Unmasking Names Dropped - Biden, Comey, Obama Chief of Staff at the top of Flynn Unmsaking list

The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
A crime was committed as soon as the unmasked names (Flynn) were leaked to the press. That was 3 years ago now and is a felony with a MINIMUM sentence of 5 years prison. There’s also the Brady law that was broken god only knows how many times now. Withholding exculpatory evidence to the defense is as corrupt as it gets. They were also withholding information from the FISA court, that info being knowing the Steele dossier was horseshit. Do you care to explain how exactly they crossed all their Ts and dotted their Is?
The unmasking list released by Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Wednesday shows that Obama-era U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power issued seven separate unmasking requests from Nov. 30, 2016, to Jan. 11, 2017, pertaining to an individual cited in a National Security Agency intelligence report.

That individual is now known to have been then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The list, seen below, further proves that Power then lied to Congress on Oct. 13, 2017, by telling the House Intelligence Committee she had “no recollection” of ever issuing any unmasking requests pertaining to Flynn.

I'm sure that it is just a coincidence that her husband is that little bastard Cass Sunstein.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
The piper will always eventually be paid and chickens always come home to roost.
I suppose the demodumbasses weren't paying attention when they were kids and they heard all of this stuff.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Everyone who had no need to know (i.e. the Deputy Sec. of Energy and the ambassador to Italy) who unmaksed committed a felony.
Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

It's not debatable that Trump admin crony Richard Grenell is the leaker. So why are the kooks still debating it, making up idiot stories that the Democrats did it? They don't seem sane.

It's not a leak when something is declassified and released, idiot.
Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"
Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.

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