Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Superbrother was arguing that they are the same thing.. He is delusional.

If you admit that they are not the same thing, then you are agreeing with me, and disagreeing with him.

Neither of us were claiming it was desirable, so, thanks for... stating the obvious I guess. Just in case some one reading this was very confused.
The forced labor of Nazi Germany and our beloved Confederacy are the same

Nazi Germany is not remembered for it's forced labor.

Vastly different situations had vastly different outcomes. No reasonable person is surprised by that.

Superbrother's position is utterly senseless.

Fool do you not realize what was being done to these folks. They were beaten, raped, maimed, castrated, branded, etc., the atrocities that was done to slaves was in alot of ways no different than what was done to Jewish folks in the Holocaust.

Sure, "no different".

That is why the Jewish minority is a vibrant and dynamic part of the German culture, just like Blacks here in America.

There are still Jewish folks in Germany.

DUde. They were very nearly wiped out. The blacks were not. YOur claiming they are the same, is you being dishonest.

YOur position is absurd. That you are holding to it, is just you demonstrating that you are completely dishonest.
And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

I can't seem to recall a statue of Hirohito in Hawaii. Or of Mussolini in Macedonia. Or Hitler in Holland. :eusa_think:

Hard to believe that different situations, would have different outcomes. Shocking really.

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations.

THe people that are looking at it now, wanting to undo that healing, they are the bad guys.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

I can't seem to recall a statue of Hirohito in Hawaii. Or of Mussolini in Macedonia. Or Hitler in Holland. :eusa_think:

Hard to believe that different situations, would have different outcomes. Shocking really.

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations..

:laugh2: :rofl::laughing0301:

Your Oops Moment may be found in post 337. In copious abundance.

"Not controversial" MY ASS.
Virginia should dump it’s Lee/Jackson holiday and just get on to honoring Adolph Hitler

And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

I can't seem to recall a statue of Hirohito in Hawaii. Or of Mussolini in Macedonia. Or Hitler in Holland. :eusa_think:

Hard to believe that different situations, would have different outcomes. Shocking really.

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations..

:laugh2: :rofl::laughing0301:

Your Oops Moment may be found in post 337. In copious abundance.

"Not controversial" MY ASS.

YOu have a point to make, make it in your own words. Your cut and pasted wall of text, is of no interest to me.

Until then, my point stands.

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations.
And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.
And you move to hide that fact that even you cannot defend Superbrothers absurd claim that genocide and slavery are the same thing.

Liberals such as yourselfs, are motivated by racism and bigotry, in your refusal to allow Southern Whites the Right to celebrate their heritage and culture.

You know this, which is why you are so dishonest.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan
These haters are OK with the fact that the US had slavery for 89 years, but not OK with the fact that the Confederacy had slavery for 4 years. Define hypocrisy.
I can't seem to recall a statue of Hirohito in Hawaii. Or of Mussolini in Macedonia. Or Hitler in Holland. :eusa_think:

Hard to believe that different situations, would have different outcomes. Shocking really.

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations..

:laugh2: :rofl::laughing0301:

Your Oops Moment may be found in post 337. In copious abundance.

"Not controversial" MY ASS.

YOu have a point to make, make it in your own words. Your cut and pasted wall of text, is of no interest to me.
Until then, my point stands.
What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.
Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.
And why it was not controversial for 5 generations.

That text is original, not "cut and paste", Jethro. I do understand why you ignore it. It's most inconvenient. Especially as it destroys your inane hallucinations about "not controversial for 5 generations".

Ask Moses Walker or Jackie Robinson if it was "not controversial". Ask four thousand victims of lynching terrorism if it was "not controversial". Ask the hundreds/thousands killed, injured, displaced and/or jailed in race riot attacks if it was "not controversial". Ask William Monroe Trotter if it was "not controversial". Ask Wynton Marsalis if it was "not controversial". Ask any number of citizens forced to use separate public facilities, schools and housing if it was "not controversial". Of course, having ignored the whole post you'll have no idea who those people are. Ignorance is bliss, Happy the Clown.

In other words you're going to have to ask (shudder) black people. :eek:
These haters are OK with the fact that the US had slavery for 89 years, but not OK with the fact that the Confederacy had slavery for 4 years. Define hypocrisy.


Hypocrisy is many things. One thing it is is trying to deflect the topic on to unrelated shit in order to dance around it.

Stupidity, on the other hand, is doing the above and thinking no one will notice.
These haters are OK with the fact that the US had slavery for 89 years, but not OK with the fact that the Confederacy had slavery for 4 years. Define hypocrisy.
The Confederacy was formed because they thought that 89 years was going to end

So they formed a nation that was 40 percent in slavery and passed a constitution ensuring slavery would last forever
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

1915. It's in the timeline he cut out because he can't bear to read it.

The 1920s were their peak. They counted membership in the millions from Maine to California.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.

The UDC? The United Daughters of the Confederacy?

Sure. 30 years out from the war, the children of those that fought, wanted to honor their parents.

Makes complete sense.

I plan to take my daughter to see the WWII memorial in April, to honor my Father, her Grandfather.

Makes complete sense to me.

WHat part of this does not make sense to you?
Hard to believe that different situations, would have different outcomes. Shocking really.

I think you're starting to get it. Yes, the Confederate/Lost Cause obsession is indeed an outlier in the history of warfare, that's kind of the point here.

When a nation erupts into internal warfare it's called a "civil war". Can you think of any other country that had such a war but then had a gaggle of revisionists running around rewriting history books to rebrand that war as "the war between the provinces" to polish up the reputation of the losing side?

And that's why lots of various municipalities and states (Virginia in this example) have been taking a long look instead of taking for granted and asking the question, "wait -- WHY are we doing this?"

What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.

Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.

And why it was not controversial for 5 generations..

:laugh2: :rofl::laughing0301:

Your Oops Moment may be found in post 337. In copious abundance.

"Not controversial" MY ASS.

YOu have a point to make, make it in your own words. Your cut and pasted wall of text, is of no interest to me.
Until then, my point stands.
What is an outlier is that we managed to so well and so quickly heal the wounds of the war. Civil Wars are common. People holding on to old grudges is common.
Healing and peace and becoming one united people again, in just a few years, that is uncommon.
And why it was not controversial for 5 generations.

That text is original, not "cut and paste", Jethro. I do understand why you ignore it. It's most inconvenient. Especially as it destroys your inane hallucinations about "not controversial for 5 generations".

Ask Moses Walker or Jackie Robinson if it was "not controversial". Ask four thousand victims of lynching terrorism if it was "not controversial". Ask the hundreds/thousands killed, injured, displaced and/or jailed in race riot attacks if it was "not controversial". Ask William Monroe Trotter if it was "not controversial". Ask Wynton Marsalis if it was "not controversial". Ask any number of citizens forced to use separate public facilities, schools and housing if it was "not controversial". Of course, having ignored the whole post you'll have no idea who those people are. Ignorance is bliss, Happy the Clown.

In other words you're going to have to ask (shudder) black people. :eek:

You failed to mention the NY City Draft Riots. New York City draft riots - Wikipedia
Blame the South on that.
Has nothing to do with the topic of this thread

The topic is that Virginia wants to end a holiday honoring men who led Armies to ensure the continuation of slavery


Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

1900 marked the resurgence of the second Klan

ANY period in history, and you would find some way of claiming it was "Racist".

JUst like those messages you used to get in your alphabet cereal. You remember. THe ones that told you to hurt people. Before they locked you up and stopped letting you have forks.

Who in their right minds would want a holiday commemorating men who attacked the union, fought for the right own humans, and then lost the war. You don't commemorate losers. You don't commemorate traitors. And you don't commemorate slavers.

Just America, for the last 5 generations.

Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial at Arlington. He was right to do so.

Your confusion about why, is something wrong with you, not US.
No. It isn't me.

Here is a question: why did so many of these confederate monuments spring up during times of increased racial tensions like the 50's and 60's??

Confederate Statues Were Built To Further A 'White Supremacist Future'

From your link.


So, the vast majority of them, were put up, around 1900, at a time when the children of the Confederate Soldiers would have been moving into leadership positions, with the control and budgets to honor their fathers.

Only a lib would be confused by this.

Apparently not, because those are the monuments put up primarily by the UDC, not by "children of Confederate Soldiers [sic]". And those budgets came FROM the UDC, not from "leadership positions".

I see the whole point sailed over your hood.

The UDC? The United Daughters of the Confederacy?

Sure. 30 years out from the war, the children of those that fought, wanted to honor their parents.

Makes complete sense.

I plan to take my daughter to see the WWII memorial in April, to honor my Father, her Grandfather.

Makes complete sense to me.

WHat part of this does not make sense to you?

Well Homer I guess it's the part where you want to act stupid by going :lalala: over a post that already explained all this shit.
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, you Dems are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328
Confederate holidays are inherently unpatriotic. They were rebels.

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