Unprecedented Disrespect

despicable behaviour has consequences. cannot expect to behave like a total swine for years and not be called out.

respect the presidency, they say. look at the cuntface playing president right now, LOL.

Not quite sure what a cuntface is, but certainly much better than the monkey face that was in there for 8 years.
thanks for sharing, trumptard.

Any time looser lib...don't forget, stay on that high road.
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’

The snowflake patrol has been out in force since comedian Colbert skewered drumpf on Monday night's show. Suck it up snowflakes, drumpf is a pig. No one has to point it out, it is what he is.

Remember "you lie". Yes quite the disrespect. Or the goofy broad wagging her finger in Barack Obama's face at the airport? The problem with conservatives pretending they are clever is when libruls give it back, who really are clever. drumpf is getting bitch-slapped by all the most talented creative people on Earth and his poor snowflake followers just can't take it.

Pucker up butter-balls, you are on the titanic and you are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be a long dark night.
why does one apologize if one is skewering? That seems to be hypocritical. Oh wait, it is a fking libturd. So sorry, go back about your business.
George Will: Trump has a dangerous disability
Opinion | Trump has a dangerous disability

Trump has a dangerous disability
By George F. Will Opinion writer May 3 at 7:36 PM

Americans have placed vast military power at the discretion of this mind, a presidential discretion that is largely immune to restraint by the Madisonian system of institutional checks and balances. So, it is up to the public to quarantine this presidency by insistently communicating to its elected representatives a steady, rational fear of this man whose combination of impulsivity and credulity render him uniquely unfit to take the nation into a military conflict.
Before anyone defends colbert they should see how the FCC deals with his little tirade.

Stephen Colbert's raunchy joke about President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin engaging in a sex act is likely protected by the First Amendment, FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai told Newsmax TVon Wednesday.

"People are willing and able to say just about anything these days," Pai, appointed by Trump to head the FCC in January, told host Steve Malzberg.

FCC Head Pai: Colbert Off the Hook for Trump-Putin Sex Quip
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’
You're such a fucking Drama Queen, Easy!!!! Unprecedented Disrespect from a TV comedian doing his job? Fucking whiney bitch!

And the Orange One is a disgusting poor excuse for a MAN! Just don't let him near your pussy, Easy!

Another failed thread, from another failed narcissist standing up for his role model!
Trump is a hateful, malicious liar who uses his lies to disrespect and bully. No amount of disrespect towards our piece of shyt so-called President is too much or even enough.
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’

The snowflake patrol has been out in force since comedian Colbert skewered drumpf on Monday night's show. Suck it up snowflakes, drumpf is a pig. No one has to point it out, it is what he is.

Remember "you lie". Yes quite the disrespect. Or the goofy broad wagging her finger in Barack Obama's face at the airport? The problem with conservatives pretending they are clever is when libruls give it back, who really are clever. drumpf is getting bitch-slapped by all the most talented creative people on Earth and his poor snowflake followers just can't take it.

Pucker up butter-balls, you are on the titanic and you are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be a long dark night.
why does one apologize if one is skewering? That seems to be hypocritical. Oh wait, it is a fking libturd. So sorry, go back about your business.

Relax snowflake, your dear learder is a pig and will be treated as a pig. Nothing you can do about it eh. Except of course cry which is what cons are doing now, whining how everyone is 'so mean to our dear leader'. He's lucky no one has grabbed him by the pussy yet.
Trump is a hateful, malicious liar who uses his lies to disrespect and bully. No amount of disrespect towards our piece of shyt so-called President is too much or even enough.

Evidently you're one of those that decided to remain ignorant when it came to ALL the Clinton scandals.
Milo can condone pedophilia, and the pseudocon snowflakes got their panties in a bunch when he is banned at Berkeley.

But Stephen Colbert speaks the truth about Trump, and they want to see him burned at the stake.

Your truth.
Trump has dragged down political discourse in this country, which was no small feat considering where it was already.

This is a man who talked about the size of his DICK in a nationally-televised PRESIDENTIAL debate. He has behaved like a spoiled, petulant 15-year old boy since the day he entered the race, with name-calling and personal insults flowing from his mouth like vomit.

Is what his opponents are saying about him any better? No. But they can run with the excuse that, if the President can do it, so can they.

A fish rots from the head.
Trump is a hateful, malicious liar who uses his lies to disrespect and bully. No amount of disrespect towards our piece of shyt so-called President is too much or even enough.
Snowflakes continue to set the bar at record lows...thanks for the demo.

After Colbert, after all the acts by snowflakes through the election until now, Democrats no longer have any room to complain about how a Democratic party President has been / is treated. Barry, on his worse day, was never treated with such disrespect. Such disrespect would never have been tolerated.
Trump has dragged down political discourse in this country, which was no small feat considering where it was already.

This is a man who talked about the size of his DICK in a nationally-televised PRESIDENTIAL debate. He has behaved like a spoiled, petulant 15-year old boy since the day he entered the race, with name-calling and personal insults flowing from his mouth like vomit.

Is what his opponents are saying about him any better? No. But they can run with the excuse that, if the President can do it, so can they.

A fish rots from the head.
I want to see Kim Jong Un weigh in. Putin is to classy to dirty himself with democrat discourse. Un isn't. What does he have to say?
Trump is a hateful, malicious liar who uses his lies to disrespect and bully. No amount of disrespect towards our piece of shyt so-called President is too much or even enough.
Snowflakes continue to set the bar at record lows...thanks for the demo.

After Colbert, after all the acts by snowflakes through the election until now, Democrats no longer have any room to complain about how a Democratic party President has been / is treated. Barry, on his worse day, was never treated with such disrespect. Such disrespect would never have been tolerated.
But it will be. You ain't seen nuthin yet.

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