University of Missouri resigns amid racial tensions

How soon til FOX reports that black people are evil?

HOw soon until you libs have something to say that isn't the Race Card or a strawman? Or some other form of Logical Fallacy?
He who doesn't speak up against evil, condones evil. Pretty simple. And since he was the leader of the University he got what he deserved.
Why do you automatically believe the complaints? You don't believe Dr Carson...why would you believe radical students looking fo mo benefits?
There's no doubt that some of the racial incidents occurred because there are witnesses. But, what I believe about the Mizzou thing is irrelevant, because the views of the students faculty administrators and pols are that Wolfe did not react adequately to campus racial problems.

There are no witnesses to Carson's likely fabrications, or at least factual stretches to fit his political ideology. And, while I find that humorous in all pols, including Hillary, I find the truly insane stuff Carson believes to be really disturbing in that people could actually vote for some one who is a borderline lunatic.
My answer was that I see no evidence of a witch hunt. All I see is a well meaning political appointee with no background in educational administration failing to respond to racial incidents, and losing support of students, faculty, administration and ultimately the governor.

What was he supposed to do? Do you know who painted the shit swastika? Was he supposed to find a white scapegoat and just throw them to the mob?

It wasn't one incident. It was a series of incidents and a perception that he failed to react decisively to racial incidents. He's probably not a bad guy. But when the governor says you gotta go ... you go.

And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?
He who doesn't speak up against evil, condones evil. Pretty simple. And since he was the leader of the University he got what he deserved.
Why do you automatically believe the complaints? You don't believe Dr Carson...why would you believe radical students looking fo mo benefits?
There's no doubt that some of the racial incidents occurred because there are witnesses. But, what I believe about the Mizzou thing is irrelevant, because the views of the students faculty administrators and pols are that Wolfe did not react adequately to campus racial problems.

There are no witnesses to Carson's likely fabrications, or at least factual stretches to fit his political ideology. And, while I find that humorous in all pols, including Hillary, I find the truly insane stuff Carson believes to be really disturbing in that people could actually vote for some one who is a borderline lunatic.
My answer was that I see no evidence of a witch hunt. All I see is a well meaning political appointee with no background in educational administration failing to respond to racial incidents, and losing support of students, faculty, administration and ultimately the governor.

What was he supposed to do? Do you know who painted the shit swastika? Was he supposed to find a white scapegoat and just throw them to the mob?

It wasn't one incident. It was a series of incidents and a perception that he failed to react decisively to racial incidents. He's probably not a bad guy. But when the governor says you gotta go ... you go.

And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?

Why thank you for asking. I will be happy to tell you my opinion on that as soon as you give my yours, as I asked first.

nnnnuuuuhh, you're not playing that game with me, laddy. YOU posted "what was he supposed to do. there were no witnesses to who drew the swastika." I responded with giving you the link to the Star story that the swastiska was merely one of a series of incidents. And admin, student body, and pols apparently felt he wasn't doing enough."

Then you said "what should he do"

You need to ask them, they got him fired, or allowed to resign.

Don't be asking me. Put up or STFU
How soon til FOX reports that black people are evil?
Blacks aren't evil....but blacks making demands and threatening violence on people unless they get what they want are criminals and 'racial extorters / terrorists'.
I do wonder if he would have been forced to resign, or if he would resign on his own, if it wasn't about the football program. Because the football program is more powerful than the President of the University.
Money is king.
Equate that to the government of the United States.
Money is king.!
Well let's see, liberals say the dean of the school didn't do enough about racism. So liberals demand he steps down.
Well by the same standard, Obama should step down because he started all this nonsense. He also hasn't done anything to better the situation, in fact he has made it worse. So are the liberals on here in support of this?
He did the right thing after showing him self to be such a poor leader. If only Dubya had had that many balls.

When is Michelle going to let Barack have his so he can do the right thing and show he has some?
Why do you automatically believe the complaints? You don't believe Dr Carson...why would you believe radical students looking fo mo benefits?
There's no doubt that some of the racial incidents occurred because there are witnesses. But, what I believe about the Mizzou thing is irrelevant, because the views of the students faculty administrators and pols are that Wolfe did not react adequately to campus racial problems.

There are no witnesses to Carson's likely fabrications, or at least factual stretches to fit his political ideology. And, while I find that humorous in all pols, including Hillary, I find the truly insane stuff Carson believes to be really disturbing in that people could actually vote for some one who is a borderline lunatic.
What was he supposed to do? Do you know who painted the shit swastika? Was he supposed to find a white scapegoat and just throw them to the mob?

It wasn't one incident. It was a series of incidents and a perception that he failed to react decisively to racial incidents. He's probably not a bad guy. But when the governor says you gotta go ... you go.

And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?
Why do you automatically believe the complaints? You don't believe Dr Carson...why would you believe radical students looking fo mo benefits?
There's no doubt that some of the racial incidents occurred because there are witnesses. But, what I believe about the Mizzou thing is irrelevant, because the views of the students faculty administrators and pols are that Wolfe did not react adequately to campus racial problems.

There are no witnesses to Carson's likely fabrications, or at least factual stretches to fit his political ideology. And, while I find that humorous in all pols, including Hillary, I find the truly insane stuff Carson believes to be really disturbing in that people could actually vote for some one who is a borderline lunatic.
What was he supposed to do? Do you know who painted the shit swastika? Was he supposed to find a white scapegoat and just throw them to the mob?

It wasn't one incident. It was a series of incidents and a perception that he failed to react decisively to racial incidents. He's probably not a bad guy. But when the governor says you gotta go ... you go.

And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?

Why thank you for asking. I will be happy to tell you my opinion on that as soon as you give my yours, as I asked first.

nnnnuuuuhh, you're not playing that game with me, laddy. YOU posted "what was he supposed to do. there were no witnesses to who drew the swastika." I responded with giving you the link to the Star story that the swastiska was merely one of a series of incidents. And admin, student body, and pols apparently felt he wasn't doing enough."

Then you said "what should he do"

You need to ask them, they got him fired, or allowed to resign.

Don't be asking me. Put up or STFU

No game here.

None of the bad actors were known to be punished. If they were and they were given a pass for some reason this would be a different conversation.

So I asked you "What should he have done"?

POinting out that there were multiple instances is not an answer to that question.

I already have an answer for your question. I want to tell you.

Just answer my question first.
It's a free society. If someone wants to say ignorant shit so be it. If it doesn't interfere with my property, family or business why should I care? You dumbfucks call each other racist names so why the hell should I care?

You created this thread because you dont care Womp Womp
I created this thread to expose the damage whiney pussy ass blacks like you are doing to our country.

The racism isnt the problem, complaining about the racism is the real problem. Stop being stupid.

And you're damn right I walked past the shit. We have janitorial staff paid to deal with that crap.

You walked past racism and property damage to complain about blacks complaining about racism and property damage. You're not even whining about being called a name, you're just whining for fun.

Just out of curiosity how badly did the poop swastika damage your delicate nature pussy?

It damaged the walls and it was enough to make the President step. I imagine it was the same smell that was in your cell your first night.
I am complaining because you assholes cost an innocent man his career.
First of all, no one in this world is innocent.

Secondly, the man clearly was not cut out for the job.

Lastly, the market has spoken. Be happy.

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The market spoke?

Bullshit. A bunch of black football players threatened to not play at Saturdays game at Aerohead stadium in KC which was estimated to be a 1 million + loss if the game was cancelled.

Blackmail pure & simple
None of the bad actors were known to be punished. If they were and they were given a pass for some reason this would be a different conversation.

Are we still talking about Missouri or the Obama administration? (Pick a scandal, any scandal....:p )
HOw soon until you libs have something to say that isn't the Race Card or a strawman? Or some other form of Logical Fallacy?

How soon, if ever, will Libs acknowledge that Republicans have joined to stand with the blacks while they remained silent?
There's no doubt that some of the racial incidents occurred because there are witnesses. But, what I believe about the Mizzou thing is irrelevant, because the views of the students faculty administrators and pols are that Wolfe did not react adequately to campus racial problems.

There are no witnesses to Carson's likely fabrications, or at least factual stretches to fit his political ideology. And, while I find that humorous in all pols, including Hillary, I find the truly insane stuff Carson believes to be really disturbing in that people could actually vote for some one who is a borderline lunatic.
It wasn't one incident. It was a series of incidents and a perception that he failed to react decisively to racial incidents. He's probably not a bad guy. But when the governor says you gotta go ... you go.

And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?
There's no doubt that some of the racial incidents occurred because there are witnesses. But, what I believe about the Mizzou thing is irrelevant, because the views of the students faculty administrators and pols are that Wolfe did not react adequately to campus racial problems.

There are no witnesses to Carson's likely fabrications, or at least factual stretches to fit his political ideology. And, while I find that humorous in all pols, including Hillary, I find the truly insane stuff Carson believes to be really disturbing in that people could actually vote for some one who is a borderline lunatic.
It wasn't one incident. It was a series of incidents and a perception that he failed to react decisively to racial incidents. He's probably not a bad guy. But when the governor says you gotta go ... you go.

And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?

Why thank you for asking. I will be happy to tell you my opinion on that as soon as you give my yours, as I asked first.

nnnnuuuuhh, you're not playing that game with me, laddy. YOU posted "what was he supposed to do. there were no witnesses to who drew the swastika." I responded with giving you the link to the Star story that the swastiska was merely one of a series of incidents. And admin, student body, and pols apparently felt he wasn't doing enough."

Then you said "what should he do"

You need to ask them, they got him fired, or allowed to resign.

Don't be asking me. Put up or STFU

No game here.

None of the bad actors were known to be punished. If they were and they were given a pass for some reason this would be a different conversation.

So I asked you "What should he have done"?

POinting out that there were multiple instances is not an answer to that question.

I already have an answer for your question. I want to tell you.

Just answer my question first.
No. It's bogus. The question is why weren't miscreants identified. At ole miss a frat did white face and some drunken fool hung a noose on James Meredith's statute. The miscreants were found and kicked out. If you want to ask what more he should do, find out what he did do. But what is apparent, the people in Missouri concluded Wolfe didn't do enough. Now take your gotcha games and FO.
U. Missouri president resigns over handling of racial incidents

No longer can you say screaming from the streets is ineffective. Liberals have the process backwards.
Part of the condemnation of him was because he didn't take a stand against the Ferguson police for shooting Michael Brown.
It is ridiculous how far BACKWARDS modern day liberals have pushed race relations and how much power is given to a minority that is NOT oppressed

Michael Brown's shooting was justified. That has been settled. Stupid people still haven't gotten the message and want people to stand up for a thug.

Rational thinking has no place in the current BLM narrative.
Once again, nonviolent protest shows how effective it can be
And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?
And with no one being caught, what was he supposed to do?

Lead the investigation himself? Make some touchy feeling speeches? What?
What do you think he should have done?

Why thank you for asking. I will be happy to tell you my opinion on that as soon as you give my yours, as I asked first.

nnnnuuuuhh, you're not playing that game with me, laddy. YOU posted "what was he supposed to do. there were no witnesses to who drew the swastika." I responded with giving you the link to the Star story that the swastiska was merely one of a series of incidents. And admin, student body, and pols apparently felt he wasn't doing enough."

Then you said "what should he do"

You need to ask them, they got him fired, or allowed to resign.

Don't be asking me. Put up or STFU

No game here.

None of the bad actors were known to be punished. If they were and they were given a pass for some reason this would be a different conversation.

So I asked you "What should he have done"?

POinting out that there were multiple instances is not an answer to that question.

I already have an answer for your question. I want to tell you.

Just answer my question first.
No. It's bogus. The question is why weren't miscreants identified. At ole miss a frat did white face and some drunken fool hung a noose on James Meredith's statute. The miscreants were found and kicked out. If you want to ask what more he should do, find out what he did do. But what is apparent, the people in Missouri concluded Wolfe didn't do enough. Now take your gotcha games and FO.

I assume the miscreants weren't identified because no one knew who they were.

That's a pretty good reason to not identify them.

If they were known and not punished for committing crimes, that would be a legitimate complaint.

I think if that was the case, someone would have mentioned that.

This is no gotcha game.

I want to know what you think should have been done.

That is a very reasonable question.
If this is about the Michael Brown case and the fact that blacks did not get the Non-Justice they felt they were entitled to, Oh HELL YEAH, identify the ignorant thugs / blackmailers and boot them the hail out of school. I would probably look for the stupid, indoctrinating liberal professors who are probably behind this to some extent as well!

Michael brown was an over-grown, over-confident, disrespectful, man-child THUG! He was caught on video STEALING from a store and ASSAULTING the owner/clerk minutes before he disrespected a policeman who asked him to get out of the middle of the street, bring on what happened next upon himself.

HAD Michael Brown survived the encounter with the policeman instead of being shot dead in self-defense his ass would be in jail TODAY for theft, assault, battery, resisting arrest, ATTEMPTED MURDER (trying to take a policeman's weapon resulting in the discharge of that weapon), and probably MORE.

Black Lives Matter? Maybe someone should have told that to Michael Brown before he decided to throw his away!

And these little protesting jackasses - if this is what this is about - need to learn because you don't get your way doesn't give you the excuse to act like a criminal / thug, and being black doesn't mean you are 'right' or mean you get your way!
Once again, nonviolent protest shows how effective it can be
Until you threaten violence ... declaring the campus area - not their property - NOT to be a 'safe zone' for media crossed a line. Take your ass home and declare THAT a 'non-safe zone' if you want.

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