Unprecedented: 16 former Trump officials openly oppose his re-election

There is no president in history that has had this many former officials in their administration openly oppose re-election of said president. The criticism itself is also high among each of them.

It is definitely indicative of how incompetent Trump really is as a leader.

Election year propaganda.
You still cannot name the issue because there is none. You just want to belong to a group and chant whatever slogan that's popular, like "Typical far right! Grrr! :mad:" but you have no idea what you are talking about, what they are talking about, or what it is that either side represents. You're only a child in the woods thinking that if you follow a crowd you'll be seen as possessing personal character and it will lend structure to a meaningless existence. "Trying too hard" or not trying hard enough ...... you are only repeating what someone said to you and because it gives you pain you assume it will do the same for others. But don't worry, once upon a time I was also young and inexperienced. If you apply yourself you will grow up - and wisdom will creep up on you without even realizing it. :) Now, move along.
Trust me I did notice how this ridiculous tangent is complete deflection from the topic at hand lol
It must bother you that you can’t defend Trump on this
They just convince themselves that all those people are RINOs and commies and evil.

Everyone else is bad, no matter what, ESPECIALLY apostates. That's how cults continue to exist.
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And yet still important.
Not even a little bit…
Those closest to tRump, those that know him best, they all seem to think it would be a terrible idea to reelect him.
Obviously they aren’t close enough, that’s why they’re bitching.
Why is that, do you suppose?
They were probably establishment leakers.
Don't you think it's kinda odd that many of the folks speaking loudest against bringing him back are the ones who worked in the previous administration?
No, they know they won’t be brought back, so they’re lashing out.
Not even a little bit…

Obviously they aren’t close enough, that’s why they’re bitching.

They were probably establishment leakers.

No, they know they won’t be brought back, so they’re lashing out.
You've got a little orange schumtz there, between your teeth.
I already explained how it was atypical. No previous president had even close to this number of officials openly opposing his re-election.

You’re just pulling shit out of your ass to justify this. It’s so transparent.
So sez you? LMAO.

You haven't shown anything. You've made a claim with no evidence, other that your own personal belief that something is "atypical".

E.g. "argument from incredulity". Since it's "atypical" to you, it must be objectively so, because you personally cannot conceive otherwise...
How can you possibly believe that? These are mostly people tRump appointed himself.

Stop being so gullible.
So you would rather believe a politician calling themself one party but actually supporting the opposing party under the table. RINOs are LIARS by definition. Which I already posted to another loony TDSer here in this thread. You obviously don't even read these threads you just crash in and spread your lies and hatred.
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So sez you? LMAO.

You haven't shown anything. You've made a claim with no evidence, other that your own personal belief that something is "atypical".

E.g. "argument from incredulity". Since it's "atypical" to you, it must be objectively so, because you personally cannot conceive otherwise...
Let's see....First is was Russian collusion, then it was peeing on hookers in Russia, then it was a loan Trump got and paid back, then is was some skank from over 30 years ago claiming sexual harassment with 0 evidence, supposed record keeping errors that EVERY President has done, including Biden, even prosecutors who campaigned on 'getting Trump,' and on and on and on and on. Now, it's supporting Republican RINOs who stab Trump in the back. The whole Democrat party and all their sycophant legacy media airs nothing but lies about Trump and these lefty Marxies on here regurgitate all that stinking bile day after day here.
So you would rather believe a politician calling themself one party but actually supporting the opposing party under the table. RINOs are LIARS by definition. Which I already posted to another loony TDSer here in this thread. You obviously don't even read these threads you just crash in and spread your lies and hatred.
They are supporting the other party. They are saying one person is not fit to be president

Stop being so gullible..
What, don't you wanna know it's there before you go out in public?
It's not there and doesn't even exist, your hallucinating. Seems your hatred of one man has sprung your little brain spring. :cuckoo:
It's not there and doesn't even exist, your hallucinating. Seems your hatred of one man has sprung your little brain spring. :cuckoo:
Do you notice you can’t actually criticize Trump for anything substantial?
Did you notice you are for persecuting and prosecuting him on nothing substantial?
Did you notice you deflected from my question entirely?

I’ll be the bigger man and answer your question even though we both know you’re a pussy.

The court cases haven’t been dismissed by judges for lack of evidence. I guess that means we should try the cases to make sure there is something there. After all, you haven’t seen the evidence. You’re just automatically dismissing it all

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