Unmasking Names Dropped - Biden, Comey, Obama Chief of Staff at the top of Flynn Unmsaking list

A Hannity special?


You still haven't figured out they're just making it all up?

Hasn't the total failure of your past hundred conspiracy theories clued you in to that?
You should be more concerned with where you get your own information instead of publicly embarrassing yourself like this.
According to Sydney Powell? Sure buddy. Whatever you say.
It wasn't for national security. It was a political hit job.

Former DNI James Clapper says it’s “routine” to ask to unmask unknown individuals in intelligence reports.
When a US government person engages with a foreign adversary, it’s important to know what’s going on for national security purposes, he adds.GOP senators release list of Obama officials in latest effort to undermine Russia probe pic.twitter.com/4M1WiFWZVm

— New Day (NewDay) May 14, 2020
And? Is Clapper incorrect?

Unmasking happens all the time with foreign intelligence.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
None of these clowns had any reason to unmask Flynn since all these requests were between when Trump won and his inauguration.

The Barry Hussein regime is the most corrupt in history, and it isn't close.

The truth is coming out, and it isn't pretty for Barry and his gang.

List of officials who sought to 'unmask' Flynn released: Biden, Comey, Obama chief of staff among them

Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list was declassified in recent days by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and then sent to GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, who made the documents public. The roster features top-ranking figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden -- a detail already being raised by the Trump campaign in the bare-knuckle 2020 presidential race where Biden is now the Democrats' presumptive nominee.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.


"I declassified the enclosed document, which I am providing to you for your situational awareness," Grenell wrote to the GOP senators in sending along the list.

Grenell’s note was addressed to Sens. Grassley, R-Iowa, and Johnson, R-Wis., who had penned a letter to him and Attorney General Bill Barr regarding the declassification of files related to the unmasking process earlier in the day.

As Fox News previously reported, Grenell already made the decision to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were involved in the “unmasking” of Flynn — whose calls with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition were picked up in surveillance and later leaked. His case has returned to the national spotlight after the DOJ moved to dismiss charges against him of lying to the FBI about those conversations, despite a guilty plea that he later sought to withdraw.
The list revealed that then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power made unmasking requests seven times between Nov. 30, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017. The list revealed that Clapper made three requests from Dec. 2, 2016 through Jan. 7, 2017; and that Brennan made two requests, one on Dec. 14 and one on Dec. 15, 2016. Comey also made a request on Dec. 15, 2016. On Jan. 5, 2017, McDonough made one request, and on Jan. 12, 2017, Biden made one request.

Another "Unmasking" thread. Don't know how many, now? I can't remember. Was Flynn in "Deep Cover", Nostra? What a joke!
How many of these damn threads are we going to have.
It's always "any day now....any day now...any day now...Ruh Roooooh!"
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
A crime was committed as soon as the unmasked names (Flynn) were leaked to the press. That was 3 years ago now and is a felony with a MINIMUM sentence of 5 years prison. There’s also the Brady law that was broken god only knows how many times now. Withholding exculpatory evidence to the defense is as corrupt as it gets. They were also withholding information from the FISA court, that info being knowing the Steele dossier was horseshit. Do you care to explain how exactly they crossed all their Ts and dotted their Is?
We don't know who leaked the name. We do know lots of people requested the unmasking. We also know unmasking is legal and a fairly common practice. We also know Flynn was doing something illegal and that he lied about it. tRump and Pence said he did.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
What % of deaths in the US are those aged 70+? 60+, 80+?

Ventilators only save 10% of the people once they must use one so why was such a huge fuss made about ventilators?

Initially the lockdown was to “flatten the curve”
And the cure could not be worse than the disease. What changed?

This is where you and I part ways Crepitus. The media is a fucking joke. They don’t ask the questions above. They ask questions that are fucking idiotic. It’s their fault we are in this mess. Their reporting sucks. Both left and right leaning. If you cannot see that then with all due respect you’re just a stupid lemming. Have a nice life.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
A crime was committed as soon as the unmasked names (Flynn) were leaked to the press. That was 3 years ago now and is a felony with a MINIMUM sentence of 5 years prison. There’s also the Brady law that was broken god only knows how many times now. Withholding exculpatory evidence to the defense is as corrupt as it gets. They were also withholding information from the FISA court, that info being knowing the Steele dossier was horseshit. Do you care to explain how exactly they crossed all their Ts and dotted their Is?
We don't know who leaked the name. We do know lots of people requested the unmasking. We also know unmasking is legal and a fairly common practice. We also know Flynn was doing something illegal and that he lied about it. tRump and Pence said he did.
We also know that you clearly haven’t a clue. Flynn’s alleged crime that he plead guilty to under duress, because they threatened to go after his son, was “lying” to the FBI. They didn’t even have a good case for that, since Flynn acknowledged he doesn’t remember exact details of the phone call in question. They asked him what he talked to kysliack about on a certain issue with policy concerning Israel. Flynn said that probably went something like feeling out kysliaks position on the issue. But the FBI who had the transcripts, which Flynn acknowledged they had in that interview, are claiming that the “lie” was that the completely normal and legal conversation actually went into a little more detail. In order to charge someone with lying to the FBI, the lie has to be material to an ongoing investigation. There was no ongoing investigation, there was no underlying crime, they were just trying to nail Flynn with something. The recently revealed FBI documents prove as much.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
What % of deaths in the US are those aged 70+? 60+, 80+?

Ventilators only save 10% of the people once they must use one so why was such a huge fuss made about ventilators?

Initially the lockdown was to “flatten the curve”
And the cure could not be worse than the disease. What changed?

This is where you and I part ways Crepitus. The media is a fucking joke. They don’t ask the questions above. They ask questions that are fucking idiotic. It’s their fault we are in this mess. Their reporting sucks. Both left and right leaning. If you cannot see that then with all due respect you’re just a stupid lemming. Have a nice life.
Are you saying we should just let the elderly folks die?

50-75% of folks intubated survive.

The curve aver really flattened in some places.

You conservative types think the real.media is a "joke" because they tell you unpleasant truths rather than what you want to hear as the right wing infotainment industry does.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
A crime was committed as soon as the unmasked names (Flynn) were leaked to the press. That was 3 years ago now and is a felony with a MINIMUM sentence of 5 years prison. There’s also the Brady law that was broken god only knows how many times now. Withholding exculpatory evidence to the defense is as corrupt as it gets. They were also withholding information from the FISA court, that info being knowing the Steele dossier was horseshit. Do you care to explain how exactly they crossed all their Ts and dotted their Is?
We don't know who leaked the name. We do know lots of people requested the unmasking. We also know unmasking is legal and a fairly common practice. We also know Flynn was doing something illegal and that he lied about it. tRump and Pence said he did.
We also know that you clearly haven’t a clue. Flynn’s alleged crime that he plead guilty to under duress, because they threatened to go after his son, was “lying” to the FBI. They didn’t even have a good case for that, since Flynn acknowledged he doesn’t remember exact details of the phone call in question. They asked him what he talked to kysliack about on a certain issue with policy concerning Israel. Flynn said that probably went something like feeling out kysliaks position on the issue. But the FBI who had the transcripts, which Flynn acknowledged they had in that interview, are claiming that the “lie” was that the completely normal and legal conversation actually went into a little more detail. In order to charge someone with lying to the FBI, the lie has to be material to an ongoing investigation. There was no ongoing investigation, there was no underlying crime, they were just trying to nail Flynn with something. The recently revealed FBI documents prove as much.
So, why did tRump fire him?
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
What % of deaths in the US are those aged 70+? 60+, 80+?

Ventilators only save 10% of the people once they must use one so why was such a huge fuss made about ventilators?

Initially the lockdown was to “flatten the curve”
And the cure could not be worse than the disease. What changed?

This is where you and I part ways Crepitus. The media is a fucking joke. They don’t ask the questions above. They ask questions that are fucking idiotic. It’s their fault we are in this mess. Their reporting sucks. Both left and right leaning. If you cannot see that then with all due respect you’re just a stupid lemming. Have a nice life.
Are you saying we should just let the elderly folks die?

50-75% of folks intubated survive.

The curve aver really flattened in some places.

You conservative types think the real.media is a "joke" because they tell you unpleasant truths rather than what you want to hear as the right wing infotainment industry does.
10% survive. We should garner herd immunity for us and protect those in nursing homes like they did in fla. Otherwise we all suffer. All. If my wife and I want to go to a bar we should be able to. Have testing outside of nursing homes and elderly housing and don’t let anyone in who tests positive, has sniffles or even a slight fever. We can do both. You Leftists are illogical.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
What % of deaths in the US are those aged 70+? 60+, 80+?

Ventilators only save 10% of the people once they must use one so why was such a huge fuss made about ventilators?

Initially the lockdown was to “flatten the curve”
And the cure could not be worse than the disease. What changed?

This is where you and I part ways Crepitus. The media is a fucking joke. They don’t ask the questions above. They ask questions that are fucking idiotic. It’s their fault we are in this mess. Their reporting sucks. Both left and right leaning. If you cannot see that then with all due respect you’re just a stupid lemming. Have a nice life.
Are you saying we should just let the elderly folks die?

50-75% of folks intubated survive.

The curve aver really flattened in some places.

You conservative types think the real.media is a "joke" because they tell you unpleasant truths rather than what you want to hear as the right wing infotainment industry does.
10% survive. We should garner herd immunity for us and protect those in nursing homes like they did in fla. Otherwise we all suffer. All. If my wife and I want to go to a bar we should be able to. Have testing outside of nursing homes and elderly housing and don’t let anyone in who tests positive, has sniffles or even a slight fever. We can do both. You Leftists are illogical.
Rather selfish attitude.

Heard on NPR this afternoon that 50-75% on ventilators will survive. The phrase was "only 50-75% will survive".
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
What % of deaths in the US are those aged 70+? 60+, 80+?

Ventilators only save 10% of the people once they must use one so why was such a huge fuss made about ventilators?

Initially the lockdown was to “flatten the curve”
And the cure could not be worse than the disease. What changed?

This is where you and I part ways Crepitus. The media is a fucking joke. They don’t ask the questions above. They ask questions that are fucking idiotic. It’s their fault we are in this mess. Their reporting sucks. Both left and right leaning. If you cannot see that then with all due respect you’re just a stupid lemming. Have a nice life.
Are you saying we should just let the elderly folks die?

50-75% of folks intubated survive.

The curve aver really flattened in some places.

You conservative types think the real.media is a "joke" because they tell you unpleasant truths rather than what you want to hear as the right wing infotainment industry does.
10% survive. We should garner herd immunity for us and protect those in nursing homes like they did in fla. Otherwise we all suffer. All. If my wife and I want to go to a bar we should be able to. Have testing outside of nursing homes and elderly housing and don’t let anyone in who tests positive, has sniffles or even a slight fever. We can do both. You Leftists are illogical.
Rather selfish attitude.

Heard on NPR this afternoon that 50-75% on ventilators will survive. The phrase was "only 50-75% will survive".
I heard once you’re that deep it’s 10%. But 1 in 10k die who are under 60. We can do both protect the elderly and let the rest of us live. I had this and it’s no worse than any other cold sans more fatigue if you’re doing manual labor or exercise. Most will have mild to no symptoms. Why should the Govt dictate what I do? Makes no sense.
The most corrupt administration in history is getting called out once again by Liberal Hero Judge Nap.


Judge Napolitano: How Flynn's unmasking by Obama officials became 'arguably a crime'

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Thursday that one of the individuals involved in the unmasking of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn may have committed the "crime of espionage."

Napolitano explained that U.S. authorities who are spying on a foreign person are supposed to report to their superiors if an American is involved in the communications without exposing the identity. Only those with a national security clearance can request the “unmasking" of that person.

“That’s what happened with respect to General Flynn,” Napolitano told "Fox & Friends," referring to Flynn's phone call with the Russian ambassador.

He said such requests happen often, but in Flynn's case, someone in the Obama administration leaked the name and it was reported on by The Washington Post.

“That is arguably the crime of espionage,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano's comments come after it was revealed top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama's then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

Napolitano said that it is “bizarre” that there were 39 requests for such information by members of the Obama administration, career Department of Justice officials and intelligence officials about conversations involving Flynn.

“Not one of those requests is about the Dec. 29th conversation with Ambassador Kislyak, which formed the basis of this prosecution in his guilty plea. Now that’s odd. Why isn’t the person who asked for that mentioned there? Maybe, that’s the person that went to The Washington Post and, maybe the intelligence community has kept that information even from their boss [Richard Grenell], so that name doesn’t get out there," he argued.

Stupidity. It's a perfectly legal process done thousands of times every year. No laws were broken. All "t"s were crossed and "I"s dotted.

It's s time for you kids to let.this go.
Napolitano is a never Trumper. I am shocked he is taking this stance.
Doesn't matter. It's still a perfectly legal process that is done literally thousands of times every year.
Maybe. I am not a lawyer and the Media is doing a terrible job of explaining both sides coherently.
Actually the real media is doing fine. The tRumpling "media" is flailing around trying desperately to distract you guys from the death toll tRump's non response has caused.
What % of deaths in the US are those aged 70+? 60+, 80+?

Ventilators only save 10% of the people once they must use one so why was such a huge fuss made about ventilators?

Initially the lockdown was to “flatten the curve”
And the cure could not be worse than the disease. What changed?

This is where you and I part ways Crepitus. The media is a fucking joke. They don’t ask the questions above. They ask questions that are fucking idiotic. It’s their fault we are in this mess. Their reporting sucks. Both left and right leaning. If you cannot see that then with all due respect you’re just a stupid lemming. Have a nice life.
Are you saying we should just let the elderly folks die?

50-75% of folks intubated survive.

The curve aver really flattened in some places.

You conservative types think the real.media is a "joke" because they tell you unpleasant truths rather than what you want to hear as the right wing infotainment industry does.
10% survive. We should garner herd immunity for us and protect those in nursing homes like they did in fla. Otherwise we all suffer. All. If my wife and I want to go to a bar we should be able to. Have testing outside of nursing homes and elderly housing and don’t let anyone in who tests positive, has sniffles or even a slight fever. We can do both. You Leftists are illogical.
Rather selfish attitude.

Heard on NPR this afternoon that 50-75% on ventilators will survive. The phrase was "only 50-75% will survive".
3% of those over 65 survived


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