Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

"“Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
-George Orwell 1984

Very much true and on the point.

That's why the UDC ran around erecting all these statues and monuments, for exactly that purpose --- to control the Past.
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood by their states rights.

Yep. And Lee specifically said not to run around putting up statues. Way to 'honor' the guy huh.
Lee said he could not "raise a sword against his native Virginia." Now Virginia communist party wants to eliminate him from history. Stalinist.

They can never eliminate him from history and they don't have to have statues and monuments of the traitors either.
See what happens when you erase history. Now days we have uneducated people who dont even know there was slavery in the North. And people who dont even know that the USA had slavery during the Civil War.

See what happens when you distort history. Hell we have any number of wankers on this board who don't even know the Civil War was not fought between political parties, that the Confederacy never had political parties, or that the UDC and the Cult of the Lost Cause ran around rewriting history, literally and metaphorically, for decades, with statues, monuments, films, books, plays and all manner of public displays. Then when the communities inflicted with said propaganda decide to take their public spaces back the Ignorami start whining about "erasing history", as if that's what statues are.
"“Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
-George Orwell 1984

Very much true and on the point.

That's why the UDC ran around erecting all these statues and monuments, for exactly that purpose --- to control the Past.
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood by their states rights.

Yep. And Lee specifically said not to run around putting up statues. Way to 'honor' the guy huh.
Lee said he could not "raise a sword against his native Virginia." Now Virginia communist party wants to eliminate him from history. Stalinist.

Oh they do huh.

----------- Linkie?
"“Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
-George Orwell 1984

Very much true and on the point.

That's why the UDC ran around erecting all these statues and monuments, for exactly that purpose --- to control the Past.
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood by their states rights.

Yep. And Lee specifically said not to run around putting up statues. Way to 'honor' the guy huh.
Lee said he could not "raise a sword against his native Virginia." Now Virginia communist party wants to eliminate him from history. Stalinist.

They can never eliminate him from history and they don't have to have statues and monuments of the traitors either.
Of course they can and they should not remove moments to a brave warrior.
Why didnt the Union free their slaves before they invaded the South?

Why didn't you answer the question about what the fuck George Washington has to do with the Civil War?
He's the father of our country and the communitst party in Virginia has been going after his legacy as well. Motherfuckers wouldn't even be enjoying the freedoms of our nation if they hadn't been brought over here. They would be sitting in some African mud hole with flies on their faces. But, crybabies are crybabies.
Why didnt the Union free their slaves before they invaded the South?

Why didn't you answer the question about what the fuck George Washington has to do with the Civil War?
He's the father of our country and the communitst party in Virginia has been going after his legacy as well. Motherfuckers wouldn't even be enjoying the freedoms of our nation if they hadn't been brought over here. They would be sitting in some African mud hole with flies on their faces. But, crybabies are crybabies.
That's nice dear. But the question was for the idiot who brought him up in a desperate attempt to change the subject. And you didn't answer it anyway --- Washington was long dead and gone by the time the Civil War erupted.
If the haters get their way, and erase Confederate history, the next target of their hate will be any slave owner and then the US flag because they had slavery.
If the haters get their way, and erase Confederate history, the next target of their hate will be any slave owner and then the US flag because they had slavery.

Ah so we've moved on from "I'm too stupid to follow" and now we're on to "Slippery Slope".

This oughta go just as well.
Its a simple question...Why didn't the US free their slaves before they invaded the South?
Its a simple question...Why didn't the US free their slaves before they invaded the South?

It is a simple question -- what in the wide world of blue fuck does George Washington and/or his monument, have to do with the Confederacy, the Lost Cause that tried to repaint it, Confederate monuments and/or holidays, or this thread, ALL of which happened long after his death?
The only question with this topic is does Virginia have the right to abandon its hateful Lee/Jackson holiday?

Of course they do
Its a simple question...Why didn't the US free their slaves before they invaded the South?

It is a simple question -- what in the wide world of blue fuck does George Washington and/or his monument, have to do with the Confederacy, the Lost Cause that tried to repaint it, Confederate monuments and/or holidays, or this thread, ALL of which happened long after his death?

Well see stupid, Washington had slaves; so it's just a short jump for you vile fucks to outlaw him.

Just think, if your IQ were to double to 8 you'd be able to figure these things out for yourself....
Very much true and on the point.

That's why the UDC ran around erecting all these statues and monuments, for exactly that purpose --- to control the Past.
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood by their states rights.

Yep. And Lee specifically said not to run around putting up statues. Way to 'honor' the guy huh.
Lee said he could not "raise a sword against his native Virginia." Now Virginia communist party wants to eliminate him from history. Stalinist.

They can never eliminate him from history and they don't have to have statues and monuments of the traitors either.
Of course they can and they should not remove moments to a brave warrior.

They should remove monuments of a traitor.

Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

1915. It's in the timeline he cut out because he can't bear to read it.

The 1920s were their peak. They counted membership in the millions from Maine to California.

And the monuments peaked ten years earlier. And you've done nothing to support your assumption that there was any connection between the two events.
Hard to believe that different situations, would have different outcomes. Shocking really.

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations..

:laugh2: :rofl::laughing0301:

Your Oops Moment may be found in post 337. In copious abundance.

"Not controversial" MY ASS.

YOu have a point to make, make it in your own words. Your cut and pasted wall of text, is of no interest to me.
Until then, my point stands.
What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.
Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.
And why it was not controversial for 5 generations.

That text is original, not "cut and paste", Jethro. I do understand why you ignore it. It's most inconvenient. Especially as it destroys your inane hallucinations about "not controversial for 5 generations".

Ask Moses Walker or Jackie Robinson if it was "not controversial". Ask four thousand victims of lynching terrorism if it was "not controversial". Ask the hundreds/thousands killed, injured, displaced and/or jailed in race riot attacks if it was "not controversial". Ask William Monroe Trotter if it was "not controversial". Ask Wynton Marsalis if it was "not controversial". Ask any number of citizens forced to use separate public facilities, schools and housing if it was "not controversial". Of course, having ignored the whole post you'll have no idea who those people are. Ignorance is bliss, Happy the Clown.

In other words you're going to have to ask (shudder) black people. :eek:

Sure, glad to. Lend me your time machine and we can go back and talk to people that faced real injustice, real violence, backed up by the power of the state, and ask them, how much the memorials in the park were bothering them.
Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.

The UDC? The United Daughters of the Confederacy?

Sure. 30 years out from the war, the children of those that fought, wanted to honor their parents.

Makes complete sense.

I plan to take my daughter to see the WWII memorial in April, to honor my Father, her Grandfather.

Makes complete sense to me.

WHat part of this does not make sense to you?

Well Homer I guess it's the part where you want to act stupid by going :lalala: over a post that already explained all this shit.

Children honor their fathers. At least in healthy societies. That was my point, you post a link, claiming it showed a peak in the 50s and 60s., while instead your link showed the peak a good 40 or 50 years earlier.

I'm skimmed the post. I saw the standard assertions, but no explanation as to why you assume ideological motivation instead of personal and historical.
A week later and its only conservatives I see still twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize worship of the Confederacy.....the same conservatives who if were in Germany, would be trying to rationalize the worship of the 3rd Reich -- but of course since Germany did a better job of doing away with such worship of evil -- these conservatives would be much too cowardly to spew their bullshit there...

The only reason they so proudly do it here is because they are more embolden to.....and I will continue to slap the shit out of them with facts every time

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