University of Alaska displays painting of Trump severed head

Nope. You said the majority rejected Trump, I pointed out the same was true about Hillary, and I was right.
you are spitting hairs dude did hairs get in your mouth...

Oh please.

You had said, the majority had rejected Trump.
I said, the same thing about Hillary.
You then said that I knew it wasn't true.

It is true. Hillary received less than 50% of the votes. I was right.
Hillary 48.2 plus other 5.7% = 53.9%...VS Trump 46.1 %..........Trump Rejected "Bigly"

Yes, but that was never the point.

You had said a majority of voters rejected Trump, and I said the same thing about Hillary.

You claimed that wasn't true.

I said it was, and you have never acknowledged that I was right.
The majority of voters who selected either Trump or Hillary selected Hillary .....Trump Rejected "Bigly"
Not in the majority of states, fag.
Your original statement was:
"Fact, most voters voted against Trump"

I then posted:

"Fact, most voters voted against Hillary"

You then went on to say that, I knew that wasn't true.

I then pointed out that it was true, and you never conceded that I was right.
Oh, look... another lying rightard. <smh>

No, lying rightard, you did not say most voters voted against Hillary, as you falsely quote yourself now. What you actually said was...
By the way, the majority of Americans rejected Hillary. Fact.
... to which TyroneSlothrop accurately pointed out was not true.

So why'd you change your quote from what you said then to what you falsely claim it is now?

Oh give me a fucking break!!
What's the fucking difference, we were obviously talking about the election!!
"What's the fucking difference?"


The difference is one is accurate while the other is not. Hell, even you know that because you had to misquote yourself in order to correct the glaring mistake in your original comment.

Oh good god, how fucking absurd.

This is all pretty simple, let me try one more time just so the impaired will get it too.

Tyrone had said, the majority, rejected Trump, referring to the # of votes.
I made the same claim about Hillary. He said it wasn't true, I said it was. I was right.

And you're lying again. What TyroneSlothrop actually said, that you responded to, was:
You have always been a wing nut with no answer for the health care needs of Americans and also you are :asshole:
He said nothing in that thread up until that point about s majority rejecting Trump.

Dude I've been talking about an old thread from months back.

Every time I come across Tyrone I bring it up because he's never acknowledged I was right and he was wrong.

Understand now?
I'm on Digital Drifters side.
It's plain and open common sense
Trump said, “I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”

GHW Bush ...... 426
Clinton 1 .......... 370
Clinton 2 .......... 379
Bush 1 ............. 271
Bush 2 ............. 286
Obama 1 .......... 365
Obama 2 .......... 332

So? Was Trump's statement true or not true?
Trump lies and denies and cries and sighs and asks why people don't believe him.
Hillary is holding on to the hero's leg.

Anyway, of course if a conservative wanted to come speak there, they would claim it's hate speech and ban the person from coming.
This painting though is just fine.


Trump severed head painting at UAA sparks debate

ANCHORAGE (KTUU) - Editors note: Some readers may view the image of the painting mentioned in this story as graphic or disturbing. Click here to view the painting.


A painting on display at a University of Alaska Anchorage art gallery, which depicts the severed head of President Donald Trump, is sparking debate about free speech rights and whether the image is appropriate for display, at a public institution.

The artwork, created by Assistant Professor of Painting Thomas Chung, is part of a faculty art exhibition, at the UAA Fine Arts building.

In describing his painting, Chung said, "It's an image of the actor who plays Captain America, and two eagles are sort of screaming into his ears, and he's holding the severed head of Trump, and there's a young Hillary Clinton clinging to his leg. I was reminded of those 80's rock posters, where there's a woman in tattered clothes clinging to a strong male hero's leg."

Chung says the motivation for the painting was his dismay over the results of the presidential election.

Trump severed head painting at UAA sparks debate
And yet, your headling here states the painting "sparks debate", doesn't it.

The conservative speakers would have sparked debate as well.

Pretty open to differing views then, ain't it.
In the interest of truth, just in case anyone was actually interested.

1. I was mistaken, the piece came down yesterday.
2. No, UAA would never deny /any/ speaker, not even religious speakers heh This is not the lower 48, this is a state that believes, /very/ strongly in freedom and the constitution.
3. The artist came up here from California, go figure...

Thomas Chung: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
I'm on Digital Drifters side.
It's plain and open common sense

Of course you are.

Dude, you're getting this all wrong because you're ignorant of the history of the issue between me and Tyrone.

This is from an old thread.

In THAT thread he had said a majority of Americans, or voters, I don't remember the exact words, rejected Trump. Meaning of course, that more voted for Hillary than Trump.
I then said the same thing was true about Hillary (since if you add Trumps votes to Johnsons and Steins, most voted against Hillary)
I'm on Digital Drifters side.
It's plain and open common sense

Of course you are.

Dude, you're getting this all wrong because you're ignorant of the history of the issue between me and Tyrone.

This is from an old thread.

In THAT thread he had said a majority of Americans, or voters, I don't remember the exact words, rejected Trump. Meaning of course, that more voted for Hillary than Trump.
I then said the same thing was true about Hillary (since if you add Trumps votes to Johnsons and Steins, most voted against Hillary)
Had he said a majority of voters rejected Trump, he would have been correct. Had you said a majority of voters rejected Hillary, you too would have been correct. Unfortunately for you, that's not what you said. So despite your protests, his reply to you, that you were wrong, is actually correct.
I'm on Digital Drifters side.
It's plain and open common sense

Of course you are.

Dude, you're getting this all wrong because you're ignorant of the history of the issue between me and Tyrone.

This is from an old thread.

In THAT thread he had said a majority of Americans, or voters, I don't remember the exact words, rejected Trump. Meaning of course, that more voted for Hillary than Trump.
I then said the same thing was true about Hillary (since if you add Trumps votes to Johnsons and Steins, most voted against Hillary)
Had he said a majority of voters rejected Trump, he would have been correct. Had you said a majority of voters rejected Hillary, you too would have been correct. Unfortunately for you, that's not what you said. So despite your protests, his reply to you, that you were wrong, is actually correct.

Dude, we were talking about voting. Whether either of us said 'Americans' or 'voters', we were talking about voting. How else do you 'reject' a candidate?
Hillary is holding on to the hero's leg.

Anyway, of course if a conservative wanted to come speak there, they would claim it's hate speech and ban the person from coming.
This painting though is just fine.


Trump severed head painting at UAA sparks debate

ANCHORAGE (KTUU) - Editors note: Some readers may view the image of the painting mentioned in this story as graphic or disturbing. Click here to view the painting.


A painting on display at a University of Alaska Anchorage art gallery, which depicts the severed head of President Donald Trump, is sparking debate about free speech rights and whether the image is appropriate for display, at a public institution.

The artwork, created by Assistant Professor of Painting Thomas Chung, is part of a faculty art exhibition, at the UAA Fine Arts building.

In describing his painting, Chung said, "It's an image of the actor who plays Captain America, and two eagles are sort of screaming into his ears, and he's holding the severed head of Trump, and there's a young Hillary Clinton clinging to his leg. I was reminded of those 80's rock posters, where there's a woman in tattered clothes clinging to a strong male hero's leg."

Chung says the motivation for the painting was his dismay over the results of the presidential election.

Trump severed head painting at UAA sparks debate
Boy they sure gave Hillary the benefit of the doubt in that painting. They took about 60 pounds and 65 years off.
My free speech allows me to say I find the painting disgusting, but I bet ISIS loves it since they're also into severed heads.

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