Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

What high integrity are you talking about? You are supporting CAIRCO

Moron. Do you know who you are even talking to? I never brought them up! I don't even know who they are and only heard of them earlier today reading this thread.

ask you a question. 75 percent of illegals have fake SS and green card. Where is your proof? Or you pulled that from your ass? Answer my question.

Dear assface, I never said 75% of illegals had fake ID. You have the wrong person again. How would anyone know that for certain anyway? But there IS a big fake ID market and illegals are one of the prime consumers of them. Just check the FBI stats on percentages found on illegals arrested.

you have questions about snopes integrity---- post it.

I guess you don't know that Snopes is under a lot of heat and has had funding cut because of their moving into the political arena promoting agendas? Do you really think that everyone there are men of virtue who never for the slightest moment let their personal views influence their reports! Well, I gave you a shot at a reasonable conversation trying to meet you half way on some points but I see now I'd have better luck trying to reason with Maxine Waters. You only have one channel on your TV set.
To a liberal, crime and law are all relative....

Why won't Trump release his taxes, and why did Trump warn Mueller not to look into his family finances?
Where there's smoke, there's a ton of mafia and Russian money behind Trump projects.

As Tom Cruise said in Jerry Mcguire, 'launder me the money'
As with any crime, the elements boil down to motive, means and opportunity.

Democrats have the motive....votes by illegals.
Democrats have the means...the motor voter bill and the DMV
Democrats have the opportunity....such as this:
"Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

“It has come to our attention that when offering voter registration opportunities to customers, DMV’s employees offer voter registration materials to DMV customers whom they know to be non-citizens based upon their presentation of a Green Card for identification purposes,” Cegavske wrote."

“More specifically, it is our understanding that some DMV employees have been instructed to accept registration materials from all customers, including those who present a Green Card for identification purposes…"
Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

The bottom line: Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.

Did you read your link?
This just shows how disgusting human being you are. You purposely remove Albertson blasting Cegavske stupidity.

Daily Caller: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?
Do you honestly believe that the federal government allow that kind of fraud inside the DMV?

Right on! Our government who gives guns to criminal factions in other countries and topples leaders, invades countries and assassinates people it doesn't like, and whose president overtly LIES to the nation telling them they can keep their doctor and will save $2500 a year when he KNEW that was a total lie, would NEVER allow fraud in the DMV! What an outrageous assertion!

CAN YOU IMAGINE if Donald went out and made such totally fictitious claims that were later not only found out totally wrong, but that he had KNOWINGLY made them as total lies, CAN YOU IMAGINE the outrage on this board, on in the media on CNN, MSNBC and the MSM???? Can you imagine how Maxine would rail about it??? But what did they all have to say when Obama ACTUALLY DID THAT?

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What the Left ALWAYS has to say when they are caught in a lie. One of the ways we know THEY KNOW they are full of bull.

I just wish the GOP would occasionally show a little of the same moxie. Not folding like a deck of cards the way Sessions did.

DO YOU KNOW that just yesterday when a senate hearing on Russia and Trump turned to some of the GOP calling for an expansion of the probe to include ALL suspicious Russian activity, including Hillary's "Foundation," her Uranium deal, and getting HUGE payments for speeches, that the Democrats immediately stood up and ENDED THE HEARING?!

Spare me your bullshit. If you want to bring all of that then open another thread.
Dude you are deflecting big time. We are talking about Illegal alien votes. Stay with the topics junior.
Try again.
Just how stupid would you have to be to go to a polling place with fake ID looking maybe like a Mexican, maybe not having good English, to vote maybe not even who running or how to vote, if you can find a dozen who did I would believe you that maybe there's more but never a million, not even 500 thousand

Just how stupid do you have to be, to be a republican poll watcher, who sees somebody using a fake ID, and not say anything.

Of those thousands and thousands republican poll watchers and workers NONE ZERO has come forward of any irregularities. Except these snowflakes.


So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.

Let's confront and eradicate the greatest of the lies that Democrats/Liberals are (in)famous for.....conflating legal immigration with the sort that you Leftists both advance and attempt to hide.

My sort came here legally, obeying all of the protocols.

The sort you are attempting to camouflage in this thread are invaders.

As with any crime, the elements boil down to motive, means and opportunity.

Democrats have the motive....votes by illegals.
Democrats have the means...the motor voter bill and the DMV
Democrats have the opportunity....such as this:
"Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

“It has come to our attention that when offering voter registration opportunities to customers, DMV’s employees offer voter registration materials to DMV customers whom they know to be non-citizens based upon their presentation of a Green Card for identification purposes,” Cegavske wrote."

“More specifically, it is our understanding that some DMV employees have been instructed to accept registration materials from all customers, including those who present a Green Card for identification purposes…"
Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

The bottom line: Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.

Scum like you attempt to slander all who oppose you.
As the axiom goes, To see what the Left is doing, note what they claim about the other side.

So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?
The GOP, who refuse an unfakable SS ID card that would end this.
Democrats are criminals
Your candidate was a career criminal
Illegal aliens are criminals
A President who tells illegals to vote is a criminal
Illegals who voted are criminals.
Birds of a feather......

To a liberal, crime and law are all relative, fleeting and subject to interpretation. The Left thinks they are the champions of justice and sometimes things are just not just, and that is their rationale for Sanctuary Cities. They tell themselves they are doing it for the poor defenseless illegal being crushed under the wheels of inequity all the while they really know down deep behind closed doors they do it to boost their potential voters. Their ends always justify their means. Kinda like ISIS.

"To a liberal, crime and law are all relative,..."

Just look at who they chose as their presidential candidate.

So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?
The GOP, who refuse an unfakable SS ID card that would end this.

Link, or lie.
Democrats are criminals
Your candidate was a career criminal
Illegal aliens are criminals
A President who tells illegals to vote is a criminal
Illegals who voted are criminals.
Birds of a feather......

To a liberal, crime and law are all relative, fleeting and subject to interpretation. The Left thinks they are the champions of justice and sometimes things are just not just, and that is their rationale for Sanctuary Cities. They tell themselves they are doing it for the poor defenseless illegal being crushed under the wheels of inequity all the while they really know down deep behind closed doors they do it to boost their potential voters. Their ends always justify their means. Kinda like ISIS.

"To a liberal, crime and law are all relative,..."

Just look at who they chose as their presidential candidate.
You have no evidence of any crimes, superdupe. All investigated and nothing, conspiracy nutjob.
What high integrity are you talking about? You are supporting CAIRCO

Moron. Do you know who you are even talking to? I never brought them up! I don't even know who they are and only heard of them earlier today reading this thread.

ask you a question. 75 percent of illegals have fake SS and green card. Where is your proof? Or you pulled that from your ass? Answer my question.

Dear assface, I never said 75% of illegals had fake ID. You have the wrong person again. How would anyone know that for certain anyway? But there IS a big fake ID market and illegals are one of the prime consumers of them. Just check the FBI stats on percentages found on illegals arrested.

you have questions about snopes integrity---- post it.

I guess you don't know that Snopes is under a lot of heat and has had funding cut because of their moving into the political arena promoting agendas? Do you really think that everyone there are men of virtue who never for the slightest moment let their personal views influence their reports! Well, I gave you a shot at a reasonable conversation trying to meet you half way on some points but I see now I'd have better luck trying to reason with Maxine Waters. You only have one channel on your TV set.

This just show how ignorant and stupid you are.
You aligned and support this lying racist asshole Political Chic promoting CAIRCO agenda. That make you a supporter of CAIRCO. If you don't want to be part of it then why bother to get involved with such a lying political Chic.
You post and agreed with Mary about the 75 percent. Both of you cannot answer your own bullshit.
You did not meet me half way. All you did was keep posting unreliable and unverifiable post. ALL I did was question your integrity which means worthless.
Next time try not to pull any of that lies from your ass. Lightweight.

So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?

You have not answered any of my question and you are opening another bullshit.
Go back to previous post and answer my questions. Go.

I do not have to go to public records and verify any of that bullshit.

Right. You were just born knowing all the facts from fiction. Put another way, you don't want to look it up because you know it will prove you wrong.

since you posted all these lies YOU provide the records. Not me. I'm waiting.

I'm waiting for you. YOU claim they are lies! Prove it then with a reputable source. I don't work for you! But you never do. You think you can just pull that Alinskian shit of always trying to turn the argument around and deflect the topic. Uh uh.

I live here and California and I can tell you.

Is THAT your qualifier? W O W. That is the WORST excuse for justifying a position I ever heard! Where did you go, UC Berkley???

Open door for more REAL ID. Really? Like what and where they can use that for something else?

You really are ignorant aren't you. In many states, a valid driver's license is one of the ways you qualify to get other ID. It opens doors. And some states bend over backwards handing them out. Do you know that many illegals are on our streets driving trucks, making deliveries, etc., from Mexico? The whole Mexico-USA thing is a huge scam that neither side has really wanted to end. ENTER: Donald Trump, the piss in everyone's punchbowl.


YES SIR!!! I'm afraid you are so ignorant and obtuse that no answer would ever satisfy you. Like so many Libs, the only answer you will ever agree is truthful is to agree with your position! People like you are just never wrong! Besides, you only stand on one leg while daring others to prove the world to them. ITMT, you never answer their questions--- all who disagree with you are just hopeless dolts.

Maybe in another ten years when you no longer poop your pants and your mommy doesn't have to wipe your ass you will be worth more serious conversation.
Lets all cut to the chase here. We need a congregational committee akin to the untouchables to examine WHY state governments are ignoring their voter base and federal law and protect people that are violating immigration laws. WHAT drives local cities/governments to protect illegals violating federal laws when they will enforce other federal laws of highway safety & speed limits, pollution control, and the rest. We WANT immigration laws enforced, not ignored. But the tail is wagging the dog here, and it speaks of something bigger and more disturbing.
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So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?

You have not answered any of my question and you are opening another bullshit.
Go back to previous post and answer my questions. Go.
Your replies are TROLLSHIT and as such, will be treated like something I need to clean off my shoe.
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So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?

You have not answered any of my question and you are opening another bullshit.
Go back to previous post and answer my questions. Go.

Why do you Liberals immediately resort to vulgarity when you've been foiled???
So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?
The GOP, who refuse an unfakable SS ID card that would end this.

Link, or lie.
So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?
The GOP, who refuse an unfakable SS ID card that would end this.

Link, or lie.
It was in early 2010 Dem immigration bill. Always blocked by GOP.
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com
So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
What are you babbling about, master blaster? Immigrants respect the country they immigrate to, illegals are invaders. And the only people that can't or won't tell the difference are disconnected liberals with a self hate complex or conflicted rich conservatives that exploit illegals as cheap laborers. It's not about humanitarianism, it never was. As hard for you dupes to understand THAT. How can a tiny group of pro illegals become so powerful than the huge number of folks that WANT immigration laws enforced? Something smells fishy in Denmark. Folks with deep pockets, like the Mafia , Tobacco or the petroleum industry, somebody (Businesses that exploit illegals) is pushing this agenda to the chagrin of the local populace. Let's get to the heart of this matter: what is REALLY pushing this whole illegal alien agenda?

You have not answered any of my question and you are opening another bullshit.
Go back to previous post and answer my questions. Go.
Your replies are TROLLSHIT and as such, will be treated like something I need to clean off my shoe.
STILLL no evidence of ilegal voters in any numbers at all. It's crazy to believe illegals, who have enough problems and paranoia, would risk voting.

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