Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.

So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?

First of all, I would not speak the language in most other countries.
Second is that leaving the US would do nothing to help the hundreds of millions of victims to US commercial interest in the US, who need my help.
In the US, since the poor do not get health insurance from their employers, while the wealthy do get tax exempt health care from their employer, essentially the poor subsidize the health care of the wealthy in the US.
The poor have no negotiating clout when they go to insurance companies and ask for coverage, so they pay over twice what the employers of the wealthy do for the same policies.
If I call my family doctor for an appointment, It will be at least 6 weeks.

You're proud of bad decisions? How amusing!

If I call to schedule my annual checkup, that will be six weeks or so down the road. If I call about a specific ailment, think I have a broken foot, the flu or whatever, I get in that day, or the next.

If you will notice, the waiting list in Canada that I provided is AFTER someone has seen their primary care physician and have been referred to a specialist. How long they have to wait to see the specialist and then how long they have to wait for treatment.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?
Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.

So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?

First of all, I would not speak the language in most other countries.
Second is that leaving the US would do nothing to help the hundreds of millions of victims to US commercial interest in the US, who need my help.
In the US, since the poor do not get health insurance from their employers, while the wealthy do get tax exempt health care from their employer, essentially the poor subsidize the health care of the wealthy in the US.
The poor have no negotiating clout when they go to insurance companies and ask for coverage, so they pay over twice what the employers of the wealthy do for the same policies.
So you think that justifies forcing your preferences on others?
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?
Fuck off with your absolutes. No one on this site is as dumb as you.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

We are also the fattest country and we drive the most miles and have a horrid drug culture thanks to our neighbors to the South.

The 10 Fattest Countries In The World

We are the fattest by far because of all the fast food joints. Joey you told me you frequent Starbucks. Tsk tsk tsk. UH won’t fix the fact that you’re fat and fat and stupid is no way to go through life. My wife has co workers who are obese and they have the same insurance and healthcare as she and I do. Why are they fat? Because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Nothing to do with Healthcare.

Here is the thing. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Look in the mirror, fatty.

We don't have the lowest life expectancy, but we are below Europe and all the wealthy countries.
Being fat IS due to poor health care.
If we had reasonable health care, fat people would get the lecture on being trim, before the damage was done.
It is ignorance that causes such obesity, and that if from very bad health care.
It takes health care for people to learn how to eat and exercise well.

The rest of the world has as much fast food available, as well as cars, and they are not as obese and they use mass transit more.
There has to be a reason for that that is not dependent upon the individuals.
It pretty much has to be lack of health care in the US.
The Myth of Americans' Poor Life Expectancy

The article is an obvious lie.
First of all, everyone knows the most important step to successful health care is preventive maintenance, which is impossible in private health care like the US.
Second that everyone also knows that the only advantage of capitalism is that you can punish poor service by withholding payment, and you can not do that with private US health insurance.
The customer prepays with health insurance, and the 3rd party payer will pay regardless of what you think.
So it can not possibly work.
The article lists one type of cancer and claims that is proof the US is best.
But clearly one type of health care is not at all a measure, and is obvious cherry picking.
Sure the US is good at some types of health care, since it is such a large industry.
But the truth is that in general, US health care is awful.
And the proof of that is we have over 100,000 unnecessary deaths a year from medical malpractice.
You think $100k a year is a lot of money. You’re not a Jew and you’re insane. Please stop responding to my posts. You’re an idiot.

That is just stupid.
I already posted, linked, and quoted how $100k/year if over twice the average income, and over 4 times the poverty level, so then clearly $100k a year is a lot of money.
Why do you keep insisting otherwise, without any basis?
You should at least try to explain, such as how in a few places like NY or San Francisco, the cost of living is many times higher than normal, or some sort of attempt at a rational explanation for your bizarre claims.
No you’re stupid and likely a 60 yr old virgin. You asshole.
If I call my family doctor for an appointment, It will be at least 6 weeks.

You're proud of bad decisions? How amusing!

If I call to schedule my annual checkup, that will be six weeks or so down the road. If I call about a specific ailment, think I have a broken foot, the flu or whatever, I get in that day, or the next.

If you will notice, the waiting list in Canada that I provided is AFTER someone has seen their primary care physician and have been referred to a specialist. How long they have to wait to see the specialist and then how long they have to wait for treatment.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?

Canada has better and faster ER care than the US.
You only have to wait if you need a specialist and can wait.
Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.

So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?

First of all, I would not speak the language in most other countries.
Second is that leaving the US would do nothing to help the hundreds of millions of victims to US commercial interest in the US, who need my help.
In the US, since the poor do not get health insurance from their employers, while the wealthy do get tax exempt health care from their employer, essentially the poor subsidize the health care of the wealthy in the US.
The poor have no negotiating clout when they go to insurance companies and ask for coverage, so they pay over twice what the employers of the wealthy do for the same policies.
So you think that justifies forcing your preferences on others?

It has NOTHING at all to do with preferences.
Clearly the system in the US, where you prepay decades ahead of time, does not and can not possibly ever work.
It is about as stupid as that prepaid legal insurance scam was.
When you prepay, you get what you deserve, which is almost nothing.
I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?
Fuck off with your absolutes. No one on this site is as dumb as you.

Things like justice are fairly absolute when it is so blatant like this, where illegal European immigrants took over Palestine by force of arms.
That is clearly criminal by any legal standard.
Jews have no legal, historical, or religious basis for taking Palestine from the Arab natives, by force.
And that it was illegal theft is obvious, since the immigrating Jews simply did not pay for hardly any land at all.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

We pretty much have universal health care in America. Not in the way you think, or what Sen Warren or Sanders have proposed, but when anyone is injured or seriously ill they can be taken to any ER and treated. The cost is borne by the local tax payers.

Most of us understand that serious health issues detected early become more easily treated than when left to fester for weeks or months and even years. Cancers, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes can all be diagnosed during regular physical examinations which include lab tests and an honest dialogue between the physician and the patient.

How and why do we (gov't) pay for cradle to grave preventative care?
  • Too many people are ingrained with private insurance: Private insurance will pay less by providing age appropriate physical exams, as noted above
  • Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that: The Federal Government can afford to build teaching hospitals for students who can't afford medical school at a nominal cost, on the condition that they complete their residency in clinics in one or more of the 435 districts across America, and spend X amount of years in their specialty.
  • .Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route: Of course, those who choose doctors in their insurance group are not required to participate.
  • Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3. You can't think outside the box in which you have been told to reside.
Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.

So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?

First of all, I would not speak the language in most other countries.
Second is that leaving the US would do nothing to help the hundreds of millions of victims to US commercial interest in the US, who need my help.
In the US, since the poor do not get health insurance from their employers, while the wealthy do get tax exempt health care from their employer, essentially the poor subsidize the health care of the wealthy in the US.
The poor have no negotiating clout when they go to insurance companies and ask for coverage, so they pay over twice what the employers of the wealthy do for the same policies.
So you think that justifies forcing your preferences on others?

It has NOTHING at all to do with preferences.
Clearly the system in the US, where you prepay decades ahead of time, does not and can not possibly ever work.
It is about as stupid as that prepaid legal insurance scam was.
When you prepay, you get what you deserve, which is almost nothing.

Oh, I totally agree. Our system is totally fucked up. But it's because we've indulged the desire to control people with government. I just don't see how giving government even more power is going to help.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?

I have provided the working link to the entire study. Here is the information you requested regarding


You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?
Fuck off with your absolutes. No one on this site is as dumb as you.

Things like justice are fairly absolute when it is so blatant like this, where illegal European immigrants took over Palestine by force of arms.
That is clearly criminal by any legal standard.
Jews have no legal, historical, or religious basis for taking Palestine from the Arab natives, by force.
And that it was illegal theft is obvious, since the immigrating Jews simply did not pay for hardly any land at all.
When you deal in absolutes you’re an asshole.

Me: I like the color green.

Rigby: EVERYONE knows that blue is the best color.

Fuck off. Stop replying to me. Weirdo
Definitely the best place to live is the one with the most socialism.

So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?

First of all, I would not speak the language in most other countries.
Second is that leaving the US would do nothing to help the hundreds of millions of victims to US commercial interest in the US, who need my help.
In the US, since the poor do not get health insurance from their employers, while the wealthy do get tax exempt health care from their employer, essentially the poor subsidize the health care of the wealthy in the US.
The poor have no negotiating clout when they go to insurance companies and ask for coverage, so they pay over twice what the employers of the wealthy do for the same policies.
So you think that justifies forcing your preferences on others?

It has NOTHING at all to do with preferences.
Clearly the system in the US, where you prepay decades ahead of time, does not and can not possibly ever work.
It is about as stupid as that prepaid legal insurance scam was.
When you prepay, you get what you deserve, which is almost nothing.

Oh, I totally agree. Our system is totally fucked up. But it's because we've indulged the desire to control people with government. I just don't see how giving government even more power is going to help.

No, the reason health care is so screwed up is that we prepay and lose any ability to control quality or costs.
Government is involved with the screw up, but that is because in 1957 the IRS created the tax exemption for employer benefits, and the health care insurance industry was born.
It is a scam, essentially a protection racket, and I know because I have paid in over half a million dollars, and not got a single cent back out. That is because I have never had any medical bills greater than the deductible.
All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?
Fuck off with your absolutes. No one on this site is as dumb as you.

Things like justice are fairly absolute when it is so blatant like this, where illegal European immigrants took over Palestine by force of arms.
That is clearly criminal by any legal standard.
Jews have no legal, historical, or religious basis for taking Palestine from the Arab natives, by force.
And that it was illegal theft is obvious, since the immigrating Jews simply did not pay for hardly any land at all.
When you deal in absolutes you’re an asshole.

Me: I like the color green.

Rigby: EVERYONE knows that blue is the best color.

Fuck off. Stop replying to me. Weirdo

The rule of law exists because there are absolutes when it comes to the actions of humans to each other.
Justice can be defined, written down, etc., and is fairly absolute.
It can be relative to some conditions, but is not at all subjective.
So, this is not a "love it or leave it" comment, but I am curious - why don't you go to a country that already has more socialism? Why do you want to force it on people who don't want it?

First of all, I would not speak the language in most other countries.
Second is that leaving the US would do nothing to help the hundreds of millions of victims to US commercial interest in the US, who need my help.
In the US, since the poor do not get health insurance from their employers, while the wealthy do get tax exempt health care from their employer, essentially the poor subsidize the health care of the wealthy in the US.
The poor have no negotiating clout when they go to insurance companies and ask for coverage, so they pay over twice what the employers of the wealthy do for the same policies.
So you think that justifies forcing your preferences on others?

It has NOTHING at all to do with preferences.
Clearly the system in the US, where you prepay decades ahead of time, does not and can not possibly ever work.
It is about as stupid as that prepaid legal insurance scam was.
When you prepay, you get what you deserve, which is almost nothing.

Oh, I totally agree. Our system is totally fucked up. But it's because we've indulged the desire to control people with government. I just don't see how giving government even more power is going to help.

No, the reason health care is so screwed up is that we prepay and lose any ability to control quality or costs.
Government is involved with the screw up, but that is because in 1957 the IRS created the tax exemption for employer benefits, and the health care insurance industry was born.
It is a scam, essentially a protection racket, and I know because I have paid in over half a million dollars, and not got a single cent back out. That is because I have never had any medical bills greater than the deductible.

Again, I totally agree. If I was responsible for reforming the health care fiasco, the first thing I'd do is repeal the tax exemptions for benefits. It gives employers way too much power over employees.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?
Fuck off with your absolutes. No one on this site is as dumb as you.

Things like justice are fairly absolute when it is so blatant like this, where illegal European immigrants took over Palestine by force of arms.
That is clearly criminal by any legal standard.
Jews have no legal, historical, or religious basis for taking Palestine from the Arab natives, by force.
And that it was illegal theft is obvious, since the immigrating Jews simply did not pay for hardly any land at all.
When you deal in absolutes you’re an asshole.

Me: I like the color green.

Rigby: EVERYONE knows that blue is the best color.

Fuck off. Stop replying to me. Weirdo

The rule of law exists because there are absolutes when it comes to the actions of humans to each other.
Justice can be defined, written down, etc., and is fairly absolute.
It can be relative to some conditions, but is not at all subjective.
Winners write history, you idiot.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?

I have provided the working link to the entire study. Here is the information you requested regarding



There is no wait in Canada for ER care.
The only things that do have waits, are things that can wait, and are so expensive to have specialists in that one should wait.

Just hope you don't need an MRI or anything of the sort.

As you know too, not all visits to the doctor begin in the emergency room.

How many die waiting for a specialist or suffer in pain needlessly for months?

Did you know that most women with difficult pregnancies are sent to the United States of America for care? Canada doesn't have the facilities to care for them. Of course, unless their loved ones have a passport, they have to stay in Canada.

Where do they go if the US destroys our system for government health care?
22 countries equates to the whole world. I am Sure I can find 22 countries who hate America too. Provide a link that the “whole world” hates Jews. Thanks.

I didn't say Jews, I said Israel...

Even a lot of Jews are embarrassed the the Zionists. The ones with a conscience anyway...
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

All real Jews, like me, are against Zionism and Israel because after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion in 160 AD, it was decided by the Jewish leadership that Jews were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride, and were supposed to atone for those sins. Israel is a sin and defiles all past atonement.
So I am a fake Jew? LMAO. You’re a traitor

Zionists, like Netanyahu, all admit they are atheists.
It simply is impossible to be a religious Jew and support the immoral and unethical take over of Palestine from the natives, by immigrant Europeans.
That is against Judaism.
How can anyone argue with that?

You people... how are you people so stuck on stupid, that in the middle of thread about Universal Healthcare, you start talking about Jews? What is wrong with you people? Grow up. How childish can you get.
Again, I totally agree. If I was responsible for reforming the health care fiasco, the first thing I'd do is repeal the tax exemptions for benefits. It gives employers way too much power over employees.

Which is why you'll never be responsible.

WASHINGTON – A new survey released by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) demonstrates the critical importance of employer provided health coverage to American workers. The results showed 71% of Americans are satisfied with their current employer-provided health coverage. Further, 56% indicated coverage remains a key factor in their choice to stay at their current job.

Majority of Americans Satisfied with Their Employer’s Health Plan, New Survey Shows - AHIP

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