Unprecedented Disrespect

With the filthy garbage still being spewed by the Right about President Obama, the OP has a lot of nerve
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, tee hee..

Obama and Hillary were the only leaders of a nation who abandoned their people to needlessly die in a terrorist attack

Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
HOLY F*! What are you smoking?!

NO RESPONSE TEAM showed up. 4 Americans died before nay outside forces ever showed up. The FBI was not even allowed to go to the site to investigate for DAYS!

'Hardly Abandoned'?! AGAIN, Hillary and Barry were the ONLY leaders of any nation that kept their people in place. EVERY other nation had pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry couldn't wouldn't pull them out because Barry's re-election bid was coming, and he had declared the War on Terror was over. To pull out would be a sign he was wrong or worse - he lied. He proved he would rather risk American lives to save face than save American lives and risk media criticism for a F*ing campaign LIE!


Starts on page 8. They arrived at 10:10, 30 minutes after the assault began. They drove the attackers off and searched the building......They were heroes, but in the rush to make political capital on the event, their actions are ignored and the GOP lies are published in the Echo Chamber, so it's no wonder you pretend you don't know how the events unfolded.
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’

The snowflake patrol has been out in force since comedian Colbert skewered drumpf on Monday night's show. Suck it up snowflakes, drumpf is a pig. No one has to point it out, it is what he is.

Remember "you lie". Yes quite the disrespect. Or the goofy broad wagging her finger in Barack Obama's face at the airport? The problem with conservatives pretending they are clever is when libruls give it back, who really are clever. drumpf is getting bitch-slapped by all the most talented creative people on Earth and his poor snowflake followers just can't take it.

Pucker up butter-balls, you are on the titanic and you are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be a long dark night.

I love how liberals show their lack of education, inability to learn, and such a lack of creativity that they can't come up with things of their own - they have to parrot others.

'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe other DEMOCRATS who are 'fragile', easily offended, and who can't accept reality very well....people like YOU.

And of course snowflakes are out in force defending Colbert. The DNC's leaked personal e-mails exposed the DNC as being a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites.
Snowflake alert! Triggered!
we didn't necessarily need you here though.
Obama and Hillary were the only leaders of a nation who abandoned their people to needlessly die in a terrorist attack

Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
HOLY F*! What are you smoking?!

NO RESPONSE TEAM showed up. 4 Americans died before nay outside forces ever showed up. The FBI was not even allowed to go to the site to investigate for DAYS!

'Hardly Abandoned'?! AGAIN, Hillary and Barry were the ONLY leaders of any nation that kept their people in place. EVERY other nation had pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry couldn't wouldn't pull them out because Barry's re-election bid was coming, and he had declared the War on Terror was over. To pull out would be a sign he was wrong or worse - he lied. He proved he would rather risk American lives to save face than save American lives and risk media criticism for a F*ing campaign LIE!


Starts on page 8. They arrived at 10:10, 30 minutes after the assault began. They drove the attackers off and searched the building......They were heroes, but in the rush to make political capital on the event, their actions are ignored and the GOP lies are published in the Echo Chamber, so it's no wonder you pretend you don't know how the events unfolded.
so instead of just evacuating, this was a better plan by Hitlery? too funny, knee slappen funny.
The waitress is going to have to push a few more tables together to accommodate this party pity.
I love facts, it so disrupts the left.

I love facts as well. I also love watching people whine about how their particular political darlings are treated so bitterly unfair by the other side.
I sort of enjoy watching a simpleton such as colbert act out his best Howard Dean. It is knee slappen fun. But in the end, the OP is factual. so? The left in here are actually the whiners.
Poor Snowflake.....people say bad things about your messiah

Can I offer you a safe space full of unicorns and rainbows?

It's amazing - you are SO ignorant you don't even know it. Your post is filled with hypocritical projections.

1. Obama was, has been, and always will be YOUR "messiah'.

2. I don't support TRUMP, the man - I support the PRESIDENT for the good of the country, but snowflakes like you are so consumed with your petty hatred for the MAN you would prefer to see the country suffer while he is President.

3. 'Snowflake' is a Democrat Term for other Democrats. Every time you snowflakes use the term improperly I have to laugh at your ignorant ass.

4. 'Safe Spaces' are fictional places created by SNOWFLAKE Democrats FOR Snowflake Democrats, so they can escape reality,

Please, keep 'em coming. Continue to demonstrate to the world your ignorance... :p
with absolutely NO proof of any kind they have referred to Hillary Clinton as "crooked Hillary "...They have accused Hillary of murdering Vincent Foster; they have accused her of callously abandoning an Ambassador to his death in spite of Eight separate Investigations denying such a thing happened; They have accused Hillary Clinton of running a pedophile Pornographic operation in Washington DC out of a Pizza shop ...

But how dare Colbert show such disrespect ...:boobies:
And yet Comey just testified yesterday that Hillary DID break the law but was not charged with a crime because she is TOO STUPID to know she was breaking the law and jeopardizing national security.

Please, by a show of hands, how many snowflakes did not know allowing your MAID to print off top Secret information for you was against the law...

Damn, there a some dumb m*erF*ers out there today.... :p
Trump has completely soiled the office. Completely.

He deserves every speck of mud which sticks to him.
Every speck and more will be handed right back to democrats and more besides. This is war, so far of words but don't expect anyone to make nice.
This won't end with Trump.

Nothing more bizarre than ordinary conservative people pledging to fight “in a war” for a billionaire who is actually a liberal
it is actually more bizarre watching libturds ignore blacks in this country. disgusting as hell. It's another thread, but since you mentioned bizarre, I thought I'd mention the real facts.
Obama and Hillary were the only leaders of a nation who abandoned their people to needlessly die in a terrorist attack

Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
HOLY F*! What are you smoking?!

NO RESPONSE TEAM showed up. 4 Americans died before nay outside forces ever showed up. The FBI was not even allowed to go to the site to investigate for DAYS!

'Hardly Abandoned'?! AGAIN, Hillary and Barry were the ONLY leaders of any nation that kept their people in place. EVERY other nation had pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry couldn't wouldn't pull them out because Barry's re-election bid was coming, and he had declared the War on Terror was over. To pull out would be a sign he was wrong or worse - he lied. He proved he would rather risk American lives to save face than save American lives and risk media criticism for a F*ing campaign LIE!


Starts on page 8. They arrived at 10:10, 30 minutes after the assault began. They drove the attackers off and searched the building......They were heroes, but in the rush to make political capital on the event, their actions are ignored and the GOP lies are published in the Echo Chamber, so it's no wonder you pretend you don't know how the events unfolded.
so instead of just evacuating, this was a better plan by Hitlery? too funny, knee slappen funny.

Makes no difference to me really. Hopefully the partisans hacks of the duopoly consume each other.
Obama and Hillary were the only leaders of a nation who abandoned their people to needlessly die in a terrorist attack

Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
Jurinalism Is Trickledown Information

An example of how inadequately we are informed by the designated media is that no one will broadcast the video. Even worse, no viewers demand it, accepting the lie that the professional substitutes for thinking for ourselves must know what's most important for us to know.

The video is incompetent, amateurish, silly, and designed for the level of a six-year old. Anyone beyond that age mentally would not take it seriously. It proves how the Arabs are drooling beasts and not like us at all. We never should have dealt with them on human terms, but our snobbish miseducated leaders believe that the Americans they rule over are the six-year-olds.


Not from the media.

What the Danish cartoons not enough to prove that? How about "The Satanic Verses"?
And yet Comey just testified yesterday that Hillary DID break the law but was not charged with a crime because she is TOO STUPID to know she was breaking the law and jeopardizing national security.

Please, by a show of hands, how many snowflakes did not know allowing your MAID to print off top Secret information for you was against the law...

Damn, there a some dumb m*erF*ers out there today.... :p
Dude seriously that is your word of mouth breathing version of what he said :bye1:
Obama and Hillary were the only leaders of a nation who abandoned their people to needlessly die in a terrorist attack

Two Americans died during the assault on the building before the first response team arrived and drove off the attackers. The survivors were evacuated to the CIA Annex. Two more Americans were killed when the response team from Tripoli arrived at the Annex. Everyone was evacuated with 12 hours. Hardly abandoned.
HOLY F*! What are you smoking?!

NO RESPONSE TEAM showed up. 4 Americans died before nay outside forces ever showed up. The FBI was not even allowed to go to the site to investigate for DAYS!

'Hardly Abandoned'?! AGAIN, Hillary and Barry were the ONLY leaders of any nation that kept their people in place. EVERY other nation had pulled their people out. Hillary and Barry couldn't wouldn't pull them out because Barry's re-election bid was coming, and he had declared the War on Terror was over. To pull out would be a sign he was wrong or worse - he lied. He proved he would rather risk American lives to save face than save American lives and risk media criticism for a F*ing campaign LIE!


Starts on page 8. They arrived at 10:10, 30 minutes after the assault began. They drove the attackers off and searched the building......They were heroes, but in the rush to make political capital on the event, their actions are ignored and the GOP lies are published in the Echo Chamber, so it's no wonder you pretend you don't know how the events unfolded.
so instead of just evacuating, this was a better plan by Hitlery? too funny, knee slappen funny.

Makes no difference to me really. Hopefully the partisans hacks of the duopoly consume each other.
I don't disagree.
  • Thanks
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Viva La France ...WE are all French Now Dammit..

French Dislike Donald Trump Even More Than Putin, Xi and Merkel, Poll Finds
Source: Newsweek

BY TIM MARCIN ON 5/4/17 AT 12:12 PM

While President Donald Trump isn't exactly well liked in the United States, he's viewed even more unfavorably in France, a new poll released Thursday found.

Some 82 percent of French people view him unfavorably, more than any other politician included in the Suffolk University poll. About 13 percent view Trump favorably and 5 percent were undecided. Some 0.27 percent—or three of the 1,094 people surveyed—had never heard of Trump (bless their hearts).

The poll found Trump was loathed more than Russian President Vladimir Putin (71 percent unfavorable), Chinese President Xi Jinping (43 percent unfavorable) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was viewed unfavorably by just 23 percent of respondents and viewed favorably by 70 percent.

The French also aren't particularly pleased with their options for president in the midst of a key election that's being watched carefully by the world at large. Emmanuel Macron, a centrist, establishment candidate, was viewed favorably by about 42 percent of respondents and unfavorably by 52 percent. His opponent in the second round of voting, far-right nationalist Marine Le Pen, was viewed favorably by just 27 percent of respondents and unfavorably by 69 percent of respondents.

Read more: The French dislike Donald Trump even more than Putin, Xi and Le Pen, poll finds
With the filthy garbage still being spewed by the Right about President Obama, the OP has a lot of nerve
Once again, the continuing snowflake circle of false accusations backed by zero proof to distract from proven liberal actions....
Brainwashed fools like you encourage disrespect for the liar in chief.
Well, people have decided to transfer the word to include whiners like you and no amount of your whining can change that. In fact, goobers like you confirm that the word deserves to be more inclusive and broadened. Your snowflake behavior in this thread is proof.
With the filthy garbage still being spewed by the Right about President Obama, the OP has a lot of nerve
Once again, the continuing snowflake circle of false accusations backed by zero proof to distract from proven liberal actions....
Brainwashed fools like you encourage disrespect for the liar in chief.
Well, people have decided to transfer the word to include whiners like you and no amount of your whining can change that. In fact, goobers like you confirm that the word deserves to be more inclusive and broadened. Your snowflake behavior in this thread is proof.

Calling yourself a whiner! too fking funny.
Poor Snowflake.....people say bad things about your messiah

Can I offer you a safe space full of unicorns and rainbows?

It's amazing - you are SO ignorant you don't even know it. Your post is filled with hypocritical projections.

1. Obama was, has been, and always will be YOUR "messiah'.

2. I don't support TRUMP, the man - I support the PRESIDENT for the good of the country, but snowflakes like you are so consumed with your petty hatred for the MAN you would prefer to see the country suffer while he is President.

3. 'Snowflake' is a Democrat Term for other Democrats. Every time you snowflakes use the term improperly I have to laugh at your ignorant ass.

4. 'Safe Spaces' are fictional places created by SNOWFLAKE Democrats FOR Snowflake Democrats, so they can escape reality,

Please, keep 'em coming. Continue to demonstrate to the world your ignorance... :p

Hurt your feelings Snowflake?
<sob> They are calling us names

Why don't you put on your tutu and prance about like a little Snowflake ?

Don't worry. During the Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Holder regime, liberals got the feeling it was now totally safe to come out into the wide open about who they really were! The resulting disgusting spectacle is what drove many to swing over to the Trump side. It is a good thing what Colbert and Waters are doing--- these assholes and their ilk haven't figured it out and as they continue to walk around naked showing everyone the kinds of people they really are, vulgar, crass, ignorant, bitter and mean, it will just mean more voters for Trump in four years. You can bet on it.

The only thing funnier is Hillary being a flaming liar, dirty, cheating bunghole under numerous criminal investigations then scratching her head why she lost! She honestly does not have any idea!!! I mean, she had 10X the campaign staff, 10X the contributions spent, and probably rigged or faked countless fraudulent votes, and STILL she lost!

Don't worry. During the Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Holder regime, liberals got the feeling it was now totally safe to come out into the wide open about who they really were! The resulting disgusting spectacle is what drove many to swing over to the Trump side. It is a good thing what Colbert and Waters are doing--- these assholes and their ilk haven't figured it out and as they continue to walk around naked showing everyone the kinds of people they really are, vulgar, crass, ignorant, bitter and mean, it will just mean more voters for Trump in four years. You can bet on it.

The only thing funnier is Hillary being a flaming liar, dirty, cheating bunghole under numerous criminal investigations then scratching her head why she lost! She honestly does not have any idea!!! I mean, she had 10X the campaign staff, 10X the contributions spent, and probably rigged or faked countless fraudulent votes, and STILL she lost!

ding, ding, ding

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