Unprecedented Disrespect

On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’

The snowflake patrol has been out in force since comedian Colbert skewered drumpf on Monday night's show. Suck it up snowflakes, drumpf is a pig. No one has to point it out, it is what he is.

Remember "you lie". Yes quite the disrespect. Or the goofy broad wagging her finger in Barack Obama's face at the airport? The problem with conservatives pretending they are clever is when libruls give it back, who really are clever. drumpf is getting bitch-slapped by all the most talented creative people on Earth and his poor snowflake followers just can't take it.

Pucker up butter-balls, you are on the titanic and you are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be a long dark night.

I love how liberals show their lack of education, inability to learn, and such a lack of creativity that they can't come up with things of their own - they have to parrot others.

'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe other DEMOCRATS who are 'fragile', easily offended, and who can't accept reality very well....people like YOU.

And of course snowflakes are out in force defending Colbert. The DNC's leaked personal e-mails exposed the DNC as being a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites.
Snowflake alert! Triggered!
we didn't necessarily need you here though.
Ahh another sensitive little snowflake. Is your pussy aching, Little one?
ahhh look at you, the idiot that doesn't read the news. little uniformed human. got anything useful to say snowflake?
Dirty gritty street urchins seeking to be organized into Antifa bullshit have no problem with greasy slimy vulgar gay hating filth spewing live because that's what they are-Live Spew
it's amazing what one says when uncontested. These useless idiots are demonstrating how useless they truly are. Let's all just laugh at their dumbasses daily. I do find it amusing.
Trump has completely soiled the office. Completely.

He deserves every speck of mud which sticks to him.
Every speck and more will be handed right back to democrats and more besides. This is war, so far of words but don't expect anyone to make nice.
This won't end with Trump.

Nothing more bizarre than ordinary conservative people pledging to fight “in a war” for a billionaire who is actually a liberal
it is actually more bizarre watching libturds ignore blacks in this country. disgusting as hell. It's another thread, but since you mentioned bizarre, I thought I'd mention the real facts.

Feel free to start….
thanks, I'm done for the moment.
Obama and Hillary were the only leaders of a nation who abandoned their people to needlessly die in a terrorist attack

Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
HOLY F*! What are you smoking?!

NO RESPONSE TEAM showed up. 4 Americans died before nay outside forces ever showed up. The FBI was not even allowed to go to the site to investigate for DAYS!

'Hardly Abandoned'?! AGAIN, Hillary and Barry were the ONLY leaders of any nation that kept their people in place. EVERY other nation had pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry couldn't wouldn't pull them out because Barry's re-election bid was coming, and he had declared the War on Terror was over. To pull out would be a sign he was wrong or worse - he lied. He proved he would rather risk American lives to save face than save American lives and risk media criticism for a F*ing campaign LIE!


Starts on page 8. They arrived at 10:10, 30 minutes after the assault began. They drove the attackers off and searched the building......They were heroes, but in the rush to make political capital on the event, their actions are ignored and the GOP lies are published in the Echo Chamber, so it's no wonder you pretend you don't know how the events unfolded.
so instead of just evacuating, this was a better plan by Hitlery? too funny, knee slappen funny.

The first response team was not following anyone's plan.
I know, there wasn't one. That's what we've been discussing the lack of. Those were some brave individuals who all recognized their leaders let the Benghazi team down and went in anyway when they were told to stand down. My heroes.

BTW, let me know when you find those 33K deleted emails so we can show you what we're referring to.
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
More snowflake-itude.
Does what Comey said about Hillary apply to you as well? Are you too stupid to get it? 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by YOUR kind to describe and mock YOUR kind. every time you parrot the term in reference to anyone else, it just exposes your lack of imagination and ability to come up with something original. I am just trying to help you, to stop you from continuing to look ignorant. :p

Good God Princess Snowflake ...can you get any more pathetic?

First you start this whiny thread about people being mean to your messiah Fat Donny
Then you whimper like a little girl........<sob> Not Fair! Only Democrats are allowed to be called Snowflake
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
It's just getting started. Trashing the president is like having a new toy. You just gotta play with it.
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
so you think he was right that everytime trump opens his mouth he has putin's unit in his mouth? wow. ok. Now I know what you are. you should invest in some perfume to take away the stench.

Excuse me? Did you miss what I posted or something?
Good God Princess Snowflake ...can you get any more pathetic?
Why are you getting so defensive and pissy about my having to school you ignorant snowflakes...again...on the meaning of 'Snowflake'. I am trying to help you, Constantly using words in incorrect ways makes you look stupid...but, hell if you don't mine. I don't mind. go for it. :p
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
so you think he was right that everytime trump opens his mouth he has putin's unit in his mouth? wow. ok. Now I know what you are. you should invest in some perfume to take away the stench.

Barry's not really an 'oral' kind of guy. During his Presidency he got bent over by ISIS, bent over by Al Qaeda, bent over by Iran, bent over by Putin... :p
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
so you think he was right that everytime trump opens his mouth he has putin's unit in his mouth? wow. ok. Now I know what you are. you should invest in some perfume to take away the stench.

Excuse me? Did you miss what I posted or something?
here's your quote:

"Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that)" Now unless you meant someone other than colbert. then I stand by my post.
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
so you think he was right that everytime trump opens his mouth he has putin's unit in his mouth? wow. ok. Now I know what you are. you should invest in some perfume to take away the stench.

Barry's not really an 'oral' kind of guy. During his Presidency he got bent over by ISIS, bent over by Al Qaeda, bent over by Iran, bent over by Putin... :p
in other words, he spent a lot of time bent over.
Yes...like the guy that yelled "you lie" at Obama.

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
so you think he was right that everytime trump opens his mouth he has putin's unit in his mouth? wow. ok. Now I know what you are. you should invest in some perfume to take away the stench.

Excuse me? Did you miss what I posted or something?
here's your quote:

"Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that)" Now unless you meant someone other than colbert. then I stand by my post.

I was responding to Easy's comment on the guy who yelled "you lie" at Obama in the senate.
Good God Princess Snowflake ...can you get any more pathetic?
Why are you getting so defensive and pissy about my having to school you ignorant snowflakes...again...on the meaning of 'Snowflake'. I am trying to help you, Constantly using words in incorrect ways makes you look stupid...but, hell if you don't mine. I don't mind. go for it. :p

<Wah, wah,wah>

You're not supposed to call ME Snowflake <sob> when I write threads about "Disrespect" towards Trump

Show us your Snowflake prance Tinkerbelle

1. I rebuked him for a breach of Senate Decorum. He was wrong to do so.

2. You forgot to mention he was right...

3. It is beyond humorous to compare some Republican shouting 'You Lie' to someone calling the President a 'c@ck-holster' among other things during his vulgar, profanity-laced over-the-line assault on the President or a house Member calling the President such insightful, hateful names. I would have less of a problem with Democrats yelling 'You lie'. Even you, though you will not admit it, know Obama was never attacked in such a way and snowflakes would have APPROPRIATELY never stood for it. Such Republicans would have been rabidly attacked, branded 'racists', and the GOP politician would have been called on to step down or be recalled by his state.

No. It's not "beyond humerous" - it's comparing two different situations - an elected official and a media personality.

Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that) - he absolutely should not have behaved that way. However, that vulgar, profanity-laced assault was not from a political figure or elected official but from an "entertainer".

Obama's legitimacy was attacked by elected officials who questioned his birth in Hawaii. Trump - the elected president accused Obama of wire tapping him with absolutely no evidence. Michelle was referred to as an "ape in heels". Obama's daughters were referred to as slutty by media personality. Joe Walsh claimed we held Obama to a lower standard "because he was black". Walsh also tweeted that "This Is Now War. Watch Out Obama. Watch Out Black Lives Matter Punks. Real America Is Coming After You.” Obama has been called an imposter, Muslim, socialist, communist, and antichrist and Hitler. At Tea Party Rallies, demonstrations and marches - signs were carried showing Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose and primitive regalia. Other signs claimed Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and worse.

So whether talking about a profanity laced tirade (which is reprehensible) or gross disrespect with less profanity - it doesn't matter. It's disrespect of the man and his family - not his policies.
so you think he was right that everytime trump opens his mouth he has putin's unit in his mouth? wow. ok. Now I know what you are. you should invest in some perfume to take away the stench.

Excuse me? Did you miss what I posted or something?
here's your quote:

"Whether or not he was "right" (and we disagree on that)" Now unless you meant someone other than colbert. then I stand by my post.

I was responding to Easy's comment on the guy who yelled "you lie" at Obama in the senate.
ok, I'll delete my post then.
EasyRED is making it rain.......
Sorry I offended your sensitive nature, snowflake, by providing undeniable truth.

Prove me wrong - produce even one piece of all that evidence you claim exists proving your false lies about Trump.

You say Trump and the Russians colluded.
Obama's ex-CIA director says you're wrong.
Obama's NSA Director says you're wrong.
Intel Committee member D-Feinstein says you're wrong.
The FBI has said 3 times you're wrong.
All of them have admitted / declared there is NO evidence to support your lie.

So YOU produce some evidence, snowflake...or admit you're wrong.

Poor Weepy Red. Take your Fake News diversions elsewhere.
Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
HOLY F*! What are you smoking?!

NO RESPONSE TEAM showed up. 4 Americans died before nay outside forces ever showed up. The FBI was not even allowed to go to the site to investigate for DAYS!

'Hardly Abandoned'?! AGAIN, Hillary and Barry were the ONLY leaders of any nation that kept their people in place. EVERY other nation had pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry couldn't wouldn't pull them out because Barry's re-election bid was coming, and he had declared the War on Terror was over. To pull out would be a sign he was wrong or worse - he lied. He proved he would rather risk American lives to save face than save American lives and risk media criticism for a F*ing campaign LIE!


Starts on page 8. They arrived at 10:10, 30 minutes after the assault began. They drove the attackers off and searched the building......They were heroes, but in the rush to make political capital on the event, their actions are ignored and the GOP lies are published in the Echo Chamber, so it's no wonder you pretend you don't know how the events unfolded.
so instead of just evacuating, this was a better plan by Hitlery? too funny, knee slappen funny.

The first response team was not following anyone's plan.
I know, there wasn't one. That's what we've been discussing the lack of. Those were some brave individuals who all recognized their leaders let the Benghazi team down and went in anyway when they were told to stand down. My heroes.

BTW, let me know when you find those 33K deleted emails so we can show you what we're referring to.

I'm not sure what you were discussing , I was addressing Red's lie about them being abandoned.
The snowflake patrol has been out in force since comedian Colbert skewered drumpf on Monday night's show. Suck it up snowflakes, drumpf is a pig. No one has to point it out, it is what he is.

Remember "you lie". Yes quite the disrespect. Or the goofy broad wagging her finger in Barack Obama's face at the airport? The problem with conservatives pretending they are clever is when libruls give it back, who really are clever. drumpf is getting bitch-slapped by all the most talented creative people on Earth and his poor snowflake followers just can't take it.

Pucker up butter-balls, you are on the titanic and you are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be a long dark night.

I love how liberals show their lack of education, inability to learn, and such a lack of creativity that they can't come up with things of their own - they have to parrot others.

'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe other DEMOCRATS who are 'fragile', easily offended, and who can't accept reality very well....people like YOU.

And of course snowflakes are out in force defending Colbert. The DNC's leaked personal e-mails exposed the DNC as being a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites.
Snowflake alert! Triggered!
we didn't necessarily need you here though.
Ahh another sensitive little snowflake. Is your pussy aching, Little one?
ahhh look at you, the idiot that doesn't read the news. little uniformed human. got anything useful to say snowflake?
Do you need a tissue snowflake ?
I'm not sure what you were discussing , I was addressing Red's lie about them being abandoned.
They were.

Every other nation pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry were the only ones / nation to leave their people behind knowing the attack was coming. This has all been covered earlier in GREAT detail and support. Claims to the contrary are just that - claims.

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