Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Marc Andreessen, one of the founders of Netscape, net worth today is $1.32 BILLION

Okay, what about the average employees who all lost their jobs... or don't you care about them because they were the "little people".

Shit, I wish that when companies crashed, we didn't have golden parachutes..

But okay, man, I'm glad to see you are so worried about the rich.


Yeah, right, there are no jobs within the computer software industry. Through a series of sales, Netscape (now New Aurora Corporation) is owned by Facebook. No jobs there I'm sure! :D

Son quit digging! You're just working hard to look foolish, and you're doing a good job of that too!

Netscape - Wikipedia
You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Pick a side and debate me. We need to be less fat. Like you going to fat

I've made my point.... Just because you live in horror that a poor person might get the same quality of care that you do, that's not my problem..

You talk out of both sides of your mouth. We are the fattest country and I have told you 1000x about the fallacies of the life expectancies. You don’t listen but only talk. When you’re ready to listen then ping me.

I don't talk to money-grubbers, I just humiliate them... I just slammed your ass into the sidewalk with facts...
An infallible sign of your desperation. The rejection of Obamacare had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the President being black/white.

actually, it had EVERYTHING to do with it. The system it devised of mandated health insurance was one Republicans had advocated since the 1990's. They offered it as an alternative to HillaryCare (Which would have just created a public option for everyone who didn't get insurance from employers paid for by taxes on employers who didn't offer health care).

Republicans loved their "Free Market" alternative so much, that Mitt Romney imposed it in Massachusetts, and called it a "Model for the Nation." And in 2008, no one disputed it. Romney didn't get the nomination in 2008 because the Evangelicals couldn't bring themselves to vote for a Mormon, but no one on the RIght Side of the Room had a problem with RomneyCare.


Suddenly, everyone was totally against it on the right. Why, this was horrible, making people buy insurance!!!! You had the dumb ass rednecks walking around with these signs...

View attachment 292272

As you know, Obamacare forced people to buy a product from a private company or be faced with substantial fines. Just as bad is the fact that the insurance they were forced to buy had a deductible of over $6,000.00 rendering it useless.

Hey, fucknut, so did Romneycare... and you guys had NO PROBLEM WITH IT, when it was a "White and Delightsome*" Mormon suggesting it.

(* - Mormons believe that dark skin is a curse from God... and that his people are "White and delightsome", according to Prophet/Pedophile/Con Man Joseph Smith).
Soulless mittens was never a conservative, he’s just a cult leader.
And his socialism Rodney care was/is a total failure... Has nothing to do with a half black Obama you fucking retard. Lol

See that’s the problem progressives like your self wanna force everybody into the same shit… That makes you a fucking cocksucker… It’s best if you stay in seclusion in your fucking mother’s basement
Yeah, right, there are no jobs within the computer software industry. Through a series of sales, Netscape (now New Aurora Corporation) is owned by Facebook. No jobs there I'm sure! :D

Son quit digging! You're just working hard to look foolish, and you're doing a good job of that too!

Again, most of those jobs went to INdia.. ever call for tech support from one of these companies.... Pradip will be happy to provide you excellent customer service today!
You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Pick a side and debate me. We need to be less fat. Like you going to fat

I've made my point.... Just because you live in horror that a poor person might get the same quality of care that you do, that's not my problem..

You talk out of both sides of your mouth. We are the fattest country and I have told you 1000x about the fallacies of the life expectancies. You don’t listen but only talk. When you’re ready to listen then ping me.

I don't talk to money-grubbers, I just humiliate them... I just slammed your ass into the sidewalk with facts...
You’re much worse than a so-called money grubber, You are spineless control freak so get back in your fucking mother’s basement and stay there
You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Pick a side and debate me. We need to be less fat. Like you going to fat

I've made my point.... Just because you live in horror that a poor person might get the same quality of care that you do, that's not my problem..

You talk out of both sides of your mouth. We are the fattest country and I have told you 1000x about the fallacies of the life expectancies. You don’t listen but only talk. When you’re ready to listen then ping me.

I don't talk to money-grubbers, I just humiliate them... I just slammed your ass into the sidewalk with facts...
No you did not. You are stupid. I have Proven many times that your so called facts are BS. NBA is 75% black that is a fact. US is only 13% black. So is the NBA racist? No. Sometimes and many times you need a narrative behind facts. You have lost every debate to me. Another fact. Do you admit that we are the fattest country out of all those above us in left expectancy? Do you agree that we drive the most as well? You don’t because those are facts that blow up your narrative. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life, Joey. You’re not Indiana Jones. You’re a pussy.
you need to stop talking out of both sides of your fat mouth. Reason you’re in poor health is because you’re fat not because of insurance.

So, um, being fat made me break my knee? I'm pretty sure that was the ice.
So you’re clumsy. Be less clumsy and yes you’re fat so you could not balance yourself. Sucks to be you. Get in shape, fatty.
You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Pick a side and debate me. We need to be less fat. Like you going to fat

I've made my point.... Just because you live in horror that a poor person might get the same quality of care that you do, that's not my problem..

You talk out of both sides of your mouth. We are the fattest country and I have told you 1000x about the fallacies of the life expectancies. You don’t listen but only talk. When you’re ready to listen then ping me.

I don't talk to money-grubbers, I just humiliate them... I just slammed your ass into the sidewalk with facts...
You’re much worse than a so-called money grubber, You are spineless control freak so get back in your fucking mother’s basement and stay there
Joe blames the Jews for making the streets icy and for making him fat. Amazing.
Loopholes meaning you had to be doing stuff with that money that created jobs... The idle rich did pay the 93% rate...

You're just determined to make stupid statements, aren't you?

I have done this before but I’ll do it again for your edification, from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR TODAY WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator
Joe blames the Jews for making the streets icy and for making him fat. Amazing.

Oh, look, pretending he's oppressed again...
Don’t change the subject. I am far from oppressed. I rule the media and your little fat world. Look at a bottle of ketchup and see the influence of my people on it. If you’re smart enough to decipher it. I own your fat ass.
No you did not. You are stupid. I have Proven many times that your so called facts are BS. NBA is 75% black that is a fact. US is only 13% black. So is the NBA racist? No. Sometimes and many times you need a narrative behind facts. You have lost every debate to me. Another fact. Do you admit that we are the fattest country out of all those above us in left expectancy? Do you agree that we drive the most as well? You don’t because those are facts that blow up your narrative. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life, Joey. You’re not Indiana Jones. You’re a pussy.

You're not pretty enough to be an Orc...

The fact I can get you sputtering angry so easily shows you aren't winning any debates...


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All private insurance sucks if they don't keep their promises... that's the point.

So why do we tolerate it?

I've never had any insurance where the company failed to keep its promises. Why would you buy such insurance? Maybe, just maybe, you should have asked a few questions before you wrote the check?
Good post.
As an extreme liberal, I do believe the minimal health, food, shelter, etc., should be free.
I also believe people will still work and do more, not just because they want more than the minimum, but because they feel socially obligated if a society is just and fair.

No you did not. You are stupid. I have Proven many times that your so called facts are BS. NBA is 75% black that is a fact. US is only 13% black. So is the NBA racist? No. Sometimes and many times you need a narrative behind facts. You have lost every debate to me. Another fact. Do you admit that we are the fattest country out of all those above us in left expectancy? Do you agree that we drive the most as well? You don’t because those are facts that blow up your narrative. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life, Joey. You’re not Indiana Jones. You’re a pussy.

You're not pretty enough to be an Orc...

The fact I can get you sputtering angry so easily shows you aren't winning any debates...
I won because I am a Jew and I own you. I am not an Orc, I am The Pale Orc. Dumbass.

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