Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

Do you feel the same about the USA because of their longer slavery history? Or do you have double standards?

Libs do feel that way about America, but they generally hide it, to avoid letting normal American realize how anti-American modern liberalism is.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

1. Your spin on how other people celebrate their heritage is irrelevant. Every other culture and group is told the celebrate their culture and heritage and we almost universally, are instructed to respect that.

2. THe premise of Multiculturalism is that multiple cultures can live in peace and harmony, if we all tolerate each other and respect our cultural differences. There is no place in that for "push back" based on past wrongs.

uh HUH.

By the way I've been meaning to ask --- can you direct us to the statue of General Sherman in Georgia? Or Grant in South Carolina?

On the other hand, in the world of things that actually do exist, there's this.......

>> When the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University holds its annual Abraham Lincoln lecture series each fall, it's pretty much a given that the Sons of Confederate Veterans will show up to hand out fliers proclaiming "Lincoln: Wanted Dead or Alive."

That's why center director Bill Pederson was not surprised to read about a recent controversy in Richmond, Va., over a proposal to erect a life-sized statue of Lincoln and his son, Tad, at a National Park Service site there.

The statue - which apparently would be the first statue of Lincoln to be erected in the deep South, has been met with a flurry of mainly negative comments and letters to local newspapers. Writers tend to use words like "appalled" and "slap in the face" and refer to Lincoln as a "liar" and "murderer."

... Anti-Lincoln sentiment appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon in the South. Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century, corresponding to the rise of the civil rights movement. Pederson said he has talked with older Louisianans who say they don't remember anti-Lincoln attitudes being common when they were young.

He also has researched local newspapers from 1909, when the Lincoln penny was first issued, and found no indication of anybody protesting that. <<
See that? The point of reference 1909? Six years before Birth of a Nation and the rekindled Klan, ten years before the Red Summer, and the very point where the UDC and its fellow travellers were feverishly erecting monuments and rewriting history books? Same era as segregation and Jim Crow? Then see the reference to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement that reacted to all of that?

SEE the big picture. I kind of spelled out that big picture for you yesterday and you dismissed the whole thing. Because you're afraid of it.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

Do you feel the same about the USA because of their longer slavery history? Or do you have double standards?

And there the little troll goes YET AGAIN trying desperately to morph this thread into one about "Slavery" rather than one about historical revisioinism. Because he can't handle it.

Dishonest HACK.
From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

1. Your spin on how other people celebrate their heritage is irrelevant. Every other culture and group is told the celebrate their culture and heritage and we almost universally, are instructed to respect that.

2. THe premise of Multiculturalism is that multiple cultures can live in peace and harmony, if we all tolerate each other and respect our cultural differences. There is no place in that for "push back" based on past wrongs.

uh HUH.

By the way I've been meaning to ask --- can you direct us to the statue of General Sherman in Georgia? Or Grant in South Carolina?

On the other hand, in the world of things that actually do exist, there's this.......

>> When the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University holds its annual Abraham Lincoln lecture series each fall, it's pretty much a given that the Sons of Confederate Veterans will show up to hand out fliers proclaiming "Lincoln: Wanted Dead or Alive."

That's why center director Bill Pederson was not surprised to read about a recent controversy in Richmond, Va., over a proposal to erect a life-sized statue of Lincoln and his son, Tad, at a National Park Service site there.

The statue - which apparently would be the first statue of Lincoln to be erected in the deep South, has been met with a flurry of mainly negative comments and letters to local newspapers. Writers tend to use words like "appalled" and "slap in the face" and refer to Lincoln as a "liar" and "murderer."

... Anti-Lincoln sentiment appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon in the South. Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century, corresponding to the rise of the civil rights movement. Pederson said he has talked with older Louisianans who say they don't remember anti-Lincoln attitudes being common when they were young.

He also has researched local newspapers from 1909, when the Lincoln penny was first issued, and found no indication of anybody protesting that. <<
See that? The point of reference 1909? Six years before Birth of a Nation and the rekindled Klan, ten years before the Red Summer, and the very point where the UDC and its fellow travellers were feverishly erecting monuments and rewriting history books? Same era as segregation and Jim Crow? Then see the reference to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement that reacted to all of that?

SEE the big picture.

I love the way that even the article itself had to qualify it's race mongering.

"Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century,"

He thinks that? Really? And for evidence there is the lack of resistance to the Lincoln penny, nearly 40 years earlier?

Maybe he missed it. Maybe, the anti-lincoln people of that time, were not the kind to complain in letters to the editor. Maybe the anti-lincoln feeling came later for some completely unrelated reason.


>> When the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University holds its annual Abraham Lincoln lecture series each fall, it's pretty much a given that the Sons of Confederate Veterans will show up to hand out fliers proclaiming "Lincoln: Wanted Dead or Alive."

That's why center director Bill Pederson was not surprised to read about a recent controversy in Richmond, Va., over a proposal to erect a life-sized statue of Lincoln and his son, Tad, at a National Park Service site there.

The statue - which apparently would be the first statue of Lincoln to be erected in the deep South, has been met with a flurry of mainly negative comments and letters to local newspapers. Writers tend to use words like "appalled" and "slap in the face" and refer to Lincoln as a "liar" and "murderer."

... Anti-Lincoln sentiment appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon in the South. Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century, corresponding to the rise of the civil rights movement. Pederson said he has talked with older Louisianans who say they don't remember anti-Lincoln attitudes being common when they were young.

He also has researched local newspapers from 1909, when the Lincoln penny was first issued, and found no indication of anybody protesting that. <<
See that? The point of reference 1909? Six years before Birth of a Nation and the rekindled Klan, ten years before the Red Summer, and the very point where the UDC and its fellow travellers were feverishly erecting monuments and rewriting history books? Same era as segregation and Jim Crow? Then see the reference to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement that reacted to all of that?

SEE the big picture. I kind of spelled out that big picture for you yesterday and you dismissed the whole thing. Because you're afraid of it.

On the other hand... The Confederacy was 155 years ago, and now haters want to erase such history.

Lincoln was a Tyrant who trashed the Constitution more times than any other US President. Lincoln should have been hanged for his trashing the Constitution, and war crimes against the South. Instead he was shot.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.
On the other hand, in the world of things that actually do exist, there's this.......

>> When the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University holds its annual Abraham Lincoln lecture series each fall, it's pretty much a given that the Sons of Confederate Veterans will show up to hand out fliers proclaiming "Lincoln: Wanted Dead or Alive."

That's why center director Bill Pederson was not surprised to read about a recent controversy in Richmond, Va., over a proposal to erect a life-sized statue of Lincoln and his son, Tad, at a National Park Service site there.

The statue - which apparently would be the first statue of Lincoln to be erected in the deep South, has been met with a flurry of mainly negative comments and letters to local newspapers. Writers tend to use words like "appalled" and "slap in the face" and refer to Lincoln as a "liar" and "murderer."

... Anti-Lincoln sentiment appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon in the South. Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century, corresponding to the rise of the civil rights movement. Pederson said he has talked with older Louisianans who say they don't remember anti-Lincoln attitudes being common when they were young.

He also has researched local newspapers from 1909, when the Lincoln penny was first issued, and found no indication of anybody protesting that. <<
See that? The point of reference 1909? Six years before Birth of a Nation and the rekindled Klan, ten years before the Red Summer, and the very point where the UDC and its fellow travellers were feverishly erecting monuments and rewriting history books? Same era as segregation and Jim Crow? Then see the reference to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement that reacted to all of that?

SEE the big picture. I kind of spelled out that big picture for you yesterday and you dismissed the whole thing. Because you're afraid of it.

On the other hand... The Confederacy was 155 years ago, and now haters want to erase such history.

Izzat right.

----------------------- Linkie?

Or are you referring to the 'haters' who tried to erase such history with all these propaganda transmitters? Because we've already documented that one.

Lincoln was a Tyrant who trashed the Constitution more times than any other US President. Lincoln should have been hanged for his trashing the Constitution, and war crimes against the South. Instead he was shot.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.

Yes, we know you used to parade around behind the mask of John Wilkes Booth, an assassin. Irrelevant to the Lost Cause Cutl, isn't it.

We'll take that linkie now, Boothby.
Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

1. Your spin on how other people celebrate their heritage is irrelevant. Every other culture and group is told the celebrate their culture and heritage and we almost universally, are instructed to respect that.

2. THe premise of Multiculturalism is that multiple cultures can live in peace and harmony, if we all tolerate each other and respect our cultural differences. There is no place in that for "push back" based on past wrongs.

uh HUH.

By the way I've been meaning to ask --- can you direct us to the statue of General Sherman in Georgia? Or Grant in South Carolina?

On the other hand, in the world of things that actually do exist, there's this.......

>> When the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University holds its annual Abraham Lincoln lecture series each fall, it's pretty much a given that the Sons of Confederate Veterans will show up to hand out fliers proclaiming "Lincoln: Wanted Dead or Alive."

That's why center director Bill Pederson was not surprised to read about a recent controversy in Richmond, Va., over a proposal to erect a life-sized statue of Lincoln and his son, Tad, at a National Park Service site there.

The statue - which apparently would be the first statue of Lincoln to be erected in the deep South, has been met with a flurry of mainly negative comments and letters to local newspapers. Writers tend to use words like "appalled" and "slap in the face" and refer to Lincoln as a "liar" and "murderer."

... Anti-Lincoln sentiment appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon in the South. Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century, corresponding to the rise of the civil rights movement. Pederson said he has talked with older Louisianans who say they don't remember anti-Lincoln attitudes being common when they were young.

He also has researched local newspapers from 1909, when the Lincoln penny was first issued, and found no indication of anybody protesting that. <<
See that? The point of reference 1909? Six years before Birth of a Nation and the rekindled Klan, ten years before the Red Summer, and the very point where the UDC and its fellow travellers were feverishly erecting monuments and rewriting history books? Same era as segregation and Jim Crow? Then see the reference to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement that reacted to all of that?

SEE the big picture.

I love the way that even the article itself had to qualify it's [sic] race mongering.

"Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century,"

He thinks that? Really? And for evidence there is the lack of resistance to the Lincoln penny, nearly 40 years earlier?

Maybe he missed it. Maybe, the anti-lincoln people of that time, were not the kind to complain in letters to the editor. Maybe the anti-lincoln feeling came later for some completely unrelated reason.


Maybe so. I don't necessarily agree with that theory, but then I wasn't alive around then either. It's a theory.
Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

1. Your spin on how other people celebrate their heritage is irrelevant. Every other culture and group is told the celebrate their culture and heritage and we almost universally, are instructed to respect that.

2. THe premise of Multiculturalism is that multiple cultures can live in peace and harmony, if we all tolerate each other and respect our cultural differences. There is no place in that for "push back" based on past wrongs.

uh HUH.

By the way I've been meaning to ask --- can you direct us to the statue of General Sherman in Georgia? Or Grant in South Carolina?

On the other hand, in the world of things that actually do exist, there's this.......

>> When the International Lincoln Center for American Studies at Louisiana State University holds its annual Abraham Lincoln lecture series each fall, it's pretty much a given that the Sons of Confederate Veterans will show up to hand out fliers proclaiming "Lincoln: Wanted Dead or Alive."

That's why center director Bill Pederson was not surprised to read about a recent controversy in Richmond, Va., over a proposal to erect a life-sized statue of Lincoln and his son, Tad, at a National Park Service site there.

The statue - which apparently would be the first statue of Lincoln to be erected in the deep South, has been met with a flurry of mainly negative comments and letters to local newspapers. Writers tend to use words like "appalled" and "slap in the face" and refer to Lincoln as a "liar" and "murderer."

... Anti-Lincoln sentiment appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon in the South. Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century, corresponding to the rise of the civil rights movement. Pederson said he has talked with older Louisianans who say they don't remember anti-Lincoln attitudes being common when they were young.

He also has researched local newspapers from 1909, when the Lincoln penny was first issued, and found no indication of anybody protesting that. <<
See that? The point of reference 1909? Six years before Birth of a Nation and the rekindled Klan, ten years before the Red Summer, and the very point where the UDC and its fellow travellers were feverishly erecting monuments and rewriting history books? Same era as segregation and Jim Crow? Then see the reference to the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement that reacted to all of that?

SEE the big picture.

I love the way that even the article itself had to qualify it's [sic] race mongering.

"Pederson said he thinks it dates to the middle of the 20th century,"

He thinks that? Really? And for evidence there is the lack of resistance to the Lincoln penny, nearly 40 years earlier?

Maybe he missed it. Maybe, the anti-lincoln people of that time, were not the kind to complain in letters to the editor. Maybe the anti-lincoln feeling came later for some completely unrelated reason.


Maybe so. I don't necessarily agree with that theory, but then I wasn't alive around then either. It's a theory.

Thank you for having the honesty to admit that.

So, my position remains the same. For 5 generations, America as a whole has embraced the Southern celebration of it's history and heritage. This was true until fairly recently.


It was seen as a harmless expression of regional pride, because that is what it has been, since the immediate aftermath of the War.

You libs, with your move to marginalize Southern Whites, are being very divisive and tearing this nation apart.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.

The UDC? The United Daughters of the Confederacy?

Sure. 30 years out from the war, the children of those that fought, wanted to honor their parents.

Makes complete sense.

I plan to take my daughter to see the WWII memorial in April, to honor my Father, her Grandfather.

Makes complete sense to me.

WHat part of this does not make sense to you?

Well Homer I guess it's the part where you want to act stupid by going :lalala: over a post that already explained all this shit.

Children honor their fathers. At least in healthy societies. That was my point, you post a link, claiming it showed a peak in the 50s and 60s., while instead your link showed the peak a good 40 or 50 years earlier.

I'm skimmed the post. I saw the standard assertions, but no explanation as to why you assume ideological motivation instead of personal and historical.
They don’t honor Nazis in Germany
They moved on
From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.

The UDC? The United Daughters of the Confederacy?

Sure. 30 years out from the war, the children of those that fought, wanted to honor their parents.

Makes complete sense.

I plan to take my daughter to see the WWII memorial in April, to honor my Father, her Grandfather.

Makes complete sense to me.

WHat part of this does not make sense to you?

Well Homer I guess it's the part where you want to act stupid by going :lalala: over a post that already explained all this shit.

Children honor their fathers. At least in healthy societies. That was my point, you post a link, claiming it showed a peak in the 50s and 60s., while instead your link showed the peak a good 40 or 50 years earlier.

I'm skimmed the post. I saw the standard assertions, but no explanation as to why you assume ideological motivation instead of personal and historical.
They don’t honor Nazis in Germany
They moved on

Completely different situations, are treated completely differently? What a shock.

My point was about Pogo's claim that the memorials were put up to somehow support White Supremacy instead of the normal reasons communities put up memorials.

You hit the reply button, but completely failed to address the discussion that you were joining, by doing so.

Sort of...troll like.
Nazi Germany is not remembered for it's forced labor.

Vastly different situations had vastly different outcomes. No reasonable person is surprised by that.

Superbrother's position is utterly senseless.

Virginia should dump it’s Lee/Jackson holiday and just get on to honoring Adolph Hitler

And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

I can't seem to recall a statue of Hirohito in Hawaii. Or of Mussolini in Macedonia. Or Hitler in Holland. :eusa_think:

Can you recall Mao ornament on White House's Christmas tree?
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, you Dems are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328
You do know that Confederates were the bad guys?
Do you think Lincoln was a confederate?
Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.

The UDC? The United Daughters of the Confederacy?

Sure. 30 years out from the war, the children of those that fought, wanted to honor their parents.

Makes complete sense.

I plan to take my daughter to see the WWII memorial in April, to honor my Father, her Grandfather.

Makes complete sense to me.

WHat part of this does not make sense to you?

Well Homer I guess it's the part where you want to act stupid by going :lalala: over a post that already explained all this shit.

Children honor their fathers. At least in healthy societies. That was my point, you post a link, claiming it showed a peak in the 50s and 60s., while instead your link showed the peak a good 40 or 50 years earlier.

I'm skimmed the post. I saw the standard assertions, but no explanation as to why you assume ideological motivation instead of personal and historical.
They don’t honor Nazis in Germany
They moved on

Completely different situations, are treated completely differently? What a shock.

My point was about Pogo's claim that the memorials were put up to somehow support White Supremacy instead of the normal reasons communities put up memorials..

--- Which they were, and not by the communities but by (primarily) the UDC who were on a massive propaganda campaign, a larger part of which involved screening and rewriting American history books in the South, as noted earlier. These communities neither erected these monuments nor did they ask for them; they were DONATED by the UDC after THEY commissioned and purchased them.

In one instance that readily comes to mind, "Silent Sam" in this state, where in the 1913 dedication (note again the consistent date) not only was the UDC origin fully acknowledged but the Confederate veteran selected to give the speech noted:

>> The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are, that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South – When “the bottom rail was on top” all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern States – Praise God.

I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomattox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty nights afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head. << -- Source: Julian S. Carr, “Unveiling of Confederate Monument at University. June 2, 1913” in the Julian Shakespeare Carr Papers #141, Southern Historical Collection, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (viewable here)

A bio of this Julian Carr proves most informative:

>> Julian Shakespeare Carr (October 12, 1845 – April 29, 1924) was a North Carolina industrialist, philanthropist, white supremacist, and Ku Klux Klan supporter (and when young, a pro-slavery advocate). ...

His studies were interrupted in 1864 by service as a private in the Confederacy, serving with the Third North Carolina Cavalry. Later in life, he was known as "General Carr," the unofficial rank having been bestowed by the state veterans' association due to his long service in veterans' affairs and generosity toward widows and their children. Carr also supported white supremacy and the Ku Klux Klan, spoke favorably of the murder of African Americans that occurred during the Wilmington Massacre of 1898, which he called a "grand and glorious event", and celebrated lynchings. --- Wiki​

Just like the written records of the bases of secession of the various Confederate states that specifically refer to the continuation of Slavery as their reasoning, this rhetoric leaves little doubt as to what the intention was.
Virginia should dump it’s Lee/Jackson holiday and just get on to honoring Adolph Hitler

And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

I can't seem to recall a statue of Hirohito in Hawaii. Or of Mussolini in Macedonia. Or Hitler in Holland. :eusa_think:

Can you recall Mao ornament on White House's Christmas tree?

Oh, you mean number four on the list of Dopiest Butthurt Over the Scary-Black-Man-In-the-White-House Whines?

Know what I don't remember? That time Mao led an armed insurrection against the United States.

Must say, I was disappointed in that list as it doesn't mention "waaah, does O'bama know who Snooki is or not" or "waaah, O'bama's not wearing a flag pin", let alone the Fox Noise "White House Hip Hop Barbecue" scary-black-man story. Of course it is Fox Noise, home of the "Hillary Southern Accent" charade, so that sort of shit is to be expected on a daily basis, especially when there are scary black people to exploit.
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood by their states rights.

Yep. And Lee specifically said not to run around putting up statues. Way to 'honor' the guy huh.
Lee said he could not "raise a sword against his native Virginia." Now Virginia communist party wants to eliminate him from history. Stalinist.

They can never eliminate him from history and they don't have to have statues and monuments of the traitors either.
Of course they can and they should not remove moments to a brave warrior.

They should remove monuments of a traitor.

Okay, so remove all monuments to Obama.

Then what?

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