Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

San Francisco and Denver are sanctuary cities. What is ironic about Liberal progressive establishments in both cities? The HUGE rise in the standard of living caused by the influx of wealthy well educated liberals. They drive up the cost of living, pricing people out of housing markets.Liberal whites cluster into an area, create these little islands that exclude poor and middle class. Which is weird, because Liberals present themselves as defenders of the poor, and help "immigrants and refugees", these cities push out middle and lower class families who are in turn forced to flee as economic refugees. In Denver, the huge numbers of homeless people are disturbing. But we need to...help poor people people from Mexico because they are "refugees"? The disconnect with liberals is mind boggling.

Liberals do that in every area of life they get involved in. They build conclaves in companies, media and education, then organize like a virus to collectively keep anyone else out who is not part of the "team." They just don't hold up well if forced to compete or even explain themselves. That is why when confronted, they can never give a clear, logical explanation for what they do and believe, and they immediately fall back on ad hominem attacks. Look at all the posters here who don't like Trump---- what do they hold against him? He is fat, orange, senile and treasonous, but asked to show evidence of any of those things, they cannot. The best thing that can be said about the Left is that they consistently say one thing then do the very opposite themselves------ and will never see it at least admit to it. Worse, you can always tell what they are up to, because they will attack YOU for it. A case of: Thou Doth Protest Too Much!

Bad wiring in the head.
San Francisco and Denver are sanctuary cities. What is ironic about Liberal progressive establishments in both cities? The HUGE rise in the standard of living caused by the influx of wealthy well educated liberals. They drive up the cost of living, pricing people out of housing markets.Liberal whites cluster into an area, create these little islands that exclude poor and middle class. Which is weird, because Liberals present themselves as defenders of the poor, and help "immigrants and refugees", these cities push out middle and lower class families who are in turn forced to flee as economic refugees. In Denver, the huge numbers of homeless people are disturbing. But we need to...help poor people people from Mexico because they are "refugees"? The disconnect with liberals is mind boggling.

Liberals do that in every area of life they get involved in. They build conclaves in companies, media and education, then organize like a virus to collectively keep anyone else out who is not part of the "team." They just don't hold up well if forced to compete or even explain themselves. That is why when confronted, they can never give a clear, logical explanation for what they do and believe, and they immediately fall back on ad hominem attacks. Look at all the posters here who don't like Trump---- what do they hold against him? He is fat, orange, senile and treasonous, but asked to show evidence of any of those things, they cannot. The best thing that can be said about the Left is that they consistently say one thing then do the very opposite themselves------ and will never see it at least admit to it. Worse, you can always tell what they are up to, because they will attack you for it. A case of: Thou Doth Protest To Much!

Bad wiring.
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn from mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.
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I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Great, now see if you can find 3 million illegals who voted in 2016. Trump appreciates your sycophancy.

No way I can "see." No way you can know not either. Time will tell once Trump gets his voter roll database. I'm guessing a lot more than you think. And the database is one thing, but how many people use it more than once or in multiple locations, we might never know.
Trump's not getting that database. The states don't trust him.

And yes, I do have an idea of how extensive voter fraud is. Four states, accounting for more than 1/5th of the nation's total votes, conducted their own investigations. What they found was the occurance of voter fraud ranged from .00003 and .000005. Out of 29 million votes, they found just 324 [possible] cases.

Just the Facts on Fraud
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
That's true. Nothing is more enlightening than seeing the underbelly of American culture, the modern day "okies' living in poverty, and seeing people huddling in crude shelters and just down the street, with multi million dollar empty condominiums, and the builders want bail outs and tax help. And no doubt these condos were built by illegal alien construction workers working for construction companies fueled by realtors, and all that FUELED by Denver being a sanctuary city...It's like the grapes of wrath here, it a viscous cycle. It all started with the election of Fredrico Pena in the early 1980's

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.

OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school…

RODRIGUEZ: Your entire community.

OBAMA: … who may not have a voice. Who can’t legally vote. But they’re counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.

Not meaning to jump in on this private, non-substantive discussion, but a few points:

A). Illegals are given every encouragement and opportunity to take full advantage of our system. If 75% of them are foolish enough not to take the Democrats, Jerry Brown, et al, up on their offers, help and assitance, that makes them very foolish. After all, that is the basic reason why they are here for in the first place---- opportunity. And if that is the case, that potentially leaves up to 5 million illegals casting votes for those that promise the goods! The only way to know is for a comprehensive shakedown of the voter roles.

B). Why would anyone be fearful of voting, unless they shouldn't be voting in the first place, maybe living here in violation of the law.

C). Mr. Obama, voting does not make you a citizen, and why would having an undocumented family member with you be a reason to vote, unless you were only voting to support democrats who want to make this a borderless country?

D). Every case of voter intimidation I have ever seen or heard of was perpetrated by the DNC or those acting on their behalf. Right off the top of my head: The Black Panthers. Another? How about Lois Lerner and how she blocked a bunch of organizations from forming, preventing all of them from getting out the message to vote Romney. How many thousands of votes were lost because of that?

E). Who is discouraging anyone from voting? Enforcement of federal laws? Voter ID laws that if invoked, might screen out many illegal voters?

F). "OBAMA: … who may not have a voice. Who can’t legally vote. But they’re counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard." Everyone should have a voice? Illegal or otherwise? Citizen or not? Then what is all of this wrangling about concerns the Russians influenced our election? All they were trying to do is have THEIR voice heard in our election! The whole world should have a say in our votes!

And saying a person can't legally vote implies the ability to vote ILLEGALLY. Courage or not, how does the ex-president intend for people to have the "courage" to vote, to make your voice heard, when all you have to do is walk into your voting location?! That is unless you don't have the courage to be a legal citizen.

YOU SEE, the great untold truth about illegals is the Democrats WANT them to stay illegal, because then they know they will vote democrat, but once a foreigner becomes a legal citizen, has a real part and investment (stockholder, if you will) in this country, a lot of times they start to see things DIFFERENTLY! They want to protect the country and what they fought to earn, and a lot of them start voting REPUBLICAN.

Please return now to your previously scheduled pointless bickering and squabbling.
Great, now see if you can find 3 million illegals who voted in 2016. Trump appreciates your sycophancy.

Over 3 million followed the snake, Obama's, instructions and voted.

True story.
38th time ...Obama said [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Lies? Such as?

Can't wait til the Dems get control like under LBJ again. Obama had 3 weeks in the middle of another GOP meltdown yet we got the biggest social reform in 50 years...instead we've had 35 years of New BS GOP giveaway to the rich, ruin of the rest, and nonstop disasters when they're in control. They love gov't paralysis, since all the votes they care about is low taxes on the rich. They never need 60 votes because they never do anything.
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
That's true. Nothing is more enlightening than seeing the underbelly of American culture, the modern day "okies' living in poverty, and seeing people huddling in crude shelters and just down the street, with multi million dollar empty condominiums, and the builders want bail outs and tax help. And no doubt these condos were built by illegal alien construction workers working for construction companies fueled by realtors, and all that FUELED by Denver being a sanctuary city...It's like the grapes of wrath here, it a viscous cycle. It all started with the election of Fredrico Pena in the early 1980's
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Blame illegals? Pass the 2010 Dem Bill with a good unfakable SS ID card and END this bs GOP charade forever, dupe.
Your ignorance is well documented.

This one of the top ten dumbest post that idiots like you keep posting.

She nailed you, huh?

I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
Your ignorance is well documented.

This one of the top ten dumbest post that idiots like you keep posting.

She nailed you, huh?

I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

She nailed you, huh?

I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
She nailed you, huh?

I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed, you try to change your argument.


Ignored and riddled with dodges to allow illegals to vote.

I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Lies? Such as?

Can't wait til the Dems get control like under LBJ again. Obama had 3 weeks in the middle of another GOP meltdown yet we got the biggest social reform in 50 years...instead we've had 35 years of New BS GOP giveaway to the rich, ruin of the rest, and nonstop disasters when they're in control. They love gov't paralysis, since all the votes they care about is low taxes on the rich. They never need 60 votes because they never do anything.
Man, you are missing the forest for the trees. Almost any liberal governed city I know of is uber Rich whites with progressive white democrats or uber poor blacks with rich black liberal democrat leaders. I want a moderate responsible government that REPRESENTS all of us, regardless of income, race, education and is concerned with laws and maintains national integrity. As a American citizen and constituent. I want to be listened to, not mocked and minimized.
She nailed you, huh?

I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
She nailed you, huh?

I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Lies? Such as?

Can't wait til the Dems get control like under LBJ again. Obama had 3 weeks in the middle of another GOP meltdown yet we got the biggest social reform in 50 years...instead we've had 35 years of New BS GOP giveaway to the rich, ruin of the rest, and nonstop disasters when they're in control. They love gov't paralysis, since all the votes they care about is low taxes on the rich. They never need 60 votes because they never do anything.
Man, you are missing the forest for the trees. Almost any liberal governed city I know of is uber Rich whites with progressive white democrats or uber poor blacks with rich black liberal democrat leaders. I want a moderate responsible government that REPRESENTS all of us, regardless of income, race, education and is concerned with laws and maintains national integrity. As a American citizen and constituent. I want to be listened to, not mocked and minimized.
Then vote Dem and stop parroting BS. Or keep voting GOP and for low taxes on the rich and service cuts for yourself. Spare me the dumbass character assassination and consider POLICY.
I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed, you try to change your argument.


Ignored and riddled with dodges to allow illegals to vote.

None that you can find.

Motor voter is a computerized system which filters out AB-60 licenses so that they're not even registered to vote with the Secretary of State.

For those registering online or in person, the ID they provide is also electronically validated; such as social security numbers which are validated with the Social Security Administration.

And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive

And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
Um, er, what? I am just asking you to be more respectful . Is that a threat to you? Sig lines are like bumper stickers, I don't read them, they are meaningless twaddle. What do YOU know of this issue? What's your dog in this fight?
I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
I just blasted her stupidity. And she nailed me?


And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.

And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive

And that's why you slithered back to deny it.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
Um, er, what? I am just asking you to be more respectful . Is that a threat to you? Sig lines are like bumper stickers, I don't read them, they are meaningless twaddle. What do YOU know of this issue? What's your dog in this fight?
Yup, facts are meaningless twaddle. Only bs/hate from bought off RW talking heads matters, dupe. My dog is the US Justice System, which has found NOTHING like YOUR actual twaddle. Your RW lies/bs propaganda deserve no respect. This is a politics forum. RW politics/propaganda is pure twaddle. 30 years of it now. Separate it from the rest of your lovely personnage. My sig has more truth to it than all your RW BS garbage...
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).

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