Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of ireted people can be so naive as to belive
You remain as stupid as ever. She actually idiotically claimed California laws allow illegal aliens to vote.

They don't...

California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9

(d)(2) The license shall bear the following notice:  “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes.  This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle.  It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

She nailed no one but herself with that bit of idiocy.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
It's the GOP that allows illegals in- they love the cheap, easily bullied labor and distract the dupes with hate, stupid, useless walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. Pass an unfakable SS ID card and end it. And no, you can't throw out 10 million worthy illegals that the GOP basically invited in. Pew in 2007 said 94% of illegal males work, 67% pay taxes, 35% own homes. You fools think they're all on welfare and voting. Brainwashed functional IDIOTS.
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Lies? Such as?

Can't wait til the Dems get control like under LBJ again. Obama had 3 weeks in the middle of another GOP meltdown yet we got the biggest social reform in 50 years...instead we've had 35 years of New BS GOP giveaway to the rich, ruin of the rest, and nonstop disasters when they're in control. They love gov't paralysis, since all the votes they care about is low taxes on the rich. They never need 60 votes because they never do anything.
Man, you are missing the forest for the trees. Almost any liberal governed city I know of is uber Rich whites with progressive white democrats or uber poor blacks with rich black liberal democrat leaders. I want a moderate responsible government that REPRESENTS all of us, regardless of income, race, education and is concerned with laws and maintains national integrity. As a American citizen and constituent. I want to be listened to, not mocked and minimized.
Then vote Dem and stop parroting BS. Or keep voting GOP and for low taxes on the rich and service cuts for yourself. Spare me the dumbass character assassination and consider POLICY.

Vote for what, you dunce???

Didn't you get the memo?


"Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus
"When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don't blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself," Schumer, the top ranking Democrat in the Senate, told The Washington Post over the weekend. "So what did we do wrong? People didn't know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that."
Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus - CNNPolitics.com

Change....outright reversal of misguided, anti-American policies, must be jettisoned.
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
Um, er, what? I am just asking you to be more respectful . Is that a threat to you? Sig lines are like bumper stickers, I don't read them, they are meaningless twaddle. What do YOU know of this issue? What's your dog in this fight?
Yup, facts are meaningless twaddle. Only bs/hate from bought off RW talking heads matters, dupe. My dog is the US Justice System, which has found NOTHING like YOUR actual twaddle. Your RW lies/bs propaganda deserve no respect. This is a politics forum. RW politics/propaganda is pure twaddle. 30 years of it now. Separate it from the rest of your lovely personnage. My sig has more truth to it than all your RW BS garbage...
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
Um, er, what? I am just asking you to be more respectful . Is that a threat to you? Sig lines are like bumper stickers, I don't read them, they are meaningless twaddle. What do YOU know of this issue? What's your dog in this fight?
Yup, facts are meaningless twaddle. Only bs/hate from bought off RW talking heads matters, dupe. My dog is the US Justice System, which has found NOTHING like YOUR actual twaddle. Your RW lies/bs propaganda deserve no respect. This is a politics forum. RW politics/propaganda is pure twaddle. 30 years of it now. Separate it from the rest of your lovely personnage. My sig has more truth to it than all your RW BS garbage...
Oddly enough, I was a juror in a case that ended up deporting someone after they committed felony, We need to address the issue, not continually kick it down the road. Rich white entitled people of either political affiliation are kicking the can down the road. What is wrong with enforcing Immigration laws? Given the egregious violations and numbers, and given the number of poor disposed Americans what is the problem with focusing on our OWN poor?
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?
Please, if San Francisco, a santuary city, is willing to defy Federal immigration law(s), what's going to stop them from ignoring Vehicle Code - VEH § 12801.9? Please, like this argument ends the debate. I am from Denver, Colorado. And it's a legitimate concern that government representatives seem willing to ignore laws and the wishes of their constituents in order to pander to "immigration" activist groups. YUP.
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
It's the GOP that allows illegals in- they love the cheap, easily bullied labor and distract the dupes with hate, stupid, useless walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. Pass an unfakable SS ID card and end it. And no, you can't throw out 10 million worthy illegals that the GOP basically invited in. Pew in 2007 said 94% of illegal males work, 67% pay taxes, 35% own homes. You fools think they're all on welfare and voting. Brainwashed functional IDIOTS.

1. "It's the GOP that allows illegals in-"

Case closed: you're a lying low-life

2. "Pew in 2007 said 94% of illegal males work, 67% pay taxes, 35% own homes."
a. “In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

b. ... the facts aren't your friend...

“The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy

[So much for that fable.]

15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
Um, er, what? I am just asking you to be more respectful . Is that a threat to you? Sig lines are like bumper stickers, I don't read them, they are meaningless twaddle. What do YOU know of this issue? What's your dog in this fight?
Yup, facts are meaningless twaddle. Only bs/hate from bought off RW talking heads matters, dupe. My dog is the US Justice System, which has found NOTHING like YOUR actual twaddle. Your RW lies/bs propaganda deserve no respect. This is a politics forum. RW politics/propaganda is pure twaddle. 30 years of it now. Separate it from the rest of your lovely personnage. My sig has more truth to it than all your RW BS garbage...
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Intolerant of stupid fake news/ hate that makes you a dupe of the greedy a-hole megarich? Yes we are. I'm sure you're a lovely lady otherwise. See sig last line.
Um, er, what? I am just asking you to be more respectful . Is that a threat to you? Sig lines are like bumper stickers, I don't read them, they are meaningless twaddle. What do YOU know of this issue? What's your dog in this fight?
Yup, facts are meaningless twaddle. Only bs/hate from bought off RW talking heads matters, dupe. My dog is the US Justice System, which has found NOTHING like YOUR actual twaddle. Your RW lies/bs propaganda deserve no respect. This is a politics forum. RW politics/propaganda is pure twaddle. 30 years of it now. Separate it from the rest of your lovely personnage. My sig has more truth to it than all your RW BS garbage...
Oddly enough, I was a juror in a case that ended up deporting someone after they committed felony, We need to address the issue, not continually kick it down the road. Rich white entitled people of either political affiliation are kicking the can down the road. What is wrong with enforcing Immigration laws? Given the egregious violations and numbers, and given the number of poor disposed Americans what is the problem with focusing on our OWN poor?

"What is wrong with enforcing Immigration laws?"

Well....then how could Obama have told the illegals to go out and vote, silly???????
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?

"Why the hate?"

'Cause they're Liberals....and their lies are being exposed!
You're beyond stupid. Your claim wasn't that the laws are being ignored, it was that laws were written to allow illegals to vote.

With your idiocy exposed by the actual law (as opposed to your hallucinations), you try to change your argument.

My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?
We see things differently??

The law is clear as day. What you claimed is factually wrong. That's not a difference of opinion -- it's you lying. It could have been a simple mistake on your part; but with you refusing to own up to it, it's quite clearly a lie.
My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?
We see things differently??

The law is clear as day. What you claimed is factually wrong. That's not a difference of opinion -- it's you lying. It could have been a simple mistake on your part; but with you refusing to own up to it, it's quite clearly a lie.

The law has nothing to do with it....

Illegal aliens broke the law invading the country
Obama told 'em never mind the law
So.....they broke the law again to vote.

BTW.....how many illegal aliens are in the country?
My question to you is: Wen did you become such an intolerant jerk? A little respect goes a long way. Curb you dogs.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?

"Why the hate?"

'Cause they're Liberals....and their lies are being exposed!
Well,I still want to know. I reminds me of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the more you look at what they accomplish, the less you see the benefit from liberalism. I see massive unemployment and people being disposed in areas that they that lived a lifetime, and the huge influx of cheap laborers taking their place. And we notice alright.But we aren't supposed to notice, because its ...why?
Last edited:
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?

"Why the hate?"

'Cause they're Liberals....and their lies are being exposed!
Well,I still want to know. I reminds me of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the more you look at what they accomplish, the less you see the benefit from liberalism. I see massive unemployment and people leaving that lived there a lifetime, and the huge influx of cheap laborers taking their place. And we notice alright.

They made huge and dramatic mistakes:
a. The stopped being pro-America
b. They abandoned the white working class

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

And this...
"But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

The dunce, blanko hasn't received his marching orders yet....he'll get 'em, and fall right in line with the 'new' Democrat Party.
Wait and see.
Statutory laws and immigration laws, there is a huge grey area there. I doubt most of us know the difference. I don't, I have had this explained this to me by a lawyer. I still see the egregious numbers of illegal growing and we can't stop it.But what is more egregious is our legislators that are supposed to represent Americans but put illegal aliens first . Please, don't tell me about humanitarianism either, we are sacrificing our own poor to help the poor of other countries because they work "cheaper". Money talks, voters walk.
I used to be a liberal. I make a lot of mistakes, we all do. We all learn form mistakes.But modern liberalism? They are so deep into defensiveness and denial, and liberals love to repeat the same old mistakes expecting a different result. There's a name for that.

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Lies? Such as?

Can't wait til the Dems get control like under LBJ again. Obama had 3 weeks in the middle of another GOP meltdown yet we got the biggest social reform in 50 years...instead we've had 35 years of New BS GOP giveaway to the rich, ruin of the rest, and nonstop disasters when they're in control. They love gov't paralysis, since all the votes they care about is low taxes on the rich. They never need 60 votes because they never do anything.
Man, you are missing the forest for the trees. Almost any liberal governed city I know of is uber Rich whites with progressive white democrats or uber poor blacks with rich black liberal democrat leaders. I want a moderate responsible government that REPRESENTS all of us, regardless of income, race, education and is concerned with laws and maintains national integrity. As a American citizen and constituent. I want to be listened to, not mocked and minimized.
Then vote Dem and stop parroting BS. Or keep voting GOP and for low taxes on the rich and service cuts for yourself. Spare me the dumbass character assassination and consider POLICY.

Vote for what, you dunce???

Didn't you get the memo?


"Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus
"When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don't blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself," Schumer, the top ranking Democrat in the Senate, told The Washington Post over the weekend. "So what did we do wrong? People didn't know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that."
Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus - CNNPolitics.com

Change....outright reversal of misguided, anti-American policies, must be jettisoned.
There is no change in what Dems want, dupe. Very exciting infotainment for GOP chumps. Yes, Hillary was not a policy campaigner like Bernie- No one expected the Comey Inquisition...
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?

"Why the hate?"

'Cause they're Liberals....and their lies are being exposed!
Well,I still want to know. I reminds me of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the more you look at what they accomplish, the less you see the benefit from liberalism. I see massive unemployment and people leaving that lived there a lifetime, and the huge influx of cheap laborers taking their place. And we notice alright.

They made huge and dramatic mistakes:
a. The stopped being pro-America
b. They abandoned the white working class

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

And this...
"But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

The dunce, blanko hasn't received his marching orders yet....he'll get 'em, and fall right in line with the 'new' Democrat Party.
Wait and see.
BS, dupissima. Dem policy desires haven't changed in years, and is always pro ALL classes and pro-American DUUH, dupe. Keep voting for lies, hate, and the greedy idiot rich, fools.
Statutory laws and immigration laws, there is a huge grey area there. I doubt most of us know the difference. I don't, I have had this explained this to me by a lawyer. I still see the egregious numbers of illegal growing and we can't stop it.But what is more egregious is our legislators that are supposed to represent Americans but put illegal aliens first . Please, don't tell me about humanitarianism either, we are sacrificing our own poor to help the poor of other countries because they work "cheaper". Money talks, voters walk.
Pass an unfakable SS ID card and END it, dupe.
Too bad. I have no respect for folks like you who post bullshit. Even less respect for folks like you who refuse to own the bullshit they post when confronted with reality, like you just did.

You falsely claimed California laws were crafted to allow illegal aliens to vote. When you were shown what the law actually says, did you own up to your ludicrousness? No. You shifted your argument because you have no character to simply admit when you're wrong.

Who can respect that??

Stop bullshitting if you want respect.
Please.I like that, is that reverse psychology? A nasty prick mocks respect. Remind me, Why are you defending illegal aliens? Or are you just being a childish asshole pretending your opinion holds more weight than anyone else? Never mind, I answered my own question.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?

"Why the hate?"

'Cause they're Liberals....and their lies are being exposed!
Well,I still want to know. I reminds me of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the more you look at what they accomplish, the less you see the benefit from liberalism. I see massive unemployment and people being disposed in areas that they that lived a lifetime, and the huge influx of cheap laborers taking their place. And we notice alright.But we aren't supposed to notice, because its ...why?
That's the pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP tax rates and policies of the last 35 years, duh. And no unfakable SS ID card. Dems got ACA in the last 49 years.
I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone around here is! Big City Blah Blah you know. But at some point you see all of the stark lies, contradictions and failures, all of the infantile bullshit and hypocrisy; the best conservatives come from former liberals. There is no better way to understand the failings of liberalism than to have once been one and seen it from the inside out.
Lies? Such as?

Can't wait til the Dems get control like under LBJ again. Obama had 3 weeks in the middle of another GOP meltdown yet we got the biggest social reform in 50 years...instead we've had 35 years of New BS GOP giveaway to the rich, ruin of the rest, and nonstop disasters when they're in control. They love gov't paralysis, since all the votes they care about is low taxes on the rich. They never need 60 votes because they never do anything.
Man, you are missing the forest for the trees. Almost any liberal governed city I know of is uber Rich whites with progressive white democrats or uber poor blacks with rich black liberal democrat leaders. I want a moderate responsible government that REPRESENTS all of us, regardless of income, race, education and is concerned with laws and maintains national integrity. As a American citizen and constituent. I want to be listened to, not mocked and minimized.
Then vote Dem and stop parroting BS. Or keep voting GOP and for low taxes on the rich and service cuts for yourself. Spare me the dumbass character assassination and consider POLICY.

Vote for what, you dunce???

Didn't you get the memo?


"Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus
"When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don't blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself," Schumer, the top ranking Democrat in the Senate, told The Washington Post over the weekend. "So what did we do wrong? People didn't know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that."
Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus - CNNPolitics.com

Change....outright reversal of misguided, anti-American policies, must be jettisoned.
There is no change in what Dems want, dupe. Very exciting infotainment for GOP chumps. Yes, Hillary was not a policy campaigner like Bernie- No one expected the Comey Inquisition...

So, this is your heart-throb????

"While discussing a potential 2020 Sanders’ White House bid, WMAL radio host Chris Plante told the following story about the Senator’s newspaper snatching habits:

“Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane when they are in Washington DC, live in this house on Capitol Hill, ok? Part of their vast real estate empire. They’re like wannabe Trumps with all their real estate holdings.

The next-door neighbor, their neighbor on Capitol Hill, called the Washington Post and told the Washington Post that they were canceling their Washington Post subscription because their very expensive Sunday Post stopped showing up. Not there this week, last week, the week before, then it was there one week, but the week before it wasn’t delivered, so I’m canceling my subscription to the Post because your delivery person never gets to me. I’m paying for it but it never gets to me.

The Washington Post said, “Please, do not cancel your subscription to the Washington Post. We will investigate with the delivery person and we will get back to you.”

And The Post did investigate and claimed that the delivery person said that a man came out and grabbed the paper every Sunday morning, almost immediately upon delivery.

The neighbor objected to the claim at which point the paper’s representative mentioned that they even had a description of the man.

“You are an older man with gray hair, balding, and little round glasses…;” they reportedly told the man who responded, “I’m in my 50s, I’ve got a full head of dark hair. But, my neighbor is Bernie Sanders.”
Bernie Sanders Has Reportedly Been Stealing His Neighbor’s Newspaper

Another put it this way:

"Bernie Sanders’ Neighbors Get A Taste Of Socialist America"
FAGAN: Bernie Sanders' Neighbors Get A Taste Of Socialist America

This thread was about voter fraud. I feel like I am channeling gonzo Hunter Thomson .I go to the Denver DMV. And three Mexicans get to take the test under a sign clearly marked, in English, ONLY ONE PERSON PER LINE. So, it seems probable that California's law that forbids illegals from voting, might also get ignored.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, huh?

I'm neither mocking respect nor defending illegals.

I'm pointing out you're lying about California laws (that's not defending illegals) and that I have no respect for liars (that's not mocking respect).
This isn't the flame board, brother. Please, lay off the hateful stuff. We all see things differently, I get that. Why the hate?

"Why the hate?"

'Cause they're Liberals....and their lies are being exposed!
Well,I still want to know. I reminds me of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the more you look at what they accomplish, the less you see the benefit from liberalism. I see massive unemployment and people leaving that lived there a lifetime, and the huge influx of cheap laborers taking their place. And we notice alright.

They made huge and dramatic mistakes:
a. The stopped being pro-America
b. They abandoned the white working class

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

And this...
"But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

The dunce, blanko hasn't received his marching orders yet....he'll get 'em, and fall right in line with the 'new' Democrat Party.
Wait and see.
BS, dupissima. Dem policy desires haven't changed in years, and is always pro ALL classes and pro-American DUUH, dupe. Keep voting for lies, hate, and the greedy idiot rich, fools.

You're just a fool that they tell what to think.

The Party was thrashed due to Identity Politics.

They know it.....you know less than nothing.

But.....when they put the new plan in your empty head, you'll jump to whatever music they play.

Statutory laws and immigration laws, there is a huge grey area there. I doubt most of us know the difference. I don't, I have had this explained this to me by a lawyer. I still see the egregious numbers of illegal growing and we can't stop it.But what is more egregious is our legislators that are supposed to represent Americans but put illegal aliens first . Please, don't tell me about humanitarianism either, we are sacrificing our own poor to help the poor of other countries because they work "cheaper". Money talks, voters walk.
Pass an unfakable SS ID card and END it, dupe.

Are you so stupid that you don't know you just admitted what we've been saying, that the Democrats allow the fake documents exactly so the illegals can get benefits, and can vote.

Yes, you are.

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