University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’

i wonder if I will live to see the day when dorks stop complaining about slavery and go to work
I do not believe Abe owned slaves. His wife did, but he never did.

Oh well...leftists never much cared to learn history, so they repeat it over and over and over.

From Wikipedia about Lincoln's wife. I doubt if she owned any slaves but her family did.

In 1842, Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd, who was a daughter of a slave-owning family from Kentucky.[4]Lincoln returned to the political stage as a result of the 1854 Kansas–Nebraska Act and soon became a leading opponent of the "Slaveocracy"—the political power of the southern slave owners. The Kansas–Nebraska Act, written to form the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, included language, designed by Stephen A. Douglas,[5] which allowed the settlers to decide whether they would or would not accept slavery in their region. Lincoln saw this as a repeal of the 1820 Missouri Compromise which had outlawed slavery above the 36-30' parallel.

Abraham Lincoln and slavery - Wikipedia
maybe the loony left has run out of white people to accuse of being slave owners?
didnt Sir Edmund Hillary own about 25 slaves?

Isn't he the NZ beekeeper that Hillary's parents named her after, despite his climbing Everest when she was a youngster?
as Hillary keeps getting more senile,,eventually she will claim that when she was born, Abraham Lincoln visited her parents when she was 4.

One of my favorite Lincoln quotes is "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet!"
and Hillary? "If It Looks Like A Huma, Smells Like A Huma,, and Quacks Like A Huma,, It's Probably A Huma"

Bill was brought down by getting a hummer. Wouldn't it be ironic if Hillary was brought down by a Huma?
It is all about kill whitey.
i guess John Adams and Ben Franklin Statues are next on the list to be pooped on
Franklin invented the bi-focal, he must be expunged from history.

Once whitey has been successfully removed from history then the leftist's form or history can be inserted.
what about the Kernel? he is very white !!! and he invented fried chicken !!! Lets get him and all of his racist white statues !!!!
Like I said, you would have to be an idiot to hire any college grad these days.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’

Your thread is a lie.

“Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know, freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that he ordered the execution of native men,” Misha said. “Just to have him here at the top of Bascom is just really belittling.”

Wunk Sheek, supporters promote Indigenous People’s Day with ‘die-in’ on Bascom - The Daily Cardinal
It is all about kill whitey.
i guess John Adams and Ben Franklin Statues are next on the list to be pooped on
Franklin invented the bi-focal, he must be expunged from history.

Once whitey has been successfully removed from history then the leftist's form or history can be inserted.
what about the Kernel? he is very white !!! and he invented fried chicken !!! Lets get him and all of his racist white statues !!!!
He has white hair, he must die!!!
Like I said, you would have to be an idiot to hire any college grad these days.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’

Your thread is a lie.

“Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know, freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that he ordered the execution of native men,” Misha said. “Just to have him here at the top of Bascom is just really belittling.”

Wunk Sheek, supporters promote Indigenous People’s Day with ‘die-in’ on Bascom - The Daily Cardinal
From what I read Lincoln did not own slaves. You need to produce a link. I did find one set of historian that said they uncovered documents making the claim but they never produced the documents they just went on about Lincoln thinking colonization was the answer. Volunteer colonization.
Like I said, you would have to be an idiot to hire any college grad these days.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’

Your thread is a lie.

“Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know, freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that he ordered the execution of native men,” Misha said. “Just to have him here at the top of Bascom is just really belittling.”

Wunk Sheek, supporters promote Indigenous People’s Day with ‘die-in’ on Bascom - The Daily Cardinal
From what I read Lincoln did not own slaves. You need to produce a link. I did find one set of historian that said they uncovered documents making the claim but they never produced the documents they just went on about Lincoln thinking colonization was the answer. Volunteer colonization.

He definitely DID NOT own slaves.
I'm simply quoting one of these idiot students.
Like I said, you would have to be an idiot to hire any college grad these days.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’

Your thread is a lie.

“Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know, freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that he ordered the execution of native men,” Misha said. “Just to have him here at the top of Bascom is just really belittling.”

Wunk Sheek, supporters promote Indigenous People’s Day with ‘die-in’ on Bascom - The Daily Cardinal
From what I read Lincoln did not own slaves. You need to produce a link. I did find one set of historian that said they uncovered documents making the claim but they never produced the documents they just went on about Lincoln thinking colonization was the answer. Volunteer colonization.

He definitely DID NOT own slaves.
I'm simply quoting one of these idiot students.
OK, sorry, they will have to produce the link, I couldn't find much information. I would think a lawyer would not have much use for slaves.
It is all about kill whitey.
i guess John Adams and Ben Franklin Statues are next on the list to be pooped on
Franklin invented the bi-focal, he must be expunged from history.

Once whitey has been successfully removed from history then the leftist's form or history can be inserted.
what about the Kernel? he is very white !!! and he invented fried chicken !!! Lets get him and all of his racist white statues !!!!
He has white hair, he must die!!!
and is probably sexually attracted to hot white women with at least two ( . ) ( . )'s
It is all about kill whitey.
i guess John Adams and Ben Franklin Statues are next on the list to be pooped on
Franklin invented the bi-focal, he must be expunged from history.

Once whitey has been successfully removed from history then the leftist's form or history can be inserted.
what about the Kernel? he is very white !!! and he invented fried chicken !!! Lets get him and all of his racist white statues !!!!
He has white hair, he must die!!!
and is probably sexually attracted to hot white women with at least two ( . ) ( . )'s
I heard he likes thick thighs.
This shit has to stop.

Billions of people owned fucking slaves and by judging all of history before very recently we're fucking ourselves out of a lot. What's next? banning history all together? I am a liberal that believes in knowledge but these so called liberals appear not of the understanding that society had to eliminate such idiocy over thousands of years. Killing history and its movers is a good way towards forgetting the lessons learned.

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