Unmasking Names Dropped - Biden, Comey, Obama Chief of Staff at the top of Flynn Unmsaking list

Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.
7 times in 2 months. No, it doesn’t make a difference, unless she was daily unmasking multiple people, which would then raise other red flags.
Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.
7 times in 2 months. No, it doesn’t make a difference, unless she was daily unmasking multiple people, which would then raise other red flags.
People are unmasked hundreds of times a year. The unmasking request goes through an approval process set up to determine if it's necessary or not.
The unmasking list released by Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Wednesday shows that Obama-era U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power issued seven separate unmasking requests from Nov. 30, 2016, to Jan. 11, 2017, pertaining to an individual cited in a National Security Agency intelligence report.

That individual is now known to have been then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The list, seen below, further proves that Power then lied to Congress on Oct. 13, 2017, by telling the House Intelligence Committee she had “no recollection” of ever issuing any unmasking requests pertaining to Flynn.

I'm sure that it is just a coincidence that her husband is that little bastard Cass Sunstein.
Married to Commie Cass Sunstien?

Yeah, the ends justify the means for these criminals. They need to be executed.

Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.
7 times in 2 months. No, it doesn’t make a difference, unless she was daily unmasking multiple people, which would then raise other red flags.
People are unmasked hundreds of times a year. The unmasking request goes through an approval process set up to determine if it's necessary or not.
I ask Again. What was Flynn’s specific lie(s)
Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.
7 times in 2 months. No, it doesn’t make a difference, unless she was daily unmasking multiple people, which would then raise other red flags.
People are unmasked hundreds of times a year. The unmasking request goes through an approval process set up to determine if it's necessary or not.
I ask Again. What was Flynn’s specific lie(s)

Flynn swore before the court that this occurred.
The unmasking list released by Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Wednesday shows that Obama-era U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power issued seven separate unmasking requests from Nov. 30, 2016, to Jan. 11, 2017, pertaining to an individual cited in a National Security Agency intelligence report.

That individual is now known to have been then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The list, seen below, further proves that Power then lied to Congress on Oct. 13, 2017, by telling the House Intelligence Committee she had “no recollection” of ever issuing any unmasking requests pertaining to Flynn.

I'm sure that it is just a coincidence that her husband is that little bastard Cass Sunstein.
Cass Sunstein in February:
https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/a...ronavirus-panic-caused-by-probability-neglect"a lot of people are more scared than they have any reason to be" and that they have "an exaggerated sense of their own personal risk". He argued that "most people in North America and Europe do not need to worry much about the risk of contracting the disease." In his view, there was "no adequate reason" to change travel plans or other socioeconomic behaviors, since they risk "plummeting stock prices". In the face of this, Sunstein urged calm and cautioned leaders to weigh the costs of merely potentially saving lives against the actual costs of falling prices in corporate equities. He blamed this tendency to view possibly saving lives as better than actually saving money on "probability neglect," a term that he invented.

In April:

Jesus, every single commie leftist hack waffled like a motherfucker on COVID-19.

Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.
So circumstances dictate when a lie under oath is acceptable? I don't think you would grant say, Trump, that kind of leeway if he was questioned under oath and got some details wrong about something that might have happened 30 years ago.
Y’all seemingly had no problem with Flynn “forgetting” about his conversation with Kislyak three weeks after it happened but get all worked up about this?

By contrast, is it not then fair to ask, "Y'all got all worked up about Flynn getting an answer wrong, but seemingly have no problem with this?"

Flynn was questioned 4 weeks after his phone call. Power was what, a year?

Makes a difference if you ask me.
7 times in 2 months. No, it doesn’t make a difference, unless she was daily unmasking multiple people, which would then raise other red flags.
People are unmasked hundreds of times a year. The unmasking request goes through an approval process set up to determine if it's necessary or not.
I ask Again. What was Flynn’s specific lie(s)

Flynn swore before the court that this occurred.
Finally!!! Thank you. Still somewhat vague but now I have a much better understanding of it.
"I don't recall".

Isn't that the exact verbiage Trump used in his written replies to the Mueller questions?
leaking classified info is a 10 year sentence, my friends

People are unmasked hundreds of times a year. The unmasking request goes through an approval process set up to determine if it's necessary or not.
Approval process ?
Obama, Biden, Brennan, Comey, Clapper and Rice were in the Oval office at the time.

What they forgot was to approve General Flynn and the others' due process.
People are unmasked hundreds of times a year. The unmasking request goes through an approval process set up to determine if it's necessary or not.
Approval process ?
Obama, Biden, Brennan, Comey, Clapper and Rice were in the Oval office at the time.

What they forgot was to approve General Flynn and the others' due process.
The approval process goes through offices at the NSA, not sure about all the details. Flynn was not deprived of due process.
Trump admin official Richard Grenell was the one who leaked the document, originally to Republican senators.

As usual, it was Republicans doing the leaking. After all, it's always Republicans doing the leaking. As the OP points out, the Republicans were engaging in espionage against the USA. Again.

He has legal authority to release the documents, funny you didn't mention that part.
The approval process goes through offices at the NSA, not sure about all the details. Flynn was not deprived of due process.
Really ?
The NSA director saying take the kill shot
- that part of what you call "due process" - leaking classified information to the press to hurt a political opponent ?
The approval process goes through offices at the NSA, not sure about all the details. Flynn was not deprived of due process.
Really ?
The NSA director saying take the kill shot
- that part of what you call "due process" - leaking classified information to the press to hurt a political opponent ?

According to Sydney Powell? Sure buddy. Whatever you say.
According to Sydney Powell? Sure buddy. Whatever you say.
It wasn't for national security. It was a political hit job.

Former DNI James Clapper says it’s “routine” to ask to unmask unknown individuals in intelligence reports.
When a US government person engages with a foreign adversary, it’s important to know what’s going on for national security purposes, he adds.GOP senators release list of Obama officials in latest effort to undermine Russia probe pic.twitter.com/4M1WiFWZVm

— New Day (NewDay) May 14, 2020

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