Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

ANY period in history, and you would find some way of claiming it was "Racist".

JUst like those messages you used to get in your alphabet cereal. You remember. THe ones that told you to hurt people. Before they locked you up and stopped letting you have forks.

Look...you can't just excise race from everything like it isn't a factor.

I'm not.

AMERICA, "excised" race and treason from the Civil War, and in doing so, healed the wounds and reunited the nation.

The memorials about about the soldiers that fought, and their sacrifices. That is the way the South AND AMERICA AS A WHOLE, has been celebrating the Confederacy for 5 generations.

Did you know that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington?
Nazi Germany is not remembered for it's forced labor.

Vastly different situations had vastly different outcomes. No reasonable person is surprised by that.

Superbrother's position is utterly senseless.

Fool do you not realize what was being done to these folks. They were beaten, raped, maimed, castrated, branded, etc., the atrocities that was done to slaves was in alot of ways no different than what was done to Jewish folks in the Holocaust.

Sure, "no different".

That is why the Jewish minority is a vibrant and dynamic part of the German culture, just like Blacks here in America.

There are still Jewish folks in Germany.

DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.

YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.

Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Yes, I do. And I realize that today the black population in America and the black culture is thriving and dynamic and growing.

YOu are the one arguing that the Jewish population and culture in Germany is "the same", because genocide and slavery are "the same".

You have talked yourself into a corner. That you cannot admit that, is just you showing that you are an insanely partisan and dishonest hack.
Fool do you not realize what was being done to these folks. They were beaten, raped, maimed, castrated, branded, etc., the atrocities that was done to slaves was in alot of ways no different than what was done to Jewish folks in the Holocaust.

Sure, "no different".

That is why the Jewish minority is a vibrant and dynamic part of the German culture, just like Blacks here in America.

There are still Jewish folks in Germany.

DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.
YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.

Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Yes, I do. And I realize that today the black population in America and the black culture is thriving and dynamic and growing.

YOu are the one arguing that the Jewish population and culture in Germany is "the same", because genocide and slavery are "the same".

You have talked yourself into a corner. That you cannot admit that, is just you showing that you are an insanely partisan and dishonest hack.

You seem to be as confused about the difference between an analogy and "saying two things are the same" as you are about the effect of all those needless carriage returns. Analogy is not the same thing as "the same thing"
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

ANY period in history, and you would find some way of claiming it was "Racist".

JUst like those messages you used to get in your alphabet cereal. You remember. THe ones that told you to hurt people. Before they locked you up and stopped letting you have forks.

Look...you can't just excise race from everything like it isn't a factor.

I'm not.

AMERICA, "excised" race and treason from the Civil War, and in doing so, healed the wounds and reunited the nation.

The memorials about about the soldiers that fought, and their sacrifices. That is the way the South AND AMERICA AS A WHOLE, has been celebrating the Confederacy for 5 generations.

Did you know that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington?

You do have a fair point here -- 'treason' is not a good argument against Confederate memorials, since that status was long ago dismissed.

"Historical revisionism" however, still is.
There are still Jewish folks in Germany.

DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.

YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.

Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Not a single slave ever came here from Africa on a Confederate ship. It was US ships and European ships who brought slaves here.

Ok. Moron might be applicable but maybe you are just yanking chains.

The mid Atlantic slave trade became illegal in 1808. The Confederacy did not exist then.

It is also entirely irrelevant to the issue of slavery in the Confederacy.

So I think you are just winding us up.

He's desperately hiding behind his own strawman that the whole question is about "Slavery" instead of the Confederacy. While sporting a Confederate Admiral in his avatar.

He's doing that because he doesn't have the cojones, or the intelligence, or both, to debate the Confederacy and the Lost Cause, so he's gonna go "LA LA LA" and pretend it was never there, and this entire thread isn't about a Confederate holiday. So he brings up slaver ships, and George Washington, and no doubt the friggin' Magna Carta is on the back burner, all stuff that has zero to do with the Confederacy, and any time you challenge him on what the relevance is he runs away.

What a fraud.

It is unlikely that anyone is afraid to debate any issue with you folks.
DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.

YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.

Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Not a single slave ever came here from Africa on a Confederate ship. It was US ships and European ships who brought slaves here.

Ok. Moron might be applicable but maybe you are just yanking chains.

The mid Atlantic slave trade became illegal in 1808. The Confederacy did not exist then.

It is also entirely irrelevant to the issue of slavery in the Confederacy.

So I think you are just winding us up.

He's desperately hiding behind his own strawman that the whole question is about "Slavery" instead of the Confederacy. While sporting a Confederate Admiral in his avatar.

He's doing that because he doesn't have the cojones, or the intelligence, or both, to debate the Confederacy and the Lost Cause, so he's gonna go "LA LA LA" and pretend it was never there, and this entire thread isn't about a Confederate holiday. So he brings up slaver ships, and George Washington, and no doubt the friggin' Magna Carta is on the back burner, all stuff that has zero to do with the Confederacy, and any time you challenge him on what the relevance is he runs away.

What a fraud.

It is unlikely that anyone is afraid to debate any issue with you folks.

That guy shot his whole wad here trying to morph the thread into something else. Also clammed up when I demanded he explain his George Washington ploy.

I'd say that qualifies as 'afraid to debate' yup.
A week later and its only conservatives I see still twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize worship of the Confederacy.....the same conservatives who if were in Germany, would be trying to rationalize the worship of the 3rd Reich -- but of course since Germany did a better job of doing away with such worship of evil -- these conservatives would be much too cowardly to spew their bullshit there...

The only reason they so proudly do it here is because they are more embolden to.....and I will continue to slap the shit out of them with facts every time

1. You claim you will slap us with facts. Yet there are no facts in your post. You are full of shit.

2. America as a whole, has been fine with these memorials and holidays for 5 generations. You are just trying to reopen old wounds out of your racism.
A week later and its only conservatives I see still twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize worship of the Confederacy.....the same conservatives who if were in Germany, would be trying to rationalize the worship of the 3rd Reich -- but of course since Germany did a better job of doing away with such worship of evil -- these conservatives would be much too cowardly to spew their bullshit there...

The only reason they so proudly do it here is because they are more embolden to.....and I will continue to slap the shit out of them with facts every time

1. You claim you will slap us with facts. Yet there are no facts in your post. You are full of shit.

2. America as a whole, has been fine with these memorials and holidays for 5 generations. You are just trying to reopen old wounds out of your racism.

There you go with "has been fine with" in blind ignorance of what this greater thrust has wrought --- segregation, race riots, extreme prejudice, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan, the White League...

The irony here --- one of them --- is that taking Robert E. Lee down from his perch was actually honoring his wishes after decades of that wish being perverted by self-serving revisionists. Lee never wanted this shit going on, and finally he's getting his wish.

Got a problem with that?
Last edited:
Sure, "no different".

That is why the Jewish minority is a vibrant and dynamic part of the German culture, just like Blacks here in America.

There are still Jewish folks in Germany.

DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.
YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.

Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Yes, I do. And I realize that today the black population in America and the black culture is thriving and dynamic and growing.

YOu are the one arguing that the Jewish population and culture in Germany is "the same", because genocide and slavery are "the same".

You have talked yourself into a corner. That you cannot admit that, is just you showing that you are an insanely partisan and dishonest hack.

You seem to be as confused about the difference between an analogy and "saying two things are the same" as you are about the effect of all those needless carriage returns. Analogy is not the same thing as "the same thing"

No, i'm not. You lefties are.

poST 265, Superbadbuther. Bolding added.

"Pay attention simpleton, the atrocities that they inflicted on other human beings were the same. The atrocities that Southerners inflicted on slaves was no different than the atrocities the Nazis inflicted on the Jewish people."
From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

ANY period in history, and you would find some way of claiming it was "Racist".

JUst like those messages you used to get in your alphabet cereal. You remember. THe ones that told you to hurt people. Before they locked you up and stopped letting you have forks.

Look...you can't just excise race from everything like it isn't a factor.

I'm not.

AMERICA, "excised" race and treason from the Civil War, and in doing so, healed the wounds and reunited the nation.

The memorials about about the soldiers that fought, and their sacrifices. That is the way the South AND AMERICA AS A WHOLE, has been celebrating the Confederacy for 5 generations.

Did you know that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington?

You do have a fair point here -- 'treason' is not a good argument against Confederate memorials, since that status was long ago dismissed.

"Historical revisionism" however, still is.

Did the southern soldiers not fight and sacrifice bravely in the service of their States?
Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Not a single slave ever came here from Africa on a Confederate ship. It was US ships and European ships who brought slaves here.

Ok. Moron might be applicable but maybe you are just yanking chains.

The mid Atlantic slave trade became illegal in 1808. The Confederacy did not exist then.

It is also entirely irrelevant to the issue of slavery in the Confederacy.

So I think you are just winding us up.

He's desperately hiding behind his own strawman that the whole question is about "Slavery" instead of the Confederacy. While sporting a Confederate Admiral in his avatar.

He's doing that because he doesn't have the cojones, or the intelligence, or both, to debate the Confederacy and the Lost Cause, so he's gonna go "LA LA LA" and pretend it was never there, and this entire thread isn't about a Confederate holiday. So he brings up slaver ships, and George Washington, and no doubt the friggin' Magna Carta is on the back burner, all stuff that has zero to do with the Confederacy, and any time you challenge him on what the relevance is he runs away.

What a fraud.

It is unlikely that anyone is afraid to debate any issue with you folks.

That guy shot his whole wad here trying to morph the thread into something else. Also clammed up when I demanded he explain his George Washington ploy.

I'd say that qualifies as 'afraid to debate' yup.

Could mean anything. Maybe he doesn't want to derail the thread.

BUt the way you lefties have been. It is unlikely anyone is scared of debating you.

Seriously. With all due respect.
A week later and its only conservatives I see still twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize worship of the Confederacy.....the same conservatives who if were in Germany, would be trying to rationalize the worship of the 3rd Reich -- but of course since Germany did a better job of doing away with such worship of evil -- these conservatives would be much too cowardly to spew their bullshit there...

The only reason they so proudly do it here is because they are more embolden to.....and I will continue to slap the shit out of them with facts every time

1. You claim you will slap us with facts. Yet there are no facts in your post. You are full of shit.

2. America as a whole, has been fine with these memorials and holidays for 5 generations. You are just trying to reopen old wounds out of your racism.

There you go with "has been fine with" in blind ignorance of what this greater thrust has wrought --- segregation, race riots, extreme prejudice, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan....

America has been fine with it. I grew up as a child in the 70s, and learned about the way the South celebrates it's history, and was taught it was harmless regional pride.

When the DUkes of Hazzard hit the airwaves, the nation as a whole had no problem with a hit show portraying a couple of "good ole boys" driving around in the Gen Lee.

It only became a pretend issue, recently, as you libs grew more and more angry that you were not always getting your way.
Did the southern soldiers not fight and sacrifice bravely in the service of their States?

Absolutley. What's more honorable, invading your neighbor because a Tyrant says to, or defending your homeland from an invasion sent by a Tyrant?

Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.
Dude do you realize how many blacks died on the voyage to America, do you realize what was done to them once they were here. Your position is absurd, stop trying to water down what was done and open your fucking eyes.

Not a single slave ever came here from Africa on a Confederate ship. It was US ships and European ships who brought slaves here.

Ok. Moron might be applicable but maybe you are just yanking chains.

The mid Atlantic slave trade became illegal in 1808. The Confederacy did not exist then.

It is also entirely irrelevant to the issue of slavery in the Confederacy.

So I think you are just winding us up.

He's desperately hiding behind his own strawman that the whole question is about "Slavery" instead of the Confederacy. While sporting a Confederate Admiral in his avatar.

He's doing that because he doesn't have the cojones, or the intelligence, or both, to debate the Confederacy and the Lost Cause, so he's gonna go "LA LA LA" and pretend it was never there, and this entire thread isn't about a Confederate holiday. So he brings up slaver ships, and George Washington, and no doubt the friggin' Magna Carta is on the back burner, all stuff that has zero to do with the Confederacy, and any time you challenge him on what the relevance is he runs away.

What a fraud.

It is unlikely that anyone is afraid to debate any issue with you folks.

That guy shot his whole wad here trying to morph the thread into something else. Also clammed up when I demanded he explain his George Washington ploy.

I'd say that qualifies as 'afraid to debate' yup.
This has been explained to you, but you are so blinded by your prejudice that you cant see it.
Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

1. Your spin on how other people celebrate their heritage is irrelevant. Every other culture and group is told the celebrate their culture and heritage and we almost universally, are instructed to respect that.

2. THe premise of Multiculturalism is that multiple cultures can live in peace and harmony, if we all tolerate each other and respect our cultural differences. There is no place in that for "push back" based on past wrongs.
A week later and its only conservatives I see still twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize worship of the Confederacy.....the same conservatives who if were in Germany, would be trying to rationalize the worship of the 3rd Reich -- but of course since Germany did a better job of doing away with such worship of evil -- these conservatives would be much too cowardly to spew their bullshit there...

The only reason they so proudly do it here is because they are more embolden to.....and I will continue to slap the shit out of them with facts every time

1. You claim you will slap us with facts. Yet there are no facts in your post. You are full of shit.

2. America as a whole, has been fine with these memorials and holidays for 5 generations. You are just trying to reopen old wounds out of your racism.

There you go with "has been fine with" in blind ignorance of what this greater thrust has wrought --- segregation, race riots, extreme prejudice, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan....

America has been fine with it. I grew up as a child in the 70s, and learned about the way the South celebrates it's [sic] history, and was taught it was harmless regional pride.

In other words you're confirming the whole Cult of the Lost Cause and its rewritten history.
We already documented that but thanks. We agree on that. :thup:

When the DUkes of Hazzard hit the airwaves, the nation as a whole had no problem with a hit show portraying a couple of "good ole boys" driving around in the Gen Lee.

It only became a pretend issue, recently, as you libs grew more and more angry that you were not always getting your way.

Actually it's the communities themselves, taking back their own land. It's the government of South Carolina turning its back on the Confederate flag, not sure there were any "libs" there that day. It's Charlottesville taking down a monument in their public space and New Orleans taking their space back, etc etc etc. "Libs" ain't got nuttin' to do with that NOR is it a "pretend issue" just because you'd prefer to 'pretend' an issue that's been simmering for decades, wasn't even there because it didn't affect Numero Uno.
Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Only a con would put that sort of spin on it and ignore the juxtaposition of racial events and confederate memorials. Only a con would ignore confederate memorials going up in states that didn't even fight in the war.

They lost the war. Do we have any monuments to the British from the Revolutionary war? If we do it's not many.

Events that happened decades apart, done by completely different people in completely different places,

are not "juxtaposed".

You are inventing connections, to justify your modern day bigotry aimed at Southern Whites.

Every other culture and group is allowed to celebrate their culture and history and heritage, despite any flaws in it, every group except whites, specifically here, southern whites.
If you want to celebrate a heritage of slave owning, of starting and losing a war over the perceived right to own human beings, a war that ended a century and a half ago...that is your choice. But dont be surprised when there is push back, particularly from those who's ancestors were bought, sold, and brutalized by the ancestors of those commemorating this.

IMO there are better cultural things the South can honor.

Do you feel the same about the USA because of their longer slavery history? Or do you have double standards?
A week later and its only conservatives I see still twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize worship of the Confederacy.....the same conservatives who if were in Germany, would be trying to rationalize the worship of the 3rd Reich -- but of course since Germany did a better job of doing away with such worship of evil -- these conservatives would be much too cowardly to spew their bullshit there...

The only reason they so proudly do it here is because they are more embolden to.....and I will continue to slap the shit out of them with facts every time

1. You claim you will slap us with facts. Yet there are no facts in your post. You are full of shit.

2. America as a whole, has been fine with these memorials and holidays for 5 generations. You are just trying to reopen old wounds out of your racism.

There you go with "has been fine with" in blind ignorance of what this greater thrust has wrought --- segregation, race riots, extreme prejudice, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan....

America has been fine with it. I grew up as a child in the 70s, and learned about the way the South celebrates it's [sic] history, and was taught it was harmless regional pride.

In other words you're confirming the whole Cult of the Lost Cause and its rewritten history.
We already documented that but thanks. We agree on that. :thup:

When the DUkes of Hazzard hit the airwaves, the nation as a whole had no problem with a hit show portraying a couple of "good ole boys" driving around in the Gen Lee.

It only became a pretend issue, recently, as you libs grew more and more angry that you were not always getting your way.

Actually it's the communities themselves, taking back their own land. It's the government of South Carolina turning its back on the Confederate flag, not sure there were any "libs" there that day. It's Charlottesville taking down a monument in their public space and New Orleans taking their space back, etc etc etc. "Libs" ain't got nuttin' to do with that NOR is it a "pretend issue" just because you'd prefer to 'pretend' an issue that's been simmering for decades, wasn't even there because it didn't affect Numero Uno.

1. Nothing I have said, in any fashion, is "Lost Cause". So, I'm not sure why you claimed that.

2. Communities led by dems and liberals. Your denial of this obvious fact is not sane.

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