I believe in free markets not in Govt interference or control. Our Govt has messed up entitlements why would I trust it with healthcare?
I never liked a slippery slope argument. "South-Vietnam falling is the first step to Communism taking over the world". "Pot is a gateway drug." Or this one. "Government taking over healthcare means we will become Socialists"

I've found that cause and effect aren't that easily predicted in general and predicting it into the future is a fools errand IMO. I can only state that in Europe and indeed for all, or nearly all Western nations the free market and UH, state-run UH coexist.
None of them have sworn off Capitalism. By the way, the free market runs on supply and demand. Success in healthcare is keeping the demand as low as possible (healthy populace) and supply as high as possible, something that suggests to me that for-profit healthcare is not the best way to go.
Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.

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