Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Why black girl? You’re so racist. We have Medicaid for poor people who cannot afford medical care. But an old fat racist white guy(you) should have to pay for his medical insurance. Hell you make a mighty $80k per year. LOL.

Actually, everyone should get the same level of health care. That little girl, you, me and Bill Gates.

Why is that? Should everyone get the same level of food and housing too? Do tell.

Because her life is worth just as much as his life, that's why. Why should he be saved and this girl left to die?

My sister is very ill right now. She has a form of arthritis which is attacking her heart and lungs. Doctors initially thought she had lung cancer. There is a very expensive drug which will slow the progress of this disease. My sister is not rich. She lives with her husband in a nice brick bungalow in a pretty little town in Quebec. They work hard and pay their taxes, and have a nice retirement, but they are solidly working class. Are you saying that she should be allowed to die because she can't afford to pay for this drug?

My sister will receive this drug at no cost to her because that's how universal health care works. She's going to have to jump through a few hoops to get it, but her health care team has already booked the appointments and tests she needs to get the approval. Sick people get treatment, regardless of their economic station. She gets the same treatment that Bill Gates would get if he was a Canadian and had the same illness. The only difference is that Gates would probably elect to pay for it himself, and avoid the extra testing and approvals, although he would be eligible to have it funded, just like my sister.

  1. Sorry about your sister
  2. If she had insurance and many working class (most) people do she would still be fully covered
  3. What tax rate has she been paying and her husband been paying since they have been fully employed?
  4. In the US anyone can become a citizen so long as they are born here. Same in Canada except you don't border a country that keeps sending millions of illegals.
  5. Canada spends a pittance on military because the US basically protects it.
  6. Last year, Canadian patients forewent $1.9 billion in wages while waiting for medical treatment, according to a report from the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think-tank. Canadian patients face some of the longest waits for care in the industrialized world due to their government-run system's strict rationing.
  7. Last year, Canadians waited an average of five months for medically necessary specialist treatments after receiving a referral from a general practitioner, according to the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank.
  8. Canadians seeking an MRI can expect to wait 11 weeks, while those in need of neurosurgery face an average wait of more than 11 months.
  9. The evidence from the United Kingdom's single-payer system — the National Health Service — is even less encouraging. Unlike in Canada, the U.K. allows patients to purchase private coverage outside of the government-run system. But the majority of Brits who rely on NHS hospitals face what the British Red Cross recently described as a "humanitarian crisis."

    That's not an exaggeration. Chronic overcrowding forced 20 hospitals to issue "black alerts" earlier this year, meaning that they couldn't guarantee life-saving emergency care. Last year, more than 2 million Britons waited more than four hours for emergency-room care.

  10. A recent analysis of health systems in 11 wealthy nations found that Canadians faced the longest wait times — and not just for specialist care. Delays for family care and emergency room treatment were also the longest among peer nations.

    These treatment delays can injure or even kill patients. Long wait times were a factor in 44,000 Canadian women's deaths from 1993 to 2009.
Canadians Pay A High Price For Free Health Care

I believe in free markets and if that little girl cannot afford care then we should have Medicaid for the poor but not for EVERYONE because then we all suffer equally not benefit equally.

Your article is another righit wing scare piece. No system is perfect and all of them can be improved, but the bare bones statistics are that Canadians have longer life expectancies, and better outcomes than Americans. American women have the highest rate of matenal mortality in the first world, and their children have the highest rate of infant mortality. Your article mentions 44,000 deaths because of wait times over a 16 year period. The USA sees 45,000 people PER YEAR who die because they don't have health insurance coverage, and access to timely health care.

Try a more balanced piece:


My sister IS fully covered by our single payer health care system. All of her doctors visits, hospital stays, tests and treatments are covered. She has been unable to work for the past 6 years due to medical problems and would never have been able to afford private coverage due to "pre-existing conditions". If she lived in the USA, she'd be dead by now, and her husband would be bankrupted by the co-pays.

You didn't answer my questions? My dad's sister did die in Russia because she was waiting so long to see an MD for her hip she got a blood clot and died. She would have been saved here as she was 78 and would have been on Medicare. We can do this all day. I prefer free markets but I am an American and if most of my fellow Americans want UH I'll suck it up and live with it. The voters should decide.

Why black girl? You’re so racist. We have Medicaid for poor people who cannot afford medical care. But an old fat racist white guy(you) should have to pay for his medical insurance. Hell you make a mighty $80k per year. LOL.

Actually, everyone should get the same level of health care. That little girl, you, me and Bill Gates.

Why is that? Should everyone get the same level of food and housing too? Do tell.

Because her life is worth just as much as his life, that's why. Why should he be saved and this girl left to die?

My sister is very ill right now. She has a form of arthritis which is attacking her heart and lungs. Doctors initially thought she had lung cancer. There is a very expensive drug which will slow the progress of this disease. My sister is not rich. She lives with her husband in a nice brick bungalow in a pretty little town in Quebec. They work hard and pay their taxes, and have a nice retirement, but they are solidly working class. Are you saying that she should be allowed to die because she can't afford to pay for this drug?

My sister will receive this drug at no cost to her because that's how universal health care works. She's going to have to jump through a few hoops to get it, but her health care team has already booked the appointments and tests she needs to get the approval. Sick people get treatment, regardless of their economic station. She gets the same treatment that Bill Gates would get if he was a Canadian and had the same illness. The only difference is that Gates would probably elect to pay for it himself, and avoid the extra testing and approvals, although he would be eligible to have it funded, just like my sister.

So should that little girl have the same housing, food, car? That is not how our system works. That little girl will not be turned away and you admitted that Gates would get better treatment anyway as he is rich.
Why black girl? You’re so racist. We have Medicaid for poor people who cannot afford medical care. But an old fat racist white guy(you) should have to pay for his medical insurance. Hell you make a mighty $80k per year. LOL.

Actually, everyone should get the same level of health care. That little girl, you, me and Bill Gates.

Why is that? Should everyone get the same level of food and housing too? Do tell.

Because her life is worth just as much as his life, that's why. Why should he be saved and this girl left to die?

My sister is very ill right now. She has a form of arthritis which is attacking her heart and lungs. Doctors initially thought she had lung cancer. There is a very expensive drug which will slow the progress of this disease. My sister is not rich. She lives with her husband in a nice brick bungalow in a pretty little town in Quebec. They work hard and pay their taxes, and have a nice retirement, but they are solidly working class. Are you saying that she should be allowed to die because she can't afford to pay for this drug?

My sister will receive this drug at no cost to her because that's how universal health care works. She's going to have to jump through a few hoops to get it, but her health care team has already booked the appointments and tests she needs to get the approval. Sick people get treatment, regardless of their economic station. She gets the same treatment that Bill Gates would get if he was a Canadian and had the same illness. The only difference is that Gates would probably elect to pay for it himself, and avoid the extra testing and approvals, although he would be eligible to have it funded, just like my sister.

So should that little girl have the same housing, food, car? That is not how our system works. That little girl will not be turned away and you admitted that Gates would get better treatment anyway as he is rich.

No one has suggested that she should have the same housing or cars, but health care, good food and a good education should be rights in a democratic society. They are in every other first world country in the world except the USA.

All of my health care expenses have been covered by my universal health care since I was a child. I am now 70 years old and in very good shape for someone my age. I'm waiting for a new knee which is annoying but doable. That new knee will cost me nothing out of pocket. Americans, on the other hand:

Why black girl? You’re so racist. We have Medicaid for poor people who cannot afford medical care. But an old fat racist white guy(you) should have to pay for his medical insurance. Hell you make a mighty $80k per year. LOL.

Actually, everyone should get the same level of health care. That little girl, you, me and Bill Gates.

Why is that? Should everyone get the same level of food and housing too? Do tell.

Because her life is worth just as much as his life, that's why. Why should he be saved and this girl left to die?

My sister is very ill right now. She has a form of arthritis which is attacking her heart and lungs. Doctors initially thought she had lung cancer. There is a very expensive drug which will slow the progress of this disease. My sister is not rich. She lives with her husband in a nice brick bungalow in a pretty little town in Quebec. They work hard and pay their taxes, and have a nice retirement, but they are solidly working class. Are you saying that she should be allowed to die because she can't afford to pay for this drug?

My sister will receive this drug at no cost to her because that's how universal health care works. She's going to have to jump through a few hoops to get it, but her health care team has already booked the appointments and tests she needs to get the approval. Sick people get treatment, regardless of their economic station. She gets the same treatment that Bill Gates would get if he was a Canadian and had the same illness. The only difference is that Gates would probably elect to pay for it himself, and avoid the extra testing and approvals, although he would be eligible to have it funded, just like my sister.

So should that little girl have the same housing, food, car? That is not how our system works. That little girl will not be turned away and you admitted that Gates would get better treatment anyway as he is rich.

No one has suggested that she should have the same housing or cars, but health care, good food and a good education should be rights in a democratic society. They are in every other first world country in the world except the USA.

All of my health care expenses have been covered by my universal health care since I was a child. I am now 70 years old and in very good shape for someone my age. I'm waiting for a new knee which is annoying but doable. That new knee will cost me nothing out of pocket. Americans, on the other hand:


You have also paid significantly more in taxes. I like my insurance, I like how quickly I and my family can receive great healthcare and expedited. You do not. You live in Canada, why do you care what we do in America? IDC what you do in Canada.
No one has suggested that she should have the same housing or cars, but health care, good food and a good education should be rights in a democratic society.

What else? Which of life's necessities should be under government control?
Why? Why is healthcare a right and not food? People can get healthcare here. No hospital will turn you away.

Yes, but then you end up with a hospital bill that ruins your credit for life..

So let's look at this bit of stupidity.... We have a system where the poor have to use ER's, at 10 times the cost of a doctor's visit, and those costs are distributed among those of us who CAN pay, which is why you see such crazy shit like the $100 liquid Tylenol I was charged for after my first surgery. Meanwhile, the insurance companies try to find ways to NOT pay for service. This is why 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those people HAD insurance.

You know, instead of a sane system where every gets service and the people who provide it are fairly compensated, but no one is making obscene money gaming the system.

Final point, since you want to keep comparing this to food. If there is one truly "Socialized" system in this country, it's food distribution.... Which is why you have 1 USDA bureaucrat for every seven farmers. Growing the food is government subsidized, so is selling it through food stamps. We buy up shitloads of cheese that sit rotting in warehouses...
Why? Why is healthcare a right and not food? People can get healthcare here. No hospital will turn you away.

Yes, but then you end up with a hospital bill that ruins your credit for life..

So let's look at this bit of stupidity.... We have a system where the poor have to use ER's, at 10 times the cost of a doctor's visit, and those costs are distributed among those of us who CAN pay, which is why you see such crazy shit like the $100 liquid Tylenol I was charged for after my first surgery. Meanwhile, the insurance companies try to find ways to NOT pay for service. This is why 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those people HAD insurance.

You know, instead of a sane system where every gets service and the people who provide it are fairly compensated, but no one is making obscene money gaming the system.

Final point, since you want to keep comparing this to food. If there is one truly "Socialized" system in this country, it's food distribution.... Which is why you have 1 USDA bureaucrat for every seven farmers. Growing the food is government subsidized, so is selling it through food stamps. We buy up shitloads of cheese that sit rotting in warehouses...
If food were “free” like healthcare what would prevent me from buying a shitload of food all the time? After all it’s free? With healthcare what would prevent some bored person from going to a doctor daily, many old people do that now since it’s “free”. Only thing that I want that is free is “free markets”. Our system is far from perfect but UH has major flaws as well. I honestly do not know if there is a “perfect system”. What I see is that you can have two of three of these: Affordability, quality, universality. Pick two..but you don’t get all three as that’s impossible. I prefer the first two.
If food were “free” like healthcare what would prevent me from buying a shitload of food all the time? After all it’s free?

Well, to start with, you can only eat so much... I mean, I guess if food were "Free", you could gorge yourself and look like that 600 LB Life Show... but never mind.

With healthcare what would prevent some bored person from going to a doctor daily, many old people do that now since it’s “free”.

You do realize that even when you have insurance or coverage, going to the doctor is a pretty unpleasant experience, right?

Only thing that I want that is free is “free markets”.

Again, yes, you are happy when the rich exploit the rest of us... but most of us are getting tired of that, which is why Commie Bernie is so popular.

Our system is far from perfect but UH has major flaws as well. I honestly do not know if there is a “perfect system”. What I see is that you can have two of three of these: Affordability, quality, universality. Pick two..but you don’t get all three as that’s impossible. I prefer the first two.

But we've been over this.

Affordability- Most UH Nations spend 8-11% of their GDP while we spend 18% of GDP.
Quality - UH Nations beat us on almost every metric. They live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and are generally healthier.
Universality - Well, they cover everyone.
If food were “free” like healthcare what would prevent me from buying a shitload of food all the time? After all it’s free?

Well, to start with, you can only eat so much... I mean, I guess if food were "Free", you could gorge yourself and look like that 600 LB Life Show... but never mind.

With healthcare what would prevent some bored person from going to a doctor daily, many old people do that now since it’s “free”.

You do realize that even when you have insurance or coverage, going to the doctor is a pretty unpleasant experience, right?

Only thing that I want that is free is “free markets”.

Again, yes, you are happy when the rich exploit the rest of us... but most of us are getting tired of that, which is why Commie Bernie is so popular.

Our system is far from perfect but UH has major flaws as well. I honestly do not know if there is a “perfect system”. What I see is that you can have two of three of these: Affordability, quality, universality. Pick two..but you don’t get all three as that’s impossible. I prefer the first two.

But we've been over this.

Affordability- Most UH Nations spend 8-11% of their GDP while we spend 18% of GDP.
Quality - UH Nations beat us on almost every metric. They live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and are generally healthier.
Universality - Well, they cover everyone.
You’re delusional. Honestly
I actually don't mind the idea of tax dollars going to provide healthcare assistance to citizens who can't afford it, when they need it. But lefties have a pretty broad interpretation of the words citizen (illegal aliens) and healthcare (transgender surgery).
If food were “free” like healthcare what would prevent me from buying a shitload of food all the time? After all it’s free?

Well, to start with, you can only eat so much... I mean, I guess if food were "Free", you could gorge yourself and look like that 600 LB Life Show... but never mind.

With healthcare what would prevent some bored person from going to a doctor daily, many old people do that now since it’s “free”.

You do realize that even when you have insurance or coverage, going to the doctor is a pretty unpleasant experience, right?

Only thing that I want that is free is “free markets”.

Again, yes, you are happy when the rich exploit the rest of us... but most of us are getting tired of that, which is why Commie Bernie is so popular.

Our system is far from perfect but UH has major flaws as well. I honestly do not know if there is a “perfect system”. What I see is that you can have two of three of these: Affordability, quality, universality. Pick two..but you don’t get all three as that’s impossible. I prefer the first two.

But we've been over this.

Affordability- Most UH Nations spend 8-11% of their GDP while we spend 18% of GDP.
Quality - UH Nations beat us on almost every metric. They live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and are generally healthier.
Universality - Well, they cover everyone.
1) Food is fun. People can load up on Sushi and milk. Why do they care the Govt is paying for it and the store is thrilled as they can charge whatever they want since the Govt is paying them.

2) Going to an MD is unpleasant for some but many like the human interaction as they are lonely. Ever see ERs? Full of old lonely people. You’re likely one of them.

3) Metrics. LOL how many of those nations allow people to become citizens simply by being born there? US and Canada. And Canada isn’t bordered by Mexico and its consistent train of illegals.

4) You live longer stats I have disproven multiple times. Stop the fallacy. We have the best healthcare here. Period. Not even close. Especially in Boston.
1) Food is fun. People can load up on Sushi and milk. Why do they care the Govt is paying for it and the store is thrilled as they can charge whatever they want since the Govt is paying them.

Um... yeah.. that's kind of retarded. First, any UHC will not pay for luxury items like boob jobs or botox injections... so your comparison falls flat. A doctor would have to sign off that the treatment is required....

2) Going to an MD is unpleasant for some but many like the human interaction as they are lonely. Ever see ERs? Full of old lonely people. You’re likely one of them.

Unlikely... I'm the kind of guy who will keep very busy until he dies... I'll always have stuff to do. But to the point- the reason why you see more old people in hospitals- is - wait for it - I know you are going to be surprised.

They are more likely to be sick because they are old.

3) Metrics. LOL how many of those nations allow people to become citizens simply by being born there? US and Canada. And Canada isn’t bordered by Mexico and its consistent train of illegals.

Again, Doctor Goebbels is laughing at the irony of your racism. It's funny because the same hateful shit you say about Mexicans is the kind of hateful shit he said about Jews.

4) You live longer stats I have disproven multiple times. Stop the fallacy. We have the best healthcare here. Period. Not even close. Especially in Boston.

If you don't have access, then it's SHIT!
Awesome. Everyone else should have the same level of care.

I presume then we should all have the same "level of food", same "level of housing" same "level of job"... Right?

Here's the thing.

40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth. Another 20% have less than 4% of the wealth.

So what?

How much have Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos taken out of your pocket? They acquired BILLIONS at the same time you and I did not, so how much have then taken from you? Had they not acquired BILLIONS, how much more would be in your bank account today?
Why? Why is healthcare a right and not food? People can get healthcare here. No hospital will turn you away.

Yes, but then you end up with a hospital bill that ruins your credit for life..

So let's look at this bit of stupidity.... We have a system where the poor have to use ER's, at 10 times the cost of a doctor's visit, and those costs are distributed among those of us who CAN pay, which is why you see such crazy shit like the $100 liquid Tylenol I was charged for after my first surgery. Meanwhile, the insurance companies try to find ways to NOT pay for service. This is why 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those people HAD insurance.

You know, instead of a sane system where every gets service and the people who provide it are fairly compensated, but no one is making obscene money gaming the system.

Final point, since you want to keep comparing this to food. If there is one truly "Socialized" system in this country, it's food distribution.... Which is why you have 1 USDA bureaucrat for every seven farmers. Growing the food is government subsidized, so is selling it through food stamps. We buy up shitloads of cheese that sit rotting in warehouses...
If food were “free” like healthcare what would prevent me from buying a shitload of food all the time? After all it’s free? With healthcare what would prevent some bored person from going to a doctor daily, many old people do that now since it’s “free”. Only thing that I want that is free is “free markets”. Our system is far from perfect but UH has major flaws as well. I honestly do not know if there is a “perfect system”. What I see is that you can have two of three of these: Affordability, quality, universality. Pick two..but you don’t get all three as that’s impossible. I prefer the first two.
Would you need as much space if you could pick up what you need on your daily walk to your nearest easy store?
1) Food is fun. People can load up on Sushi and milk. Why do they care the Govt is paying for it and the store is thrilled as they can charge whatever they want since the Govt is paying them.

Um... yeah.. that's kind of retarded. First, any UHC will not pay for luxury items like boob jobs or botox injections... so your comparison falls flat. A doctor would have to sign off that the treatment is required....

2) Going to an MD is unpleasant for some but many like the human interaction as they are lonely. Ever see ERs? Full of old lonely people. You’re likely one of them.

Unlikely... I'm the kind of guy who will keep very busy until he dies... I'll always have stuff to do. But to the point- the reason why you see more old people in hospitals- is - wait for it - I know you are going to be surprised.

They are more likely to be sick because they are old.

3) Metrics. LOL how many of those nations allow people to become citizens simply by being born there? US and Canada. And Canada isn’t bordered by Mexico and its consistent train of illegals.

Again, Doctor Goebbels is laughing at the irony of your racism. It's funny because the same hateful shit you say about Mexicans is the kind of hateful shit he said about Jews.

4) You live longer stats I have disproven multiple times. Stop the fallacy. We have the best healthcare here. Period. Not even close. Especially in Boston.

If you don't have access, then it's SHIT!

1) BS you still take up time and losers like you will push for Botox and trans surgeries as people will claim depression.

2) What you fail to understand and I have explained this to you numerous times is that IDC what country it is. If they are sending illegals here it creates a problem. We don’t send illegals into Canada and they don’t send illegals here. Your conflation is false because you’re an idiot.

3) I do have access. Insurance is not difficult to attain so long as you’re working. I care about me and my family. IDGAF about hypocrites like you.

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