Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

bay" half I am not being so smart. Experienced, I was born in the 50's and seen the gamut of political gamesmanship over the years and accepted it until recently. America has always been corrupted by something or other, from mafioso's buying out legislators and rlocal cops and politicos, up till now, with local and city governments selling their constituency (did I spell that right?) to the minority Hispanic pro illegal PAC's. I have seen it happen, local political representatives ignore the wishes of local voters and create a haven for illegal aliens (did I spell that right?). Like the proverbial Tail wagging the dog. Politicians do whatever they want. It's been like this in Denver for 30 years. (Did I spell that right?) The truth will out, they say
Now you're being too suspicious by half. The nation has not always been corrupt, but sadly today it couldn't get any more corrupt. We have a senate and members of the house trying to damage a presidents time in office. it doesn't get much worse than that. The past is never seen clearly from the present.
Oh it can get much worse. Like if the justice system went political. Today the dupes just THINK it has. Protecting the Clintons from Rush Limbaugh lol. The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace.
I actually went to the INS office years ago I was so overwhelmed with illegal aliens. And I was told (this was in 1988) that the Reagan administration's amnesty and loosening of immigration enforcement was to blame .And at the same time, Denver voted for a Hispanic (Fredrico Pena) And then all hell breaks loose with illegal aliens. I can only say, You want Pena, that's why we get Trump.
No poor person in American History ever was elected
There have been many elected officials that come from a less than middle class family. Including some presidents, What happens when they get in office is where the big bucks come from. By the time one has laid the groundwork and made the connections to run and win an election you are correct. By then you are not "poor" but it doesn't mean you forgot what it was like to be poor. In most cases anyway.
Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts. And I don't think it is American voters, it just seems like Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture, and they are so short sighted, what do they care how they screw people?
Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts, somebody is financially backing this. I want to tear of the veil and see who is behind this,i And i don't think it is American voters, Is it just Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture?
It's more than big business, drive through Brentwood and Beverly Hills and see who is waiting at bus stops. Drive past a paint store or a lumber yard in the morning. Do a real check of your favorite locally owned restaurant and see who is washing the dishes and cutting the fish.
No poor person in American History ever was elected
There have been many elected officials that come from a less than middle class family. Including some presidents, What happens when they get in office is where the big bucks come from. By the time one has laid the groundwork and made the connections to run and win an election you are correct. By then you are not "poor" but it doesn't mean you forgot what it was like to be poor. In most cases anyway.
How can you people keep voting for the pander to the rich lying GOP, that's the question...Hint: Brainwash.
How can you people keep voting for the pander to the rich lying GOP, that's the question...Hint: Brainwash
I like the rich, the rich will make me rich if I'm smart work hard and recognize opportunity when I see it.
No poor person in American History ever was elected
There have been many elected officials that come from a less than middle class family. Including some presidents, What happens when they get in office is where the big bucks come from. By the time one has laid the groundwork and made the connections to run and win an election you are correct. By then you are not "poor" but it doesn't mean you forgot what it was like to be poor. In most cases anyway.
Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts. And I don't think it is American voters, it just seems like Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture, and they are so short sighted, what do they care how they screw people?
We already decided it's the GOP. Who refuse an unfakeable SS ID card. Snapped back to the brainwash, eh?
Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts, somebody is financially backing this. I want to tear of the veil and see who is behind this,i And i don't think it is American voters, Is it just Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture?
It's more than big business, drive through Brentwood and Beverly Hills and see who is waiting at bus stops. Drive past a paint store or a lumber yard in the morning. Do a real check of your favorite locally owned restaurant and see who is washing the dishes and cutting the fish.
Isn't it odd, we have posters that deny the huge American poor living on the streets, they instead mock people that are threatened by illegals and they minimize these people. OK, sorry kids, but not all Americans are hyper intellectuals. You wealthy rich intellectuals EVER read Steinbeck? Jesus Christ, you silly rich intellectual white kids don't get it. This is like the Grapes of Wrath NOW! We have our own homeless to worry about, not minimize them by sweeping them under the rug because they aren't intellectuals. We need semi or unskilled American labor And, ask yourself why the minimum wage keeps rising?
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How can you people keep voting for the pander to the rich lying GOP, that's the question...Hint: Brainwash
I like the rich, the rich will make me rich if I'm smart work hard and recognize opportunity when I see it.
Not the greedy idiot lying GOP rich...unless you're an exception to the rule...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Who was president the last 8 years?
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Who was president the last 8 years?
And the last 4 or so presidents that preceded him, they really kicked the can down the road on this mess, sorry, Obama was meaningless dust. Reagan started this mess by practically neutering the INS like a stray dog. And why? Illegals are cheap labor, screw american jobless poor. Lets pull the teeth out of the watchdog that protects us from illegals. You connect the dots, it seems rather apparent to me now. Follow the money.
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Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts, somebody is financially backing this. I want to tear of the veil and see who is behind this,i And i don't think it is American voters, Is it just Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture?
It's more than big business, drive through Brentwood and Beverly Hills and see who is waiting at bus stops. Drive past a paint store or a lumber yard in the morning. Do a real check of your favorite locally owned restaurant and see who is washing the dishes and cutting the fish.
Isn't it odd, we have posters that deny the huge American poor living on the streets, they instead mock people that are threatened by illegals and they minimize these people. OK, sorry kids, but not all Americans are hyper intellectuals. You wealthy rich intellectuals EVER read Steinbeck? Jesus Christ, you silly rich intellectual white kids don't get it. This is like the Grapes of Wrath NOW! We have our own homeless to worry about, not minimize them by sweeping them under the rug because they aren't intellectuals. We need semi or unskilled American labor And, ask yourself why the minimum wage keeps rising?

Homelessness has been falling since 2015
Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts, somebody is financially backing this. I want to tear of the veil and see who is behind this,i And i don't think it is American voters, Is it just Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture?
It's more than big business, drive through Brentwood and Beverly Hills and see who is waiting at bus stops. Drive past a paint store or a lumber yard in the morning. Do a real check of your favorite locally owned restaurant and see who is washing the dishes and cutting the fish.
Isn't it odd, we have posters that deny the huge American poor living on the streets, they instead mock people that are threatened by illegals and they minimize these people. OK, sorry kids, but not all Americans are hyper intellectuals. You wealthy rich intellectuals EVER read Steinbeck? Jesus Christ, you silly rich intellectual white kids don't get it. This is like the Grapes of Wrath NOW! We have our own homeless to worry about, not minimize them by sweeping them under the rug because they aren't intellectuals. We need semi or unskilled American labor And, ask yourself why the minimum wage keeps rising?

Homelessness has been falling since 2015
? Welcome back, long time no see. OK, given that, I see the rise in homelessness. And a corresponding rise in illegal immigration . So, I guess I throw that out ? Because YOU say otherwise? Oh, OK.
Who needs evidence, dupe?

"Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote
“It has come to our attention that when offering voter registration opportunities to customers, DMV’s employees offer voter registration materials to DMV customers whom they know to be non-citizens based upon their presentation of a Green Card for identification purposes,” Cegavske wrote."

“More specifically, it is our understanding that some DMV employees have been instructed to accept registration materials from all customers, including those who present a Green Card for identification purposes…"
Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote
Fake news, superduperdupe.

How about this, blanko?

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."

Most Democrats admit it.
Idiot... a poll of Democrats who think illegals should vote is not evidence that California is ignoring their own laws. :cuckoo:

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Do you ever stop lying, PoliticalHack?


You've been shown over and over that "they" = U.S. citizens.
Anyone believe illegals (or far more likely, their handlers) or the Russians have co-oped our political system? It's possible, and not so far fetched as it seems.Why are some cities so over concerned with protecting illegals outside of what their constituency wants?.Seems like over stepping a boundary and more like pandering. Denver's mayor Mike Hancock, for instance seems he is more concerned with pandering to illegals than the wishes of the voters. All we want is the the city and county to follow Federal immigration laws. We want Denver to follow federal laws, like pollution or car safety or OSHA , What is is wrong with deporting illegal aliens all of a sudden?
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Besides, who can deny NOW you need millions of dollars just to get your name on a platform? Please, it a makes me wonder, about poor Hispanic illegal aliens and WHO (did I spell that right?) is funding this push to legalize illegals, and normalize illegal immigration. That didn't just spontaneously happen out of the goodness of people's hearts, somebody is financially backing this. I want to tear of the veil and see who is behind this,i And i don't think it is American voters, Is it just Machiavellian scheming by American businesses to exploit poor mexicans for profit at the expense of American culture?
It's more than big business, drive through Brentwood and Beverly Hills and see who is waiting at bus stops. Drive past a paint store or a lumber yard in the morning. Do a real check of your favorite locally owned restaurant and see who is washing the dishes and cutting the fish.
Isn't it odd, we have posters that deny the huge American poor living on the streets, they instead mock people that are threatened by illegals and they minimize these people. OK, sorry kids, but not all Americans are hyper intellectuals. You wealthy rich intellectuals EVER read Steinbeck? Jesus Christ, you silly rich intellectual white kids don't get it. This is like the Grapes of Wrath NOW! We have our own homeless to worry about, not minimize them by sweeping them under the rug because they aren't intellectuals. We need semi or unskilled American labor And, ask yourself why the minimum wage keeps rising?

Homelessness has been falling since 2015
? Welcome back, long time no see. OK, given that, I see the rise in homelessness...

It's falling
Anyone believe illegals (or far more likely, their handlers) or the Russians have co-oped our political system? It's possible, and not so far fetched as it seems.Why are some cities so over concerned with protecting illegals outside of what their constituency wants?.Seems like over stepping a boundary and more like pandering. Denver's mayor Mike Hancock, for instance seems he is more concerned with pandering to illegals than the wishes of the voters. All we want is the the city and county to follow Federal immigration laws. We want Denver to follow federal laws, like pollution or car safety or OSHA , What is is wrong with deporting illegal aliens all of a sudden?
Russians did manage to get Trump elected and wreck respect for institutions....

The GOP can keep this illegal thing going forever...they love the cheap labor...
I guess we can pick and choose what facts and laws we want. All those growing numbers of American born homeless poor, they go away. Government wants to cut back on O2 emissions, because of greenhouse effect forcing emissions controls? And then local governments practically force recycling on us, I am good with that, too. But then the state officials suddenly want to stop enforcing Immigration laws and practically enable people to break federal laws, especially after all these homeless jobless Americans I see. Aren't local politicians supposed to represent US? Not big business or illegal alien groups?

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