Unofficial "Hillary Speech Reaction" Thread. Your Rebuttals Please.

I can't rebut her. I didn't listen. I cannot listen to that screeching idiot speak.
Personally, I don't know how people can watch a national politician speak without feeling at least a little insulted.

I don't remember the last time I watched a speech. There are other ways to determine what these people are thinking.


My feelings exactly but I've had to accept it as reality for so long I forgot I felt this way.
Has she explained how she will keep americans safe, since she couldn't keep four Americans safe. If something did happen under her watch, would she lie about it again?
Has she explained how she will keep americans safe, since she couldn't keep four Americans safe. If something did happen under her watch, would she lie about it again?

Yes, after we die she will ask what difference it makes
How about this one? She is going to be some sort of champion for small businesses. So when she imposes a $15/hr minimum wage requirements, along with ACA requirements, equal pay for women requirements, minority hiring requirements and the usual Democratic tax gouging that's going to help small businesses? To quote Jenny from Forrest Gump "Are you stupid or something?

She's going to be the champion of whatever group she is speaking in front of at the moment. Just like how she fakes her accents, she's a fraud
Why didnt she give the speech in "Anytown America" maybe in Ohio or Colorado?
Because she was making a Roosevelt type speech and setting the foundation for what will be promotion of a renewed recognition of New Deal concepts that put average citizens above,before and in front of special interest, the aristocracy and corporatism. FDR was a politician that represented the common people. Clinton is symbolically setting her campaign up as a campaign for the people.

Read FDR's Folly, it should be required reading for every left loon
The author of FDR's Folly is a writer for the libertarian CATO Institute with minimal credentials as a historian. The book has been rebuked by actual historians with Doctorate degrees and genuine scholastic standing and is not considered as a legitimate history book. It concentrates on big business and industry data and ignores data related to the situation with everyday Americans. Example, small town is destitute on paper because the local factory is shut down and not operating. Reality, all the men are at work building the new road, post office school, small airport or away working on the big dam being built so the small town will have electric. On paper, data from industry says the depression is not recovering. On kitchen table budget accounts of household finances, the economy is advancing and maybe even booming for many every day citizens. Yes, there is a 'chicken in the pot', just as FDR promised there would be.

Here is an academic review of FDR's Folly:
Why would any woman give her the time of day? That is, unless they are enablers relative to the victimization of women. She is no different than the black woman who routinely is beaten by her man, much like Her Thigness Clinton was abused, but hey She ain't no Tammy Wynette just

Standing by her Man.

She is rich a$$ skank of a woman. That's why I always gave Chelsea a break

How about this one? She is going to be some sort of champion for small businesses. So when she imposes a $15/hr minimum wage requirements, along with ACA requirements, equal pay for women requirements, minority hiring requirements and the usual Democratic tax gouging that's going to help small businesses? To quote Jenny from Forrest Gump "Are you stupid or something?

She's going to be the champion of whatever group she is speaking in front of at the moment. Just like how she fakes her accents, she's a fraud
Why didnt she give the speech in "Anytown America" maybe in Ohio or Colorado?
Because she was making a Roosevelt type speech and setting the foundation for what will be promotion of a renewed recognition of New Deal concepts that put average citizens above,before and in front of special interest, the aristocracy and corporatism. FDR was a politician that represented the common people. Clinton is symbolically setting her campaign up as a campaign for the people.

Read FDR's Folly, it should be required reading for every left loon
The author of FDR's Folly is a writer for the libertarian CATO Institute with minimal credentials as a historian. The book has been rebuked by actual historians with Doctorate degrees and genuine scholastic standing and is not considered as a legitimate history book. It concentrates on big business and industry data and ignores data related to the situation with everyday Americans. Example, small town is destitute on paper because the local factory is shut down and not operating. Reality, all the men are at work building the new road, post office school, small airport or away working on the big dam being built so the small town will have electric. On paper, data from industry says the depression is not recovering. On kitchen table budget accounts of household finances, the economy is advancing and maybe even booming for many every day citizens. Yes, there is a 'chicken in the pot', just as FDR promised there would be.

Here is an academic review of FDR's Folly:

Save it, FDR prolonged the depression and the ONLY thing that saved his handicapped ass was WWII...oh and LMAO @ "academic review", egg head
She's doing a great job. Snatching the populist mantle from the fake nutbags who made lame attempts to grab it.

Well thought out.....well delivered......well received.

This is a center left nation.....she is speaking to that. She is doing what she needs to do voters a clear answer to he question "Why are you running?"
Why are you running refers to the shit leaking down her enclosed pantsuit.
She's doing a great job. Snatching the populist mantle from the fake nutbags who made lame attempts to grab it.

Well thought out.....well delivered......well received.

This is a center left nation.....she is speaking to that. She is doing what she needs to do voters a clear answer to he question "Why are you running?"
Why are you running refers to the shit leaking down her enclosed pantsuit.
the lefties are running out of gas. cant come up with any economic improvements of the last 6 years. what a mess!!!
How about this one? She is going to be some sort of champion for small businesses. So when she imposes a $15/hr minimum wage requirements, along with ACA requirements, equal pay for women requirements, minority hiring requirements and the usual Democratic tax gouging that's going to help small businesses? To quote Jenny from Forrest Gump "Are you stupid or something?

She's going to be the champion of whatever group she is speaking in front of at the moment. Just like how she fakes her accents, she's a fraud
Why didnt she give the speech in "Anytown America" maybe in Ohio or Colorado?
Because she was making a Roosevelt type speech and setting the foundation for what will be promotion of a renewed recognition of New Deal concepts that put average citizens above,before and in front of special interest, the aristocracy and corporatism. FDR was a politician that represented the common people. Clinton is symbolically setting her campaign up as a campaign for the people.

Are you sure? So much of what she says are outright lies so how do you know?
She's going to be the champion of whatever group she is speaking in front of at the moment. Just like how she fakes her accents, she's a fraud
Why didnt she give the speech in "Anytown America" maybe in Ohio or Colorado?
Because she was making a Roosevelt type speech and setting the foundation for what will be promotion of a renewed recognition of New Deal concepts that put average citizens above,before and in front of special interest, the aristocracy and corporatism. FDR was a politician that represented the common people. Clinton is symbolically setting her campaign up as a campaign for the people.

Read FDR's Folly, it should be required reading for every left loon
The author of FDR's Folly is a writer for the libertarian CATO Institute with minimal credentials as a historian. The book has been rebuked by actual historians with Doctorate degrees and genuine scholastic standing and is not considered as a legitimate history book. It concentrates on big business and industry data and ignores data related to the situation with everyday Americans. Example, small town is destitute on paper because the local factory is shut down and not operating. Reality, all the men are at work building the new road, post office school, small airport or away working on the big dam being built so the small town will have electric. On paper, data from industry says the depression is not recovering. On kitchen table budget accounts of household finances, the economy is advancing and maybe even booming for many every day citizens. Yes, there is a 'chicken in the pot', just as FDR promised there would be.

Here is an academic review of FDR's Folly:

Save it, FDR prolonged the depression and the ONLY thing that saved his handicapped ass was WWII...oh and LMAO @ "academic review", egg head
No he didn't, and you aren't smart enough to explain why you believe such a thing. You are just parroting what someone has planted in your brainwashed mind. I'll guess you never even attempt to read that complicated academic review with the big words.
It looks like Hillary has lost the racist vote and will probably not be able to obtain any progress in obtaining the rw idiot vote.
It looks like Hillary has lost the racist vote and will probably not be able to obtain any progress in obtaining the rw idiot vote.
i think blacks are catching on to her, they must be screaming at her, Yo Biootch !!! its 2015 and we iz still broke and living in poverty!! Bitch !!!
Let's be totally honest here....Hillary Clinton is an insult to any thinking individual's intelligence and it takes a weak minded sheeple to believe in her. That's just fact

Yes, of course this thread shows quite clearly the superior intellects that you and your fellow sophisticates use to take apart the Clinton strategy. You are all far too intellectually powerful for any average liberal to refute.

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