"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem

Trumpsters are actively legislating some punk with a mask protesting

The same sorts who eshew government interventions.....

Orwell would be proud

Assaulting people is protesting?
Trumpsters are actively legislating some punk with a mask protesting

The same sorts who eshew government interventions.....

Orwell would be proud


They don't wear masks so they can protest.

They wear masks so they can commit violent assault and not get caught.

Damn it! Ninja'ed!
ergo wearing a mask is now illegal

what will we do come halloween?

Trumpsters are actively legislating some punk with a mask protesting

The same sorts who eshew government interventions.....

Orwell would be proud


It is specifically about these Leftist Fascists Interfering often with VIOLENCE and/or THREATS of VIOLENCE with a persons RIGHT to Freedom of Expression, with the below law the Leftist Fascists will have No Safe Spaces anymore:


Eric Blair would approve:


Trumpsters are actively legislating some punk with a mask protesting

The same sorts who eshew government interventions.....

Orwell would be proud


They don't wear masks so they can protest.

They wear masks so they can commit violent assault and not get caught.

Damn it! Ninja'ed!

Poor Snowflakes Bedwetting on Twitter already:


And THREATENING VIOLENCE and advocating burning down Congressmen and Congresswomen's houses....Hmmmm, The Donald and Jeff Sessions IMHO soon will have to activate the Militarised Police and put Units on American Streets to round up these dangerous Leftist Fascist Subversives, NO Society should tolerate this type of Domestic Terrorist, also I have read the full Bill and the penalty is 15 years but the penalty is 17 years IF ANY property is damaged:




The below would be 17 years in prison, the 15 years plus the extra 2 years as stated above:




American Law Enforcement is FULLY protected against these Leftist Fascist thugs:

Now we are talking. We all saw how the masked pipe wielding Antifa supporter got his lights knocked out. Now the justice system will get involved



Following a spate of violent attacks by masked members of Antifa, four GOP members of Congress are taking matters into their own hands.

A measure introduced last month in the House would punish anyone wearing a mask who "injures, oppresses, threatens or intimidates" a person "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" with a fine and up to 15 years in prison.

Introduced to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY), Ted Budd (R-NC) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). H.R. 6054, the "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018" states:

Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for "Destroying buildings or property" while wearing a mask or disguise.

One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was "unmasked" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times.

Meanwhile, a large skirmish broke out at a Portland conservative rally between masked members of Antifa and conservatives - which led to a viral video of a Proud Boy known as "Rufio" knocking out an Antifa member. (Knockout at 7:35)

With the new House Resolution, looks like these guys are out of luck:

Predictably, the left has called the bill dystopian, while those on the right are urging people to call their representatives in congress.

"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem

Good that is what scum deserves ........ Should plaster the weak pussy bastards faces all over the place too.

The bill’s name makes reference to Antifa, the far-left extremist group that frequently advocates using violence and sparks riots to block conservative speakers and events. Antifa often use black masks and are clad in all black.


‘Unmasking Antifa Act’ in House Proposes 15-Year Prison Term

LAMO... Now when they get their lights punched out one can see what the little queers look like

Now we are talking. We all saw how the masked pipe wielding Antifa supporter got his lights knocked out. Now the justice system will get involved



Following a spate of violent attacks by masked members of Antifa, four GOP members of Congress are taking matters into their own hands.

A measure introduced last month in the House would punish anyone wearing a mask who "injures, oppresses, threatens or intimidates" a person "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" with a fine and up to 15 years in prison.

Introduced to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY), Ted Budd (R-NC) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). H.R. 6054, the "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018" states:

Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for "Destroying buildings or property" while wearing a mask or disguise.

One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was "unmasked" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times.

Meanwhile, a large skirmish broke out at a Portland conservative rally between masked members of Antifa and conservatives - which led to a viral video of a Proud Boy known as "Rufio" knocking out an Antifa member. (Knockout at 7:35)

With the new House Resolution, looks like these guys are out of luck:

Predictably, the left has called the bill dystopian, while those on the right are urging people to call their representatives in congress.

"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem

Good that is what scum deserves ........ Should plaster the weak pussy bastards faces all over the place too.

The bill’s name makes reference to Antifa, the far-left extremist group that frequently advocates using violence and sparks riots to block conservative speakers and events. Antifa often use black masks and are clad in all black.


‘Unmasking Antifa Act’ in House Proposes 15-Year Prison Term


I hope it sails through Congress.

BTW, wtf is the FBI doing to Antifa? Hmm? They're a countrywide entrenched terrorist organization. What's the FBI doing about it? Hmm?

Looks like not a damn thing to me.

Why do we need the FBI again? Prohibition is over!

That reminds me.. :alcoholic:
Now we are talking. We all saw how the masked pipe wielding Antifa supporter got his lights knocked out. Now the justice system will get involved



Following a spate of violent attacks by masked members of Antifa, four GOP members of Congress are taking matters into their own hands.

A measure introduced last month in the House would punish anyone wearing a mask who "injures, oppresses, threatens or intimidates" a person "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" with a fine and up to 15 years in prison.

Introduced to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY), Ted Budd (R-NC) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). H.R. 6054, the "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018" states:

Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for "Destroying buildings or property" while wearing a mask or disguise.

One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was "unmasked" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times.

Meanwhile, a large skirmish broke out at a Portland conservative rally between masked members of Antifa and conservatives - which led to a viral video of a Proud Boy known as "Rufio" knocking out an Antifa member. (Knockout at 7:35)

With the new House Resolution, looks like these guys are out of luck:

Predictably, the left has called the bill dystopian, while those on the right are urging people to call their representatives in congress.

"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem

Good that is what scum deserves ........ Should plaster the weak pussy bastards faces all over the place too.

The bill’s name makes reference to Antifa, the far-left extremist group that frequently advocates using violence and sparks riots to block conservative speakers and events. Antifa often use black masks and are clad in all black.


‘Unmasking Antifa Act’ in House Proposes 15-Year Prison Term


I hope it sails through Congress.

BTW, wtf is the FBI doing to Antifa? Hmm? They're a countrywide entrenched terrorist organization. What's the FBI doing about it? Hmm?

Looks like not a damn thing to me.

Why do we need the FBI again? Prohibition is over!

That reminds me.. :alcoholic:

Really they are world wide. Germany has ANTIFA loons, as does many other Countries.

FBI, Eeehh some still work for Obama/Clinton as the deep state that's when we see groups like ANTIFA when it's time for distractions, or when it time to pass laws that aren't really wanted distraction gets stirred up. That's a real short explanation . lol
LAMO... Now when they get their lights punched out one can see what the little queers look like


This below is the typical Antifa freak of nature, Transgender Antifa waste of human skin and a Leftist Racist confronts a PEACEFUL Black man and repeatedly tells him to "Get the fuck out", "Shut The Fuck Up", "We don't want you here" anyhow Transgender Antifa weirdo is watched by assorted Antifa including some fat Skinhead Lesbo bitch, this bizarro Stand Off goes on for four minutes and twenty two seconds before the PEACEFUL Black man has enough and just punches the Transgender Antifa waste of human skin to the ground. IMHO all Antifa are good for is to be turned into Industrial Fertiliser.

This is great, mega salute to that PEACEFUL Black man, excellent work! If you want watch the first minute and then fast forward to four minutes and ten seconds to get the Transgender Antifa POS being punched to the ground, the punches begin at four minutes twenty one seconds:

Unmasked Antifa MEGA FAGGOT you can tell they are nearly ALL Homo by the FAGGOT way they ATTEMPT to punch ROFLAO, so in the below short video the Antifa MEGA FAGGOT TOUCHES a Trump Supporter and within 15 seconds the Antifa MEGA FAGGOT gets arrested!

Now we are talking. We all saw how the masked pipe wielding Antifa supporter got his lights knocked out. Now the justice system will get involved



Following a spate of violent attacks by masked members of Antifa, four GOP members of Congress are taking matters into their own hands.

A measure introduced last month in the House would punish anyone wearing a mask who "injures, oppresses, threatens or intimidates" a person "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" with a fine and up to 15 years in prison.

Introduced to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY), Ted Budd (R-NC) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). H.R. 6054, the "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018" states:

Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for "Destroying buildings or property" while wearing a mask or disguise.

One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was "unmasked" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times.

Meanwhile, a large skirmish broke out at a Portland conservative rally between masked members of Antifa and conservatives - which led to a viral video of a Proud Boy known as "Rufio" knocking out an Antifa member. (Knockout at 7:35)

With the new House Resolution, looks like these guys are out of luck:

Predictably, the left has called the bill dystopian, while those on the right are urging people to call their representatives in congress.

"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem

Good that is what scum deserves ........ Should plaster the weak pussy bastards faces all over the place too.

The bill’s name makes reference to Antifa, the far-left extremist group that frequently advocates using violence and sparks riots to block conservative speakers and events. Antifa often use black masks and are clad in all black.


‘Unmasking Antifa Act’ in House Proposes 15-Year Prison Term


I hope it sails through Congress.

BTW, wtf is the FBI doing to Antifa? Hmm? They're a countrywide entrenched terrorist organization. What's the FBI doing about it? Hmm?

Looks like not a damn thing to me.

Why do we need the FBI again? Prohibition is over!

That reminds me.. :alcoholic:

Really they are world wide. Germany has ANTIFA loons, as does many other Countries.

FBI, Eeehh some still work for Obama/Clinton as the deep state that's when we see groups like ANTIFA when it's time for distractions, or when it time to pass laws that aren't really wanted distraction gets stirred up. That's a real short explanation . lol

"as does many other Countries."

We don't care about the Antifa on this Continent, they are rapidly being reduced to nothing, we had them Infiltrated at least two years ago, the Intelligence was already gathered on them and now many of their bank accounts have been Frozen, they have NO funds and ALL major banks on this Continent have been long ago contacted with the relevant details so they CANNOT open new bank accounts with ANY bank, they CANNOT access ANY funds from ANY bank, so what is left is reduced to hand out's from parents and Leftist NGO Activist Groups - it's okay the NGOs are being fully monitored also. The Antifa that have been allowed to exist unmolested are there for purposes that Our Team can later use to our advantage, so in Britain, Germany, Spain, France and Greece the Antifa there all are allowed to operate, this because we WANT them to commit VIOLENCE, because we intend to use that to OUR advantage COMBINED with our Winning Strategy of pushing the Anti-Migrant Zero Tolerance on Migrants Agenda, but I am not going to elaborate on that future situation.

My nation does not have Antifa anymore, we already had our compiled List of ALL Antifa members, it totaled 416 members, they were all removed from this Society early this year, this is what happens in a nation when you have politically castrated the Left, they and any Subversives are reduced to Zero, to NOTHING. ANY random Antifa that might appear in this nation is from outside of it, but we have a List of ALL Antifa members from across this Continent, there is nowhere they can hide, we know EVERYTHING, who they are, who their friends are, who supports them, what they do etc. One of the most satisfying things is to have Our Team in charge of the Ministry of The Interior, in control of ALL Intelligence Agencies AND ALL Police Agencies and that we now have a Network across this Continent of the same type of Patriots ALL in key positions in 17 National Governments.

The most recent nation that our nation has now shared our dossier on Antifa with our Italian Brothers and Sisters, again the new Patriotic Italian Government, the Ministry of The Interior in the control of another of Our Team, the Italian Patriot Matteo Salvini. Italy at this moment though is concentrating on something more important and that is the TOTAL shutting down of the NGO Peoples Trafficking boats in the Mediterranean.

The below I am reporting here because it illustrates that you have to take the Gloves Off, not only with the Antifa but also with ANYONE who is supporting the Invasions of savages from Third World Shit Holes into Western nations and of course the Antifa also are big supporters of the Third World Shit Holers.

Last night a Non-NGO Cargo Ship was trapped in the Mediterranean, in typical Pathological Altruistic fashion and IGNORING what Matteo Salvini ordered these MORONS decided to collect a group of Ghanian savages and one Sudanese floating in the water, what then occur is that these African savages this morning decided to hold the CREW of that Cargo Ship hostage, it's "We Want To Go To Italy OR the Crew Gets It" type thing. Two Points i. the African savages all 67 of them are going to be arrested and ii. the CREW of that Cargo Ship are going to face severe punishment for being so moronic, the situation is this you have to teach these morons a lesson that they NEVER are going to forget. Gloves Off. The Vos Thalassa is a Cargo Ship which works supporting offshore operations by the French oil and gas company Total.

The Non-NGO Cargo Ship the Vos Thalassa ILLEGALLY in Libyan Waters collected 67 savages, last week Matteo Salvini went to Libya to reinforce a new deal with the Libyan Government that the Libyan Coast Guard is now fully in charge of this whole operation and that NO NGO ship or Cargo Ship or ANY Ship is to collect any of these Economic Migrants, this is now charged to the Libyan Coast Guard who will collect ALL of them and take them to existing Secure Camps in Libya.

As the crew of the Vos Thalassa are mainly Italian, Italy could not allow the hostage situation to carry on so the Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli ordered the Italian Coast Guard with the ship the Diciotti to go and get the crew off that boat and apprehend the Ghanian savages and the Sudanese savage, this was a success and that these savages are being returned to Libya, although now it is said that Matteo Salvini wants them all taken to Italy so they can face the new Brutal Justice from the new Italian Government, and the crew of the Vos Thalassa are also going to be taught a lesson.

Alessandra Bocchi who is a journalist with Il Giornale has been reporting on the above situation since it all started this morning and we add that ONLY ONE Mainstream News Agency has been reporting on this apart from Il Giornale and that's The Times of London, I suppose it's just TOO HARDCORE a happening for the MSM Pro-Invasion of Sub- Saharan African Savages Presstitutes to report on.


Alessandra Bocchi Twitter page:



Mutinous migrants threaten to kill Italian crew after rescue
Trumpsters are actively legislating some punk with a mask protesting

The same sorts who eshew government interventions.....

Orwell would be proud


They don't wear masks so they can protest.

They wear masks so they can commit violent assault and not get caught.

Damn it! Ninja'ed!

Poor Snowflakes Bedwetting on Twitter already:

View attachment 204112

And THREATENING VIOLENCE and advocating burning down Congressmen and Congresswomen's houses....Hmmmm, The Donald and Jeff Sessions IMHO soon will have to activate the Militarised Police and put Units on American Streets to round up these dangerous Leftist Fascist Subversives, NO Society should tolerate this type of Domestic Terrorist, also I have read the full Bill and the penalty is 15 years but the penalty is 17 years IF ANY property is damaged:

View attachment 204113


View attachment 204117

The below would be 17 years in prison, the 15 years plus the extra 2 years as stated above:




American Law Enforcement is FULLY protected against these Leftist Fascist thugs:

View attachment 204115

Nah, any governor worth his salt of any state would call out the National Guard and take their chains off.

Green! Brrrrap! Green! Brrrap! One moar! Oops, no mo Antifa.

I've seen a black National Guard shoot a rioting nigga in the head, right at Earl's corner. He was carrying a cocktail and it dropped without breaking, but it spilled around slowly and fire was spreading around his jacketed arm as we drove out of sight. What time of year was that? Why did he have a jacket on?

Somebody was going 72 in a 40 that day. It's called get the hell out of Dodge.

That's real weird the guy had a jacket on, but he did, it was May in Miami. Who wears a jacket in May in Miami? :cuckoo: Like a bomber jacket. Oh! He was carrying a bomb!

Bad humor, bad. He wasn't shirtless, or wearing a T-shirt, he was wearing a freaking brown leather jacket.
And the top of his head peeled back.
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LAMO... Now when they get their lights punched out one can see what the little queers look like


This below is the typical Antifa freak of nature, Transgender Antifa waste of human skin and a Leftist Racist confronts a PEACEFUL Black man and repeatedly tells him to "Get the fuck out", "Shut The Fuck Up", "We don't want you here" anyhow Transgender Antifa weirdo is watched by assorted Antifa including some fat Skinhead Lesbo bitch, this bizarro Stand Off goes on for four minutes and twenty two seconds before the PEACEFUL Black man has enough and just punches the Transgender Antifa waste of human skin to the ground. IMHO all Antifa are good for is to be turned into Industrial Fertiliser.

This is great, mega salute to that PEACEFUL Black man, excellent work! If you want watch the first minute and then fast forward to four minutes and ten seconds to get the Transgender Antifa POS being punched to the ground, the punches begin at four minutes twenty one seconds:

Unmasked Antifa MEGA FAGGOT you can tell they are nearly ALL Homo by the FAGGOT way they ATTEMPT to punch ROFLAO, so in the below short video the Antifa MEGA FAGGOT TOUCHES a Trump Supporter and within 15 seconds the Antifa MEGA FAGGOT gets arrested!

The guy in the aqua shirt in the second video is behind much of the Antifa.

They planned to put stink bombs in the ventilation for Trump's election party.

This is him, he's on the right in this video:

What's his name? Luke Kuhn. Why is this motherfucker not in prison?

I'm not the only one that saw that. Violent Antifa Assault On Jack Posobiec Captured On Camera - Along With Probation Violating Ping Pong Plotter Luke Kuhn! | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

"We do not recognize city government either, if you try to close to us down we will
look for your house, we will burn it. We will physically fight the police if they try to steal one of our places. We will go to war and you will lose."

If that's not terrorism, I don't know what is. It's @ 2:15-ish in this video.

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