Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.
What is your tax rate?
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.

So when we paid taxes, that went to Solyndra, which then closed, and the owners left..... that was for services rendered? When a green energy grant is given to Elon Musk's Tesla, which I'll never own... that's for services rendered?

Do you want me to go through the Citizens Against Government waste, and list off the billions of dollars in lost money on pet projects, that benefit no one? Like a grant in the Department of Defense budget, to UCLA to study the long term effects of alcohol in the Middle East? Not making that up. From the Iraq war years.

Cash for Clunkers? Paying rich people to turn in their used H1, to get an H2 Hummer?

How many hundreds of examples do you need?

Here's the problem.... We could cut taxes by 50%, and cover all of the actual services rendered that the government gives. The rest is waste, or bad socialism.
You want to argue that the governement is capable of frivilous spending? Sorry, I happen to agree. On the other hand that's only half the argument. You have to be able to prove that your alternative is better.

This argument is about healthcare. Azog and me have argued about the respective benifits of my healthcare system compared to yours. One thing though is something he doesn't dispute, my governement run system is cheaper.... much cheaper than yours.

If you want to argue big governement vs small governement I'm game. This is not the place to do so however. Start an OP, tell me we're it is and let's argue not here though please, it would completely derail it.
Maybe cheaper as a collective but not cheaper for people with private pay as I gave you a direct example.
We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

Democrats seem to have a really bad case of Gigotosis(grass is always greener on the other side). The US the THE place to be in the world and that is no thanks to Democrats and certainly not Socialism.
We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.

I appreciate it that you invite me to put forth the real reason for our lower life expectancy than some other countries.

Life Expectancy comparison

Quite simple but I believe it is over your head. At least what you would admit. Before that, since we've had Obamacare, our life expectancy has DROPPED over the past two years. Why?

A major reason our country has a lower life expectancy than the countries you enumerated is because they are: "homogeneous nations". Those are nations made up of nearly 100% one race. Different races and nationalities have different life expectancies regardless of the health care they do or do not receive.

The life expectancy in Norway at birth is 81.8 years. Until Muslim refugees started moving into the country, they are nearly 100% white Norwegians.

In Minnesota, a very large percentage of their population are Scandinavians. They also eat many of the foods from the Old Country. Their life expectancy is 81.05.

There are other reasons as well. We have far more vehicular fatalities than other countries.


Then there is your persistent, misconception about Infant Mortality Rate.

"The main factors affecting early infant survival are birth weight and prematurity. The way that these factors are reported — and how such babies are treated statistically — tells a different story than what the numbers reveal. Low birth weight infants are not counted against the “live birth” statistics for many countries reporting low infant mortality rates.

According to the way statistics are calculated in Canada, Germany, and Austria, a premature baby weighing less than 500 kg [sic; typo--read 500g] is not considered a living child.

But in the U.S., such very low birth weight babies are considered live births. The mortality rate of such babies — considered “unsalvageable” outside of the U.S. and therefore never alive — is extraordinarily high; up to 869 per 1,000 in the first month of life alone. This skews U.S. infant mortality statistics.Norway boasts one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. But when the main determinant of mortality — weight at birth — is factored in, Norway has no better survival rates than the United States....

In the United States, all infants who show signs of life at birth (take a breath, move voluntarily, have a heartbeat) are considered alive.

If a child in Hong Kong or Japan is born alive but dies within the first 24 hours of birth, he or she is reported as a “miscarriage” and does not affect the country’s reported infant mortality rates....

Efforts to salvage these tiny babies reflect this classification. Since 2000, 42 of the world’s 52 surviving babies weighing less than 400g (0.9 lbs.) were born in the United States."

The Delaware Libertarian: The Infant Mortality Myth

We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

Go back and read what I said. Then have someone help you with the BIG WORDS. We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

So here's the thing. If we spend more than any other country in the world, we should have the absolute best results. Instead, we have some of the worst.

I appreciate it that you invite me to put forth the real reason for our lower life expectancy than some other countries.

So you can spew out more of your nasty racism, you racist cocksucker? We've established, you are an awful racist person. We've got that.
Democrats seem to have a really bad case of Gigotosis(grass is always greener on the other side). The US the THE place to be in the world and that is no thanks to Democrats and certainly not Socialism.

America WAS that thanks to FDR and the New Deal. Then Reagan and Bush came along and fucked all that up.

I'd just like the America I grew up in back.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

Go back and read what I said. Then have someone help you with the BIG WORDS. We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

So here's the thing. If we spend more than any other country in the world, we should have the absolute best results. Instead, we have some of the worst.

I appreciate it that you invite me to put forth the real reason for our lower life expectancy than some other countries.

So you can spew out more of your nasty racism, you racist cocksucker? We've established, you are an awful racist person. We've got that.

We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

We don't have the lowest life expectancy, but we are below Europe and all the wealthy countries.
Being fat IS due to poor health care.
If we had reasonable health care, fat people would get the lecture on being trim, before the damage was done.
It is ignorance that causes such obesity, and that if from very bad health care.
It takes health care for people to learn how to eat and exercise well.

The rest of the world has as much fast food available, as well as cars, and they are not as obese and they use mass transit more.
There has to be a reason for that that is not dependent upon the individuals.
It pretty much has to be lack of health care in the US.
You really are not getting it Azog. My tax rate is about 50 percent, that's why...... I express cost as a percentage of GDP. You pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. I pay x-amount of dollars out of pocket. Mine is lower. I, however, pay x-amount of dollars in taxes just like you, only I pay way more. That's why when you want to have a meaningful comparison you have to not only take into account the TOTAL cost but also take into consideration that between 2 countries you don't have the same disposable income.
I do not want to pay 50% but thank you for your honest answer.
You're welcome. I don't see a reason to lie I don't feel it's a good argument against my system. You are however, giving a good illustration about thruth of the central premise of this OP. You are right UH will probably never happen in the US.

Most people, Americans especially, fundamentally misunderstand the nature of taxation. To most people taxes is the governement taking your hard-earned money. What it actually is, is a form of payment for services rendered.

I personally am only interest in paying as less money as possible for services. As long as quality is comparable. If you buy life insurance for instance, would you buy one that offers the same payout on death for a 50 percent increase in premiums just because you pay anually instead of monthly? I doubt it.

You are however perfectly willing to pay 50 percent extra(actually 70 as shown in the data provided) because you don't like taxation. To me that is not a rational position. It's not uncommon, and everybody is irrational on occasion but still.

So when we paid taxes, that went to Solyndra, which then closed, and the owners left..... that was for services rendered? When a green energy grant is given to Elon Musk's Tesla, which I'll never own... that's for services rendered?

Do you want me to go through the Citizens Against Government waste, and list off the billions of dollars in lost money on pet projects, that benefit no one? Like a grant in the Department of Defense budget, to UCLA to study the long term effects of alcohol in the Middle East? Not making that up. From the Iraq war years.

Cash for Clunkers? Paying rich people to turn in their used H1, to get an H2 Hummer?

How many hundreds of examples do you need?

Here's the problem.... We could cut taxes by 50%, and cover all of the actual services rendered that the government gives. The rest is waste, or bad socialism.
You want to argue that the governement is capable of frivilous spending? Sorry, I happen to agree. On the other hand that's only half the argument. You have to be able to prove that your alternative is better.

This argument is about healthcare. Azog and me have argued about the respective benifits of my healthcare system compared to yours. One thing though is something he doesn't dispute, my governement run system is cheaper.... much cheaper than yours.

If you want to argue big governement vs small governement I'm game. This is not the place to do so however. Start an OP, tell me we're it is and let's argue not here though please, it would completely derail it.
Maybe cheaper as a collective but not cheaper for people with private pay as I gave you a direct example.

That argument makes no sense.
What you are saying is that government can waste money, so therefore we should no have government administration of programs.
And of course the fault with that logic is that main corruption in government is from private enterprise, like the military industrial complex, wasting money on defense we do not need.
The fact government can waste money does not mean all government projects waste money, and there are many, like Medicare and the VA, that waste far less than any private enterprise.

Private pay health care is incredibly wasteful because the payment is through the employer and insurance company, who prepay. That leaves the health care customer totally unable to withhold payment if quality is poor or prices way too high.
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.
We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

Democrats seem to have a really bad case of Gigotosis(grass is always greener on the other side). The US the THE place to be in the world and that is no thanks to Democrats and certainly not Socialism.

Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.
The US is not bad because we have socialism for transportation, education, defense, utilities, pensions, welfare, etc., but we could do a lot better public health care.

And no, the US it not the best place.
Currently that is held by all the Scandanavian countries, like Denmark.
We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

We don't have the lowest life expectancy, but we are below Europe and all the wealthy countries.
Being fat IS due to poor health care.
If we had reasonable health care, fat people would get the lecture on being trim, before the damage was done.
It is ignorance that causes such obesity, and that if from very bad health care.
It takes health care for people to learn how to eat and exercise well.

The rest of the world has as much fast food available, as well as cars, and they are not as obese and they use mass transit more.
There has to be a reason for that that is not dependent upon the individuals.
It pretty much has to be lack of health care in the US.
The Myth of Americans' Poor Life Expectancy
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

We don't have the lowest life expectancy, but we are below Europe and all the wealthy countries.
Being fat IS due to poor health care.
If we had reasonable health care, fat people would get the lecture on being trim, before the damage was done.
It is ignorance that causes such obesity, and that if from very bad health care.
It takes health care for people to learn how to eat and exercise well.

The rest of the world has as much fast food available, as well as cars, and they are not as obese and they use mass transit more.
There has to be a reason for that that is not dependent upon the individuals.
It pretty much has to be lack of health care in the US.
The Myth of Americans' Poor Life Expectancy

The article is an obvious lie.
First of all, everyone knows the most important step to successful health care is preventive maintenance, which is impossible in private health care like the US.
Second that everyone also knows that the only advantage of capitalism is that you can punish poor service by withholding payment, and you can not do that with private US health insurance.
The customer prepays with health insurance, and the 3rd party payer will pay regardless of what you think.
So it can not possibly work.
The article lists one type of cancer and claims that is proof the US is best.
But clearly one type of health care is not at all a measure, and is obvious cherry picking.
Sure the US is good at some types of health care, since it is such a large industry.
But the truth is that in general, US health care is awful.
And the proof of that is we have over 100,000 unnecessary deaths a year from medical malpractice.
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor
We don't have the worst health care in the world. You are ridiculously wrong. Look at the survival rates, compared to other nations. You have higher chance of surviving an illness here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Statistical fact.

Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

We don't have the lowest life expectancy, but we are below Europe and all the wealthy countries.
Being fat IS due to poor health care.
If we had reasonable health care, fat people would get the lecture on being trim, before the damage was done.
It is ignorance that causes such obesity, and that if from very bad health care.
It takes health care for people to learn how to eat and exercise well.

The rest of the world has as much fast food available, as well as cars, and they are not as obese and they use mass transit more.
There has to be a reason for that that is not dependent upon the individuals.
It pretty much has to be lack of health care in the US.
The Myth of Americans' Poor Life Expectancy

The article is an obvious lie.
First of all, everyone knows the most important step to successful health care is preventive maintenance, which is impossible in private health care like the US.
Second that everyone also knows that the only advantage of capitalism is that you can punish poor service by withholding payment, and you can not do that with private US health insurance.
The customer prepays with health insurance, and the 3rd party payer will pay regardless of what you think.
So it can not possibly work.
The article lists one type of cancer and claims that is proof the US is best.
But clearly one type of health care is not at all a measure, and is obvious cherry picking.
Sure the US is good at some types of health care, since it is such a large industry.
But the truth is that in general, US health care is awful.
And the proof of that is we have over 100,000 unnecessary deaths a year from medical malpractice.
You think $100k a year is a lot of money. You’re not a Jew and you’re insane. Please stop responding to my posts. You’re an idiot.
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?
Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.

So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?
Um. Wrong.

We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. We have the lowest life expectancy. Our metrics ONLY come out better if you compare us to third world countries.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

We don't have the lowest life expectancy, but we are below Europe and all the wealthy countries.
Being fat IS due to poor health care.
If we had reasonable health care, fat people would get the lecture on being trim, before the damage was done.
It is ignorance that causes such obesity, and that if from very bad health care.
It takes health care for people to learn how to eat and exercise well.

The rest of the world has as much fast food available, as well as cars, and they are not as obese and they use mass transit more.
There has to be a reason for that that is not dependent upon the individuals.
It pretty much has to be lack of health care in the US.
The Myth of Americans' Poor Life Expectancy

The article is an obvious lie.
First of all, everyone knows the most important step to successful health care is preventive maintenance, which is impossible in private health care like the US.
Second that everyone also knows that the only advantage of capitalism is that you can punish poor service by withholding payment, and you can not do that with private US health insurance.
The customer prepays with health insurance, and the 3rd party payer will pay regardless of what you think.
So it can not possibly work.
The article lists one type of cancer and claims that is proof the US is best.
But clearly one type of health care is not at all a measure, and is obvious cherry picking.
Sure the US is good at some types of health care, since it is such a large industry.
But the truth is that in general, US health care is awful.
And the proof of that is we have over 100,000 unnecessary deaths a year from medical malpractice.
You think $100k a year is a lot of money. You’re not a Jew and you’re insane. Please stop responding to my posts. You’re an idiot.

That is just stupid.
I already posted, linked, and quoted how $100k/year if over twice the average income, and over 4 times the poverty level, so then clearly $100k a year is a lot of money.
Why do you keep insisting otherwise, without any basis?
You should at least try to explain, such as how in a few places like NY or San Francisco, the cost of living is many times higher than normal, or some sort of attempt at a rational explanation for your bizarre claims.

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