Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

"....based purely on conjecture and circumstantial evidence, but on logic alone, the circumstances support that SOME illegals vote. What number? 0,1% or 76% of the illegal populace?".

Based on all the studies that have actually counted numbers, including those done by Kobach in his own state, you're looking at about 0.0001%
75 percent of illegals have fake SS, green cards? Where is your proof or any link?

I should point out to all you people who are link-crazy, the internet is not a good source of information. Even Snopes has been questioned about its veracity and impartiality in some cases. I generally don't give full shrift to any site unless it is an official site or one of historically high integrity that is quoting from an official site.

In short you are nothing but a lying lunatic. Since all of you plugged in a lot of garbage lying post it's only natural that we ask for proof.
What high integrity are you talking about? You are supporting CAIRCO a well known racist anti immigration (all immigration) group. Is that supposed to be a credible and worth any kind of integrity?

I ask you a question. 75 percent of illegals have fake SS and green card. Where is your proof? Or you pulled that from your ass? Answer my question.
Why the hell post all these lies?

If you have questions about snopes integrity---- post it.

".....legal immigrants are well vetted, and if they have criminal records in their countries of origin they are generally ineligible for admission to American.

The same cannot be said for illegal aliens because virtually all adult, illegal aliens commit felonies in order to procure the documents they need to get jobs, to drive and to obtain other benefits that are restricted to U.S. citizens.

The vast majority of illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. They possess fake drivers’ licenses, phony “green cards,” fraudulent birth certificates and any other documents that U.S. citizens and legal residents have. In addition, they falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury. Thus, the average illegal alien routinely commits multiple felonies –forgery, Social Security fraud, identity theft, and perjury."
Most illegal aliens routinely commit felonies
b. The cur, Obama, even told illegals to go out and vote and there'd be no untoward consequences.

You must have eaten a lot of lead paint as a child, because both your cognition and short term memory match that of a goldfish.

Obama said to go out and vote to a us citizen (michelle rodreiguez) She was the one who asked the question what would happen if she voted, that was the question Obama answered. No matter who Obama was speaking to, you would pretend he was speaking to an illegal alien.
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Just how stupid would you have to be to go to a polling place with fake ID looking maybe like a Mexican, maybe not having good English, to vote maybe not even who running or how to vote, if you can find a dozen who did I would believe you that maybe there's more but never a million, not even 500 thousand

Just how stupid do you have to be, to be a republican poll watcher, who sees somebody using a fake ID, and not say anything.
b. The cur, Obama, even told illegals to go out and vote and there'd be no untoward consequences.

You must have eaten a lot of lead paint as a child, because both your cognition and short term memory match that of a goldfish.

Obama said to go out and vote to a us citizen (michelle rodreiguez) She was the one who asked the question what would happen is she voted, and that the question Obama answered. No matter who Obama was speaking to, you would pretend he was speaking to an illegal alien.

"You must have eaten a lot of lead paint as a child, because both your cognition and short term memory match that of a goldfish."

Care to match educational resumes, Lostman?
b. The cur, Obama, even told illegals to go out and vote and there'd be no untoward consequences.

You must have eaten a lot of lead paint as a child, because both your cognition and short term memory match that of a goldfish.

Obama said to go out and vote to a us citizen (michelle rodreiguez) She was the one who asked the question what would happen is she voted, and that the question Obama answered. No matter who Obama was speaking to, you would pretend he was speaking to an illegal alien.

"Obama said to go out and vote to a us citizen...."

That's a lie.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and vote....no one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]
So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

Just read the actual question asked, and answer given.

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.
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Gee....I just took a look at the OP, and notice that nearly fifty readers have added an emoticon of agreement with same.

It's good to see those sorts of numbers on the board who have announced that they are ready to confront the lies of the Liberal/Democrat criminals.
Seems lots are also ready to challenge the fake news that permeates the political landscape.

It's hope for America.
Gee....I just took a look at the OP, and notice that nearly fifty readers have added an emoticon of agreement with same..

If they're Trump voters, they've demonstrated agreeing with the most disagreeable of things. When Trump claimed the biggest inaugural crowd ever in Washington DC, they agreed. When Trump said Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, they agreed. When Trump said he would repeal and replace Obamacare within his first 100 days, and it would be easy, they agreed. When Trump said he would provide wonderful terrific healthcare that would cover more people, and cost a lot less, they agreed.

Face it, they would agree with anything Trump wants them to agree to, no matter how stupid.
Do you expect me to read or believe any of your garbage post? You keep using CAIRCO again it's a bias anti immigration racist group. Is that supposed to be credible? So spare me your lunatic post. STFU. Go to bed and don't forget your meds.

TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH: Don't talk to me. I don't have a good answer for anything you say.
And, there's this:
"The biggest misconception about the problem of non-citizen voting is that illegal aliens are "undocumented." That's nonsense. Some experts believe that up to 75% of illegals who work in America have fraudulent Social Security cards. Fake licenses, birth certificates, and green cards are incredibly common. The fake ID industry is worth more than $2 billion."
Report: As Many as 5.7 Million Non-Citizens Voted in 2008 Election

Point well taken. I've believed for a long while that the figure was around 5 million. Not only are fake ID big business, the ID's are very good quality and mostly driven by people who can't get the real thing. Then there are the states like CA that actively try to offer illegals drivers licenses and things. Real ID's, which then open the door for them getting MORE real ID's! You KNOW they are voting, and not just a few. How on the one hand the Dems can argue for the importance and sanctity of our elections, worry over Russia interference, then do a 180 and say: Illegals? Not a problem, and actually FIGHT AGAINST voter identification.


Since 2/3rds of my statements are a matter of public record which you can go out and verify for yourself, and the other third solid conjecture taken from known things, and since you wrote a single, simple dismissive word specific to nothing, I count your response as being worth the paper it was written on.


I do not have to go to public records and verify any of that bullshit. Since you posted all these lies YOU provide the records. Not me. I'm waiting.

I live here and California and I can tell you. YOU don't know what you are taking about.
Again the DL is only for driving purposes noting more but you and Mary and others are keep plugging all these lies. They cannot use that for anything else.
Open door for more REAL ID. Really? Like what and where they can use that for something else?
Where is your proof of the 75 percent?
Illegals are voting ----- Where are your proof?

High quality fake ID? Are you talking about library cards? In order to make a fake high quality DL you need million $ investment.
Fake SS number looks real but a simple verification will exposed any illegality. You've been watching too much movie.

We function on different plans of action, tooby.....

Mine is:
Trample the weak and hurtle the dead.

What can I say? I'm feeling mellow and generous today. Tomorrow I will trample and hurtle. I gave someone the chance to quit trying to always polarize the issue and us both speak from a common frame of reference for a change. I'm better than the Left and know they would never extend the same civility to me which is why conservatives are better people. We try to be fair, at least occasionally. ;)
How do you know the difference between a liberals and conservative when they build companies?
Are you saying that conservatives don't know how to create and move businesses?

If you have to ask such a question then you really don't understand the mentality or philosophy of either.

No dude. I'm asking you a question. How do you know when a business or any business belongs to a liberals or conservative? How can you tell? Is there a written in their forehead, company logo or display Liberal or Conservative?
I own a business and I know tons and tons of businesses and owners and I have no idea what are the differences.
Please do tell me.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I see this huge number of homeless people living in squalor under tarps and in tents.We have our own poor and refugees. I see it every day, it's disgusting we worry about illegal aliens,Let's fix this country, let's worry about our own first.

Let me guess. You didn't took a picture.
Only idiots that will believe that crap are your friends.
You "BLASTED THIS" before"? Um, remind me, what do you mean by "blasting"? And, Whom did you blast, me for reporting it, or the DMV for allowing it? Judging by your nasty and childish shtick you want to control the narrative by shutting down freedom of speech. Blast away, master blaster.
I live here and California and I can tell you. YOU don't know what you are taking about.
Again the DL is only for driving purposes noting more but you and Mary and others are keep plugging all these lies. They cannot use that for anything else. .

They will quote a study they heard of, that says 75% of illegal aliens with California drivers licenses, use that license to register to vote in other states. ;)


So you posted the DL for illegals. Now you know. Good for proving your stupidity.

What do you suppose is the reason is that Democrats provide this sort of documentation for invaders of our nation?

You have my permission to continue behaving thus:

View attachment 140821

Since you are an immigrant you are also an invaders. Right?
Good keep posting your stupidity.
Democrats are criminals
Your candidate was a career criminal
Illegal aliens are criminals
A President who tells illegals to vote is a criminal
Illegals who voted are criminals.
Birds of a feather......

To a liberal, crime and law are all relative, fleeting and subject to interpretation. The Left thinks they are the champions of justice and sometimes things are just not just, and that is their rationale for Sanctuary Cities. They tell themselves they are doing it for the poor defenseless illegal being crushed under the wheels of inequity all the while they really know down deep behind closed doors they do it to boost their potential voters. Their ends always justify their means. Kinda like ISIS.

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