"Until our veterans..."

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  • #41
Obama and the douchebag Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet's prosthetics, the tax is buried in the 2,000 page douchebag Obamacare bill.

Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.
Obama and the douchebag Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet's prosthetics, the tax is buried in the 2,000 page douchebag Obamacare bill.

Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
yep.....the only time they care is at election time.....and they might throw them a bone every now and then....

Vets haven't been thrown a bone in decades. They've only seen benefits cut. Used to be a retiree could count on medical and dental for life....not anymore.
  • Thread starter
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  • #45
Obama and the douchebag Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet's prosthetics, the tax is buried in the 2,000 page douchebag Obamacare bill.

Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

I am not deflecting anything. You are wanting to reduce decades of neglect to a single issue involving prosthetic limbs. Is that the only service provided by the VA? YOu are wanting to play politics with men & women's lives. Did Nixon try to fix the VA? Ford? George H Bush? George W Bush?

Or is it your contention that, since no republican president put a tax on prosthetics, they are innocent of the neglect shown to have existed for almost 6 decades? Quit cherry-picking.

Oh, and the tax that you are talking did not increase the the cost to the veterans. That is an outright lie. It caused an increase in the cost to the tax payers. If you are wounded in the service, you pay $0 for your prosthetics. I disagree with the tax. But don't claim our wounded veterans are paying for it.
Obama and the douchebag Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet's prosthetics, the tax is buried in the 2,000 page douchebag Obamacare bill.

Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

It was the prosthetics companies and companies that made medical devices that were taxed.

The device industry has argued that the tax would cause device prices to rise and manufacturers to shed jobs. But there is little evidence to date of such changes. The Government Accountability Office issued a report in June 2015 finding that medical device sales had not declined. They actually kept going up.
Obamacare’s medical device tax — and how it became a repeal target — explained

The ACA actually improves veterans care.

Many Veterans Gained Health Care Through The Affordable Care Act

Repealing it will hurt them.

Affordable Care Act Repeal Puts Veterans’ Health Care at Risk
Obama and the douchebag Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet's prosthetics, the tax is buried in the 2,000 page douchebag Obamacare bill.

Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

I am not deflecting anything. You are wanting to reduce decades of neglect to a single issue involving prosthetic limbs. Is that the only service provided by the VA? YOu are wanting to play politics with men & women's lives. Did Nixon try to fix the VA? Ford? George H Bush? George W Bush?

Or is it your contention that, since no republican president put a tax on prosthetics, they are innocent of the neglect shown to have existed for almost 6 decades? Quit cherry-picking.

Oh, and the tax that you are talking did not increase the the cost to the veterans. That is an outright lie. It caused an increase in the cost to the tax payers. If you are wounded in the service, you pay $0 for your prosthetics. I disagree with the tax. But don't claim our wounded veterans are paying for it.

Your new Marvel Comics name is Deflecto, you use a classic left deflection when you can't argue an example of Democrats being lowlife scum douchebags deflect with the 'both sides do it' excuse. You have provided zero examples to support your claim that Republicans screwed over Vets. Well we are waiting.
Obama and the douchebag Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet's prosthetics, the tax is buried in the 2,000 page douchebag Obamacare bill.

Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

It was the prosthetics companies and companies that made medical devices that were taxed.

Are you dumb or something? Who pays the increased costs, goddamn. :stupid:
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"

How about we stop importing filthy, third world future Democrats from the brown south by any means necessary? Stop the mass degradation of our nation and save $100 billion a year? Seems like the easier, right thing to do...no? .
We could take care of our vets and a lot of REAL American's with that kind of dough. Imagine all the Section 8 housing we could offer to homeless vets instead of the silver tooth anchors that Guadalupe and Manuel dropped. Whatta ya say?

Yet again, someone wants to blame their favorite fear.

Was there a big problem with illegal immigration back in the 1960s and 1970s? Is that why the vets then didn't get the care they needed?

If we stopped all the illegal immigration, do you really think anything would change for our disabled vets?

Haha...that's funny shit.
"Favorite fear"....scared of five foot tall, smelly little beaners?...NEGATIVE
You talk in circles...it's what all whack-jobs do. You claim to understand economics...clearly you do not.
You made the assertion that depriving REAL AMERICANS of their livelihoods would cause Vets to get what they deserve...that's a sensible "fix" in your head....yet you believe I'm an idiot for suggesting we cut our spending on illegals and divert funds to Vets....somehow that's not a sensible suggestion to you? Thanks for the fine display at just how twisted the Liberal mind really is.
Why are you so motivated to keep filthy thirdworlders here stealing from American's and degrading American society?
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
yep.....the only time they care is at election time.....and they might throw them a bone every now and then....

Vets haven't been thrown a bone in decades. They've only seen benefits cut. Used to be a retiree could count on medical and dental for life....not anymore.
my argument on this is that there are people on both sides who feel only their party has taken care of the vets while the other party hasnt done shit.....both parties are pretty negligent here..........
From what I have seen done to my brother who went to viet nam twice it would be rather easy to cure the disease. One is to have vet preference in hiring. Another is to have a VA that can do more than just say, What you have isn't a war wound. Those who came home heroin addicts, deaf from close encounters with bombs, mentally deranged by the horrors experienced, need to be recognized as war wound.
The homeless are another area of mental sickness.
Interestingly enough, we had a very active thread about a month ago where many of our Right wing posters declared that PTSD was a fake problem.

A fake problem / illness or an over-inflated problem perpetuated by attorneys?
Where there's cash there's chaos, lying and deceit.

How many do you estimate might be faking PTSD? I have a friend that knew a guy that faked back injuries when he got out and not only did he finally received SSDI he also was awarded 80% VA disability. The kid was 22.

I also had a guy 33 I sat with the first year of obamacare that had been out of the Navy around 6 months, pretty much overweight and bragged he was receiving something like 60% for sleep apnea. He had this shit eating grin on his face while telling me this. Wanted to reach over smack him. But don't you think a good percentage of actual combat vets may have PTSD?

But don't you think a good percentage of actual combat vets may have PTSD?

I have no idea what the percentages are but I'm concerned the can of worms has been opened.
You have to be "tuff-minded" if you're going to choose certain professions. How long before every doctor, officer, fireman and EMT require some sort of PTSD payment funded by taxpayers?

"tuff minded"?? WTF? So you think if our boys who went to serve were just tougher they wouldn't have any mental problems from combat??

And you know this how? You ever watch a buddy die screaming? I guess if you are tough enough that won't bother you. You ever watch children dying in a war zone? I guess being tough helps you forget that, huh?

Hey look...I don't deny that PTSD is a real issue...I simply question the number of cases which are valid. Only a naive, pussified idiot wouldn't.
I know this is a sensitive subject but let's not be scared to apply a little simple logic....Liberals, grab your straight jackets and roll up in the fetal position before reading any further.

OK READY! Here goes:

Doctors, officers, firemen and EMT's watch little children die tragically for decades. (not one tour)
How many PTSD claims have originated from those professions?
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  • #53
Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

I am not deflecting anything. You are wanting to reduce decades of neglect to a single issue involving prosthetic limbs. Is that the only service provided by the VA? YOu are wanting to play politics with men & women's lives. Did Nixon try to fix the VA? Ford? George H Bush? George W Bush?

Or is it your contention that, since no republican president put a tax on prosthetics, they are innocent of the neglect shown to have existed for almost 6 decades? Quit cherry-picking.

Oh, and the tax that you are talking did not increase the the cost to the veterans. That is an outright lie. It caused an increase in the cost to the tax payers. If you are wounded in the service, you pay $0 for your prosthetics. I disagree with the tax. But don't claim our wounded veterans are paying for it.

Your new Marvel Comics name is Deflecto, you use a classic left deflection when you can't argue an example of Democrats being lowlife scum douchebags deflect with the 'both sides do it' excuse. You have provided zero examples to support your claim that Republicans screwed over Vets. Well we are waiting.

Without even using Google, I can help you understand.

There was a bill to earmark money to allow veterans to use doctors outside the VA, in certain circumstances. The GOP members in the House shot it down.

There was a jobs bill designed to help veterans. The GOP shot it down.

In 2012, a republican senator blocked a Cost of Living increase for the benefits paid to disabled veterans and for the spouses and children of deceased veterans.

There are 2 examples. I think that counters your bullshit example concerning the Dems. Especially since your claim that the ACA

increased the cost of prosthetics paid by disabled veterans is an outright lie.

And I am not playing the "both sides do it" game. I am talking about the lack of care for disabled veterans over a 60 year period. That there has not been a singlke
Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

It was the prosthetics companies and companies that made medical devices that were taxed.

Are you dumb or something? Who pays the increased costs, goddamn. :stupid:

The tax payers pay the increased costs. Just like they pay the increases in costs of pretty much everything the VA provides for disabled veterans. The veterans do not pay for their prosthetics.

Also, the link provided shows veterans often gained benefits thru the ACA, and the repeal will remove those benefits.
  • Thread starter
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  • #54
Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

I am not deflecting anything. You are wanting to reduce decades of neglect to a single issue involving prosthetic limbs. Is that the only service provided by the VA? YOu are wanting to play politics with men & women's lives. Did Nixon try to fix the VA? Ford? George H Bush? George W Bush?

Or is it your contention that, since no republican president put a tax on prosthetics, they are innocent of the neglect shown to have existed for almost 6 decades? Quit cherry-picking.

Oh, and the tax that you are talking did not increase the the cost to the veterans. That is an outright lie. It caused an increase in the cost to the tax payers. If you are wounded in the service, you pay $0 for your prosthetics. I disagree with the tax. But don't claim our wounded veterans are paying for it.

Your new Marvel Comics name is Deflecto, you use a classic left deflection when you can't argue an example of Democrats being lowlife scum douchebags deflect with the 'both sides do it' excuse. You have provided zero examples to support your claim that Republicans screwed over Vets. Well we are waiting.

It is not a deflection game at all. That is what YOU are playing. In the 60 year span addressed by this thread, there have been 7 republican presidents in the Whitehouse and 5 democrat presidents. None of those presidental administrations addressed the problems. NONE.

As for examples of republicans screwing vets, look at the jobs bill from a few years ago, that aimed to increase jobs for vets. That was shot down by republicans in the House. The Cost of Living Increase in benefits for disabled veterans and spouses/children of veterans who died as a result of their service was held up by a republican senator.
  • Thread starter
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  • #55
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"

How about we stop importing filthy, third world future Democrats from the brown south by any means necessary? Stop the mass degradation of our nation and save $100 billion a year? Seems like the easier, right thing to do...no? .
We could take care of our vets and a lot of REAL American's with that kind of dough. Imagine all the Section 8 housing we could offer to homeless vets instead of the silver tooth anchors that Guadalupe and Manuel dropped. Whatta ya say?

Yet again, someone wants to blame their favorite fear.

Was there a big problem with illegal immigration back in the 1960s and 1970s? Is that why the vets then didn't get the care they needed?

If we stopped all the illegal immigration, do you really think anything would change for our disabled vets?

Haha...that's funny shit.
"Favorite fear"....scared of five foot tall, smelly little beaners?...NEGATIVE
You talk in circles...it's what all whack-jobs do. You claim to understand economics...clearly you do not.
You made the assertion that depriving REAL AMERICANS of their livelihoods would cause Vets to get what they deserve...that's a sensible "fix" in your head....yet you believe I'm an idiot for suggesting we cut our spending on illegals and divert funds to Vets....somehow that's not a sensible suggestion to you? Thanks for the fine display at just how twisted the Liberal mind really is.
Why are you so motivated to keep filthy thirdworlders here stealing from American's and degrading American society?

Once again, if we stopped all illegal immigration, do you think the VA would then be funded better and the care for our disabled vets would get better??

And no where did I make the assertion you claim I made (concerning depriving "real Americans" of their livelihoods).
Right. Keep pretending that it is the Dems doing all the bad stuff, and the Repubs are here to save the day.

Shit like that is why we have the VA we do. You are more concerned about slamming the opposition than about helping the vets.

Do you deny that Dem's taxed the shit out of Vet prosthetics to fund giving Obamacare handouts to deadbeats? Dude it was all over the news, the tax not only increased costs to Vets many prosthetics manufactures had to ship the manufacturing jobs to China costing American workers their jobs. DEMOCRATS did that hello, and in spite of the outrage over this tax DEMOCRATS refused to get rid of the tax.

Hence Democrats are douchebags its not rocket science.

Dude, the VA has been providing substandard care for our disabled veterans for my entire lifetime. Since 1960, there has been a Dem in the Whitehouse for 28 years, while the republicans have owned the Whitehouse for 29 years. Not one of them solved the problem. The VA still provides substandard care.

You are correct that it is not rocket science. But unless you can show one republican president who substantially improved the care our disabled vets received, you are playing politics with the care of our veterans.

You are deflecting, go ahead provide an example of Republicans fucking over Vets like Democrats did in Obamacare.

It was the prosthetics companies and companies that made medical devices that were taxed.

Are you dumb or something? Who pays the increased costs, goddamn. :stupid:

Nobody...it's been suspended for over a year. Shareholders see more profits...you've seen no reduction in healthcare costs, nor have disabled veterans. Weird huh?

With Special Tax Suspended, Medical Device Firms Reap Big Savings
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I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.
yep.....the only time they care is at election time.....and they might throw them a bone every now and then....

Vets haven't been thrown a bone in decades. They've only seen benefits cut. Used to be a retiree could count on medical and dental for life....not anymore.
my argument on this is that there are people on both sides who feel only their party has taken care of the vets while the other party hasnt done shit.....both parties are pretty negligent here..........

I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"

How about we stop importing filthy, third world future Democrats from the brown south by any means necessary? Stop the mass degradation of our nation and save $100 billion a year? Seems like the easier, right thing to do...no? .
We could take care of our vets and a lot of REAL American's with that kind of dough. Imagine all the Section 8 housing we could offer to homeless vets instead of the silver tooth anchors that Guadalupe and Manuel dropped. Whatta ya say?

Yet again, someone wants to blame their favorite fear.

Was there a big problem with illegal immigration back in the 1960s and 1970s? Is that why the vets then didn't get the care they needed?

If we stopped all the illegal immigration, do you really think anything would change for our disabled vets?

Haha...that's funny shit.
"Favorite fear"....scared of five foot tall, smelly little beaners?...NEGATIVE
You talk in circles...it's what all whack-jobs do. You claim to understand economics...clearly you do not.
You made the assertion that depriving REAL AMERICANS of their livelihoods would cause Vets to get what they deserve...that's a sensible "fix" in your head....yet you believe I'm an idiot for suggesting we cut our spending on illegals and divert funds to Vets....somehow that's not a sensible suggestion to you? Thanks for the fine display at just how twisted the Liberal mind really is.
Why are you so motivated to keep filthy thirdworlders here stealing from American's and degrading American society?

Once again, if we stopped all illegal immigration, do you think the VA would then be funded better and the care for our disabled vets would get better??

And no where did I make the assertion you claim I made (concerning depriving "real Americans" of their livelihoods).

You said:
"How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?
How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"

I'm confused...Am I making this up? Are you lying or did you simply forget you posted this?

"if we stopped all illegal immigration, do you think the VA would then be funded better and the care for our disabled vets would get better??"
Maybe...maybe not. We should enforce our laws and stop illegal immigration anyway...right?
Let's simplify this further so you can better understand since you're having trouble with the elementary logic.
Take from REAL American's to POSSIBLY help Vets as you've suggested OR take from illegals to POSSIBLY help Vets as I've suggested....which seems more sensible to you?
Don't run away now...and be truthful.
Interestingly enough, we had a very active thread about a month ago where many of our Right wing posters declared that PTSD was a fake problem.

A fake problem / illness or an over-inflated problem perpetuated by attorneys?
Where there's cash there's chaos, lying and deceit.

How many do you estimate might be faking PTSD? I have a friend that knew a guy that faked back injuries when he got out and not only did he finally received SSDI he also was awarded 80% VA disability. The kid was 22.

I also had a guy 33 I sat with the first year of obamacare that had been out of the Navy around 6 months, pretty much overweight and bragged he was receiving something like 60% for sleep apnea. He had this shit eating grin on his face while telling me this. Wanted to reach over smack him. But don't you think a good percentage of actual combat vets may have PTSD?

But don't you think a good percentage of actual combat vets may have PTSD?

I have no idea what the percentages are but I'm concerned the can of worms has been opened.
You have to be "tuff-minded" if you're going to choose certain professions. How long before every doctor, officer, fireman and EMT require some sort of PTSD payment funded by taxpayers?

"tuff minded"?? WTF? So you think if our boys who went to serve were just tougher they wouldn't have any mental problems from combat??

And you know this how? You ever watch a buddy die screaming? I guess if you are tough enough that won't bother you. You ever watch children dying in a war zone? I guess being tough helps you forget that, huh?

Hey look...I don't deny that PTSD is a real issue...I simply question the number of cases which are valid. Only a naive, pussified idiot wouldn't.
I know this is a sensitive subject but let's not be scared to apply a little simple logic....Liberals, grab your straight jackets and roll up in the fetal position before reading any further.

OK READY! Here goes:

Doctors, officers, firemen and EMT's watch little children die tragically for decades. (not one tour)
How many PTSD claims have originated from those professions?

Can't dispute anything you said.
I am seeing posts about "Until our disabled veterans have the prosthetics they need, no money should be spent on sex change operations".

Don't we remember the "Until no veteran is homeless, no refugees should be brought here"?

Did the homeless veterans get anything? No.

I was born in 1960. I remember, as a child, hearing grownups talk about how terrible it was that the disabled veterans returning from Vietnam could not get the medical and psychological help they needed. That was 50 years ago. The simple truth is that disabled veterans have been being screwed for decades. The people in charge DO NOT CARE. The ONLY time they pay attention to disabled veterans is when they can parade them out to further some agenda.

And its funny that they can't find money for the brave men & women who BELIEVED our promises to take care of them. But we can find $1.6 billion for a wall that will not solve the illegal immigration problem. That is BILLION!

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"?

As long as VA benefits are treated as a "WE will pay for them if we have extra money", every single US citizen should be ASHAMED of how our disabled veterans are treated. And by the very entity that promised to take care of them.

The only thing more vile, disgusting, and horrendous than the way our disabled (and I am including homeless veterans here, because many, if not all, their mental issues stem from their service) are treated, it is parading them out to further an agenda.

And before anyone starts pointing fingers across the aisle (the typical "It is THEIR fault"), let me remind you that in MY LIFETIME, there have been 12 presidents (7 republican and 5 democrats) and not one of them fixed the problem. There have been 11 Speakers of the House in that same time span. And not one of them pushed thru a bill to take care of our disabled veterans.

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, the US gov't will not pay for a single weekend at Mar-Lo (or whatever it is called)?

How about "Until every disabled veteran gets what they need, no US Senator or member of the House of Representative will receive pay or benefits"

How about we stop importing filthy, third world future Democrats from the brown south by any means necessary? Stop the mass degradation of our nation and save $100 billion a year? Seems like the easier, right thing to do...no? .
We could take care of our vets and a lot of REAL American's with that kind of dough. Imagine all the Section 8 housing we could offer to homeless vets instead of the silver tooth anchors that Guadalupe and Manuel dropped. Whatta ya say?

Yet again, someone wants to blame their favorite fear.

Was there a big problem with illegal immigration back in the 1960s and 1970s? Is that why the vets then didn't get the care they needed?

If we stopped all the illegal immigration, do you really think anything would change for our disabled vets?

Haha...that's funny shit.
"Favorite fear"....scared of five foot tall, smelly little beaners?...NEGATIVE
You talk in circles...it's what all whack-jobs do. You claim to understand economics...clearly you do not.
You made the assertion that depriving REAL AMERICANS of their livelihoods would cause Vets to get what they deserve...that's a sensible "fix" in your head....yet you believe I'm an idiot for suggesting we cut our spending on illegals and divert funds to Vets....somehow that's not a sensible suggestion to you? Thanks for the fine display at just how twisted the Liberal mind really is.
Why are you so motivated to keep filthy thirdworlders here stealing from American's and degrading American society?

Once again, if we stopped all illegal immigration, do you think the VA would then be funded better and the care for our disabled vets would get better??

And no where did I make the assertion you claim I made (concerning depriving "real Americans" of their livelihoods).

I don't think it would make any difference one way or another, letting them cross the border or stopping them. The money to build the wall could go towards VA, but I don't believe even if they don't build the wall they would use that money for vets.

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