Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Sooo.....you believe in the tooth fairy, too....you dunce????


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

And this somehow negates the proof that I posted showing that undocumented people are issued a special drivers licence that clearly states that it is for no other purpose but driving ?
Doesn't change the fact that they are registering to vote.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
What's stopping them from registering to vote?
Nobody has to prove citizenship, they just have to HONESTLY answer a FUCKING question. Like the question on the tax form that asks if I had insurance or not. I lied said I did. I did not pay the penalty. Same thing. They lie and they register to vote.
I honestly don't know how people can be as retarded as you and still breathe. Registering to vote in that fashion doesn't get one registered to vote. It's only an application submitted to the Secretary of State where they validate every request. Those who can't prove citizenship online are contacted for more information. Of those who still can't prove citizenship, they aren't registered. You people are dumber than dog shit falling for this nonsense; all because Trump wants to win the popular vote.
Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

The fact is, a defining characteristic of the indoctrinated is to reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma of the day.
Case in point: only when illegal alien votes are 'counted' did Bill's wife get more votes than Donald Trump.
Yup: the Left's policies were rejected.....by Americans.

When I noted that, one of the usual suspects wrote this:
"How many illegal votes.....I say that you made that crap up...."
The Left's Assault on America Writ Large.

Well, even the least among us deserve an education....so, here it is:

1. First and foremost is this: Liberals have been well trained never to question the uttering's of their elites, no matter how obvious the fallacious and transparent the fabrications.
If it is day and Liberal establishment says it is night, they have been disciplined to nod and agree the fabrication.

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

....the indoctrinated reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma.

2. Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."
Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

There are far more than 11 million Illegal immigrants residing in our nation.....and they cast millions of votes for the Left's candidate.

Proof....coming right up.

there is no illegal alien vote, cut and paste queen. no matter how much you and your fellow liars want to pretend. you might want to take off some time, though. you sound unhinged.

Obable did tell them that he would vote if he was them!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm sorry, I can't hear a thing you said because you're too stupid to spell PRESIDENT Obama's name properly.
They can't help themselves -- their brains stopped developing after the age of 4.

Sooo.....you believe in the tooth fairy, too....you dunce????


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

And this somehow negates the proof that I posted showing that undocumented people are issued a special drivers licence that clearly states that it is for no other purpose but driving ?
Doesn't change the fact that they are registering to vote.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
anyone with a license was registered. we have that evidence. And now Chitown and Utah have new IDs with the same opportunities. so yeah, the evidence is there. The alderman have said so.

• Illegal voting by non-citizens is extremely rare: it is a problem dreamt up by politicians eager to implement Jim-Crow style tactics to deter America’s growing Latino electorate from voting.

• The notion that an undocumented alien would voluntarily enter the system—let alone risk a $10,000 fine, jail-time, or deportation—just to cast a single ballot in an American election is unlikely in the extreme. The idea that millions of such people do so is patently absurd.

• Karen Osborne, former elections director for Maricopa County, Arizona, said in 2013 that voter fraud is rare, and even rarer among illegal immigrants. “That just does not seem to be an issue,” Osborne said of the claim that illegal immigrants are voting. “They did not want to come out of the shadows. They don’t want to be involved with the government.” • The very few instances of non-citizen voting that have been proven have almost all been cases of legal residents—not undocumented people—who were confused about eligibility requirements.

• Following enactment of Arizona’s Proposition 200 (which included the state’s documentary proof of citizenship law), over 31,000 individuals were initially rejected for voter registration in Arizona between January 2005 and September 2007 because of a failure to comply with Proposition 200’s requirements. Only about 11,000 of these individuals were subsequently able to register to vote

. • In the litigation regarding Arizona’s proof of citizenship requirement, which culminated in the Supreme Court case Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Arizona produced no evidence that the remaining 20,000 individuals who were barred by Proposition 200 from registering to vote were non-citizens, as opposed to individuals who simply were unable to furnish the requisite unreasonably burdened by Proposition 200’s documentation requirements.

• This drummed up fear, generated by partisan politicians, has real consequences: it excludes legitimate voters who do not have documentary proof of citizenship, such as elderly people, students living away from home, or married people who adopt the surname of their spouses.

• Further, proof-of-citizenship policies essentially quash community-based voter registration drives, which are responsible for reaching large numbers of potential voters at markets, churches, and other public places where one is unlikely to carry birth certificates and passports.

• After Donald Trump cited a misleading article about the possibility that millions of non-citizens were voting, the managers of the database cited in the article—researchers at Harvard and MIT—issued a blistering rebuke of the claim. “The likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent U.S. elections,” they concluded, “is 0.”

Sooo.....you believe in the tooth fairy, too....you dunce????


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

And this somehow negates the proof that I posted showing that undocumented people are issued a special drivers licence that clearly states that it is for no other purpose but driving ?
Doesn't change the fact that they are registering to vote.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
anyone with a license was registered. we have that evidence. And now Chitown and Utah have new IDs with the same opportunities. so yeah, the evidence is there. The alderman have said so.

What are the Most Important Things to Know?

• Multiple studies have proven that widespread or coordinated voter fraud, the kind that changes election outcomes, simply doesn’t happen in today’s America.

• Study after study has shown that voter fraud is extremely rare in the United States, and in-person voter fraud is so rare as to be almost non-existent.

• The real fraud is that politicians use false claims of “voter fraud” to sell Americans on policies that disenfranchise Americans: policies such as strict voter-ID and proof-of-citizenship requirements, reckless voter purges, and restrictions on voter registration efforts.

• Voter fraud allegations, on examination, turn out to be one of three things: errors by individual voters or election officials, pranks, or unsubstantiated accusations by a losing candidate.

• While there is no evidence that these rare instances of voter fraud pose a realistic danger to the democratic process, there is a mountain of evidence that the barriers to voting erected to combat so-called “voter fraud” are undermining our elections by making it harder for low-income and minority Americans to vote.

• The voting system has procedures in place to prevent, detect, and punish fraud. In every state, voting if you are not eligible, or while impersonating another person, is a crime, with serious consequences. There is no reason to add extra barriers to the ballot box when we already have working deterrents in place that punish those who commit fraud with jail time and a hefty fine.

• The history of civil-rights progress in America is the history of expanding access to voting. There is a genuine need to modernize and expand America’s voter registration systems, but we need to make voting easier, not harder.
Sooo.....you believe in the tooth fairy, too....you dunce????


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

And this somehow negates the proof that I posted showing that undocumented people are issued a special drivers licence that clearly states that it is for no other purpose but driving ?
Doesn't change the fact that they are registering to vote.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
What's stopping them from registering to vote?
Nobody has to prove citizenship, they just have to HONESTLY answer a FUCKING question. Like the question on the tax form that asks if I had insurance or not. I lied said I did. I did not pay the penalty. Same thing. They lie and they register to vote.
I honestly don't know how people can be as retarded as you and still breathe. Registering to vote in that fashion doesn't get one registered to vote. It's only an application submitted to the Secretary of State where they validate every request. Those who can't prove citizenship online are contacted for more information. Of those who still can't prove citizenship, they aren't registered. You people are dumber than dog shit falling for this nonsense; all because Trump wants to win the popular vote.
Your the dumb one. They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.
And this somehow negates the proof that I posted showing that undocumented people are issued a special drivers licence that clearly states that it is for no other purpose but driving ?
Doesn't change the fact that they are registering to vote.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
What's stopping them from registering to vote?
Nobody has to prove citizenship, they just have to HONESTLY answer a FUCKING question. Like the question on the tax form that asks if I had insurance or not. I lied said I did. I did not pay the penalty. Same thing. They lie and they register to vote.
I honestly don't know how people can be as retarded as you and still breathe. Registering to vote in that fashion doesn't get one registered to vote. It's only an application submitted to the Secretary of State where they validate every request. Those who can't prove citizenship online are contacted for more information. Of those who still can't prove citizenship, they aren't registered. You people are dumber than dog shit falling for this nonsense; all because Trump wants to win the popular vote.
Your the dumb one. They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.

I don't know that I will ever tire of pointing out when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else dumb. :lol:
What a fabrication.

a. You Democrat foot soldiers are practiced in the willing suspension of disbelief.

The truth......every effort of the Democrat Party is geared toward bringing in illegal aliens to vote....
They even admit it:
"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration
To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."
Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

How easily your party makes liars out of you.

b. The three element to convict for criminality are 'Motive, Means, and Opportunity."

All three are present and evident in the illegal alien voting that Obama not only ignored...but outright vindicated with a promise of no investigations....
and lying liberals claim as their popular vote 'victory.'
There was no such victory: illegal alien votes don't count.

The Motive for pretending that illegal aliens don't sway our elections is simple: power.
The Means: There are several ways, the most blatant is to issue photo driver's licenses.
Opportunity was there at every voting precinct where Democrats were workers.

c. An example:
"Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

“It has come to our attention that when offering voter registration opportunities to customers, DMV’s employees offer voter registration materials to DMV customers whom they know to be non-citizens based upon their presentation of a Green Card for identification purposes,” Cegavske wrote."

“More specifically, it is our understanding that some DMV employees have been instructed to accept registration materials from all customers, including those who present a Green Card for identification purposes…"
Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

d. Bottom line: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election. After all, Obama told them to get out and vote.

The Jennifer Palmieri memo has nothing to do with non citizens voting. Why do you feel compelled to lie for Trump’s ego?

I never do.

But you can't seem to post without lying.

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration
To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."
Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

How easily your party makes liars out of you.

You’re either lying or stupid, I don’t care which. The memo wasn’t about non citizens voting.
66 percent of Latino voters that year agreed that new immigration legislation was “extremely important.” In the memo, the Democratic group said failing Latinos as a "true ally" could cost them the 2018 election.

Chuck Rocha, a Democratic strategist and founder of a political consulting firm, Solidarity Strategies, told Newsweek that Latino voters will have massive influence in the next election, so politicians who fail to reflect their beliefs

Everybody needs a good laugh....

How about you explain this from the Palmieri memo....

"....how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

And remember.....the laughter is at you.

That statement isn’t from the memo. That is from the Red State hit piece. You should read the actual memo.


Why do you feel the need to lie for Trump’s ego?

PolChic is too ignorant to understand how ignorant her posts are.
Doesn't change the fact that they are registering to vote.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
What's stopping them from registering to vote?
Nobody has to prove citizenship, they just have to HONESTLY answer a FUCKING question. Like the question on the tax form that asks if I had insurance or not. I lied said I did. I did not pay the penalty. Same thing. They lie and they register to vote.
I honestly don't know how people can be as retarded as you and still breathe. Registering to vote in that fashion doesn't get one registered to vote. It's only an application submitted to the Secretary of State where they validate every request. Those who can't prove citizenship online are contacted for more information. Of those who still can't prove citizenship, they aren't registered. You people are dumber than dog shit falling for this nonsense; all because Trump wants to win the popular vote.
Your the dumb one. They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.

I don't know that I will ever tire of pointing out when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else dumb. :lol:
not proof of lack of intelligence, just laziness.
Not everyone with intelligence is an english major.
Your the dumb one.
Irony is not a weapon to fuck with.

They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.
Moron.... registering online is only an application. No one is automatically registered to vote without being vetted.

To register to vote you must complete a voter registration application on paper or online at RegisterToVote.ca.gov. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials' use of your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click "submit" at the end of the online application. If there is no signature on file with DMV, all of your information will be transmitted to your county elections office; you will just need to click "print," sign the paper application, and mail it. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or if more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
Your the dumb one.
Irony is not a weapon to fuck with.

They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.
Moron.... registering online is only an application. No one is automatically registered to vote without being vetted.

To register to vote you must complete a voter registration application on paper or online at RegisterToVote.ca.gov. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials' use of your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click "submit" at the end of the online application. If there is no signature on file with DMV, all of your information will be transmitted to your county elections office; you will just need to click "print," sign the paper application, and mail it. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or if more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
And one of the Frequently Asked question by the California Secretary of State is "are you a citizen of the US." and anyone who wants to can say Yes without proof.
Bovine excrement. There is no credible evidence that undocumented PEOPLE or any none citizens are registered to vote. NONE
What's stopping them from registering to vote?
Nobody has to prove citizenship, they just have to HONESTLY answer a FUCKING question. Like the question on the tax form that asks if I had insurance or not. I lied said I did. I did not pay the penalty. Same thing. They lie and they register to vote.
I honestly don't know how people can be as retarded as you and still breathe. Registering to vote in that fashion doesn't get one registered to vote. It's only an application submitted to the Secretary of State where they validate every request. Those who can't prove citizenship online are contacted for more information. Of those who still can't prove citizenship, they aren't registered. You people are dumber than dog shit falling for this nonsense; all because Trump wants to win the popular vote.
Your the dumb one. They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.

I don't know that I will ever tire of pointing out when someone uses the wrong version of your/you're when calling someone else dumb. :lol:
not proof of lack of intelligence, just laziness.
Not everyone with intelligence is an english major.

Sorry, it remains funny when you post "Your the dumb one." No need for you to be an English major. :p
Your the dumb one.
Irony is not a weapon to fuck with.

They are asked to answer a question. proof is not required.
Moron.... registering online is only an application. No one is automatically registered to vote without being vetted.

To register to vote you must complete a voter registration application on paper or online at RegisterToVote.ca.gov. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials' use of your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click "submit" at the end of the online application. If there is no signature on file with DMV, all of your information will be transmitted to your county elections office; you will just need to click "print," sign the paper application, and mail it. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or if more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
And one of the Frequently Asked question by the California Secretary of State is "are you a citizen of the US." and anyone who wants to can say Yes without proof.
No, you dumbfuck. :eusa_doh:

Checking that box still does not get anyone registered to vote. Shit, I just showed you their FAQ page. It says it right there ... Applicants have to submit a California driver license OR identification card number AND their date of birth AND last four digits of their social security number.

IF someone does that, that data is fed electronically to determine verification. If that data is valid, the applicant is registered to vote.

Applicants need not submit any of that and still apply. Such folks are provided a temporary number while their application is processed. If they don't supply enough details for the Secretary of States office to verify eligibility, an elections office will contact the applicant in an effort to get the required information to determine eligibility. If they still can't confirm eligibility, their application is denied.

If fucking says that on their website. :eusa_doh: No one is being registered to vote without being vetted.

Applicants can also lie on their application and enter false information ... that will fail the automated verification and they will be denied registration.

Typing "your" instead of "you're" wasn't laziness -- you're fucking retarded.
So let's get this straight......

Corrupt Democrats & Progressives ILLEGALLY harbor ILLEGAL Immigrants in Sanctuary cities.....
They weaponize the IRS against the opposition
CHEAT and give their candidate the questions on Presidential debates
Run guns to Violent cartels
Create false charges to unseat a DULY ELECTED President who doesn't follow THEIR agenda

But we're supposed to believe they won't cheat in the elections?

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure........anything you say.
So let's get this straight......

Corrupt Democrats & Progressives ILLEGALLY harbor ILLEGAL Immigrants in Sanctuary cities.....
They weaponize the IRS against the opposition
CHEAT and give their candidate the questions on Presidential debates
Run guns to Violent cartels
Create false charges to unseat a DULY ELECTED President who doesn't follow THEIR agenda

But we're supposed to believe they won't cheat in the elections?

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure........anything you say.
No one is asking you to believe anything -- only that you prove your delusions ..... so prove illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election......
No one is asking you to believe anything -- only that you prove your delusions ..... so prove illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election......

Be patient......sometimes CRIMES take time to expose....but when they do......
Yeah, I'm still waiting to find out who really killed JFK, according to some. No worries, take your time. Until you prove it, I'll just consider you a nut who believes in fairy tales.
Yeah, I'm still waiting to find out who really killed JFK, according to some. No worries, take your time. Until you prove it, I'll just consider you a nut who believes in fairy tales.

Oh? Unlike you, I've proven my claims.

I claim the law prevents illegals from being registered to vote and I've proved it, citing the law.

You claim illegals voted but can't prove it.
Temporary lack of evidence does not warrant dropping criminal cases.

You seem to be a fanatic who for some reason can't accept alternatives to what you have been told.

The Law supposedly prevents using the IRS against opposition groups.....but it was still done.
Law doesn't "prevent" anything. People with integrity who uphold the law do.

Do gun laws prevent bad people from taking innocent lives. The question is why do you have such absolute trust in people proven to be untrustworthy?

Given the facts, it would be illogical to conclude that there has not been significant illegal voting.
We are saying that we believe that will be proven in due course. Had Hillary been elected, it may never have been possible. Under Trump it is somewhat more possible but still there are many covering for corruption. Just because you may agree with corruption does not change the fact that it is.
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