Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.

Why are you boasting about inferior health care and taxes so massive that you cannot move from one of your classes up to another?
Inferior? Feel free to back that up with numbers. As for high taxes, sure they are. On the other hand, I know for a fact that what you pay out of pocket or in the form of insurance premiums, deductibles, and other costs is WAAAY higher expense than my taxes. But hey give it your best shot show me how healthcare in Belgium is inferior.
Indeed. But it is expensive to become a doctor in the US and we ImO have the best doctors. Also I do not believe that healthcare is a right. If it is then why isn’t plumbing a right or food a right? It’s a slippery slope. I believe in free markets not in Govt interference or control. Our Govt has messed up entitlements why would I trust it with healthcare?
I never liked a slippery slope argument. "South-Vietnam falling is the first step to Communism taking over the world". "Pot is a gateway drug." Or this one. "Government taking over healthcare means we will become Socialists"

I've found that cause and effect aren't that easily predicted in general and predicting it into the future is a fools errand IMO. I can only state that in Europe and indeed for all, or nearly all Western nations the free market and UH, state-run UH coexist.
None of them have sworn off Capitalism. By the way, the free market runs on supply and demand. Success in healthcare is keeping the demand as low as possible (healthy populace) and supply as high as possible, something that suggests to me that for-profit healthcare is not the best way to go.
Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
Wrong. Not at all how Israel was formed and you know that. And Gestapo police had 500k in it? Show a link. You’re an idiot.

The Zionist Entity is built on a LIE. That Lie is "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people on that land, the Zionists stole it.
Wrong. Not at all how Israel was formed and you know that. And Gestapo police had 500k in it? Show a link. You’re an idiot.

The Zionist Entity is built on a LIE. That Lie is "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people on that land, the Zionists stole it.
Your life is a lie. It’s their land. Fuck off.
I never liked a slippery slope argument. "South-Vietnam falling is the first step to Communism taking over the world". "Pot is a gateway drug." Or this one. "Government taking over healthcare means we will become Socialists"

I've found that cause and effect aren't that easily predicted in general and predicting it into the future is a fools errand IMO. I can only state that in Europe and indeed for all, or nearly all Western nations the free market and UH, state-run UH coexist.
None of them have sworn off Capitalism. By the way, the free market runs on supply and demand. Success in healthcare is keeping the demand as low as possible (healthy populace) and supply as high as possible, something that suggests to me that for-profit healthcare is not the best way to go.
Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
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Medical bills caused bankruptcies are a hoax, a play the far left perpetrates on folks too lazy to do their own research.

Does 3 decades of listening to patients in the back of a meatwagon count?

Let me tell you something my dear lad

You might THINK you're in good hands

and the very same sorts telling you will kick you when you're down & can't fight back


Europe has negative interest rates and mediocre military and Brexit. Europe has imploded or will soon. Not an example of success imo
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
That has absolutely nothing to do with per capita cost as a percentage of GDP of healthcare which is the most honest way to asses what healthcare costs. That shows that you overpay in general 50 percent more than other nations. As to Europe imploding, another irrelevancy. We had UH before the EU was ever thought of. We had it when Europe had conscription we had it in the middle of the cold war. Guess what we paid less than to.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I agree that our healthcare system is broken but Europe and it’s somewhat socialized medicine program is bankrupting it and how much money does Belgium spend on the military? Most medicinal advances come from the US. Our system sucks but if you have a good job it works out. I do Not want to be anything like any European countries. I just want less corruption and not to have healthcare tied to employers but I do not see how that changes with over 100mil depending on employer based healthcare support.
Not for nothing, but claiming that our healthcare system is bankrupting Europe doesn't make a lot of sense since I think you acknowledge that yours is far more expensive. As for military spending. Belgium spends .9 percent of GDP on the military. The US spends 3.2.Military expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
Belgium spends 10.4 percent of its GDP on healthcare. The US spends 17.07 Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data
This means Belgium could spend twice as much on the military as the US, relatively speaking and combine it with healthcare cost and we still would spend less than the US spends on healthcare alone.

It is true that most medical advances are American, I do want to point out though that this not an indication of the US healthcare system being superior. Medical advances can be an argument for places like Harvard but you don't measure how good healthcare is on the bases of how much new shit they invent. You measure it in how those inventions are implemented to make the populace healthier IMO. We pay and therefor subsidies those advances as much as Americans do.

I'm not trying to be arrogant but it seems to me that your objections are subjective.
Your country is tiny, you don’t have a military and you don’t allow people to become citizens just because they are born there. Apples and oranges.
What aren't you getting about using data that expresses cost as a percentage of GDP? Yes, we are tiny that's why I express cost like that, believe me in actual numbers American healthcare comes out even more expensive? It's an expression of comparative cost. Our citizen requirements are more lenient actually. We have no cap on asylum seekers nor do we have something like a green card lottery. We don't have a citizen test. What we have is government paid assimilation lessons including free language courses. My wife could have become a Belgian citizen after 3 years of residency back in the day without questions asked.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
Medical bills caused bankruptcies are a hoax, a play the far left perpetrates on folks too lazy to do their own research.

Does 3 decades of listening to patients in the back of a meatwagon count?

Let me tell you something my dear lad

You might THINK you're in good hands

and the very same sorts telling you will kick you when you're down & can't fight back



So, you've got NOTHING! I post FACTS along with a reliable source and working link, YOU, on the other hand, POST...whatever you heard!
Medical bills caused bankruptcies are a hoax, a play the far left perpetrates on folks too lazy to do their own research.

Does 3 decades of listening to patients in the back of a meatwagon count?

Let me tell you something my dear lad

You might THINK you're in good hands

and the very same sorts telling you will kick you when you're down & can't fight back



So, you've got NOTHING! I post FACTS along with a reliable source and working link, YOU, on the other hand, POST...whatever you heard!

I see, some f*cking link is worth more than any experience then....

So be it

I've seen folks loose it all, and not claim bankruptcy , so just how does one collect those folks in any link Mark

Good hard working folks , who stood by their country too

Pray you don't end up like them lad

I see, some f*cking link is worth more than any experience then....

You are being redirected...

Duhhhh! Yes, for some reason I trust reliable sources far more than what someone heard.

From the "study" being quoted. As you know, Elizabeth Warren was one of four individuals authoring the study. Here is a quote from the methodology.

"The questionnaire asked about demographics, employment, housing and specific reasons
for filing for bankruptcy; whether the debtor had medical debts >$1000, had lost two or more weeks of work-related income due to illness, had health insurance coverage for themselves and all dependents at the time of filing, and whether there had been a one month or greater gap in that coverage over the past two years. In joint filings, we collected demographic information for each spouse.

http://www.pnhp.org/bankruptcy/Illness & Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy.pdf
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it is absurd that the richest country in the history of the world has the worst health care system in the history of the world. brothers and sisters, President Warren will end this international tragedy!

the UK and Canada and Scandinavia and Switzerland and Germany are all wrong? i doubt it!

my deductible is 16 thousand dollars. i pay for this insurance. that is a great policy! NOT. this is insane. i am probably included in the ranks of the "insured". we're dying out here, Trump! its time to vote your ass out!
premiums? thats a TAX.

paying 10 times more than Canada on prescription drugs? thats a doggone tax!
the insurance companies made 100 BILLION DOLLARS IN PROFITS this year. that is absurd! it is enormously complicated to argue with insurance companies. we are wasting so much money on this administrative nightmare.

MEDICARE 4 ALL: here's your card, go to any doctor you want, no more bureaucracy. it simplifies the system!
it is absurd that the richest country in the history of the world has the worst health care system in the history of the world. brothers and sisters, President Warren will end this international tragedy!

the UK and Canada and Scandinavia and Switzerland and Germany are all wrong? i doubt it!

my deductible is 16 thousand dollars. i pay for this insurance. that is a great policy! NOT. this is insane. i am probably included in the ranks of the "insured". we're dying out here, Trump! its time to vote your ass out!

here's what we're gonna do my friends: government has a great role to play, but we must always make sure that our doctors will be working for their patients and not for the federal government.
Your life is a lie. It’s their land. Fuck off.

Again, the whole world is turning on the Zionists... the only friends they got are the Christian Nutters in this country who think that Jesus is coming back.
Link...”The Whole World” LOL
If you want to finish me off then come to Boston and do it.

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