Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations..

:laugh2: :rofl::laughing0301:

Your Oops Moment may be found in post 337. In copious abundance.

"Not controversial" MY ASS.

YOu have a point to make, make it in your own words. Your cut and pasted wall of text, is of no interest to me.
Until then, my point stands.
What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.
Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.
And why it was not controversial for 5 generations.

That text is original, not "cut and paste", Jethro. I do understand why you ignore it. It's most inconvenient. Especially as it destroys your inane hallucinations about "not controversial for 5 generations".

Ask Moses Walker or Jackie Robinson if it was "not controversial". Ask four thousand victims of lynching terrorism if it was "not controversial". Ask the hundreds/thousands killed, injured, displaced and/or jailed in race riot attacks if it was "not controversial". Ask William Monroe Trotter if it was "not controversial". Ask Wynton Marsalis if it was "not controversial". Ask any number of citizens forced to use separate public facilities, schools and housing if it was "not controversial". Of course, having ignored the whole post you'll have no idea who those people are. Ignorance is bliss, Happy the Clown.

In other words you're going to have to ask (shudder) black people. :eek:

You failed to mention the NY City Draft Riots. New York City draft riots - Wikipedia
Blame the South on that.

The New York Draft Riots were DURING, not after, the Civil War. Moreover they were in the North.

That makes them not-a-part-of-the-Lost-Cause-Cult. Because Linear Time, and geography.

Oh wait, are you still out here pretending we're talking about "Slavery"? That's so cute. In a not-at-all kind of way.
The George Washington Monument will be the next target of the haters, because he was a slaveowner.
The George Washington Monument will be the next target of the haters, because he was a slaveowner.

Do you actually not even read English?

WHAT in the wide world of friggety fuck does the GW Monument have to do with:
  • The UDC
  • The Cult of the Lost Cause
  • The Civil War
  • The Confederacy
  • This thread
The George Washington Monument will be the next target of the haters, because he was a slaveowner.

Do you actually not even read English?

WHAT in the wide world of friggety fuck does the GW Monument have to do with:
  • The UDC
  • The Cult of the Lost Cause
  • The Civil War
  • The Confederacy
  • This thread
Go ahead and count how many times slavery is mentioned in this very thread. And report back.
The George Washington Monument will be the next target of the haters, because he was a slaveowner.

Do you actually not even read English?

WHAT in the wide world of friggety fuck does the GW Monument have to do with:
  • The UDC
  • The Cult of the Lost Cause
  • The Civil War
  • The Confederacy
  • This thread
Go ahead and count how many times slavery is mentioned in this very thread. And report back.

Go ahead and count how many times the word "the" is mentioned in this very thread. Then essplain to the class how this thread is about definite articles.

AND you didn't answer the question, again. You must be a moron.

If you want to be actually productive, go ahead and count how many times the concept of Slavery is mentioned in the various Confederate states' bases for secession. And report back on how the Civil War "wasn't about Slavery" and how the Lost Cause --- which you continue to dance around --- is real history.
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And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

ANY period in history, and you would find some way of claiming it was "Racist".

JUst like those messages you used to get in your alphabet cereal. You remember. THe ones that told you to hurt people. Before they locked you up and stopped letting you have forks.

Look...you can't just excise race from everything like it isn't a factor.
Should we also ban the USA flag? The USA had slavery for 89 years.

The USA also fought a war to end it. What's your point?
The USA still had slavery all during the Civil War. And when the war was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery.
But the haters are ignorant of history.
Should we also ban the USA flag? The USA had slavery for 89 years.

The USA also fought a war to end it. What's your point?
The USA still had slavery all during the Civil War. And when the war was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery.
But the haters are ignorant of history.
Now tell us about the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery within months of the end of the Civil War

Then say the war wasn’t about slavery in
Should we also ban the USA flag? The USA had slavery for 89 years.

The USA also fought a war to end it. What's your point?
The USA still had slavery all during the Civil War. And when the war was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery.
But the haters are ignorant of history.
Now tell us about the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery within months of the end of the Civil War

Then say the war wasn’t about slavery in

The ratification of the 13th Amendment freed the last of the remaining slaves that were still held in the US states. Confederate slaves were already free.
Should we also ban the USA flag? The USA had slavery for 89 years.

The USA also fought a war to end it. What's your point?
The USA still had slavery all during the Civil War. And when the war was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery.
But the haters are ignorant of history.

The USA had slavery.

The USA fought a war to end slavery.

The confederate traitors fought a war to keep slavery.

In 1865, slavery was officially abolished throughout the US.

That is some of the history you seem ignorant of in your quest to nobalize the Confederacy.
Should we also ban the USA flag? The USA had slavery for 89 years.

The USA also fought a war to end it. What's your point?
The USA still had slavery all during the Civil War. And when the war was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery.
But the haters are ignorant of history.
Now tell us about the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery within months of the end of the Civil War

Then say the war wasn’t about slavery in

The ratification of the 13th Amendment freed the last of the remaining slaves that were still held in the US states. Confederate slaves were already free.

Due to the Emancipation Proclamation, not due to the Confederacy.
The forced labor of Nazi Germany and our beloved Confederacy are the same

Nazi Germany is not remembered for it's forced labor.

Vastly different situations had vastly different outcomes. No reasonable person is surprised by that.

Superbrother's position is utterly senseless.

Fool do you not realize what was being done to these folks. They were beaten, raped, maimed, castrated, branded, etc., the atrocities that was done to slaves was in alot of ways no different than what was done to Jewish folks in the Holocaust.

Sure, "no different".

That is why the Jewish minority is a vibrant and dynamic part of the German culture, just like Blacks here in America.

There are still Jewish folks in Germany.

DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.

YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.

Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.
You must be a moron.
If you resort to name calling during a debate, you have lost the debate, and you look childish.

As opposed to your infanile Peewee Herman game of "I'm too stupid"?

You've been told over and over and over that this discussion is about the effect of the Cult of the Lost Cause, and you keep trying desperately to derail it to "b-but slavery" and "b-but George Washington" If you don't want to come off as a moron, then why are you posting like one?

And you STILL haven't answered what the fuck George Washington, or his monument, has to do with events that wouldn't even take place until decades after his death. Everything you've posted here is just plain dishonest.
Should we also ban the USA flag? The USA had slavery for 89 years.

The USA also fought a war to end it. What's your point?
The USA still had slavery all during the Civil War. And when the war was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery.
But the haters are ignorant of history.

The USA had slavery.

The USA fought a war to end slavery.

The confederate traitors fought a war to keep slavery.

In 1865, slavery was officially abolished throughout the US.

That is some of the history you seem ignorant of in your quest to nobalize the Confederacy.

So according to you... The USA faught a war to end slavery. But the USA still had their own slavery.
You must be a moron.
If you resort to name calling during a debate, you have lost the debate, and you look childish.

As opposed to your infanile Peewee Herman game of "I'm too stupid"?

You've been told over and over and over that this discussion is about the effect of the Cult of the Lost Cause, and you keep trying desperately to derail it to "b-but slavery" and "b-but George Washington" If you don't want to come off as a moron, then why are you posting like one?

And you STILL haven't answered what the fuck George Washington, or his monument, has to do with events that wouldn't even take place until decades after his death.
Your point is that slavery was OK for as long as the USA had it. But not OK for the 4 years the CSA had it.
You must be a moron.
If you resort to name calling during a debate, you have lost the debate, and you look childish.

As opposed to your infanile Peewee Herman game of "I'm too stupid"?

You've been told over and over and over that this discussion is about the effect of the Cult of the Lost Cause, and you keep trying desperately to derail it to "b-but slavery" and "b-but George Washington" If you don't want to come off as a moron, then why are you posting like one?

And you STILL haven't answered what the fuck George Washington, or his monument, has to do with events that wouldn't even take place until decades after his death. Everything you've posted here is just plain dishonest.
Your point is that slavery was OK for as long as the USA had it. But not OK for the 4 years the CSA had it.

Don't you EVER tell me what my point was, Peewee. Who the fuck died and made you the emperor of my brain, hm?

The actual point is one you're apparently INCAPABLE of handling since you're so desperately trying to change it.

You must be a moron.
If you resort to name calling during a debate, you have lost the debate, and you look childish.

As opposed to your infanile Peewee Herman game of "I'm too stupid"?

You've been told over and over and over that this discussion is about the effect of the Cult of the Lost Cause, and you keep trying desperately to derail it to "b-but slavery" and "b-but George Washington" If you don't want to come off as a moron, then why are you posting like one?

And you STILL haven't answered what the fuck George Washington, or his monument, has to do with events that wouldn't even take place until decades after his death.
Your point is that slavery was OK for as long as the USA had it. But not OK for the 4 years the CSA had it.

Nice distortion of the facts dude. Slavery was gone in most of the Union, it still existed in some of the border states that chose to stick with the Union. It still existed in the Confederacy until the EP, which only affected the Confederate states. Once the war was over - the new amendment freed all slaves.

Your point is kind of pointless when you look at historical context, or maybe it's grasping at straws trying to white wash the Confederacy?

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