Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Marc Andreessen, one of the founders of Netscape, net worth today is $1.32 BILLION

Okay, what about the average employees who all lost their jobs... or don't you care about them because they were the "little people".

Shit, I wish that when companies crashed, we didn't have golden parachutes..

But okay, man, I'm glad to see you are so worried about the rich.
How in the world did we manage to survive for so many years without those pesky illegals.

We didn't...

Before the Mexicans, it was the Polish.
Before the Polish, it was the Italians
Before the Italians, it was the Germans
Before the Germans, it was the Irish.

We've always had that immigrant group on the bottom rung that did all the shitty jobs, while their kids got access to the American Dream.

See how that works, buddy?
You are so full of crap, we have no idea how many are here, we have no idea how many cross the border, the only thing we know is how many are deported. But for some dumbass reason you feel you know there are fewer now than ever?

Well, no, we know exactly how many are here now, about 11 million. less than the peak in 2007.

It's just not that big of a deal.

11 million, sure.

Yale Professor: '22.8 Million Undocumented' Aliens Live in America—Double Official Estimates | National Economics Editorial
How in the world did we manage to survive for so many years without those pesky illegals.

We didn't...

Before the Mexicans, it was the Polish.
Before the Polish, it was the Italians
Before the Italians, it was the Germans
Before the Germans, it was the Irish.

We've always had that immigrant group on the bottom rung that did all the shitty jobs, while their kids got access to the American Dream.

See how that works, buddy?

And the Polish, Italians, Germans and Irish just disappeared? A huge difference, "buddy", they came in LEGALLY.
And the Polish, Italians, Germans and Irish just disappeared? A huge difference, "buddy", they came in LEGALLY.

Huge difference- they were white and we didn't really enforce the laws the way we do now. You got on a boat, you came here. That's how my Grandfather got in from Germany.

11 million, sure.

I can always tell how racist people are by how big they make the crazy number... Someone got on this board and try to tell me that there were 80 million illegals... that would be one out of five... I asked her if they were all Ninjas...
And the Polish, Italians, Germans and Irish just disappeared? A huge difference, "buddy", they came in LEGALLY.

Huge difference- they were white and we didn't really enforce the laws the way we do now. You got on a boat, you came here. That's how my Grandfather got in from Germany.

11 million, sure.

I can always tell how racist people are by how big they make the crazy number... Someone got on this board and try to tell me that there were 80 million illegals... that would be one out of five... I asked her if they were all Ninjas...

Yep, they got on a boat, they typically came to Ellis Island....and got processed, dumbass.
Another idiot post by JoeB. The real tax rate was never above 40% due to all the loopholes. JoeB is an uneducated fool. That’s the thing.

Loopholes meaning you had to be doing stuff with that money that created jobs... The idle rich did pay the 93% rate...
No they didn’t. You’re so stupid it hurts.
Taxes on the Rich Were Not That Much Higher in the 1950s

Here is the thing, you need to get your head out of your stupid ass.
1) Immigrants do but illegals do not. Dr. Idiot.

2) We are super selfish. Your insurance sucks.

All private insurance sucks if they don't keep their promises... that's the point.

So why do we tolerate it?
Because mine has kept its promises. Aside from being highly inefficient and stupid it works for me. My kids can see a specialist immediately and they can get treatment immediately. Both are high level athletes and injuries happen. My moms friend lives in Canada. Her husband had some chest pains and went to see an MD they said it was some sort of infection and to see a specialist. It would have been a 6-mos wait. They went to the US instead and saw a pulmonary specialist and it turned out to be early stages of cancer. He was treated and is now fine. If he waited 6 mos he may have been dead.
I didn't dodge the question at all.

As long as you keep bringing up food, the thing is, food is affordable. We have MASSIVE government subsidies to make it affordable. As much as you guys deplore socialism, there's nothing more socialistic than our agriculture program in this country... $141 BILLION spent on creating and distributing food by the Federal Government alone.

The ironic thing is, ACA was a free-market solution you all said you wanted. UNTIL THE BLACK GUY DID IT.

You believe health care should be "free", why not food and shelter?


An infallible sign of your desperation. The rejection of Obamacare had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the President being black/white.

As you know, Obamacare forced people to buy a product from a private company or be faced with substantial fines. Just as bad is the fact that the insurance they were forced to buy had a deductible of over $6,000.00 rendering it useless.

Run along little guy! When you're in a hole, quit digging!
You are so full of crap, we have no idea how many are here, we have no idea how many cross the border, the only thing we know is how many are deported. But for some dumbass reason you feel you know there are fewer now than ever?

Well, no, we know exactly how many are here now, about 11 million. less than the peak in 2007.

It's just not that big of a deal.

I didn't dodge the question at all.

As long as you keep bringing up food, the thing is, food is affordable. We have MASSIVE government subsidies to make it affordable. As much as you guys deplore socialism, there's nothing more socialistic than our agriculture program in this country... $141 BILLION spent on creating and distributing food by the Federal Government alone.

The ironic thing is, ACA was a free-market solution you all said you wanted. UNTIL THE BLACK GUY DID IT.

You believe health care should be "free", why not food and shelter?


An infallible sign of your desperation. The rejection of Obamacare had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the President being black/white.

As you know, Obamacare forced people to buy a product from a private company or be faced with substantial fines. Just as bad is the fact that the insurance they were forced to buy had a deductible of over $6,000.00 rendering it useless.

Run along little guy! When you're in a hole, quit digging!

Good post.
As an extreme liberal, I do believe the minimal health, food, shelter, etc., should be free.
I also believe people will still work and do more, not just because they want more than the minimum, but because they feel socially obligated if a society is just and fair.

But ACA was not a solution to health care for many reasons.
One is that it mandated private insurance, which seems criminal to me.
Second is that it did nothing to bring down the ridiculous medical prices.
Third is that it still allowed employers to control your health care, failed to do anything about the fact the poor were not given employer health insurance, and kept health care essentially as a form of monopoly or at least price fixing.

What I would have done instead of ACA would have been to end the employer benefit tax exemption, put everyone on a level playing field, and THEN see what compromise could be negotiated.
I think then a public option would be much more acceptable, to break the price fixing monopoly by providing some real competition.
No they didn’t. You’re so stupid it hurts.
Taxes on the Rich Were Not That Much Higher in the 1950s

Here is the thing, you need to get your head out of your stupid ass.

It would be more impressive if you didn't link to a Koch-brother website...

Because mine has kept its promises. Aside from being highly inefficient and stupid it works for me. My kids can see a specialist immediately and they can get treatment immediately. Both are high level athletes and injuries happen. My moms friend lives in Canada. Her husband had some chest pains and went to see an MD they said it was some sort of infection and to see a specialist. It would have been a 6-mos wait. They went to the US instead and saw a pulmonary specialist and it turned out to be early stages of cancer. He was treated and is now fine. If he waited 6 mos he may have been dead.

Again, you keep repeating "Canadian Horror Stories", but how is it the Canadians spend less than we do, but they have higher life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.




But there is one metric we excel in!



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I didn't dodge the question at all.

As long as you keep bringing up food, the thing is, food is affordable. We have MASSIVE government subsidies to make it affordable. As much as you guys deplore socialism, there's nothing more socialistic than our agriculture program in this country... $141 BILLION spent on creating and distributing food by the Federal Government alone.

The ironic thing is, ACA was a free-market solution you all said you wanted. UNTIL THE BLACK GUY DID IT.

You believe health care should be "free", why not food and shelter?


An infallible sign of your desperation. The rejection of Obamacare had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the President being black/white.

As you know, Obamacare forced people to buy a product from a private company or be faced with substantial fines. Just as bad is the fact that the insurance they were forced to buy had a deductible of over $6,000.00 rendering it useless.

Run along little guy! When you're in a hole, quit digging!

Good post.
As an extreme liberal, I do believe the minimal health, food, shelter, etc., should be free.
I also believe people will still work and do more, not just because they want more than the minimum, but because they feel socially obligated if a society is just and fair.

But ACA was not a solution to health care for many reasons.
One is that it mandated private insurance, which seems criminal to me.
Second is that it did nothing to bring down the ridiculous medical prices.
Third is that it still allowed employers to control your health care, failed to do anything about the fact the poor were not given employer health insurance, and kept health care essentially as a form of monopoly or at least price fixing.

What I would have done instead of ACA would have been to end the employer benefit tax exemption, put everyone on a level playing field, and THEN see what compromise could be negotiated.
I think then a public option would be much more acceptable, to break the price fixing monopoly by providing some real competition.

Not exactly free, but relatively speaking it's free. Welcome home.

I didn't dodge the question at all.

As long as you keep bringing up food, the thing is, food is affordable. We have MASSIVE government subsidies to make it affordable. As much as you guys deplore socialism, there's nothing more socialistic than our agriculture program in this country... $141 BILLION spent on creating and distributing food by the Federal Government alone.

The ironic thing is, ACA was a free-market solution you all said you wanted. UNTIL THE BLACK GUY DID IT.

You believe health care should be "free", why not food and shelter?


An infallible sign of your desperation. The rejection of Obamacare had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the President being black/white.

As you know, Obamacare forced people to buy a product from a private company or be faced with substantial fines. Just as bad is the fact that the insurance they were forced to buy had a deductible of over $6,000.00 rendering it useless.

Run along little guy! When you're in a hole, quit digging!

Good post.
As an extreme liberal, I do believe the minimal health, food, shelter, etc., should be free.
I also believe people will still work and do more, not just because they want more than the minimum, but because they feel socially obligated if a society is just and fair.

But ACA was not a solution to health care for many reasons.
One is that it mandated private insurance, which seems criminal to me.
Second is that it did nothing to bring down the ridiculous medical prices.
Third is that it still allowed employers to control your health care, failed to do anything about the fact the poor were not given employer health insurance, and kept health care essentially as a form of monopoly or at least price fixing.

What I would have done instead of ACA would have been to end the employer benefit tax exemption, put everyone on a level playing field, and THEN see what compromise could be negotiated.
I think then a public option would be much more acceptable, to break the price fixing monopoly by providing some real competition.
How about everyone take care of their own shit? Keep the federal government out of everything personal
An infallible sign of your desperation. The rejection of Obamacare had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the President being black/white.

actually, it had EVERYTHING to do with it. The system it devised of mandated health insurance was one Republicans had advocated since the 1990's. They offered it as an alternative to HillaryCare (Which would have just created a public option for everyone who didn't get insurance from employers paid for by taxes on employers who didn't offer health care).

Republicans loved their "Free Market" alternative so much, that Mitt Romney imposed it in Massachusetts, and called it a "Model for the Nation." And in 2008, no one disputed it. Romney didn't get the nomination in 2008 because the Evangelicals couldn't bring themselves to vote for a Mormon, but no one on the RIght Side of the Room had a problem with RomneyCare.


Suddenly, everyone was totally against it on the right. Why, this was horrible, making people buy insurance!!!! You had the dumb ass rednecks walking around with these signs...


As you know, Obamacare forced people to buy a product from a private company or be faced with substantial fines. Just as bad is the fact that the insurance they were forced to buy had a deductible of over $6,000.00 rendering it useless.

Hey, fucknut, so did Romneycare... and you guys had NO PROBLEM WITH IT, when it was a "White and Delightsome*" Mormon suggesting it.

(* - Mormons believe that dark skin is a curse from God... and that his people are "White and delightsome", according to Prophet/Pedophile/Con Man Joseph Smith).
No they didn’t. You’re so stupid it hurts.
Taxes on the Rich Were Not That Much Higher in the 1950s

Here is the thing, you need to get your head out of your stupid ass.

It would be more impressive if you didn't link to a Koch-brother website...

Because mine has kept its promises. Aside from being highly inefficient and stupid it works for me. My kids can see a specialist immediately and they can get treatment immediately. Both are high level athletes and injuries happen. My moms friend lives in Canada. Her husband had some chest pains and went to see an MD they said it was some sort of infection and to see a specialist. It would have been a 6-mos wait. They went to the US instead and saw a pulmonary specialist and it turned out to be early stages of cancer. He was treated and is now fine. If he waited 6 mos he may have been dead.

Again, you keep repeating "Canadian Horror Stories", but how is it the Canadians spend less than we do, but they have higher life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.

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But there is one metric we excel in!

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You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Pick a side and debate me. We need to be less fat. Like you going to fat
No they didn’t. You’re so stupid it hurts.
Taxes on the Rich Were Not That Much Higher in the 1950s

Here is the thing, you need to get your head out of your stupid ass.

It would be more impressive if you didn't link to a Koch-brother website...

Because mine has kept its promises. Aside from being highly inefficient and stupid it works for me. My kids can see a specialist immediately and they can get treatment immediately. Both are high level athletes and injuries happen. My moms friend lives in Canada. Her husband had some chest pains and went to see an MD they said it was some sort of infection and to see a specialist. It would have been a 6-mos wait. They went to the US instead and saw a pulmonary specialist and it turned out to be early stages of cancer. He was treated and is now fine. If he waited 6 mos he may have been dead.

Again, you keep repeating "Canadian Horror Stories", but how is it the Canadians spend less than we do, but they have higher life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.

View attachment 292267
View attachment 292269
View attachment 292270

But there is one metric we excel in!

View attachment 292271
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. We are the fattest country and I have told you 1000x about the fallacies of the life expectancies. You don’t listen but only talk. When you’re ready to listen then ping me.
Real Tax Rates in the 60s Were Much Lower than Ocasio-Cortez Thinks | Andrew Syrios

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