Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Nope. Nice attempt at lying though. She had classified and top secret documents on a home server that was unsecured. Numerous people without clearance had access including convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner.

Really, the hillary situation was worse than Trump.
Who is gonna vote for a man that steals and hides Top Secret classified material...and the crimes in the warrant apply even if he claims he declassified them....which is another lie Sit on that and spin....
You don't know that..now do you? I would bet that Trump had zero idea they were even there.

Even if this were the case, what does it say about a man who's a boss, and seemingly never has a clue about what's going on around him?
But it's not even an excuse, just because you don't know you're breaking the law, doesn't mean you're not breaking the law.
Who is gonna vote for a man that steals and hides Top Secret classified material...and the crimes in the warrant apply even if he claims he declassified them....which is another lie Sit on that and spin....

The same people who claim that the Bible is so strong they should go out of their way to make people who go against the Bible (gay people) be third class citizens, but then vote for a president who commits numerous amounts of adultery, which the Bible says is very, very (like, we're going to stone you to death) wrong.

That kind of people.
To hear you talk, it’s worse for him to have missed a step in declassifying material (if he did) than to DESTROY classified info, as Hillary did.

I do not compare the two. The discussion is the recent debacle at Trump's home.
IF the Regime succeeds with this farce, DeSantis can pardon him on Day 1, and then put him in charge of a new office he forms: Dismantling Democrat Disinformation. Trump could then go about cleaning up the anti-American influence in our government.

Karen558 demonstrates Santayana's definition of a fanatic.

Someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of their goal.

The GOP has survived because it has the ability to excise rotting limbs like McCarthy and Nixon.

But in the case of Trump, Gangrene has set in.
Maybe because you only watch the lib news, and they aren’t reporting it. All presidents leave with tons of records, ultimately for a presidential library.

Its just when Trump does it, the lib media is trying to fool the libtards into thinking there’s some major crime.

They don't take them home with them. Instead, the documents are handed over to a Presidential Library Commission, which sorts through the documents to remove classified or sensitive information.
Who is gonna vote for a man that steals and hides Top Secret classified material...and the crimes in the warrant apply even if he claims he declassified them....which is another lie Sit on that and spin....
If the docs were in fact declassified then no they really don’t. I’m not say whether they were or weren’t but you cant be guilty of taking or destroying classified material if the material isn’t classified.
You have no idea the levels of classification. There is no such thing as a "Top Secret" classification. You've been watching too many James Bond movies. But no matter, the president declassified them no matter what the old markings say

yes there is.

Top Secret
It looks to me like, as usual, a shitload of conclusions are being drawn before we have the whole story.

This is what happens when an entire country decays into simplistic tribalism.
President Trump declassified all the documents.

Just because the FBI calls something “classified” when logging it doesn’t make it so.

Trump is claiming that when he took documents they were automatically declassified. Could you die laughing?
President Trump declassified all the documents.

Just because the FBI calls something “classified” when logging it doesn’t make it so.

Trump is claiming that when he took documents they were automatically declassified. Could you die laughing?
If this charade actually succeeds in blocking Trump from running for president, there will be such an outpouring of rage that DeSantis will be swept in in a landslide.

He can then pardon Trump, and appoint him the head of the newly formed “Office to Combat Disinformation” - and he can go after all those who lied to try to oust him from the presidency during his term and keep him from running in 2024.
Herr Comrade, the president may at his discretion declassify any document he chooses. Hence it is literally impossible to claim Trump had classified documents.

The Nazis are literally insane.

Trump is not the president.

There is no indication he declassified any of the STILL LISTED AS TOO SECRET documents while in office.

Finally, Presidential Records Act required Trump to hand over all these documents to National Archives.

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