Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

Go back and read what I said. Then have someone help you with the BIG WORDS. We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

So here's the thing. If we spend more than any other country in the world, we should have the absolute best results. Instead, we have some of the worst.

I appreciate it that you invite me to put forth the real reason for our lower life expectancy than some other countries.

So you can spew out more of your nasty racism, you racist cocksucker? We've established, you are an awful racist person. We've got that.


Again, you are the one who claims people of color are "inferior" and they deserve to die younger... we don't need you to keep reminding us you are a racist asshole.
Democrats seem to have a really bad case of Gigotosis(grass is always greener on the other side). The US the THE place to be in the world and that is no thanks to Democrats and certainly not Socialism.

America WAS that thanks to FDR and the New Deal. Then Reagan and Bush came along and fucked all that up.

I'd just like the America I grew up in back.

In other words, MAGA!
Which is why you'll never be responsible.

WASHINGTON – A new survey released by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) demonstrates the critical importance of employer provided health coverage to American workers. The results showed 71% of Americans are satisfied with their current employer-provided health coverage. Further, 56% indicated coverage remains a key factor in their choice to stay at their current job.

If you are staying in a job you hate because of insurance, that's barely one step removed from slavery.

Of course, the insurance industry was going to find that people love the insurance industry.

Americans hate the health care industry even more than Wall Street
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

Go back and read what I said. Then have someone help you with the BIG WORDS. We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

So here's the thing. If we spend more than any other country in the world, we should have the absolute best results. Instead, we have some of the worst.

I appreciate it that you invite me to put forth the real reason for our lower life expectancy than some other countries.

So you can spew out more of your nasty racism, you racist cocksucker? We've established, you are an awful racist person. We've got that.


Again, you are the one who claims people of color are "inferior" and they deserve to die younger... we don't need you to keep reminding us you are a racist asshole.

In other words, MAGA!

Yeah, but the ironic thing is, Trump offers more of what fucked it up.... Same Shit, new package.

Of course, because white people are you know, really stupid, especially in the Red States where their family trees don't fork, they can keep packaging the same anti-worker shit in new packages...

Yeah we are REALLY stupid and poor down here in red, right to work states. Please pass thay along to your fellow neighbors who continue to move here in droves. In general, we don't particularly care for their immoral, rude(horn blowing) and obnoxious behavior, much less their idotic politics which unbeknowst to most of them, is a large part of why they left their blue state in the first place.

Right to work states reward people for hard work. Union shops over-pay for jobs that a trained monkey could do, driving businesses out and/or under. My state is flourshing from companies leaving the union states and coming here. They pay a fair wage for the work done. If you are skilled, you get paid,. If you are not as skilled, you make less, as it should be. They reward workers for their skillset and thus provide incentive for learning new skills as opposed to a worker making 75-100k/yr for adding 3 bolts to a device on an assembly line who is as complacent as can be.

Much of your problem is you are a product of blue state economics, which means taxes are exhorbitant and the cost of living is way too high(gas taxes, property taxes, etc.). You try to project that to red states. A person making 100k/yr in a red state is living much better than a person making the same in Chicago. Granted, you must have some skills to get that job here vs there.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?

I have provided the working link to the entire study. Here is the information you requested regarding


I waited 3 months to see an ortho to address my knee pain.

You are being dishonest. Those posters in Canada have said this " OMG OMG OMG you have to wait in Canada" basically a big fat lie.
I can't believe so many Trumpettes love our current healthcare system. This year my wife's insurer will no longer offer her current policy. They suggested a replacement. 480% increase in deductible, 300% increase in copay, 300% increase in out of pocket.

Then my local doctor was sold to a mega corporate conglomerate. We buy as individuals & buy on the exchanges. Corporate medicine opted not to accept the vast majority of options leaving us with two. One with a huge deductible & one with a 80% higher deductible & 250% higher premium.

Fighting to get things covered.

So much fun.
I can't believe so many Trumpettes love our current healthcare system. This year my wife's insurer will no longer offer her current policy. They suggested a replacement. 480% increase in deductible, 300% increase in copay, 300% increase in out of pocket.

Then my local doctor was sold to a mega corporate conglomerate. We buy as individuals & buy on the exchanges. Corporate medicine opted not to accept the vast majority of options leaving us with two. One with a huge deductible & one with a 80% higher deductible & 250% higher premium.

Fighting to get things covered.

So much fun.
It sounds like a whole culture has built up around trying to get healthcare. I dont fully understand some of the jargon used but it is obvious that there is a whole lobby protecting the vested interests in this. There doesnt appear to be a patients lobby representing their interests. Maybe that is the way to influence the government?
I can't believe so many Trumpettes love our current healthcare system. This year my wife's insurer will no longer offer her current policy. They suggested a replacement. 480% increase in deductible, 300% increase in copay, 300% increase in out of pocket.

Then my local doctor was sold to a mega corporate conglomerate. We buy as individuals & buy on the exchanges. Corporate medicine opted not to accept the vast majority of options leaving us with two. One with a huge deductible & one with a 80% higher deductible & 250% higher premium.

Fighting to get things covered.

So much fun.

Changes may be warranted, however, those of us with insurance from our companies are overwhemingly happy. Leave that in place and monkey with the rest. Creating more competition is the way to go, not goverment control. The government doesn't do much of anything efficiently.
We do not have the lowest life expectancy.

Your lies are amusing.

Go back and read what I said. Then have someone help you with the BIG WORDS. We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

So here's the thing. If we spend more than any other country in the world, we should have the absolute best results. Instead, we have some of the worst.

I appreciate it that you invite me to put forth the real reason for our lower life expectancy than some other countries.

So you can spew out more of your nasty racism, you racist cocksucker? We've established, you are an awful racist person. We've got that.


Again, you are the one who claims people of color are "inferior" and they deserve to die younger... we don't need you to keep reminding us you are a racist asshole.
People like you are definitely inferior. Pretty sure you’re white.
You’re lying. You hate Jews and Israelis.

I consider it a healthy understanding of them. There's a difference between disliking you for who you are and disliking you for what you do. Sorry you don't see this. Or don't want to see it.

The ironic thing. Zionists have become the Nazis.. Dr. Goebbels is having a good laugh in Hell.
You’re a pathetic waste of space.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?

I have provided the working link to the entire study. Here is the information you requested regarding


I waited 3 months to see an ortho to address my knee pain.

You are being dishonest. Those posters in Canada have said this " OMG OMG OMG you have to wait in Canada" basically a big fat lie.
I waited 20 minutes. Get a better doctor and get off your knees.
I can't believe so many Trumpettes love our current healthcare system. This year my wife's insurer will no longer offer her current policy. They suggested a replacement. 480% increase in deductible, 300% increase in copay, 300% increase in out of pocket.

Then my local doctor was sold to a mega corporate conglomerate. We buy as individuals & buy on the exchanges. Corporate medicine opted not to accept the vast majority of options leaving us with two. One with a huge deductible & one with a 80% higher deductible & 250% higher premium.

Fighting to get things covered.

So much fun.
Get better insurance. I sprained my left knee and saw an MD the next morning. We have two sports medicine clinics literally 5 miles from where we live. We also have several urgent care centers. I pay $8400 per year for family including dental and my family max out of pocket is $5000.
I can't believe so many Trumpettes love our current healthcare system. This year my wife's insurer will no longer offer her current policy. They suggested a replacement. 480% increase in deductible, 300% increase in copay, 300% increase in out of pocket.

Then my local doctor was sold to a mega corporate conglomerate. We buy as individuals & buy on the exchanges. Corporate medicine opted not to accept the vast majority of options leaving us with two. One with a huge deductible & one with a 80% higher deductible & 250% higher premium.

Fighting to get things covered.

So much fun.
Get better insurance. I sprained my left knee and saw an MD the next morning. We have two sports medicine clinics literally 5 miles from where we live. We also have several urgent care centers. I pay $8400 per year for family including dental and my family max out of pocket is $5000.

You saw an MD but when did you get to see the specialist. Were you able to walk?

Prior to the exchanges, I was paying $16,500 for premiums. Were quoted $18K for 2014. Buying for my wife & I as individuals = went through the local Chamber to get that rate.

Have fun when you are young. Get older & you'll be fucked.
So you are saying if you broke your foot in Canada you have to wait 8 weeks?

I have provided the working link to the entire study. Here is the information you requested regarding


I waited 3 months to see an ortho to address my knee pain.

You are being dishonest. Those posters in Canada have said this " OMG OMG OMG you have to wait in Canada" basically a big fat lie.
I waited 20 minutes. Get a better doctor and get off your knees.

I can call my doc with a condition & get it the same day too.

So can they in Canada

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