Update on US-Chinese trade war from a sane angle

News this morning is China wants to meet us half way ,,,,and also say they will retaliate if tariffs come into play in Sept
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.

Liberals don't understand the main reason for the tariffs was to slow down China's economy.....they are getting way too powerful and need taken down a peg. And its working companies are pulling out of China. The best bitch slap was Trump holding off until December giving companies a window of time to either prepare to pay more or ship out somewhere else.
China can destroy billions of dollars in US equities' values with a single statement. As long as this tariff/currency war continues we will have very high volatility.
In a $14T US economy China's influence is minimal. The US consumer rules the roost. Do you think Santa will not deliver this Xmas? The US economy is a juggernaut even if it slows to below 2% growth. We're at full employment, the Fed is lowering rates, sure we have volatility, but most investors ignore volatility and focus on the long term growth. We're in the longest expansion in history, so a short recession isn't a bad thing, look at the dip the Fed caused last December, no big deal.

Some investors thrive on volatility
can you tell me where you got that? you seem to have picked up one thing and hauled ass to an extreme yourself. in your rush to sell me what trump is doing you're doing the usual miscatagorization of what i have said.

i don't play that game. all i asked was how you can "refuse to support china" and not buy anything from them in the process. you ran to whatever the fuck this is.

Again, you don't understand at all...so, China is a horrible place and the "it'll change once we give them the opportunity to trade" has not worked....so, we don't want it to be POWERFUL...China has become powerful by extreme trade imbalance, right?

Where would China be, if it would loose a big portion of the trade it had until now?It'll fall back into a slow paced backwater and that would be fine...no one wants to push them to the brink cause no one wants to find out what happens, if you try to turn it into North Korea II, OK?

Again...BALANCE...just in case you've missed it: that's why president Trump negotiates with NK...boy oh boy....it's called diplomacy and geopolitical strategy, but I guess that's way over your head...
i don't understand what you're TRYING to get at other than defending trump and bag on the chinese.

later, dude.
Short term is 100 years to the Chinese,,,Trump will really have to make a deal with them Don't know if he can
I doubt that Trump's goal is a short term relief...I think this will be a permanent shift in trade relations...as long as the nationalistic renaissance keeps its momentum, we will see US politics shift from traitor based politics to sane, patriotic one.

Trump already achieved a general shift in the GOP from a party that was more interested in back stabbing each other to a party which embraces the new found patriotism.
The democrats have gone barking mad off the rails and are bound for a shipwreck in 2020, so that will propably tear them apart and rightfully so...if everything ticks along as it does right now, I predict a Republican for the next 12 years...plenty of time to get things re-aligned for a permanent shift away.
News this morning is China wants to meet us half way ,,,,and also say they will retaliate if tariffs come into play in Sept
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.
How much pain are you willing to take? China will take more Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

forgot the link, sorry
EU-China Summit: Rebalancing the strategic partnership - Mobility and Transport - European Commission
News this morning is China wants to meet us half way ,,,,and also say they will retaliate if tariffs come into play in Sept
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.
How much pain are you willing to take? China will take more Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

Germany's economy is in a free fall....the EU will follow suit
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

EU considering taking China to WTO over IP practices

That is the only thing, I could find and it doesn't look like the EU and China like each other on that topic very much...anyways, the EU is in deep shit cause they are starting to see the effect on their countries, they thought they could ignore...probably too late for them but certainly nothing where one could say that the EU manouvered the US into a dead corner...not true at all...it is as it always has been: the US and her consumer are the gold standard of the world while the EU consumer is running out of money fast
News this morning is China wants to meet us half way ,,,,and also say they will retaliate if tariffs come into play in Sept
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.
How much pain are you willing to take? China will take more Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

Germany's economy is in a free fall....the EU will follow suit
If our consumers stop we'll be in trouble too
News this morning is China wants to meet us half way ,,,,and also say they will retaliate if tariffs come into play in Sept
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.
How much pain are you willing to take? China will take more Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

Germany's economy is in a free fall....the EU will follow suit
If our consumers stop we'll be in trouble too

Retail bullish in July...DOW responds in kind
Usually, a normal president creates a coalition with our friends to fight bad economic practices from adversarial countries.

But after what Trump has done, a coalition of the United States, Russia, and North Korea would just make people laugh.
News this morning is China wants to meet us half way ,,,,and also say they will retaliate if tariffs come into play in Sept
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.
How much pain are you willing to take? China will take more Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

Germany's economy is in a free fall....the EU will follow suit
If our consumers stop we'll be in trouble too
All a recession means to Trump's china trade war is ….. we lose, because Tariffs only work if consumers buy more expensive products
If our consumers stop we'll be in trouble too
Germany's economy is NOT relying on the German consumer...it relies on the American consumer! Germans don't have money anymore...it's so bad now, they even take child tax benefits into mortgage calculations....let that sink in...

You have to understand just how unique the American consumer is...you guys buy shit till the cows come home and regard anything less than what would be considered upper class lifestyle as impossible
Usually, a normal president creates a coalition with our friends to fight bad economic practices from adversarial countries.

But after what Trump has done, a coalition of the United States, Russia, and North Korea would just make people laugh.

do you even know, who the enemies of the US are? obviously not!
Meet halfway means whatever China says.
I'm 100% for Trump, Navarro, and Lighthizer requiring a fair trade deal, even if China kicks and screams.
China has had its way for way too long.
Even Nancy & Chuck want Trump to bring China to heel.
How much pain are you willing to take? China will take more Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood
Trump cannot win in 20, if he loses any farm state. But … while Trump was building his wall and sending billions in welfare to farmers …. Jina and the EU cut their deal on IP, and froze out the US. Maybe Trump telling the EU to go fuck itself was not one of the best negotiating strategies.

Germany's economy is in a free fall....the EU will follow suit
If our consumers stop we'll be in trouble too

Retail bullish in July...DOW responds in kind
Down 800 yesterday up 119 now
Usually, a normal president creates a coalition with our friends to fight bad economic practices from adversarial countries.

But after what Trump has done, a coalition of the United States, Russia, and North Korea would just make people laugh.
Not funny, but unfortunately Trump seems more ideologically aligned with them than our traditional allies
Usually, a normal president creates a coalition with our friends to fight bad economic practices from adversarial countries.

But after what Trump has done, a coalition of the United States, Russia, and North Korea would just make people laugh.

do you even know, who the enemies of the US are? obviously not!
Trump should have gotten the EC Italy GB and France together and THEN approach China But that door has closed due to our let's make a deal president bullying

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