"Until our veterans..."


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
It is a fair question to ask if this issue is even solvable. When you begin looking into the factors that create homeless vets and disabled vets unable to collect or obtain VA benefits the issue seems unsurmountable.
From what I have seen done to my brother who went to viet nam twice it would be rather easy to cure the disease. One is to have vet preference in hiring. Another is to have a VA that can do more than just say, What you have isn't a war wound. Those who came home heroin addicts, deaf from close encounters with bombs, mentally deranged by the horrors experienced, need to be recognized as war wound.
The homeless are another area of mental sickness.
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
yep.....the only time they care is at election time.....and they might throw them a bone every now and then....
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
the military is no place to search for sexual identity, or American identity.
Homeless vets did not rise up out of the ground fully formed. Everyone they know did not die and leave the vet orphaned, alone, and unable to care for themselves in a hostile world. Many have families. They have wives, children, mothers, fathers, siblings. So why are they homeless? Because no matter how well intentioned families are, no matter how hard they work, or how far they bend, the emotional and mental needs of the vet cannot be satisfied. Some are destructive drug addicts or alcoholics. Some cannot stop being abusive. So they are homeless.

The Great Society should house them, feed them, medicate them, go ahead, the vets are daring you to try.
“We are grateful that this budget includes money for the continuation of the Choice fund,” Shulkin told the House Veterans Affairs Committee May 24. “The last budget did not include that. This is an indication that there will be continued support to allow our veterans to get the care they need.”

The president proposed $13.2 billion for community care in 2018, roughly a $1 billion increase over what VA expects it will spend by the end of 2017, budget experts said during a May 23 briefing with reporters. The president’s budget also includes a higher total in advance appropriations for community care in fiscal 2018.
Trump's 2018 budget gives VA a big boost for Choice, but cuts IT spending

I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
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It is a fair question to ask if this issue is even solvable. When you begin looking into the factors that create homeless vets and disabled vets unable to collect or obtain VA benefits the issue seems unsurmountable.

I am a fiscally conservative Libertarian. But what I would like
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
the military is no place to search for sexual identity, or American identity.

If we go by recent history, it is no place for people who don't want to be lied to or neglected.
Now I find that hard to believe
It is a fair question to ask if this issue is even solvable. When you begin looking into the factors that create homeless vets and disabled vets unable to collect or obtain VA benefits the issue seems unsurmountable.

I am a fiscally conservative Libertarian. But what I would like
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
the military is no place to search for sexual identity, or American identity.

If we go by recent history, it is no place for people who don't want to be lied to or neglected.
“We are grateful that this budget includes money for the continuation of the Choice fund,” Shulkin told the House Veterans Affairs Committee May 24. “The last budget did not include that. This is an indication that there will be continued support to allow our veterans to get the care they need.”

The president proposed $13.2 billion for community care in 2018, roughly a $1 billion increase over what VA expects it will spend by the end of 2017, budget experts said during a May 23 briefing with reporters. The president’s budget also includes a higher total in advance appropriations for community care in fiscal 2018.
Trump's 2018 budget gives VA a big boost for Choice, but cuts IT spending

I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

Obama Calls For $11 Billion To End Homelessness In His Last Budget

Obama says VA budget has risen 85 percent on his watch

Trump's big VA budget request comes with proposed trims to veterans benefits

Obama budget seeks authority to shift funds from Veterans Choice program
That has what to do with Trump?
And with so much money poured in by Obama, what happened to it all? It sure didn't change a thing...
“We are grateful that this budget includes money for the continuation of the Choice fund,” Shulkin told the House Veterans Affairs Committee May 24. “The last budget did not include that. This is an indication that there will be continued support to allow our veterans to get the care they need.”

The president proposed $13.2 billion for community care in 2018, roughly a $1 billion increase over what VA expects it will spend by the end of 2017, budget experts said during a May 23 briefing with reporters. The president’s budget also includes a higher total in advance appropriations for community care in fiscal 2018.
Trump's 2018 budget gives VA a big boost for Choice, but cuts IT spending

I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

Obama Calls For $11 Billion To End Homelessness In His Last Budget

Obama says VA budget has risen 85 percent on his watch

Trump's big VA budget request comes with proposed trims to veterans benefits

Obama budget seeks authority to shift funds from Veterans Choice program
Until veterans are taken care of neither Congress nor the president should get paid. Children, the elderly, and veterans should be top of the list for resources and assistance.
Which one that you didn't read?

Most vet organizations and myself agree that over all the vets choice program does not work and is a waste of money. It may have helped a few but don't think over all if I take the word of the vets at my VA.
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"

How about we stop importing filthy, third world future Democrats from the brown south by any means necessary? Stop the mass degradation of our nation and save $100 billion a year? Seems like the easier, right thing to do...no? .
We could take care of our vets and a lot of REAL American's with that kind of dough. Imagine all the Section 8 housing we could offer to homeless vets instead of the silver tooth anchors that Guadalupe and Manuel dropped. Whatta ya say?
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
yep.....the only time they care is at election time.....and they might throw them a bone every now and then....

You might want to take a look at the number of veterans related bills that have already passed the house and then watch how many of them are blocked by the commiecrats in the senate.

Search Bills in Congress - GovTrack.us

The house is trying to address many of the problems.

There should be no more "foreign aid" until we no longer need domestic aid. That includes money thrown away on the UN and bribes to enemy countries like Iran.
It is a fair question to ask if this issue is even solvable. When you begin looking into the factors that create homeless vets and disabled vets unable to collect or obtain VA benefits the issue seems unsurmountable.

I am a fiscally conservative Libertarian. But what I would like
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
the military is no place to search for sexual identity, or American identity.

If we go by recent history, it is no place for people who don't want to be lied to or neglected.
thankfully obama is gone.
From what I have seen done to my brother who went to viet nam twice it would be rather easy to cure the disease. One is to have vet preference in hiring. Another is to have a VA that can do more than just say, What you have isn't a war wound. Those who came home heroin addicts, deaf from close encounters with bombs, mentally deranged by the horrors experienced, need to be recognized as war wound.
The homeless are another area of mental sickness.
Trump will improve their future. thanks to your brother and your family for service to our great country.
From what I have seen done to my brother who went to viet nam twice it would be rather easy to cure the disease. One is to have vet preference in hiring. Another is to have a VA that can do more than just say, What you have isn't a war wound. Those who came home heroin addicts, deaf from close encounters with bombs, mentally deranged by the horrors experienced, need to be recognized as war wound.
The homeless are another area of mental sickness.
Interestingly enough, we had a very active thread about a month ago where many of our Right wing posters declared that PTSD was a fake problem.

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