Unlike Trump Cult Cowards, Brits Bravely Confront Terrorist With Massive Public Events

Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game.

The Brits seem to have little tolerance or faith in the kind of knee-jerk drama put out regularly by the American President and his cult of followers so disrespected and despised by the world population.

^^^ what absolute rubbish!

Trump was one leader to clearly state that Islam itself was the cause of terrorism.

Even yesterday Theresa May said the cause was not Islam but "a perversion of Islam".

The British still aren't facing reality, instead of attacking they are telling the population to hide!

Trump on the other hand is facing the reality about Islam and is trying to do something about it, for example stopping Islamic immigration into the US, among other things.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game.

The Brits seem to have little tolerance or faith in the kind of knee-jerk drama put out regularly by the American President and his cult of followers so disrespected and despised by the world population.

^^^ what absolute rubbish!

Trump was one leader to clearly state that Islam itself was the cause of terrorism.

Even yesterday Theresa May said the cause was not Islam but "a perversion of Islam".

The British still aren't facing reality, instead of attacking they are telling the population to hide!

Trump on the other hand is facing the reality about Islam and is trying to do something about it, for example stopping Islamic immigration into the US, among other things.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game..

That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The OP wants to throw a fucking parade every time terrorists attack as a cure?
That shit don't fly in Arizona. And they don't attack us.
Maybe not a parade, but bravely facing the world to show terrorists that we are not terrorized beats hiding under your bed demanding that our Bill of Rights be given up.
Shooting them is better! All terrorists caught should be shot in public on live TV.
We need sane people in charge, not delusional dreamers and con men.
That's why we didn't vote for Hillary and are glad Obummer is gone.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game..

That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game..

That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Sure we can.

Victory is when the enemy is dead. WWII ended in victory.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game..

That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Not when the enemy is heavily armed and the victims aren't allowed to be.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game..

That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Not when the enemy is heavily armed and the victims aren't allowed to be.
Every victim at the Manchester concert could have been armed with automatic assault rifles and that would not have stopped the suicide bomber from blowing himself up in the lobby/entrance.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game..

That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Sure we can.

Victory is when the enemy is dead. WWII ended in victory.
You don't even have a grasp of why Britain is being attacked.
That will surely prevent another attack by religious extremists who think they are carrying out the will of God.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Not when the enemy is heavily armed and the victims aren't allowed to be.
Every victim at the Manchester concert could have been armed with automatic assault rifles and that would not have stopped the suicide bomber from blowing himself up in the lobby/entrance.
Would have solved the problem of the car attackers wielding knives.
I will say once again, the effort is not meant to prevent another attack. It is meant to unify the country and prepare them for future attacks with confidence that they can defeat their enemies but that bravery and determination will be needed.
Defeat them in what? A pillow fight?
The trump cult is so scared they can not even imagine a victory against the enemy.
Not when the enemy is heavily armed and the victims aren't allowed to be.
Every victim at the Manchester concert could have been armed with automatic assault rifles and that would not have stopped the suicide bomber from blowing himself up in the lobby/entrance.
Would have solved the problem of the car attackers wielding knives.
If everyone on the bridge had automatic weapons the terrorist would have had them too. And the guns would not have stopped the van from plowing into pedestrians until it was too late.
Your theory of everyone being armed has one major weakness and fault. It means weapons are easy to access. The terrorists would know they could break into virtually any home and find an arsenal of weapons.
I didnt realise that a fundraising concert in Manchester would cause such offence in the US.
On behalf of the UK I apologise to all you sensitive souls.
There is a fragment of America indoctrinated into the cult of trump and hence, we have an abundance of jerks and assholes to deal with over here. Give us time and we will cleanse ourselves of this plague.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game.

The Brits seem to have little tolerance or faith in the kind of knee-jerk drama put out regularly by the American President and his cult of followers so disrespected and despised by the world population.

Yeah.....they've taken to the BOHICA defense.
Such bravery......
It is not a defensive maneuver. It is an offensive maneuver.

BOHICA is a total surrender.....
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game.

The Brits seem to have little tolerance or faith in the kind of knee-jerk drama put out regularly by the American President and his cult of followers so disrespected and despised by the world population.

<Terror attack>
Blame everyone but the terrorists
Resolve to wear a ribbon
Resolve to have meetings
Make a hash tag
Light up a building with a flag

<Terror attack>
Blame everyone but the terrorists
Resolve to wear a ribbon
Resolve to have meetings
Make a hash tag
Light up a building with a flag

<Terror attack>

Wash, rinse repeat.
I didnt realise that a fundraising concert in Manchester would cause such offence in the US.
On behalf of the UK I apologise to all you sensitive souls.
There is a fragment of America indoctrinated into the cult of trump and hence, we have an abundance of jerks and assholes to deal with over here. Give us time and we will cleanse ourselves of this plague.
Americans I have met hae been cultured and intelligent. The yahoos on here are not representative of anything other than their own perverted ideology.
Americans I have met hae been cultured and intelligent. The yahoos on here are not representative of anything other than their own perverted ideology.
USMB has a well earned Reputation as a Right Wing Suck Hole....the Trump Salad Tossers are Vertically Integrated here...

So Trump tried to show his cultists that he could play badass with that Muslim mayor of London
and it backfired. Not only did he get smacked down with disdain by the mayor's office and Londoners, ABC just reported that there were calls to disinvite him from his upcoming visit. He postponed his visit...err, ride in the gold carriage.


Jennifer Rubin on Trump's London tweets: He "acted like a clod, a heartless and dull-witted thug"
Opinion | With his London tweets, Trump embarrasses himself — and America — once again

The stoic determination and decency of the British people and their leaders was on full display in the hours after the latest horrific terrorist rampage. The Brits fought back, launching drinking glasses and chairs at the savages who attacked them. The police acted with lightning-fast precision, killing the three assailants within eight minutes of the emergency call. And, God Bless him, a man returned to the bar where he experienced Saturday’s horror — to pay his bill and tip. Civilization is not going to be driven out of Britain by three or three hundred killers.

Meanwhile — and it pains me to write this — our president acted like a clod, a heartless and dull-witted thug in sending out a series of tweets. He — commander in chief and leader of the Free World — first retweeted an unverified, unofficial Drudge headline about the unfolding terrorist attack. Then he aimed to bolster his Muslim travel ban (which is not supposed to be a Muslim travel ban). “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough,” he tweeted. “We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!” (Aside from the inappropriateness of President Trump’s tweet, he fails to grasp that the courts in these cases are reaffirming the our rights against an overreaching, discriminatory edict.)

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