Unlike Trump Cult Cowards, Brits Bravely Confront Terrorist With Massive Public Events

One is prompted to ask if he is off his rocker. But this is vintage Trump — impulsive and cruel, without an ounce of class or human decency....Jennifer Rubin of WAPO speaking of the Orange Embarrassment
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game.

The Brits seem to have little tolerance or faith in the kind of knee-jerk drama put out regularly by the American President and his cult of followers so disrespected and despised by the world population.

Yeah.....they've taken to the BOHICA defense.
Such bravery......
It is not a defensive maneuver. It is an offensive maneuver.

BOHICA is a total surrender.....
BOHICA does not mean surrender. It is not a voluntary or requested incident or situation. It is a military term meaning an order or situation is being forced on or dumped on a unit or individual. The unit or individual does not have the options or surrender of non-surrender. It is assumed that the orders that come down will have to be adhered to, hence, BOHICA.
Look, this entire thread was a Troll Thread just looking to incite a reaction, there are no such thing as "Trump Cult Cowards," and there was nothing brave or smart about the Brits holding more massive public events like sitting ducks. Do you know the police in places like England, Belgium, France and Germany AFAIK don't even carry guns?! They are defenseless! They carry batons! And the populace is just as defenseless. This is feel-good stupidity and PC beyond compare just begging for another killing spree. They are all just sitting ducks and will be hit again and again. Indeed, the British Police have already said this will not be the last attack. I would rather my police say that we will never let this happen again!!!

Second, unless you are trained, alert and prepared, you are not going to stop a person blowing himself up or leaving a bomb unless you are alert to spot a package and suspicious activity and are prepared to do something about it. The Europeans are not. Unless you have martial training and carry a firearm, you best have good legs.

Here in America, if the government were serious about these things, they would be inviting civic awareness and training on these things. But at least if you are trained in combat self-defense tactics (MA or Vet) and carry, you have a good chance. You have a chance at spotting suspicious activity and acting on it, or in the case of a shooter or car operator, taking him out before he gets too many other people.

What you want to do is fight fire with fire. The last thing these ISIS people want to see is their guys caught in action, stopped in the process, identified and publicly humiliated. These are animals and until a society is willing to catch these guys, take them alive when they can and do very uncivil things to them, or even dead, things that potential ISIS enlistees say to themselves: "That is not good! I don't want that done to me! There is no glory in that!" Until a society is willing to get down to their level and beat them at their own game in ways I will not say here, and stop thinking you can beat these guys, discourage them and still remain "civil," you will never be rid of them.

Fortunately, ISIS enlistment is already down from a peak of 1500 a month to about 100. The way to beat them isn't love feast sit-ins in the park holding hands, you have to be proactive, use IDF tactics, be prepared to take it into the gutter and take the fight right into their face with overwhelming consequences. Not be sheep.
this IS WHAT Trump IS
This whole "bravery in the face of Terrorism" is retarded. The Terrorists love it, the more "brave" you are, the bigger and fatter are the soft target crowds. What do you accomplish with such "bravery" other than increase the body counts which is the entire goal of the Terrorists? England needs to get it's shit together and fast. Their police presence and response time is abysmal. Either that or let the citizens arm themselves.
Cowards are cowards.
Jennifer Rubin on Trump's London tweets: He "acted like a clod, a heartless and dull-witted thug"
Opinion | With his London tweets, Trump embarrasses himself — and America — once again

The stoic determination and decency of the British people and their leaders was on full display in the hours after the latest horrific terrorist rampage. The Brits fought back, launching drinking glasses and chairs at the savages who attacked them. The police acted with lightning-fast precision, killing the three assailants within eight minutes of the emergency call. And, God Bless him, a man returned to the bar where he experienced Saturday’s horror — to pay his bill and tip. Civilization is not going to be driven out of Britain by three or three hundred killers.

Meanwhile — and it pains me to write this — our president acted like a clod, a heartless and dull-witted thug in sending out a series of tweets. He — commander in chief and leader of the Free World — first retweeted an unverified, unofficial Drudge headline about the unfolding terrorist attack. Then he aimed to bolster his Muslim travel ban (which is not supposed to be a Muslim travel ban). “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough,” he tweeted. “We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!” (Aside from the inappropriateness of President Trump’s tweet, he fails to grasp that the courts in these cases are reaffirming the our rights against an overreaching, discriminatory edict.)

You seem to be under the delusion that the opinions of globalist assholes means anything to anyone but other globalist assholes.

The trump cult appears to have launched a campaign to demonize Britain and the citizens of Great Britain. It is routine now that anyone who is critical of trump or mocks him will get the demonization treatment, but some may have expected the Brits being one of, if not America's greatest allies would be excused from the dirty and dishonest campaigns of the trump cult. Obviously, there is no chance of that happening. You can see it in this thread. The vile cult of trump spares and gives no mercy as they apply their lies and foulness to anyone who questions or criticizes their master.
The OP is an idiot.

Implying that anyone who calls for measures to prevent future terrorist attacks are "panicking in fear" is ridiculously absurd and it really pisses me off. Fuck you OP, goddamned fucking idiot.
The British have given up all of their rights....to free press, to speach, to self defense.....they don't have any more real rights to give up......and their violence rates and gun crime rates have gone up, not down......

The only thing they can do now is go to concerts, and hope they don't get blown up...
There does not seem to have been any terrorist attacks at yesterday's events despite the flood of citizens onto the streets and show of unity. But, the post is quote is an example of how demonizations get started.
The OP is an idiot.

Implying that anyone who calls for measures to prevent future terrorist attacks are "panicking in fear" is ridiculously absurd and it really pisses me off. Fuck you OP, goddamned fucking idiot.
Your post is a distortion of what was written in the OP. It did not say or refer to persons who call for measures to prevent future terrorist attacks as being panicking in fear. Perhaps that is why you did not use the actual OP and used your made up version instead.
The OP is an idiot.

Implying that anyone who calls for measures to prevent future terrorist attacks are "panicking in fear" is ridiculously absurd and it really pisses me off. Fuck you OP, goddamned fucking idiot.
Your post is a distortion of what was written in the OP. It did not say or refer to persons who call for measures to prevent future terrorist attacks as being panicking in fear. Perhaps that is why you did not use the actual OP and used your made up version instead.

I know exactly what you're getting at, so fuck you.
Unlike the Trump Cult Cowards who panic in fear after every terror attack, the Brits are showing true bravery in confronting the recent acts of terrorism against them by flooding the streets with citizens attending massive rallies at a Tribute Concert and Soccer game.

The Brits seem to have little tolerance or faith in the kind of knee-jerk drama put out regularly by the American President and his cult of followers so disrespected and despised by the world population.

/----- Tell that to the dead Brits.

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